Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

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Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2) Page 16

by Sharon Cummin

  “You have no idea how happy I am to see those beautiful eyes. I have missed those eyes so much.”

  A slight smirk crossed his lips. She got out of her chair, kissed his cheek, and ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Welcome back, Josh. We've missed you so much. Stay still, I am going to get a nurse.”

  He shook his head. Lisa took off out the door and down the hall. Frantically, she got his nurse and pulled her back to the room. The nurse laughed when she saw Lisa acting so crazy. When they got to the room, the nurse was happy to see him awake.

  “Well Mr. Fireman, welcome back. She said you had sexy eyes, and we have all been waiting to see them,” the nurse said.

  Josh smiled and Lisa laughed. The nurse checked him out and got Lisa some water to give him with a straw. Lisa got him to take a few tiny sips. A few minutes later a doctor walked into the room. They wanted to check Josh out. The nurse told Lisa to go take a tiny walk. She would come out and get her in a couple of minutes.

  Lisa kissed his cheek.

  “I'll be right back. I'm going to call your mom. Don't you ever do that to me again. You scared the crap out of me. I will be right outside. I'm not going anywhere.”

  Josh smiled and she left the room.


  His throat hurt and was dry. What the heck happened? He looked around and knew he was in a hospital. How long had he been there? The last thing he remembered was trying to get out of the fire. He remembered Lisa talking to him and telling him to wake up, but that was a dream.

  The doctor checked him out and asked him to move his fingers, hands, toes, and feet. He told Josh that he had been out for seven days. The doctor went on to explain his injuries and that he needed to be careful when he moved for a bit. With him just waking up, he wouldn't know where the pain was yet. He needed to take it slow. The doctor left him with the nurse.

  His nurse cleaned him up and changed his blanket. She adjusted him in the bed. Damn, it hurt. What the heck had he been through? She gave him some more water and said he could talk if he wanted. His throat would feel better soon. He listened to everything she said. She told him how amazing his wife was. Wife, he thought. What the heck was she talking about? He looked at her with his eyes scrunched up. The nurse continued to tell him that his wife refused to leave.

  “She has been here for seven days. They had to bring her food and clothes. She even has a little office set up on the other bed. That woman loves you. She talked to you all day, helped us take care of you, made sure you were comfortable, and even watched television and explained entire shows to you. You are one lucky man to have her.”

  Josh thought about Lisa. She was the one there when he woke up. He knew he loved her. Josh realized it when he was in that building. All he could think about was getting out of there to see her. When he left for the fire, they had argued. He wanted to see her. As he lay beneath whatever had fallen on him, he thought about how important she was to him and how much he needed her. He had no idea that she had feelings for him. She planned to move out. Lisa had avoided him. Was it possible that she had feelings for him too? Lisa must have told them she was his wife. He knew he needed her in his life. There was no way he was losing her. She belonged with him. No matter how long it took, he would show her love was worth the risk.

  The nurse left the room and Lisa walked back in and went to him. She reached to pick up the water to give him some. He grabbed her hand and pulled her down to him. Josh took her face in his hands. He kissed her cheek and looked into her eyes.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  She sat next to him and hugged him gently.

  “I love you too,” she said.

  He was shocked that she said it back. It felt so good to hear her tell him. He had never thought those words would ever sound that good. She was his woman. He loved her and knew in that moment that he would love her for the rest of his life. She looked into his eyes.

  “I love you so much. I know this is not me. I didn't believe in love. It's not because of the fire. When that woman called your phone and said you were hers, I realized that I was in love with you. I was moving so that neither of us got hurt. I'm afraid of getting hurt Josh. When I found out you were in that building, I realized that I had to take the risk. I needed you to be okay. I have never needed anything so bad in all my life. I knew that I would do anything to be with you. I would risk getting hurt for you, for us. I am madly and deeply in love with you. I will take care of you every moment. I will even feed you in bed. I don't want to move out. I don't want to be without you.”

  “When I waited for that plane to land that day, I knew I had feelings for you. When we were together, I couldn't imagine anywhere I would rather be. When I was in that fire, you were all I could think about. I had to get out and hold on for you. I had to tell you that I loved you. Thank you for being here for me. I don't want you to move out. I don't want to be without you.”

  He held her in his arms with his head on hers and they fell asleep. Josh and Lisa woke up when they heard a laugh. Lisa hurried to stand up when she saw his mom standing there. He shook his head.

  “It's about time,” his mom said.

  “What's about time? It's nice to see you too,” he said.

  He went to move and pain shot through his chest as he moaned.

  “It's about time you woke up. We were starting to think you didn't want to see us. And it's about time the two of you quit fighting your feelings. I knew you loved each other the first time she walked into my house.”

  They all laughed as she hugged her son. His mom never was one for holding her tongue.

  He was in the hospital for a few more days. Becky, Gavin, and Heath came to visit. Josh said that he needed to talk to Heath alone. When everyone was gone, he told Heath that he loved Lisa and was sorry. He didn't want to and tried to stay away from her. Heath let him know that he knew how much Lisa loved him at the fire. He told Josh how lucky he was and that he better never hurt her. The guys from the station stopped in one at a time. He thanked them for saving him and for helping to take care of Lisa for the week. They joked with him about who would have gotten her if he didn't wake up. No matter how many times Josh told her to go home and rest, she never left his side. He was so happy to finally be able to go home. Josh was in pain, but there was no place he wanted to be except home with Lisa.

  Chapter 28

  Heath helped Lisa get Josh home. With everything she had to bring home, she felt as if she had moved into the hospital. They got Josh into the house and settled in bed. Heath carried in all of the bags. He had her write a list of things she needed from the store and left to go and get it. Josh had prescriptions he needed and they needed some food. She cleaned out the old food and made sure everything was in order. Heath got back with everything and bought them a pizza as well. Lisa thanked him for his help. He told her to call if she needed anything.

  She took the pizza and some soda to Josh's room. He teased her about how it was time she fed him in bed. When they were finished eating, he asked her if she would help him to the shower. She walked with him to his bathroom and started to undress.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Were you going to do it yourself? That should be fun to watch you put your arms above your head and move all around.”

  “I may be in more pain if you're in there with me,” he joked.

  “You're so funny,” she said, as she took her clothes off.

  She watched Josh's eyes as they ran up and down her body when she took her top off. They had not been naked together since that one steamy night of amazing sex. It made her feel good to see the lust in his eyes. Lisa removed her socks. She slid her bra strap from one shoulder and then the other. Slowly she undid the clasp and seductively let it fall from her chest. Josh moaned as he watched her.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “It's not at all funny, what you are doing right now,” he said.

  She smirked, turned around, slid her panties down,
and bent over as she slid them down her legs.

  “You keep that shit up, and I won't be able to hold back,” he said. “Do not tease me like that. I will have your ass against that wall in seconds, pain or no pain.”

  “Up against the wall,” she said. “That doesn't sound so bad.”

  He reached out for her and groaned in pain.

  “Settle down,” she said. “I'll behave.”

  She pulled his shirt over his head and froze when she saw his chest. Tears instantly filled her eyes, as she softly rubbed across his skin. He pulled her close to him and kissed her.

  “It's okay,” he said. “It doesn't hurt as bad as you think. I'm okay. It's going to look worse before it looks better.”

  “You have no idea how badly I want to be wrapped in your arms,” she said. “I was so scared.”

  “Thank you for being there for me,” he said. “The nurse told me all about my wife and how great she was.”

  She removed the wrap around his ribs so she could help him take a shower. He had dark, purple bruises up and down his chest and back. Lisa undid his pants and slid them to the ground with his boxers. She leaned down to take them off of his legs. His cock stood at full attention. She gasped as she looked at him.

  “That is why you don't tease a man,” he said.

  Lisa helped him into the tub and got in after him. She adjusted the water and turned on the shower. He stood under the water and winched as he got used to the pressure on his skin. Lisa told him to stay still and she would do all of the work. She lathered the shampoo in his hair and massaged his scalp.

  “Mmmmm,” he groaned. “I could get used to this.”

  He leaned his head back into the water as the soap ran down his body. She rubbed soap slowly and softly down his body starting at his neck. Lisa had him turn around. She lathered the soap on his shoulders, back, ass, and legs. His back was so muscular and hard. Her hands lingered a little longer than they needed to on his tight, sexy ass. She let out a breath that she didn't realize she had been holding. Lisa had him turn back around. She tried to hide the want in her eyes. How badly she wanted him on top of her like he was that one night. They had professed their love to each in the hospital, and she wanted her man bad. With all of his bruises and cracked ribs, she knew she had to wait patiently. She knew it would be worth the wait. Josh cleared his throat.

  “Are you going to finish or keep staring at me,” he smirked, looking proud of his effect on her.

  “Sorry,” she giggled. “I can't help it.”

  The water ran down his back and washed off all the soap.

  “What are you thinking about? Your thinking about me in your dreams aren't you?”

  She shook her head no and his smirk began to fade.

  “I'm thinking about that night you came home, walked into the kitchen, turned me around, and kissed me like I had never been kissed before. I'm thinking about how you stuck your tongue deep inside of me. I'm thinking about the tone of your voice and the way you fucked me. That is what I'm thinking about.”

  Josh was rock hard, as he stood in front of her. He let out a growl and she saw how dark his eyes were.

  “It was better than any dream I've ever had of you,” she said, as she lathered the soap in her hands. “And I have had many dreams with you in them.”

  “You're killing me here,” he looked into her eyes. “When I heal, we are spending two days locked in that bedroom. I am going to unleash every bit of torture on you that you are putting me through right now.”

  She soaped up his arms, chest, abs, and legs.

  “Seriously, how the hell do you stay so damn hot? Your strong and powerful arms, this chiseled chest, and these amazing abs. Now that you're mine, I'm not sure you will get me out of the bedroom. I don't think I ever want to see you in clothes again. I've wanted you for so long. I don't think I will ever get my fill of your body.”

  Josh stepped back into the water and let the water run down the length of his body. Lisa felt her breath come out in tiny puffs, as she watched the water slide down his chest. Tiny lines of water dripped from his hard cock. She took a huge breath. He was watching her. She soaped up her hands and reached out for him. She wrapped her fingers around him and slid her hand up and down his length, from the tip to the base and back. Her other hand soaped up his balls as she cupped them in her hand. She felt Josh's stomach tighten as he released a large breath. When she looked up, his head was back, his eyes were closed, and the water was running down his face. Lisa pushed slightly, so he went back under the water. It ran down his body, and she continued rubbing and stroking him as she washed off the soap. Lisa got on her knees, as she continued working him with her hand. He was so incredibly hard. She leaned forward and slid her tongue across the tip as he gasped. She circled his tip with her tongue. He looked down at her with his dark eyes. She looked up at him, as she slid her tongue from the base to the tip. He growled as he watched her. Lisa put her lips at the tip of his huge, hard cock and wrapped them around him. She slid her mouth slowly down him, until her lips her touching his base. His cock filled her mouth. She held her hands on his ass as she slid him out and back into her mouth. He moaned with pleasure. Josh moved his hips forward and winced. She continued to take him deep into her throat. He placed his hand on the back of her head to guide her. It felt so good to wrap her lips around him again. She couldn't believe they were really there together. Lisa felt his stomach tighten and release and could hear his breath becoming more ragged. She ran her hands up and down the back of his legs as she took him into her mouth over and over.

  “You taste so damn good. I am so glad I'm here with you.”

  She continued to suck and stroke him as he pulled her head over his cock.

  “That feels so good baby,” he breathed out. “I can't wait until I can bury my cock deep inside of you again. I want you so bad. I want to spend time learning every inch of that beautiful body with every inch of mine.”

  He pulled her head harder against him. She sucked him hard and deep. He slid in and out of her mouth. She held around him at the base and could feel him tighten. She sped up as she claimed his cock in her mouth as deep as she could.

  “Fuck baby, suck me hard,” he growled.

  She thrust him into her throat as he groaned and released into her over and over. Lisa swallowed every bit of him and licked up and down his shaft slowly as his breath evened out. She got to her feet and reached around him to turn off the water. He put his arms around her slowly and kissed her cheek. She carefully put her head into his chest and looked up into his eyes.

  “You are all mine, baby. Do you hear me? I need to know, Josh. Are there any women in your life? I need you to be honest with me. That Rachel girl, or anyone else. You know how I feel about love. I know that I love you. I tried to fight it with every bit of my body and mind, but I couldn't. I've fallen for you. I need to know the truth. I don't want to get hurt,” she said.

  Josh took her chin in his hand and lifted it, so he could see her eyes better.

  “There is only one woman in my life. That woman is you. I promise you that. I was afraid to love, because I was afraid to lose my love. That night at the airport, I thought I was going to lose the only person I could ever see myself loving. I was so worried about you. I kept thinking, how could I lose you, when I never loved you like I should have? That was why I wanted you the second I saw you. I knew you had stolen my heart. All I could think about when I was stuck in that fire was how I had to get out so I could tell you I loved you. There has never been anyone else in my life, not since the day I pulled you from that fire. I am yours and only yours. I love you, Lisa. I promise to show you and tell you every day.”

  Lisa stayed in his arms until she felt a chill run through her body. She grabbed a towel and dried every inch of him, before wrapping a towel around herself. Lisa helped him put on boxers and shorts. She wrapped his chest and softly slid a t-shirt over his head.

  “Your mom wants to stop by tonight, and I don't want her to see
all of those bruises. She had a hard time seeing you in the hospital,” she said.

  “My mom loves you,” he said. “She told me to smarten up and keep you close, the first day she met you.”

  Josh got back into bed. Lisa covered him up and turned on the television.

  “I heard Jack ask you.”


  “I was standing in the doorway when he asked you. I was so pissed off. I couldn't believe he had the balls to do it, without mentioning it to me first.”

  “You didn't tell me you heard him?”

  “No, I didn't want you to question why I cared.”

  “You know how you insisted that you were leaving right away. We came home. I was in my room. I came out to check on you. I walked up to your office and heard you yelling at him on the phone. I could not tell what he said, but I had never heard you like that.”

  “You didn't tell me you heard me. Later, you told me about him asking you out. You knew I already knew,” he said.

  “I wanted to tell you for myself.”

  He shook his head and laughed.

  “He better not do it again,” he snapped. “I'll kick his ass. You said you wanted to give me my life back. Why did you say that?”

  “I had not seen you go on one date since the night of the fire in my apartment. I knew you didn't want love. You needed to be able to do the things I stopped you from doing. You had given up enough for me. I didn't want to take away your life.”

  “I went out on a date when you were at Becky and Gavin's house. It is the only one I have been on since your apartment caught on fire.”


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