Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

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Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2) Page 17

by Sharon Cummin

  “I don't want to know,” she said.

  “I spent the entire night checking my phone for a message from you. We went back to her house. She came out in a little outfit and I was still checking my phone. I couldn't do it. I left. I ended up texting you later to ask if they were treating you good.”

  “I remember that,” she said.

  Lisa heard a knock at the door and ran to get it. Josh's mom, brother, and sister stopped by to see him. They brought a bunch of groceries. Lisa appreciated it, because it meant she wouldn't have to leave him to go shopping. There were also four different meals cooked for her to refrigerate. Lisa put the groceries away and went back with drinks for everyone. She hugged his mom and thanked her for everything. Lisa thought about how lucky he was to have such a great family. She caught him looking at her. He patted the bed and told her to come and sit next to him. Josh put his arm out so she would sit close to him. She leaned into his ear, while the other three were talking.

  “You're just doing that because your brother is here,” she whispered.

  He gave her a heated look.

  “If I was claiming you in front of my brother,” he said, as his hand went behind her neck and he tilted her to face him. “This is what I would do.”

  Josh held the back of her neck, leaned in, and gave her a kiss that took her breath away. Lisa pulled back with wide eyes. She knew her face was red. They were in front of his mother. Lisa laughed and snuggled against his arm with her hand on his leg.

  “I am so happy the two of you woke up and came to your senses,” his mom said. “I knew you were in love the first day you brought her over. I am happy to have you as a part of our family.”

  Lisa's eyes teared up a little. Josh pulled her to him and whispered into her ear.

  “They are your family too.”

  She looked into his eyes and smiled.

  When his family went home, she cleaned everything up and gave him his medicine.

  “Do you need anything else before I go to bed?” she asked.

  “I'm fine,” he said.

  She leaned down and kissed his cheek and turned to leave the room.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “To my room,” she pointed toward the hall.

  “I don't think so,” he said, with a stern look. “This is your room. That is a guest room.”

  “That is my room. All my stuff is in there. I have been sleeping there for months.”

  “Not anymore you're not,” he shook his head. “I want you in bed with me. This is our bed. You need to move your stuff in here, tomorrow. I'm not sleeping without my woman in bed with me.”

  “Maybe we should wait until you're healed up. I don't want to hurt you.”

  “I'll be fine. I would rather take that risk than sleep without you next to me,” he said. “Now shut the lights off and get over here.”

  Lisa took care of everything and crawled in bed next to him. She had never slept in his bed with him. The one time she was in his bed, she went back to her room to sleep. In the hospital, she slept in the chair next to him every night. Lisa snuggled in next to him and felt at home. She was where she belonged.

  Chapter 29

  Lisa spent the next day showing Josh everything she had done with his business while he was in the hospital. They had gone over some of the stuff together, the last couple days that he was there. Lisa brought his laptop and things he needed into his bedroom, so he could stay in bed. She brought him food and took care of him. Anything he needed, she got for him.

  Visitors came and went for a couple of days. He got a little stronger each day. She was happy to see the guys from the station each stop by. They really were like a family. Josh knew Becky and Gavin's wedding was that weekend, so he made sure to move around more each day. He told Lisa he was bummed about not being in the wedding, but he was glad that they had made the decision to have someone else in his place.

  They were dressed and ready to go. Lisa helped Josh get inside the car and got in the driver side.

  “Looks like I'll be driving this car for a few weeks,” she said, as she winked at him.

  “I guess you will,” he laughed.

  Heath came out as soon as they pulled up at the church. He helped Josh out of the car. Lisa parked the car and helped him into the church. Gavin, John, and Ethan all hurried over to see him. They all asked how he was feeling. Ethan looked over at Lisa, as she kissed Josh on the cheek.

  “First Gavin gets Becky, and now you snatched up Lisa. Damn! All the good ones are disappearing. By the time you guys are done, I'll be stuck with Julie,” Ethan laughed as he shook his head and made a yuck face.

  “That's my little sister you're talking about. She's off limits to my friends. I like her the way she is. She's doing really well for herself. Julie's too young to get involved with anyone,” Gavin said. “Especially your sorry ass. Don't even joke about that shit.”

  “She's not fifteen anymore,” Lisa said, looking at Gavin. “She's a grown woman. Julie is doing great. She deserves a good man. Her career is important to her, and it's great that she is so focused on it. She still finds time to relax. You can't decide who she dates Gavin.”

  “Oh yeah, watch me. She is going to find a guy that treats her like a princess, not a, I don't want to talk about it,” Gavin snapped.

  Lisa found a spot and made sure Josh was settled before she walked away. She went to help Becky get ready. Before the wedding started, she peeked out to check on Josh. There was a woman leaning down and talking to him. Lisa walked out of the room the rest of the way, so she could watch. Heath looked over at Lisa and laughed.

  “What's so funny?” she asked.

  “The jealous look on your face.”

  “I'm not jealous,” Lisa snapped.

  “They dated in high school for a couple of years. She lived around the block from us,” Heath stated.

  Lisa took a long breath and held it. She released it as she walked down the aisle of the church. Lisa stopped and leaned over Josh's shoulder, as if the woman wasn't even there. She kissed his cheek.

  “Hey honey, I just wanted to see if you needed anything before the wedding starts?” she asked, with a smile.

  Lisa turned toward the woman and smiled.

  “Hello, I'm Lisa.” she introduced herself and extended her hand.

  “I'm Paula,” the woman snarled as she shook Lisa's hand. “I'll see you later Josh. I'm glad that you're okay. I was sad when I heard about the fire.”

  Lisa felt herself stare daggers at the woman.

  “It was nice to see you, Paula,” Josh said, as he pulled Lisa in for a kiss.

  He looked at Lisa and laughed, once Paula had walked away.

  “Did you just piss on your territory?” he asked with a smile.

  “No,” she snapped. “Well, maybe a little.”

  Josh laughed and looked into her eyes.

  “Heath told you we dated, didn't he?”

  “I looked out to make sure you were okay. I saw that you had company. Heath told me who she was. I wanted to introduce myself and claim my man,” she smiled. “I can't help it. I'm sorry.”

  “I only have eyes for you baby,” he said, as he kissed her nose.

  They both laughed as Lisa walked away.

  Becky and Gavin stood in front of all of their family and friends and committed to each other forever. Lisa got tears in her eyes as she thought about how in love they looked. Becky had gone on a cruise to relax. She had no idea that she was going to meet the man she would spend the rest of her life with, who would also be her new boss. It was a romantic story, and Lisa was happy to share in their amazing day.

  After the wedding, Lisa helped Josh to the car and they headed to the reception. Josh wanted to go for a little while. She helped him get his food and settle into a seat. Lisa had to eat with the wedding party.

  She had stood up with Heath, which was planned before he apartment fire ever happened. Josh was supposed to stand up with Julie, but Ethan had ended u
p in the wedding. The happy couple danced and then Lisa had to dance with Heath, while Ethan danced with Julie. Lisa looked over and saw Julie roll her eyes at Ethan. He better not be flirting with her, Lisa thought. Gavin would kill him. Lisa knew Julie was a strong woman. She knew better than to mess with Ethan. Julie would put him in his place. Lisa laughed at her thoughts.

  “What's so funny,” Heath asked.

  “Watch Ethan and Julie. She's rolling her eyes at him, and it looks like she is telling him off.”

  “Gavin would tear him a new one if he saw him right now,” Heath said.

  “I agree.”

  “Look over at your man,” Heath said. “He hasn't taken his eyes off you. I wonder how fast his sore ass would fly out of that chair if I put my hand on your ass.”

  “Don't you dare. He wouldn't care. Josh isn't like that. He was the one who tried to get me to talk to you after we argued.”

  Heath looked at her.

  “Watch your man's hands and body,” Heath said, as he slid his hands down her back.

  Heath didn't even get to her waist, when Lisa saw Josh's hands clench into fists. His body stiffened and he winced.

  “Cut it out,” she said. “Don't do that. He's been through enough lately.”

  “Do you love him?” Heath asked.

  “With every bit of me, I love him.”

  “Is he good to you?”

  “He treats me better than I deserve. He is very good to me.”

  “He loves you. I couldn't believe he dropped dating to take care of you. I am happy for you two. I always hoped that I was the one for you. When I see you two together, I can see that you belong together. If he ever treats you bad or does anything to hurt you, I'll tear him to shreds.”

  She laughed and thanked him for his protection.

  “You're a good man, Heath. You are going to make someone a wonderful husband. I want you to find love. You're such a good friend.”

  “I'm sorry for not being there for you like I should have. It was hard to see him take care of you. I thought for sure he was going to break your heart. I see now, that you were going to be the one to show him he needed to risk his heart. It's strange how things work out.”

  “I understand. I love you Heath, as a best friend. You will always be important to me.”

  The song ended. Lisa hugged Heath and turned to go and be with Josh.

  “Do you need anything?” she asked.

  “Dance with me,” he said.

  “I don't want to hurt you,” she said.

  “Dance with me,” he said again.

  She helped him up and they walked to the dance floor. Lisa put her hands on Josh's arms and he puts his hands on her waist. They swayed to the music. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. Lisa knew she was lucky to have him. She couldn't believe she had been about to move out and walk away from him just weeks before. He was everything to her. She couldn't imagine ever loving anyone more than she loved him. He pulled her closer, so that her arms wrapped around his neck. He held her tight. She could feel his chest against her breasts through the fabric of their clothes. Lisa put her head on his shoulder and soaked up every second with him. He whispered how much he loved her and how lucky he was to have her in his life. She felt so safe and happy in his arms.


  Josh held her in his arms. He felt so lucky to have her. She was beautiful and amazing. With her head on his shoulder, he enjoyed the amazing smell of her hair. He could not wait for the moment to feel her beneath him as he showed her how much he loved her. He had fallen hard for her. She was his and he would protect her every day of her life.

  When the song was over, they sat back down at the table. His ribs were hurting, but he didn't want to pass up one dance with her. Heath sat down with them. They talked for a bit, when Lisa pointed to the dance floor. Ethan and Julie were dancing. Each of them watched closely. They knew Gavin would freak if he saw them.

  Ethan was a huge player. The worst out of all of them. He was forty years old. Ethan was with a different woman every night. He was not the most respectful to women. Gavin and Ethan owned similar companies. They had been friends for years.

  Heath joked with Josh about the cruise they had taken. The one where Becky and Gavin met. Ethan had been so rude to Becky. He made Gavin mad enough, that Gavin punched him in the face.

  “Could you imagine what he would do if Ethan hooked up with his sister? Gavin would beat him black and blue,” Heath said.

  “I really should have gone on that cruise,” Lisa said. “How many women did Josh hook up with, Heath?”

  “Don't you dare,” Josh snapped at Heath. “That was before we got together. It was not nearly as many as Ethan.”

  Julie was thirty years old. She was Gavin's baby sister. He was very protective over her. She was a pediatrician and doing very well for herself. Gavin was proud of her accomplishments. There was no way he would let her get wrapped up with Ethan.

  The three of them sat back and watched across the room, as Gavin realized who was with his sister. He was standing with his beautiful wife, as they talked to one of their guests. The three of them burst into laughter when they saw his eyes widen and his whole face tense. His hands instantly clenched. He said something to Becky. A nervous look appeared on her face as Gavin walked over to his sister. He said something to the dancing couple and he slid between them. Julie began to dance with her brother. He said something to her and she shook her head and rolled her eyes. Ethan walked over to the table and joined the three of them. He threw himself down in one of the chairs. Josh knew he was pissed.

  Gavin should have realized that Ethan was always up for a challenge. If he had just ignored them, it would have been over. It was far from over. The look in Ethan's eyes said it all. They were serious and stern. He was not done, not at all. Why hadn't Gavin thought about that? Josh understood why he was extra protective of Julie. Ethan didn't make it easy on him. Gavin knew that Ethan never showed respect for women. Ethan knew how to irritate and push Gavin's buttons, and he used it to his advantage.

  When the song ended, Julie walked away from Gavin. She walked over to talk to Josh about how he was feeling. They talked about his ribs and bruises. He tried to get Julie to tell Lisa that sex was okay, even though the doctor wanted him to wait. They were afraid of him hurting the healing process. Julie shook her head and laughed at him.

  “You're my brother's friend. I don't care how grown I am, I don't need to think about you doing anything. I have known you guys for too long,” Julie said.

  “Would you date one of us?” Josh asked.

  “No way, never,” she said, as she squeezed her eyes together. “I would never date one of my brother's friends. He would kill me. I have already heard enough from him. He knows too much about you guys. I know too much about you guys. I have known Ethan since I was fifteen and Heath even longer. I would never date either of them.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with me?” Ethan asked.

  “I didn't say anything was wrong with you, ass. I said I have known you since I was fifteen and that would be gross.”

  “Whatever. You're too damn young for me. I need a woman my age. You couldn't handle me,” Ethan said.

  “It has nothing to do with me not being able to handle you. I could handle your sorry ass any day of the week. It's just that I have a career and work very hard at it. When I have extra time, I choose to spend it wisely. Wasting it with you, I don't think so.”

  Julie hugged Josh and told him she hoped he felt better. She walked over to Becky and started talking.

  Ethan was so furious. He was mumbling and complaining under his breath.

  “Who does she think she is? I can get way better than her. How is she going to sit there and act like she's better than me? She's a doctor, so what. She sits there talking like I am a piece of shit. I own a freaking billion dollar company. Immature little brat,” Ethan grumbled away.

  Josh asked Heath if he could drive him home. Heath said it would be no problem. Lis
a turned to look at him.

  “I can take you home.”

  “Stay and spend time with Becky. Heath doesn't mind,” Josh said. “That way we can talk about his hands when he dances with another man's woman.”

  “I will take you home. I think Becky and Gavin are getting ready to leave. While I wouldn't mind seeing Ethan piss and whine like a baby, I'm ready to go home,” she said, as she smiled. “Maybe Heath should take you home. I forgot that I have your car.”

  “I don't think so. You can drive me home. Heath probably wouldn't help me take a shower the way you do,” Josh said, with a huge grin on his face.

  “I don't want to hear that shit. It's one thing to accept that you two are together. It's totally different to hear that stuff,” Heath said, as he made a face at Josh.

  Lisa stood up to help Josh. They were both tired and ready to leave.

  Chapter 30

  Lisa and Josh worked hard on the restaurants for the next couple of weeks. They had a lot of things to catch up on. He was healing well. She knew he would be going back to work soon and that scared her. Lisa wanted so badly to ask him to quit, but she knew it wouldn't be fair. He was passionate about his job. Josh didn't do it for money, he had plenty of that. He did it to help people, and that was important to him. She knew it was a part of his life when she fell in love with him. Without him doing that, she may not be alive. It didn't change the fact that she was afraid of losing him.

  As if he knew what she was thinking, he snuggled in closer to her in bed.

  “I have to go to the station for a few hours this morning. I'll bring home lunch,” he said, as he kissed her neck.

  “Why do you have to go already? You can't go back to work yet. You haven't healed all the way. I want you to rest. I'm scared. I was so afraid that night. You have no idea.”

  “Hey, look at me,” he said, as he nudged her to turn around and face him. “I'm not going back to work yet. There is no reason for you to be afraid. It will be weeks if not months. I will make sure my body is one hundred percent before I go back, I promise. It won't be until after I can go back to the gym and strengthen my chest. You know how important it is for me to go back, but I will wait until I am confident that everything is okay. There is a meeting this morning. They asked me to come. I'm just going to visit with them.”


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