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Paranormal Dating Agency: Her Mane Men (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Ever Coming

  “You will not win this one. You roll with those vermin, you’re going to get burned”

  “Your analogies don’t even make sense. Remember, no ass staring.” I tsked, my adrenaline pumping.

  As I walked out the door, his voice filled the office for all to hear. “Bitch.” Classy.

  After a not so brief discussion with the head of Human Resources and filling out a thousand pieces of paperwork, I left work for the day, possibly forever. I was fine with it, all of it, until I walked in the apartment. That was when the tears began to flow uncontrollably, resulting in my falling asleep on the couch and remaining there until the sun was already setting.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I grabbed my phone, still half in sleepies to find I’d forgotten to turn it back on after shutting it down during paperwork fun. As it came back to life, it exploded with notifications, most of them from the guys.


  I typed in and sent Curtis my apology before even reading their messages or listening to their voice mails. We’d left it at, “Let’s do dinner,” but hadn’t made any formal plans, so my lack of communication was filled with extra rude.

  We were worried.

  I was going to have to make it up to them, and my wheels started turning with how to do just that when the same message came through from Parker’s phone.

  I quickly formed a group text. This two men thing had some communication kinks to work out, but this was a stopgap until I figured it all out. This way we all were in the loop.

  I can tell. I had a bad day at work and forgot to turn my phone back on.

  I would need to tell them the entire story, and I would, but not until I knew what was happening next.

  You should’ve called us. We could have cheered you up

  Parker was too sweet, and he was right. They would’ve cheered me up, among other things.

  It’s all good. I just need to deal with HR today is all.

  Dinner? Curtis asked, probably seeing through my all good bologna.

  Dinner for sure. It’s Friday. I expect dancing.

  And dancing you shall have, Parker added far too quickly. My attempt to lighten the mood had miraculously turned into me having to show the clumsiest side of myself

  I don’t really dance. I was less than graceful and had little rhythm on a good day.

  We do. Parker sent back almost instantly.

  I envisioned them dancing, slow dancing at that, and naked. I needed to get a grip on that.

  You really are ok? Curtis asked when I didn’t respond quickly enough thanks to my naughty daydreaming. Before I could respond, a second text came in with one little word: Here.

  I scurried downstairs without a second glance. They were here. I’d interrogate them as to why they’d been so close later. Now? Now, I just wanted to see them.

  “You look amazing, as always, but tired.” Curtis greeted me with a kiss on the cheek as Parker gave me a half hug.

  “I will rest later. Just come on up while I get ready and then we can dance our feet off.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Parker took my hand, entwining our fingers.

  Within twenty minutes, we were out the door, the events of the day pushed down. Tonight was about us, not a jerk of a boss. They somehow managed to find the perfect place for us to spend our date. Dinner had been delicious, the conversation perfect after the rough day I’d had, light and, in many cases, humorous. That said, I was ready to leave, my body craving alone time with the guys. After dancing, that was, or so Curtis reminded me as he whisked me onto the dance floor, Parker in tow.

  “People are staring.”

  Not that I could blame them. It isn’t often that you see a woman pressed between two men, slow dancing, at least not in this type of establishment.

  “They are stunned by your beauty.” Parker kissed the spot just below my ear as he spoke.

  “Or they are not used to seeing three people attempting to slow dance,” I offered, making no attempt to end the dance. It felt good, too good, between the men, Curtis leading gracefully across the dance floor.

  “I vote jealousy,” Curtis added before rotating us around as the music’s tempo increased.

  “Every woman in the place, I’d imagine.”

  And with that, the music stopped and a line dance, a freaking line dance of all things, came on.

  “Looks like the DJ thinks we should be done for a while.” Parker kissed my neck before giving Curtis a kiss on the lips and making his way back to the table, leaving just Curtis and I standing there, the picture of traditional coupledom.

  I pressed my lips to his before taking his hand and following Parker back to our table.

  “Check’s taken care of,” Parker announced, cash sticking out of the billfold the waiter must’ve left when we had been dancing.

  “Thank you, love.” Hearing Curtis speak freely to Parker like that was one of the things that came out of our time the day before when they let me see their other form. Something solidified with us during that time, something I couldn’t quite explain. Maybe it was the transparency of us being ourselves with no expectations, or maybe it was the trust that moment entailed forging a bond? Whatever it was, worked for me, and I was ready to take the next step with them.

  “Take me home?” I asked, meeker than intended. Where was the confident sex kitten I was trying to channel? Cowering in the corner, fearing rejection, that was where. Everything had fallen into place so well, almost too well, that I feared sex was going to be our breaking point. Maybe they wouldn’t want me the way I wanted them, once they saw what was hidden behind the clothing. Maybe they liked the idea of us all being together more than the actual act. Maybe we’d be bumbling fools, leaving us all without satisfaction.

  “As you wish.” Parker held out his arm for me.

  “Why do you sound so sad?” I asked as I snuggled in close.

  “I’m fine,” he lied.

  “He is.” Curtis took my free hand before leaning in close. “He’s just being a spoilt brat.”

  “How so?” We made our way out of the restaurant, handing the valet our ticket, before either replied to my question.

  “He thought maybe you would come back with us tonight and stay over.”

  “That was actually what I meant.” Talk about botching things up.

  “Hot damn.” Parker lurched forward to open the car door before it even fully stopped. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You’re quiet.” Curtis gave my knee a squeeze.

  He was right, I was. We all were, if you didn’t include the sound of Parker humming gently in the background. No one spoke, on my part out of trepidation. On theirs, I wasn’t sure.

  “I’m a bit nervous.” I bit my lip, embarrassed by the reality of it. I cared for them both, was attracted to them both, and wanted to be closer to them both. Yet, I was terrified that once the moment came, I was going to eff it up royally and ruin what could be an amazing thing either by panicking and shutting down or just plain being a dud in the sack.

  “We don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.” Curtis squeezed my knee gently before pulling to a stop at the traffic light. “Ever.”

  “I know that, silly. “It was one thing I was completely sure of. Neither of them would ever pressure me in that way. If anything, they were the ones slowing things down. As unlike me as it was, I’d have jumped in the sack with them far before the three-month rule, or was it three dates, now? “I just am worried I’ll do it wrong.”

  “Impossible.” Parker interrupted his humming only long enough to give his two cents.

  “You underestimate my ability to be clumsy and awkward.” I peered over my shoulder and was met with a smiling Parker. Fair to say, he wasn’t worried about things. “Besides, how will it even work?”

  A honking horn had Curtis snapping back to driving mode, something in my words distracting him, which was so not what we needed tonight. A trip to the ER was about as far away from sexy as one
could get.

  “Well, what do you see when you have your dream?” He was so factual about it, as if he were asking the time and not what my inner kink conjured up. Oh, Curtis. “I imagine it will be a lot like that.”

  Three deep breaths, and the best I could squeak out was, “I see us—together.” Because that said nothing, I buried my face in my hands, my cheeks burning.

  “More details, please.”

  The calmness of his voice and the matter-of-fact manner of his request relaxed me and captured Parker’s full attention.

  “It varies.” Because my nocturnal musings were equal parts creativity and perviness apparently.

  “Damn, I’m not even going to make it to the main event if she keeps talking like that.” Parker groaned and, from the primal sound of it, he wasn’t exaggerating.

  “Shhh, you,” I scolded, my confidence bolstered to new heights.

  “Pick one.” Curtis persisted gently.

  “Fine.” I squeezed my eyes shut and spit out the first one that came to mind, “I was in bed, naked, kissing you, Parker, and you were—you know.” Or tried to spit it out as the case was.

  “Making love to you?” he offered.

  “That, but not really.” Both men’s breath hitched. What did they think I meant to warrant that response? “Curtis was doing that.” I clarified with zero clarity. Sex phone operation was officially scratched off my list of future occupations. The only reason I’d been able to talk as much as I had been was the location. Something about being in a car helped conversations that normally wouldn’t happen, happen.

  “I don’t under—oh he was? Really.”

  Phew. Curtis understood my cryptic attempts to describe my dream. I was embarrassed enough saying as much as I did. Embarrassed and turned on.

  “Yeah, is that creepy or weird or something.” Or hot, I wanted to add because in my mind there was nothing hotter than having Parker inside me as Curtis was inside him, controlling things from the rear.

  “No, that is perfect absolutely perfect.” His voice cracked partway through, throwing my nervousness over my admission out the window.

  “Care to let me in on what we just decided?” Parker’s head now poking out between our seats.

  “I, my love, am going to make love to dear sweet Maddie, through you.” Damn. When he said it, it sounded twice as hot.

  “You’re not driving fast enough,” was Parker’s sole reply before Curtis took his words to heart and sped through the streets and back to their hotel.

  Their hotel was one of those extended stay suite places and, as nice as it was, still felt hotel and not home. As we rushed through the lobby and rode up in the elevator, I had second thoughts. Not on us being together, but location. My place was far from fancy but felt like home.

  “We can’t mate,” I spit out.

  “Understood.” Curtis squeezed my shoulder as the elevator dinged another floor.

  “No, I mean here. In a hotel. Not, we can’t ever,” I babbled.

  “Beautiful sweet, Maddie, leave all of your cares in the elevator. This is going to be amazing.” The way Parker was bouncing like a kid at Christmas was contagious, and by the time the final floor dinged, I was ready to do as he requested and leave my cares right there.

  A swipe of the card key later, we were inside, making our way to the bed. No point in putting up the façade of coffee or a movie. We all knew why we were there.

  “Sit here, beautiful. Let us take care of you.” Parker patted edge of the bed.

  I did as requested, each of them taking one of my feet in his hands, removing my shoe, and rubbing the tension from them before letting them go, joining me on the bed, and removing their own shoes. I laughed to myself picturing the conversation that must have had leading up to their perfectly executed routine.

  Parker took my face in his hands and brought it to his, kissing me soundly and stealing my breath, breaking away far too soon.

  “I’ve been waiting to do that all night.”

  “Me, too.” I raised an eyebrow at Curtis in a question. His response was immediate, his lips on mine, owning mine, dancing with mine, and before I knew it, we were both lying on the bed, his body pressing against mine, while I desperately worked at removing his shirt. Darn buttons.

  “I’ve got it.” Parker’s hands brushed against mine before taking over the shirt removal. Every button he popped, his hands pressed gently into me, the sensations almost overwhelming. Almost.

  When Curtis broke our kiss, making it easier for Parker to finish removing his shirt my eyes found Parker, who had somehow managed to become blissfully naked without my noticing.

  “I was going to do that,” I razzed as my gaze took in his magnificent form. “Can I?” I asked, not even knowing all what I was asking permission for.

  When he nodded, I sat up and pulled my dress over my head. The garment I originally thought too skimpy now felt like I was wearing a parka. Throwing the garment on the floor, I got on my knees, skootching over to where Parker sat and ran my fingers over his abs, tracing his tattoos one by one as my hand traveled lower and lower until it reached his cock, which was standing at attention. Tentatively at first, I wrapped my hand around him, giving a firm tug, which was met with a groan of pleasure from Parker and a growl from Curtis.

  Turning toward his sexy rumbling, I barely took in the sight of him there beside me, naked, before his lips were on mine, his hand falling to mine, still wrapped around Parker. Slowly, I began to work Parker’s cock with Curtis’s hand joining in, his lips leaving mine only long enough to make a slow descent of my neck, kissing, nibbling, and sucking the erotic path to the crook of my shoulder as Parker took his place at owning my mouth.

  Hands. Hands were everywhere. Mine, theirs. I couldn’t even keep track anymore, it was all so much—so overwhelmingly perfect. Zero apprehension lived in me anymore; all that remained was desire.

  The snapping of my bra clasp had me moving my hand from Parker long enough to let the garment fall, and before I could get back to what I had been doing, I found myself lying on the bed, each of the men teasing my nipples with his tongue, his teeth, his hands. The sensations had me on fire. Never, not even in my dreams had I been this worked up before, this wet before. If this was what it was like during our first and historically most awkward times together, what was it going to be like next time, or the time after that because by this point I’d already decided this wasn’t ending anytime in the near future, possibly ever—a notion that should give me pause at the very least, but didn’t. It was right. They were mine. Mine.

  Hands wandered lower as Parker brought his mouth up to mine and Curtis brought his down, following the same path as their hands. Closer, and closer, they got to where I wanted them, my pleas muffled by Parker’s kiss, his amusement vibrating in his chest. When they finally reached my saturated panties, I wanted to sing for joy. One hand, I assumed Parker’s, slipped inside the cloth, finding its way to my clit expertly as my panties were pulled slowly from me before Curtis worked his way up my legs, pressing kisses into them along the way.

  When he reached my core, still working my clit, Parker gave me a lick before going all in, the extra hand pulled away, now playing with my breast, teasing it with my own moisture. Damn, who knew how hot that could be? As if sensing my question, Parker’s mouth left mine before kissing his way back to my breast and taking it in his mouth just as Curtis nipped my clit, triggering my climax,

  The sound of a condom ripping brought me out of my orgasmic stupor and back to the amazingness that was sex with my guys.

  “We need to talk about these before next time.” Parker winked as he rolled it on. He was right, the condom talk didn’t belong during the heat of the moment. That didn’t make my desire to fling it across the room any less powerful.

  Reaching up, I pulled his face, copying his move from earlier, his body nestled against mine. I squirmed beneath him, wanting—no, needing more.

  “Patience, love. He’s not ready yet,” Curtis called f
rom behind him.

  “Mirrors,” I whined against Parker’s lips.

  “What?” He pulled away just enough to take in my face.

  “Mirrors. Next time I want mirrors, so I can see what’s going on.” What I would give to be able to see Curtis preparing our lover to make love to me.

  “Then mirrors you shall have,” Parker reassured, and no part of me thought for a second he was kidding. I was so getting mirrors. Score.

  “Ready?” Curtis called over Parker’s shoulder.

  “More than,” I called back.

  Parker didn’t need a second hint, and he entered me in one swift motion before stopping, his eyes holding mine with a look of such emotion, my breath hitched. He stayed like that with very little movement and, once again, I cussed the lack of mirrors.

  “Please,” I begged, unable to take it any longer. I needed more, the earlier climax only managing to make me needier.

  Slowly, he began to move, Curtis’s arms wrapped around him. There was something heady knowing that each stroke from Parker was actually a stroke from Curtis. As they picked up their pace, my body began to respond with mini quakes, something I’d read about but never experienced before. I was quickly barreling toward a second orgasm.

  “Guys, I can’t—I’m gonna—I don’t want it to—” Words weren’t forming, my body too close to the edge.

  “Let go, love. Let go, and we’ll follow.” Parker responded to my incoherence, just as I did exactly that and, true to his word, they followed. As I came down from my orgasm, there was so much I wanted to say, but my body had other plans and, as the guys snuggled up beside me, I found myself slipping off into slumber.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Monday morning was made of evil. I was sure of it. Whomever created it needed to die a slow and painful death.

  After a weekend of amazing with my men, mostly in bed, the last place I wanted to go was work. If it weren’t for the message sent to me by Human Resources about a meeting I was required at first thing in the morning, I would have called in sick. Lovesick, but sick.


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