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Red Wolf

Page 18

by Jennifer Ashley

  Jaycee entered her bedroom. She turned in the doorway, one hand on the handle, and studied Dimitri, saying nothing. He stopped in the hallway, equally silent, his heart pounding.

  She wet her lips. “Stay with me tonight?” she asked, her voice the barest whisper.

  Dimitri swallowed. He came forward, backed her into the room, caught the door, and closed it. He slid his arms around her, the fevered heat of ten minutes ago calmed into something deeper and more profound, and he kissed her.

  * * *

  Jaycee opened herself to him. Dimitri could kiss like fire, and at the moment, she needed a little heat.

  He held her close, his hand coming up to touch her face, the brush of his fingers incredibly tender. When he’d cupped her breast in the hall, Jaycee’s mating need had burned, making her thrust herself against him, hungry for him.

  She was still hungry, but the frenzy had cooled into something more beautiful.

  The two times Jaycee had been with Dimitri, they’d both been desperate, in the throes of other forces. This time it was only the two of them, together because they wanted to be.

  Jaycee had accepted the mate-claim and still Dimitri had argued with her, damn him. The mate-claim had wanted them to go straight to mating frenzy, ensuring they’d again be under forces beyond their control, but luckily Ben had happened by.

  Maybe not luck. Ben had the uncanny knack of showing up the moment he was needed.

  Dimitri’s kiss held passion but not the savagery of their earlier kisses. He licked across Jaycee’s mouth, his eyes closing, shutting out the starry gray.

  Jaycee slid her hands down to his hips, then to his backside, enjoying the texture of his jeans over his tight ass. Very tight ass. Jaycee cupped firm flesh and moved her index finger along the indentation in the middle, the seam of his jeans giving her a nice path.

  Dimitri lifted his head, opening his eyes. A gleam of wickedness lived there.

  “You’re a shit, Jase.”

  “Just checking out the goods,” Jaycee said in all innocence. “Seeing what I’m getting.”

  “Yeah?” Dimitri’s gaze was hot, and she heard the clink of his belt buckle opening. “Why don’t you go for it instead of teasing?”

  Jaycee’s heart thumped. She’d started to enjoy him in the parking lot of the club outside Austin, but there again, she hadn’t had the chance to finish. The mission always came first.

  Dimitri’s jeans sagged as she pushed at them, and her hands went to the fabric of his underwear, warm from his body. The small briefs he liked to wear clung to every crease—soft, thin cloth over Dimitri’s nakedness.

  It wasn’t enough. Jaycee wanted all of him. She shoved the underwear down, smiling as she found the smooth skin of his backside.

  “You’re a fine man, Dimitri,” Jaycee whispered, then winked up at him. “For a Lupine.”

  “And you’re more beautiful than any woman I’ve ever seen,” Dimitri said, his dark voice catching at her. “Lupine, Feline, human—doesn’t matter. You win, Jase. No one can come close to you.”


  Jaycee’s smile died, and her heart squeezed into one painful ball. Dimitri’s expression was serious, his eyes full of fire as he touched her face.

  Her breath hitched in her throat, robbing her of words. Wind moved through the room, the curtains at the window fluttering. Jaycee was sure she’d closed that window before they’d gone, she thought distractedly.

  Her arms and hands were full of Dimitri. He kicked his way out of his fallen underwear and lowered his head to nip her neck.

  Jaycee’s palms moved over his hips as she slid one hand to the front of him. Sensations came to her—wiry hair, hot flesh, the fascinating blunt weight of his cock. She wrapped her fingers around its wide breadth and held on.

  Dimitri emitted a growl, his eyes closing again. Instead of standing still and letting her explore him, he grasped her shirt and tank top and pulled both off over her head.

  Jaycee let out a breath as her breasts tumbled free of confinement, the cool breeze touching her skin. Dimitri gazed down at her in triumph, right before he hauled her against him and kissed her.

  * * *

  There was something strange going on in this room, and not just Dimitri kissing Jaycee the way he’d wanted to for a long time. The wind fluttering the curtains was cool and fresh, bearing none of the sticky humidity of the night they’d ridden through. And the furniture was moving.

  Not much, but everything rocked a little, Dimitri saw out of the corner of his eye, like excited beings on restless feet.

  This house was definitely creepy.

  So said the back of his mind. Jaycee in his arms was capturing the best part of his thoughts.

  Without doubt, the best part. She wrapped her sinful hand around his cock as they kissed, and squeezed him hard.

  Lightning flickered on the edges of Dimitri’s vision, real or imagined, he couldn’t tell. His awareness moved to the point of Jaycee’s gripping him and the hot taste of her mouth.

  Jaycee. My mate.

  Her words of acceptance rang in his head, heightening the spinning sensations. Dimitri Kashnikov, I accept your mate-claim. Didn’t matter that she didn’t say it in front of witnesses, and these days, it didn’t count.

  It counted to Dimitri, and he knew it counted to Jaycee. They were mates, had always been, even when they’d been trying hard to convince themselves they weren’t.

  Jaycee was shoving up his T-shirt with her free hand. Dimitri stripped it off, bunching it in his fists before he dropped it. All the while, she kept hold of him, her tight hand driving fire through his blood. His body wanted to thrust into her fist, let her release him that way.

  No, he wanted to be inside her for that. Stroking was good, but the two of them joining was better.

  Hard to think true thoughts while her fingers moved up and down, thumb caressing his tip, then the heel of her hand bumping his balls. Dimitri bit back a growl of need and fumbled open the button of her jeans.

  Zipper next. Jaycee wasn’t going to help. Her little smile told him that. Dimitri unzipped and pushed the jeans from her hips, then her sensible gray cotton underwear. No frilly strips of silk and lace for Jaycee. He’d have to buy her some and tell her to wear it for him alone. She was his mate now—she’d want to do it to please him.

  That was a dream for another day. Right now, Dimitri sought the heat of her, his fingers slipping into her slick warmth.

  Jaycee hummed in her throat. She swayed against him, the woman in her coming alive. Jaycee could fight, she could go toe-to-toe against alphas like Dylan and Brice, but under Dimitri’s touch, she became sexy and sultry, her strength sinuous, beautiful.

  He could make her release right now, he knew, stroking her until she writhed and went wild on his hand. She could make him release as well, her fingers learning him and working his desire to a fevered height.

  The house seemed to approve. Furniture rattled on the floor, the curtains flapped, the unlit crystal sconces on the wall tinkled.

  Earlier today, a natural tornado had whipped through the land. Tonight, wind swirled around Jaycee and Dimitri as they held each other, building each other to frenzy.

  Dimitri needed her now. He wanted to be on top of her, sliding inside, her soft body beneath his, her hands urging him on.

  He snaked one arm tightly around her, preparing to lift her. That would mean she had to let go of him, but he’d sacrifice for the hot joy of what was to come.

  The bed spun away from the wall, slid across the room, and bumped gently into Dimitri’s thigh. He let the momentum topple him backward, and he caught up Jaycee and pulled her along with him.

  They rolled across the mattress, both of them bare except for their socks. Dimitri landed on Jaycee, his hands pinning her wrists, and he smiled down at her.

  “I’ve never
seen anything like you,” he said. His words flowed easily, the disconnect between brain and mouth absent and unimportant. “My mate. You’re hot, Jaycee.” He released her to kneel back and draw his hand between the heat of her breasts. “Walking beauty.”

  “You’re pretty good yourself.” Jaycee gave him a flattering once-over. “Red-haired all the way down.”

  No denying that. Jaycee’s was golden, the grace of her leopard coming through in her human body.

  Dimitri admired her for a moment, then leaned down and licked the path his hands had taken on her breasts. He did what he’d pictured doing in the hall—drew his tongue around her nipple and pulled it into his mouth.

  Jaycee let out a faint moan. She rose to him as he suckled her, her hands lacing through his short hair and drawing him close.

  She tasted of salt and herself, the spice of Jaycee. All his. Dimitri had never been sure if she’d taken lovers other than himself, and he’d never wanted to ask, but it didn’t matter anymore. They were together now, one for the other. No one else.

  Jaycee stroked his hair, and then her hands landed on his back, fingers restless. Dimitri drew her nipple between his lips, enjoying the tip, then let it go and raised his head.

  They looked at each other in the darkness, Jaycee’s eyes tawny, her golden hair spread across the pillow. Her body was curved and firm, a Shifter woman in the height of her beauty.

  Mate of my heart. She’d been always, would always be.

  Jaycee ran her hands up Dimitri’s arms. Her fingertips were soothing on his hot skin, leaving furrows of coolness.

  Dimitri leaned down and licked her throat, where her fake Collar had left a faint line. He closed his lips over the skin there, suckled.

  “Don’t leave a mark,” she whispered. “We’ll have to put the Collars back on.”

  Dimitri growled and lifted his head. She had a smile on her face, as though she pictured herself with a Collar and a love bite peeping from behind it.

  The image sent Dimitri over the top. He growled again, unable to hold back any longer.

  The wind chimes on the veranda went wild as Dimitri came down on Jaycee, parted her legs with a strong hand, and slid inside her.

  Jaycee cried out softly and rose to him, her back arching. Hot, tight, gripping—Jaycee.

  Each time Dimitri loved her was better than the last. Mating frenzy rose, urging him to stay locked inside her until they emerged exhausted and starving. They’d eat, rest, and do it again.

  Mating frenzy served a purpose, but right now Dimitri didn’t care. He only knew Jaycee’s strong body was closing around his, her scent enfolding him.

  He thrust, then paused, then made another thrust. Goddess help him. Dimitri balled his fists, pushed them into the mattress as he thrust again. Jaycee lifted to him, her lips parting as she met his stroke.

  She was made of beauty. There wasn’t a time he hadn’t loved this woman, this strong and sassy Shifter.

  You’re breaking me, Jase. I’m ready to do anything for you.

  If she wanted to return to Kendrick and tell him she wouldn’t investigate Brice anymore, Dimitri knew he’d go with her, face his leader for her. He’d a hundred times rather do that than listen to Jaycee tell Brice she refused Dimitri’s mate-claim, even if she didn’t mean it. Dimitri wanted to punch Brice in the mouth for even suggesting it.

  My mate. My best friend. All other Shifters can eat shit.

  He drove into her a little harder, a little faster. The bed rattled, shaking on its own. Wind whipped around them, clattering pictures against the walls. The chimes below pealed.

  The sounds and jostling spurred Dimitri on. Jaycee wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him down to her, her hands gripping his arms. She rocked her head back, her cries of pleasure echoing around him.

  Jaycee was lost in sensations, begging him to take her, though Dimitri was doing that as hard as he could. She wasn’t quiet, she shouted and yelled, to hell with whoever heard.

  There was no one but the house. Dimitri knew damn well Ben had taken himself out of the way so he wouldn’t have to hear them.

  He rocked into her, Jaycee holding him tight, her feet pressing his buttocks. Dimitri felt his balls tighten, his release ready to overtake him. He resisted, wanting to stay inside her forever.

  Slowing didn’t help—it only heightened the sensation of her squeezing him, her hot body the only place he wanted to be.

  “Damn it all to hell,” Dimitri snarled as his climax refused to wait. White fire pulsed through him, he lost all coherence, and he drove into Jaycee over and over again.

  Jaycee was plenty resilient. She held firmly on to him, lifting from the bed as her own climax came, her cries matching his. Her hair tangled on the pillow, her face flushed and wet.

  Dimitri thrust into her one final time, holding himself inside until his shaking arms wouldn’t brace him any longer.

  He collapsed even as Jaycee, under him, finished riding out her release. She caught him in her arms, pulling him close, her kisses muffling his words of anger that it was all over.

  The furniture ceased moving, the bed coming to rest with a thump. The wind died and the chimes below diminished to a whisper.

  Jaycee gently ended the kiss, drew back, and looked up at him. She smiled, warmth in her golden eyes, and Dimitri’s world was perfect.

  * * *

  When Jaycee stumbled to the kitchen at the end of the hall in the morning, Ben was at the stove cooking breakfast for about five hundred. Eggs overflowed the frying pan, and a plate piled high with bacon rested on the counter next to a stack of toast that had come from an entire loaf of bread.

  Ben looked clean, rested, chipper. His close-cropped black hair was damp from a shower, his bruises and abrasions gone, his tatts stark on his dark skin.

  “I thought you kids might be hungry,” he said, flashing Jaycee a grin.

  Jaycee put her hand to her hair. It was a mess, her face creased from the sheets. Dimitri had been in the shower when she’d climbed out of bed. He’d kissed her when he’d gone, walking out the bedroom door stark naked, giving her the best view in the house.

  She’d thought about joining Dimitri in the bathroom, but she’d heard Ben moving around and grown hot with embarrassment. She’d pulled on the first shirt she found and some loose-legged pants, and hurried down the hall to the kitchen.

  “Can I come to the sun and moon ceremonies?” Ben asked. “I love those.”

  “Nothing’s been decided,” Jaycee said quickly. Her stomach rumbled, confirming that she was ravenous. She grabbed a clean plate from the table Ben had set and filled it with bacon and toast.

  Ben held out a spatula of eggs, and Jaycee shoved her plate beneath it. “A little more?” she asked as he dumped the eggs to it.

  Ben laughed and complied. Jaycee seated herself, drew her feet up to sit cross-legged, and attacked the food. Ben gave her a knowing look, and Jaycee blushed again when she realized the shirt she’d picked up off the floor had been Dimitri’s—his favorite black one with the red orange Harley logo.

  “Are you really all right?” Jaycee asked Ben, delicately lifting a strip of bacon.

  “I am. This house is great. I slept like a baby—heard nothing, thank the Goddess. The magic here speeded up my healing something wonderful.”

  “Good,” Jaycee said sincerely.

  “I wonder if Jazz would let me stay on here,” he continued, turning back to the stove. “I could look after the place for her. It has a great vibe.”

  “Ask her,” Jaycee said. “As long as you’re not worried that it’s haunted.”

  “That’s the beauty. If someone comes in here who shouldn’t, he’ll have the shit scared out of him. Great security.”

  Ben returned to cooking, humming to himself.

  Jaycee ate until her plate was clean, first hunger abated, then she r
ose and poured herself a large cup of coffee, dropping in a few spoonfuls of sugar. “Something I’m confused about.” She sipped the hot, sweet mocha and closed her eyes in satisfaction. Nothing was better than coffee. Nothing. Well, maybe chocolate. And wine. And sex with Dimitri. Sex with Dimitri was definitely the best.

  “What’s that?” Ben filled a plate of food for himself and carried it to the table.

  Jaycee leaned against the counter, cradling her cup against her abdomen. “A couple of things. You said you could cast a glam and not be seen, so you could get away. But when you were scouting for Kendrick a while back, you got stabbed. Remember? Zander had to heal you. Why didn’t you use the glam then?”

  “Wasn’t paying attention,” Ben said in irritation. “I was so sure I was being covert. I was careless, and I paid for it. Thanks for bringing it up. Next question.”

  Jaycee took a sip of coffee, thinking things through. “When Brice was reaming you out last night, he said something like—you and your people sided with the dokk alfar, dark Fae. Said you caught and tortured Shifters in whatever battles.” She frowned. “But I thought the dark Fae were the good guys. The only one I know, Reid from the Las Vegas Shiftertown, is a dokk alfar. We like him because he hates the high Fae.”

  Ben slowed his chewing and rested his fork on his plate. He swallowed and cleared his throat.

  “There are a lot of points of view,” he said.

  Dimitri entered in time to hear him. He wore jeans and a loose-fitting tank top, which showed the red curls on his chest at the neckline. He, like Jaycee, was barefoot.

  He walked right past Ben and all the food to corner Jaycee against the counter.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he said. He moved her coffee cup aside and kissed her.

  The kiss was hot, full of passion and afterglow, his lips warm, Dimitri taking his time. When he at last pulled away, he cupped Jaycee’s face in his hands and looked down into her eyes. His were dark gray, holding a mixture of longing and satisfaction.

  Jaycee wanted to say something like Morning yourself, gorgeous, but nothing came from her mouth. Dimitri brushed back her hair with a firm hand, then turned away and caught up a plate. Jaycee sagged against the counter, her heart beating rapidly, her body full of fire.


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