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Revival of venus
Eric Wilkins
Copyright © 2021 Eric Wilkins
978-1-952874-57-4 (paperback)
978-1-952874-58-1 (hardback)
978-1-952874-59-8 (ebook)
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Chapter 1 The Antimatter Repulse Attracter Emitter Invention
Chapter 2 Professor Dario Omagus Speaks about Venus
Chapter 3 More Venus facts
Chapter 4 Christina Barbarosa The ARAE Inventor
Chapter 5 Antimatter Repulse Attracter Emitter
Chapter 6 ROV or Revival of Venus Plan
Chapter 7 Jack Wiseman Phase Two of Revival of Venus
Chapter 8 Phase 3 Why Triton was Chosen
Chapter 9 Jessica Gulasky Phase 3 of ROV
Chapter 10 July 29th, 2826 Phase One Begins
Chapter 11 July 27th, 2841 Arrival at Neptune
Chapter 12 Tritons Escape from Neptune
Chapter 13 February 16th, 2850 Halfway Point
Chapter 14 Four Million Miles to Venus
Chapter 15 Back at Venus and the Fourth Brigade
Chapter 16 Triton’s Orbit Insertion
Chapter 17 Venus’ Rotation Speed Up
Chapter 18 Early Venus Settlers
Chapter 19 Galena Gold on Venus
Chapter 20 Anunnaki Intervention
Chapter 21 Worlds in Shock and Worry
Chapter 22 The Anunnaki’s Message is Revealed
Chapter 23 Eight Hundred Sixty Years to Earth’s Destruction
Chapter 24 Planet Nibiru Approaches
Chapter 25 The Earth and Nibiru Collide
Chapter 26 Venus Hides Behind the Sun for Protection
Chapter 27 A Hundred and Ten Years Past Nibiru
Chapter 28 Celesta and Thomas Explore the New Venus
Chapter 29 Our First Venus Surface Storm
Chapter 30 The North Point of The Venus Canyon
Chapter 31 First Solar Eclipse on Venus
Chapter 32 Buried Under Venus Mud
Chapter 33 Return to Pandora Base
Chapter 34 Our Report to The Exploration Council
Chapter 35 Heroes by Eric Wilkins
About the Author
Chapter 1
The Antimatter Repulse Attracter Emitter Invention
It had all been speculated by many astronomers and the passage of time, that the planet Venus seemed different than all the other planets in the solar system.
No scientific mind of Earth’s twenty seven earlier centuries had ever figured out exactly what happened in the past to make Venus the hottest slowly retrograde rotating planet in our own solar system.
There came a time in the twenty eighth century, when a long termed project had begun to attempt to repair and reevaluate the mysterious world of Planet Venus.
Citizens of Earth had progressed greatly in space exploration to the point of several Mars bases and orbiting space stations around Ganymede and Europa but Venus and it’s thick crushing atmosphere had forever been a forbidden planet for humans to land on and survive.
In the year 2817, hundreds of space flights leaving and entering Earth’s atmosphere were a normal occurrence. There were at least a hundred orbital stations around Earth at different altitudes including two paraplegic hospital stations in low Earth orbit.
Ganymede and Europa, both had research stations around two of Jupiter’s Moons. The Mars colonies had excelled and expanded until several thousand Mars families now lived and prospered in three pressurized domed cities on Planet Mars.
Humans of all nations had stopped their long time warring ways and joined together to colonize and conquer space in the immediate solar system.
No one had conquered Venus because to this present date’s technology, it had not been possible for humans to survive the hostel hellish Venus crushing poisonous atmosphere.
In the year 2820, a young Einstein of the day scientist named Christina Barbarosa, had discovered how to use a tiny amount of antimatter to form a huge reverse pulsed beam that was very powerful even in the vacuum of space. She named it the ARAE for Antimatter Repulse Attracter Emitter.
It is to that brilliant discovery, that is what lead up to the Earth Astronomy Space Council that convened on this present Earth day of March 7 2821.
Chapter 2
Professor Dario Omagus Speaks about Venus
Professor Dario Omagus gaveled the large body of scientific minds to a complete silence as he began this session of the greatest scientific importance to all humankind.
Today, we scientist are gathered here to create plans for the future Revival of Venus Project he stated.
In all of my years of studying astronomy, I and many others have always wondered about the mysteries of Planet Venus and why it exist in the drastic state that it does.
The cyber world and the scientific body in attendance listened intently.
Here are some facts about Venus that are presently known. He continued.
The planet Venus from Earth has an apparent magnitude of -3.8 to -4.6, which makes it visible from Earth even on a clear day.
Venus is sometimes referred to as the morning star and the evening star. This all dates back to ancient civilizations who believed that Venus was in fact two different stars appearing in the sky.
Once the orbit of Venus overtakes Earth’s orbit, it changes from being visible at sunrise to being visible at sunset. To the ancients of Earth, they were known as Phosphorus and Hesperus by Greek astronomers and the Romans referred to them as Lucifer and Vesper
At present, a single day on Venus is longer than its own yearly revolve. That’s because due to the slow retrograde rotation of Venus on its axis, it takes 243 Earth-days to complete one retrograde rotation while Venus’ orbit of the Sun only takes 225 Earth-days making a year on Venus shorter than a day on Venus.
Venus is sometimes called Earth’s sister planet. This is because their sizes are very similar. There is only a 638 km or 396.4 miles smaller difference in the diameter of Venus than the diameter of Earth and Venus has around 81% of Earth’s mass.
The two planets are also similarly located in the solar system with Venus being the closest planet to Earth than any other planet. Both planets also have a central iron core and a molten mantle and similar crust.
Planet Venus has no moons. That’s a problem Professor Omagus stated.
Billions of years ago, the climate of Venus may have been similar to that of Earth and scientists believe that Venus once possessed large amounts of water or oceans. However, due to the high temperatures produced from the extreme greenhouse effect, this water boiled off long ago and the surface of the planet is now too hot and hostile to sustain life as we kno
w it.
Venus rotates slowly in the opposite direction to other planets in the solar system. Most planets rotate counter-clockwise on their axis looking down from their north poles however, Venus like Uranus, rotates clockwise.
This is known as a retrograde rotation and according to ancient science theory, may have been caused by a collision with an asteroid or other object which crashed into Venus and caused the planet to change its rotational rate and direction of spin. Possible it may have even caused Venus to flip upside down.
Professor Omagus paused in his lengthily Venus fact explanation and injected a personal opinion to the many scientist that listening intently.
You know what he paused. I find it hard to comprehend why astronomers from the twenty first century, always tried to explain all the solar system’s properties by postulating a collision with another heavenly body.
Indeed, that may be true in some cases he conjectured but, close passes without collisions could very well have changed planet properties also and I professor Omagus surmise that this may have been what happened long ago to cause the present status of Venus.
Personally, I think that Venus stopped rotating eastward when it lost it’s moon that we now refer to as Planet Mercury. Possible if Mercury was once Venus’ Moon, maybe another massive object passed near without colliding and caused the then Mercury moon to be pulled into its own inner orbit around the Sun. After all, Mercury does indeed have a very unique mysterious elliptical orbit.
A heavenly body massive enough to pass on the outside of Venus’ then Moon, lets say estimated at approximately a half million miles above Venus, would surly cause the Venus poles to reverse when the former Mercury Moon was pulled away by the gravity well of a close passing massive body.
Professor Omagus continued his facts lecture after stating his personal opinion. I have another postulation Professor Omagus stated.
Venus passes closer to Earth than any other planet. It’s been theorized for years that Venus and Earth’s close approach and gravity are too far away to perturb each other when they are at opposition. I think that there is something wrong with this theory.
It’s not just two similar masses that are acting upon each other at close approach. The Earth has a Moon in orbit that also adds to the mass of the Earth system’s gravity well.
Since Venus is 81% Earth’s mass. The Earth’s Moons mass has to be added to the equation also.
Possible, it’s the Earth Moon total system mass that gives Venus a tug when Venus passes on the inside of Earth and the Moon’s orbit and keeps Venus from being totally tidally locked to the Sun.
It’s a well known fact that when Venus passes on the inside of Earth’s orbit, that Venus always presents the same face or side towards our planet Earth. That indeed has to be a gravitational influence.
Chapter 3
More Venus facts
Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system with an average surface temperature of 462°C (863°F). Also, Venus doesn’t tilt on its axis which means there are no seasons either.
The atmosphere composition consist of a dense 96.5% carbon dioxide which traps heat and caused the greenhouse effect which evaporated any water sources billions of years ago.
It’s the Earth’s Moon that causes axial tilt and the season on our wonderful planet. Humankind wouldn’t be able to exist for long if the Earth lost its Moon.
Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. This may be in part due the brightness of the planet and may date back to the Babylonians in the year 1581 who referred to Venus as the bright queen of the sky.
The professor concluded his known Venus facts to his captivated audience and stated the following.
Chapter 4
Christina Barbarosa The ARAE Inventor
We are here today to honor our esteemed scientist Christina Barbarosa, who’s research that lead to the invention of the ARAE that can eject a reverse pulse or attractive force in a powerful focused beam towards any object.
It’s predicted that future days will bring the powerful ARAE up to immeasurable repulsive and attractive strength.
I now present to you, Miss Christina Barbarosa. Lets give this respected scientist and her research team a round of applause for the discovery of a lifetime of the ARAE or Antimatter Repulse Attracter Emitter.
The attending crowd stood and gave her a standing ovation.
Tell us about your discovery Christina, Professor Omagus was still applauding as she stepped forward to address this world-wide broadcast announcement event.
Chapter 5
Antimatter Repulse Attracter Emitter
Hello my fellow colleagues. I Christina Barbarosa, am pleased today to be here with all of you to introduce this exciting new ARAE concept.
I and my dedicated staff, have devised a new repulse and attract device that has very unique properties that works extremely well even in the vacuum of space.
It was this amazing antimatter and string theory research discovery, that myself and other scientist here created in our long dedicated effort that took place over the past decade.
This antimatter discovery has enabled my staff as a team, to create the ARAE that myself and staff refer to simply as R A. or repulse attractor.
Well she stated, I’ll attempt to express ARAE’s power for all including the millions of cyber listeners that are tuned in today.
At full power and mounted on a space ship tug, it can push Earth sized planets around in their orbits and move moons to specific locations. How does it work she stated.
Let me explain. Our research team discovered that it only takes one negative antimatter liquid hydrogen atom to be bombarded with a positive charged helium three atom, to effect a three second reverse pulse that is capable of exerting a controllable focused bandwidth of extreme pressure or attraction outward or inward even in the vacuum of space.
You can call space a vacuum all you like she stated but, the fabric of space is not a nothing.
Space is indeed a fabric that bends in the presence of a planet or moon’s massive body. Space is more like an Aether of tiny invisible to the eye inferred stringed particles of innumerable element strings. Space is never a nothing no matter where you are in the universe.
The fabric of space itself is indeed a powerful something when acted upon by the ARAE device.
Therefore, it can also be used as new space ship engines producing one quarter light speed of 46,500 miles per second with perpetual fueled use.
What’s amazing Christina continued, is that the kick back ratio of the emitted pulse in a forward direction, is relatively nothing or less than one hundred of a percent compared to the forward pressure emitted force.
Interestingly, at the same time, if ejected at the rear of a ship, it enables a extremely powerful propulsion.
The ARAE system also has the capability of focusing in on specific atoms and pushing or attracting individual elements and atoms with out disturbing other atoms.
So, if you have ships that can produce repulsion at its nose or forward direction and propulsion at its rear without cancel, you then have a new ship capability of gradually moving large objects around in space and placing them wherever you want them to be.
Sure, it could be used as a weapon but that is not our intention here on the project that we are all here today to begin discussions about.
That project that we are here to begin is called,
The Revival of Venus or ROV. I now graciously give you back to Professor Omagus to explain the exact details. A standing ovation occurred again as Christina sat down and the professor stepped forward to speak again.
Chapter 6
ROV or Revival of Venus Plan
A silence came over the audience as Professor Omagus paused before speaking.
We of this century begin today this adventurous project entitled, Revival of Venus.
There are now in production, several fleets of ARAE powered ships that will soon begin the biggest ever undertaken by humanity project ever.
This important project to Revive the Planet Venus and make it habitable for future humankind is an undertaking that the ARAE discovery will allow us to undertake and begin immediately.
In the immediate future, fleets of R-A powered ships will be dispatched to Venus to focus their repulse attracter beams towards the upper atmosphere of the thick Venus atmosphere in order to begin the thinning process of the greenhouse atmosphere that is approximately 300 miles thick.
It’s been postulated by several esteemed scientist, that by focusing the R-A beam towards specific atoms in the Venusians atmosphere, that in a half century or so of time, it will be possible to reduce the greenhouse effect and extreme pressure by blasting the unwanted gasses away from Venus and inward towards the Sun.
It’s also predicted that this atmosphere regeneration will take approximately 50 earth years to complete.
The long term plan is to reduce the atmosphere of Venus by 66% over the half century process.
After the atmosphere is beginning to be thinned to specifications and Venus begins to cool, Repulse Attracter ships will begin the process of mining ice asteroids and injecting them into the Venus polar atmosphere to introduce water vapor back on the Venus surface for the first time in eons.
Also, during that long term process, Nitrogen and Oxygen will be continuously injected into the Venus’ atmosphere. Because Venus hardly has any magnetosphere at the moment, it is intended to bring the millibars pressure down to just 10 % above earth’s approximate thousand millibars pressure at the surface of Venus.
It is in later plans to remedy Venus’ weak magnetosphere situation by inserting a similar sized earth moon into orbit which my head assistant Jack Wiseman will inform you of those future processes in the second phase of ROV. Mr. Jack Wiseman, it’s all yours Sir, you have the floor.