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Anunnaki knows now that humans have progressed much in science, physics and astronomy at this point of your existence. That is not about why we have come to Earth this time. This time is about you being incapable of knowing your future and that is the reason that we Anunnaki have returned to Earth now.
Our world Nibiru exist at present way past the edge of your known solar system. It is now well past its apex and in 860 of your Earth years, the Nibiru will return again. We have calculated the precise orbit of our home world Nemesis for eons but this time things are extremely different. With a pause she stated bluntly.
Planet Earth and Nibiru will be destroyed.
Escalated Concerned erupted followed by gasp from some of the Earth leaders attending.
Then all settled down into a whispered silence of fear while returning their attention back towards the thirty feet tall Inana with extreme worry.
Inana’s Melam garment effect began tingling the humans back to complete silence as she spoke once again.
It is not the Anunnaki that will destroy Planet Earth. We Anunnaki have many times saved the humans of Earth from close passes of our home world Nibiru.
This time, it is imposed by the Almighty Creator that even We the Omnipotent Anunnaki are incapable of stopping the Earth’s Apocalypse and our home world Nibiru’s destruction.
In your year of 3740, our world Nibiru will surely collide with Earth. Earth’s destruction is imminent and will surly be destroyed on September 13th of that future year.
We the Anunnaki are presently leaving our world Nibiru to survive and embark on a interstellar journey. We are unable to help Earth humans this time due to our own Nibiru’s destruction. We Anunnaki must leave our world also to survive.
Humans of Earth should surely listen to this warning. It is now time for humans to begin your planning of your own combined desires to survive the coming destruction of the Nibiru and Earth.
If You succeed in this survival undertaking, It will insure that some beings of human-kind will survive this destruction of your home world Planet Earth and our own Nibiru that is ordained by the Creator of All.
We Anunnaki will not intervene this time. We can not. It is forbidden because we must insure that our own race will survive also.
In conclusion, Our world Nibiru is an extremely dense high gravity world that has a hundred times gravity that the Earth has.
Nibiru is over 30,000 miles in diameter but has a gravity so strong that your repulser emitters will not be able to change its course.
Earth’s destruction is unstoppable but human-kinds existence is not. Chose your future actions well. Your own fate is yours to win. You of Earth have been duly warned. In two Earth rotations, We Anunnaki will depart Earth to return to our own survivals future.
Once the destruction of Earth and the Nibiru occurs, for centuries fiery boulders and stones will bombard other worlds also.
Anunnaki implores humans to seek your future with caution and wisdom. It will be 5 years before your astronomy science allows you to verify that Nibiru is coming. We will leave shortly and place this warning in human hands.
As quickly as Inana finished her speech, the dome began reappearing from the ground up and in 20 minutes time Cairo was invisible again.
All of Earth’s leaders were shocked at the Anunnaki disclosure of Earth’s immanent destruction. It was very apparent now to all that the ROV project was a necessity and their only hope of human survival.
Long range astronomy scientist were attempting to verify exactly where Venus would be in its orbit on that dreadful future day of September 13th, 3740.
Early indications looked promising but none were sure of the finale position Venus would be on that apocalyptic day.
The ROV project was immediately prioritized with the Anunnaki news of Earth’s finale future day revealed. It was predicted by many scientist that possibly Venus and its Moon Triton may have to be moved in its orbit also.
Although the Anunnaki had stated that the Nibiru’s gravity was too strong for their R-A devices to handle, it was postulated that maybe they will be able to move Venus and Triton if it became necessary. If that was to be the case, it would indeed require thousands of the R-A ships to make it happen.
A week past the Anunnaki departure, the eight ships were recorded leaving the solar system past the orbit of Eris a dwarf planet way past Pluto in the outer solar system.
Chapter 23
Eight Hundred Sixty Years to Earth’s Destruction
Eight hundred and sixty years seems like a long time but in reality, it’s just a tiny grain in the sands of time when you think about it long term.
Venus teraforming itself was far from being completed and even then humans would not be able to walk its lower surface unprotected for hundreds of years.
There would come a day when that was possible if humanity made it so but all in all, humans of Earth really had their work cut out for them to make it happen in the future here on Planet Venus.
Now, humans absolutely had no choice. Neither the Humans or the Anunnaki could change Earth’s future destruction.
Immediately in earth’s future years, R-A ships were being built by the thousands.
In 2889 Venus was habitable by explorers but still humans of the day had to wear protective space suits to survive the still hot environment.
It was predicted that Venus would not cool down to Earth’s temperature for several centuries.
Astronomers had now detected the dreaded Nibiru way past the Kuiper belt on the edge of the solar system. The Kuiper belt is a doughnut shaped debris field that circles the Sun fifty astronomical units past Pluto with one AU being equal to 93,000,000 miles.
That’s 4,650,000,000 miles away from Pluto’s orbit.
In words, 4 billion 650 million miles.
The Nibiru at that distance only appeared as a single pixel on long range scanners but it was surly headed inward as the Anunnaki had warned. The Nibiru was moving relatively slow at the moment but it’s high gravity would in a few years would pick up speed as it headed inward.
Scientist had predicted that this high gravity world Nibiru had a hundred times the gravity of Earth.
The Nibiru world was definitely very condensed and producing powerful gravity effects way out in the Kuiper belt as it drew nearer to the edge of the solar system.
Studious work prevailed by humans for the next five and a half centuries and Planet Venus had become quite Earth-like in appearance but still only about one billion humans lived on Venus in the year 3436.
The Nibiru appeared larger in telescopes but was still 304 years away from Earth’s destruction day.
Now with more precise measurements, it was clear that although Venus would not be struck by Nibiru, it’s orbit in September 3740 would put the planet in extreme peril of the blasted matter that would occur on the day of Earth’s destruction.
Venus and Triton had to be moved in their orbits and that would be no easy task to complete.
It was now precisely calculated by astronomy scientist that the Planet Venus and its new Triton Moon would have to be moved past the 93 million mile Earth orbit to approximately 98 million miles and opposite the Earth’s position on the other side of the Sun in order to evade the molten rock matter that would be blasted inward when Nibiru struck Planet Earth on September 13th, 3740.
Still 304 years away, several thousand or so R-A ships began the process of beginning the Venus, Triton relocation adventure. Humans had no choice. It was do or die.
Worldwide disorder had broken out on Earth when the 51 billion population learned that only selected individuals would be allowed to survive the apocalypse of Earth’s coming destruction.
There was no such thing as law and order anymore because Democracy no longer existed to the billions that would be left behind.
Many humans of various nations had decided th
at if they could not be offered the chance to survive, that they would begin attacking Venus with missiles as an act of selfish hatred.
The Nation of North Korea that was the only nation not represented at the Anunnaki Council, had began firing nuclear weapons in the direction of Venus in its attempt to destroy everything that had been accomplished at this point.
R-A ships easily struck the missiles down before they could reach anywhere near present day Planet Venus.
By 3440, thousands of R-A ships lined up around Venus and Triton to begin the Venus and Triton move out past Earth’s present orbit. One would think that if moving Venus was possible that moving Earth would be possible also. Certainly that was not the case here at all.
The Anunnaki had said that Earth and Nibiru were being destroyed by the Almighty Creator and that nothing that the humans could do would change that fact or save Earth from destruction.
It was so ordained to happen by the Universe’s Creator regardless of any human attempted interaction.
In other Words, You can’t compete with God Almighty. Evidently, God had a reason for this action above and beyond humankinds ability to reason or comprehend. At least this fact is true. God Almighty had sent his messengers the Anunnaki to give some humans a chance to survive.
Two hundred more years passed and around 3640 Venus and Triton were moving past Earth’s orbit guided by thousands of R-A ships and heading for an assumed safe spot to evade most of the destruction that the Nemesis would cause when it struck Earth in a hundred years.
Even though the Nibiru was still several billion miles away, It appeared as large as the Moon would appear in the night sky on Earth.
Humans could easily discern fiery lightning from it’s edges as it proceeded inward way behind Jupiter in its inward travel.
Gravitational effects were being felt already as the ocean waters of Earth rose and fell in unpredictable surges.
Many of the 48 billion that remained on Earth had already perished to death by the violent eruptions of Earth’s interior being spewed into the atmosphere. Planet Earth and the Moon still existed but were definitely suffering many ill effects from the coming destructive Nibiru.
Chapter 24
Planet Nibiru Approaches
Earths rotation had ceased and the Moon itself had been ejected way out of its normal orbit of Earth.
Oceans rushed to one side due to the slow rotation that earth now turned and the extreme gravity effect of the approaching Nibiru.
Earth had turned into a frightful place to live on and the few that still survived had lost all hope of any such rescue attempt.
Two billion selected by lottery souls now lived on Venus as the Nibiru grew nearer to Earth by the day. The once beautiful Earth had turned to a dusty red gray circumference as the volcanic dust filled the once breathable atmosphere. Planet Earth was doomed. There are no other words that possibly could describe it. Planet Earth would soon be non existent.
Venus was now in its temporary ninety eight million mile orbit from the Sun with the moon Triton safely tucked in a orbital revolve.
Pointed upward stone pyramids with shelters below on Venus now served as protection from the predicted for years coming of falling hot boulders. Venus citizens were terrified of the coming destruction of their once home world Earth.
No one could even begin to fathom what that day in September 3740 would even be like.
Even on the new Venus, effects were being felt from the gravitational effects of the massive Nibiru that filled the sky of Venus even though Venus was headed for the opposite side of the Sun.
From this distance on Venus, planet Earth was visible equal to a tenth of the size that the Moon once was visible from Earth.
Nibiru also had grown larger in size as it now crossed the opposite side of the orbit of Planet Mars.
Tremendous lightning strikes were easily seen projecting it’s powerful bolts inwards towards the Sun’s inner system. The entire solar system was in peril. Mars cities had retreated underground to survive the Nibiru Wrath. Venus citizens also had retreated below their pyramid structures in hopes to survive the approaching terrifying Nibiru threat.
When the Nibiru was 20 million miles distance from Earth, Earth was being pulled at its equator and swollen on one side as it had stopped rotating completely and was now being pulled outwards towards the fiery approaching Nibiru’s Death grip it was in.
Chapter 25
The Earth and Nibiru Collide
September 12th, 3740
The R-A ships had placed Venus and Triton on the opposite side of the sun at a distance of approximately 100 million miles. The explosion from the surface of Venus would not be able to be seen because the Sun would be blocking the view. Satellites were in place to record the apocalyptic event of Earth and Nibiru’s finale moments of existence.
September 13th, 3740
819 AM, former Earth eastern standard time
From the surface of Venus on the far side of the Sun, there was a moment that the Sun blinked and produced a sunbow of colors as the explosive compression waves wrapped around the Sun a little over 8 minutes after impact.
It was as if the Sun itself was pushed backwards and closer to Venus by a half million mile due to the Nibiru and Earth’s destruction.
Chapter 26
Venus Hides Behind the Sun for Protection
Satellite video showed the collision to be as bright as two suns in space for several minutes as much of the matter of the two worlds were evaporated into nothingness after the compression waves had ceased.
Invisible momentarily to the eye, was all of the spewed matter that once made up Earth and the Nibiru that was hidden in the explosive flash.
As the tremendous flashed subsided to half of its original brightness, satellites revealed huge chunks of matter being dispersed in all directions where Nibiru and Earth once existed.
At a time just after the crash, there occurred a giant implosion suction in the area of the collision that echoed throughout the entire solar systems.
Remaining planets rocked in their orbits as the fast moving shock wave passed each in their own turn.
Mars was propelled outward slightly to 142.5 million miles in its orbit and even the mighty Jupiter and other large gas worlds were shaken by the explosion the day that the Earth and Nibiru died.
Some of the matter was ejected towards the Sun at tremendous speeds but much of the hot matter was spewed outward in many other directions.
Planet Venus had missed much of the original percussion wave but its exit orbit behind the Sun placed it in harms way of the rock matter that was skirting the trailing edge of the Sun’s Corona.
September 18th, 3740, Planet Venus was struck by thousands of fire lightning boulders from the sky as what was left of humanity trembled underground in their pointed below ground shelters.
Venus quakes larger than any ever felt on Earth continued for several years. The teraforming that had once been almost completed now suffered the wrath of matter that was the remains of Earth and the Nibiru.
The Planet Nibiru had been an enemy of the solar system for eons. Many times human civilizations had lost their past identity and history due to encounters in the solar system when the Nibiru world came inward every 5000 years.
This time the Anunnaki themselves had to flee their world in search of safety and were unable to save humans of Earth from the effects of the Nibiru’s collision with Earth.
The Creator had decided that much of the Earth’s humans were too corrupt and this time the Nibiru also was to be destroyed so it could never corrupt the solar system ever again.
Planet Venus had turned into a Noah’s Ark of the day and humans were given one last chance to survive by their wits without the help of the Anunnaki’s intervention.
The Anunnaki as powerful as they were, also had to devise their own futures existence. Their wor
ld existed no loner either.
It was assumed by survivors that they had exited this solar system and were destined to find a planet around another star in the Milky Way Galaxy to dwell on.
All In All, September 13th had been a very dreadful time in this now tamed from the Nibiru’s destruction of the solar system. The Nibiru would never come again. It was forever eliminated along with Planet Earth.
Chapter 27
A Hundred and Ten Years Past Nibiru
By the year 3850, humankind of Venus were existing above and below the surface at times. Venus was still approximately 98 million miles from the Sun in its orbit and now had cooled from the immediate bombardment of fire boulders.
Our star the Sun now had a ring of matter surrounding it near the orbit that Venus once existed. The Sun from Venus now appeared like a bright Saturn globe with colored hot rings. Much of the matter had been consumed by the Sun but more than 40 percent of Nibiru and Earth matter now orbited our star at approximately 60 million miles distance.
Of the two billion that fled to Venus, only about One billion of those humans had survived.
It took many months for the shock wave blast to cease and for the entire solar system to somewhat settled down.
The three Mars Cities had barely survived the Nibiru’s apocalypse of the destruction of planet Earth and Nibiru. Steadily the humans that survived on Mars began to rebuild their partially destroyed Cities and slowly begin repopulation.
Planet Venus was now pot marked with numerous craters but in the year 3790 the ROV project had finished teraforming the atmosphere and had began moving Triton and Venus inward to an approximate orbit that the destroyed Earth once occupied.
Venus had cooled tremendously in the past fifty years while it occupied it’s 98 million mile from the Sun orbit. Fifty two percent of it’s surface was now covered with oceans and dust from the volcanoes that spewed magma into the air surrounded the base of several mountains.