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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

Page 18

by C. D. Gorri

  She closed her eyes against any embarrassment she might have otherwise felt. Nakedness aside, she felt her other half brush against her mind with a gentle reaffirming touch.

  This was her sow, her inner self, her Bear she was communing with now. Her Bear was strong, fierce, and beautiful. She recognized the inner peace her sow felt and longed to feel that way in her human skin. But something was missing, always just out of reach.

  She forced her mind back to the present. Scents, familiar and new, invaded her nostrils. The sandy shore, the lake, the forest, and Nate. His presence was almost disturbing, but she acknowledged him for what he was. An observer. A friend.

  He was a Bear like her. Strong, trustworthy, she told her sow. Her animal recognized his intentions as friendly, though she scoffed at the idea of allowing a man who was not her mate to watch her Change.

  It’s for art, she told her stubborn animal. The trust and connection between woman and Bear had always been strong. Her sow soon agreed to perform accordingly.

  With a deep exhale, Krissy fell into that special place where both halves of her soul existed harmoniously together. Shifter magic wasn’t something readily recognized in the supernatural world with Witches and Warlocks taking all the fame, but what else could it be?

  That special plane of her existence that allowed her body to Shift from woman to Bear in a matter of seconds was the very essence of magic in her mind.

  Shifters were more than just animalistic nature and brute strength. Her power pulsed within her very veins as her bones broke and reknitted themselves and skin stretched to accommodate her Bear.

  It felt so good to let her sow out. Like a long stretch after an exhausting drive. She felt no pain with her Change. Not since she was a child. A low grumble rose up from her belly and she snapped her jaws.

  Whipping her ursine head towards Nate, she preened to find him engrossed in studying her. His human fingers flew over paper as he sketched and sketched. She wondered what it was he captured there in his book.

  Her Black Bear was large, though smaller than Shifter males. She had thick, dark fur that lightened to a warm brown on her muzzle and underbelly. Huge four-inch claws tipped her paws and she flexed them proudly for Nate.

  Not wanting to simply stand and pose, she did what Bears do. Krissy turned her body with the keen agility of her animal despite its size and waded into the cold lake water.

  Nate laughed in delight as he continued to draw her. Feeling good, as she did, Krissy stepped out of the lake and ambled closer to where he sat. She shook out her fur to his mock anger and wails. Chuffing laughter as only a Bear could make sounded from her chest.

  “Krissy! No, you’ll get my drawings wet!”

  She stopped her playful activity and looked towards the tree line. Her supernaturally keen sense of hearing picked up on something, or rather, someone coming up on them. The slow, almost silent steps of a predator made the fur on her back rise, Nate stilled next to her, his eyes glowed with his Bear.

  A loud snort reached her ears, the animal announcing his arrival. A second later, an enormous Black Bear with white-gold fur stood less than twenty feet away from them, rising from the tree line like a ghost in the night.

  The beast huffed, baring his teeth at Nate who’d placed himself between Krissy and the animal. She was so not having that. He still wore his skin while she was in her fur. Besides, Krissy had nothing to fear. She recognized the man who belonged to that blonde fur.

  Beautiful, she thought as she watched his beast hulk towards them, fur glowing white gold in the rising moonlight. An eight-hundred-pound Spirit Bear, rare and stunning to look at, she didn’t understand what he was doing there.

  She stilled all movement, her enhanced vision taking in his aggressive stance as he reared back. Taylor stood up on his hind legs and loosed a massive roar in Nate’s direction. Her Bear preened with his action, while her human half scoffed.

  What the hell was he doing? He’s come for you, her Bear preened with the knowledge. Krissy’s human half, however, was not ready to admit any such thing. Tension filled the air, Krissy stepped in front of Nate, shielding him with her body.

  Unblinking she watched displeasure cross his face and the Bear reared back once more. He charged towards them, until he was hovering over Nate, who’d dropped his gaze and remained stock still.

  Taylor opened his dripping jaws; a rumbling growl filled the air. That’s it! Incensed, she huffed at him. His green gaze fell on her, eyes glowing in the darkness.

  There was no reason for this! She moved in front of Nate again and pushed Taylor back with her snout. She almost had to threaten her Bear to get her to move, since the dumb animal was completely thrilled with his moronic show of aggression.

  “Krissy, get back,” at Nate’s words Taylor looked at him once more and roared. Spittle flew through the air and Nate stepped back.

  She’d had enough. Krissy pulled on that special Shifter magic that allowed her to swap fur for skin and started her Change. Panting and dripping sweat she gasped as both Bear and man remained caught in their tentative stand-off.

  “Nate, go, now,” she breathed and placed herself between him and the animal. She knew instinctively he would never harm her.

  “You sure?” At her nod he backed up, slowly.

  “Taylor, man, listen I was just sketching her, like we talked about,” Nate moved slowly holding his tablet and his sketchpad in one hand and raising the other one in surrender.

  He looked at her with a questioning glance, she nodded, and he retreated. Still refraining from looking Taylor in the eye as he did so. Smart man.

  The huge blonde-Black Bear reared back and roared again, pounding his foot against the packed dirt angrily. Tension rolled off him in waves, again causing excitement to grow in Krissy’s sow. Good mate. He fights for us.

  NO! Krissy was not about to let Taylor challenge his newly found brother over a complete misunderstanding. She pushed her small human hands against him, and his sharp green eyes met hers.

  All traces of anger fled as he gazed at her. A noise from the path caused him to refocus on where Nate had gone, and the Bear growled deep in his chest.

  Enough of this nonsense. She didn’t want any more confusion. Nate was a friend. But even if he wasn’t, Taylor had no business interfering! She didn’t belong to him! Yes, we do.

  She vaguely took note of Nate’s retreating form. Good. She didn’t want him getting involved in this. It was well past time for her to take this thing by the horns.

  “Taylor! Skin! Now!” she growled through human teeth.

  It wasn’t long before they both stood facing each other. He breathed deeply with the force of his Shift, the sounds of Nate’s trek back to the Den echoing in the silence surrounding them.

  Krissy was unsure of what to do next. They both stood staring until Nate called out to them. Of course, he knew they would hear his message with their Shifter senses.

  “You both got some stuff to work out, I’m heading back to the Den. Yell if you need help.”

  Traitor! She wanted to scream after him, but she was caught in Taylor’s emerald green stare. His eyes raked over her body like a lovers’ hands. Heavy lidded, chest heaving he looked his fill until she squirmed under his gaze.

  “Oh, Dimples you are beautiful,” he growled.

  Sure, they’d been on Clan runs together, but Krissy had always stayed close to her little sister. They were the only two in their family, and the Barvale Clan was not large by any means. Maybe seventy-five Shifters attended runs at a time, still enough to keep them apart.

  Taylor had always been surrounded by friends and his brothers. He’d never sought out her company other than for things work related. But now, he looked at her like she was a feast and he a starving man.

  “I need,” he growled, tongue licking his lips as he stepped closer.

  Heat pooled in her stomach and moisture slicked between her thighs. Her body readying itself for her man. Our mate.

  “You sme
ll so good, sweet,” he sighed.

  His six-foot plus frame swayed closer to her, but she was frozen in place. His voice deep with his Bear, yet it sprung from him like a gentle breeze in the night.

  Shaking her head, she exhaled, bracing herself against the temptation that was Taylor. Her heart squeezed in her chest. Her body, however, trembled with anticipation.

  She was suddenly aware that she was completely nude in front of Taylor! Eeek! Self-consciousness reared its ugly head and she desperately wanted to cover up.

  Krissy was a Bear Shifter. She was tall and big. Ample curves covered her near six-foot frame. Images of Taylor’s girlfriends from over the years flashed through her mind. They were mostly petite and thin. Beachy looking waifs with big hair and flat stomachs. The complete opposite of Krissy. Her hands raised to cover herself, but she forced them down.

  No. She was not going to go down that road. Krissy straightened her shoulders, eyes wide as he looked his fill. There was no denying her curves now. Years of hiding behind shapeless flannels and jeans gone in an instant.

  “Please,” he moved closer, enveloping her in his fresh-cut grass scent.

  “So beautiful, so mine,” he murmured.

  Krissy gasped in surprise. Her eyes dropped to the evidence of his attraction and warmth kindled once again in her belly. All self-consciousness left as he reached for her.

  Slowly, as if he was afraid, she’d run, he raised his big hands. Like a cowboy with a skittish mare. The image popped into her mind as Taylor took his time invading her space.

  Heat from his body tickled her damp skin. Arousal darkened his eyes. The heady scent filled her nostrils and her mouth watered in response. Gods, he is so beautiful. His naked body outlined in the silver moonlight brought a bone deep craving to her heart.

  He was perfection, as if sculpted from the finest stone to her every desire. Whipcord lean and yet covered in thick ropes of muscles that most Shifter men seemed to share. But not overly so.

  Not beefy, like his brothers, Taylor’s stomach was flat, ripped with muscles. She counted eight but could have went further. Her eyes zoomed in on his hard length and he hissed in a breath.

  He was so big. Everywhere. Mine. Mate. She wanted to devour him from head to toe. Awareness sparked and desire welled between them. Still a golden god, she mused as he leaned forward and breathed in her scent.

  He wasn’t the type to spend hours in a gym, and his shape screamed natural as opposed to sculpted. Taylor had no such leisure time. Often looked at as the easy-going Devlin brother, she knew just how hard he worked for the Bakery and the Clan.

  It was simply easier to tell herself he was a shallow playboy, than to admit that Taylor Devlin was a real man of substance who simply didn’t see her as mate material. Pain lanced her heart, but she pushed it away.

  This might be her one opportunity, and right then, she made a decision. Krissy would have this experience. Even if it was only for one night. She’d cling to it wholeheartedly for the rest of her life.

  “Need to touch you,” he growled, lips grazing her neck.

  She shuddered involuntarily as his fingers grazed up and down her ribcage to the undersides of her breasts, lighting fires in their wake. She arched into his touch, forcing his fingers to brush harder against her sensitized skin.

  Longing to press herself fully against his body, Krissy tried to steady her breathing. He would be warm, she knew. Shifters had higher core temperatures than normals. He was hot alright. So hot, he could burn her up with one embrace. Right then, she wouldn’t have minded at all.

  Caught in the erotic game of looking and barely touching, Krissy moaned. Desire flooded her veins. The scent of their combined arousal painting the night air.

  Did he smell her need? Hear her heart pounding heavily in her chest? It felt loud as thunder in her mind.

  “Smell so good, Dimples, look so fucking good, bet you’re gonna feel better,” he growled and closed the distance fully between them.

  The two of them groaned as his smooth skin slid right up against hers. He hissed as his hard shaft rested on her soft belly. He dropped his head, nostrils flaring and eyes blazing with lust. Krissy was lost in them. In him.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this for a very, very long time,” his whispered growl sent shivers down her spine.

  Then they were colliding. No finesse, just raw need as he smashed his lips to hers. The kiss an explosion of feeling rather than the chaste meeting of lips she’d experienced in the past.

  There was joy and happiness in that kiss, but also bone-deep need and desire. She never felt anything like it. Tongues warred, teeth scraped, lips clung, and through it all he repeated her name like a mantra. Her name, not Dimples, she smiled against his mouth.

  “Krissy,” he moaned, sliding his hands down her back, over the curve of her ass, squeezing her.

  “Krissy,” again he said it as he dominated their kiss, growling with the force of his desire.

  “Yes,” she moaned back, tilting her head to give him access to her neck and throat.

  “Krissy, sweet Krissy,” he breathed her name, tasting her as he stroked and teased her, mimicking what their bodies were going to do soon.

  They stumbled to the ground together grinding and moaning against one another. She didn’t want to think. Only feel. No pesky what about tomorrows to mar this sweet interlude. Even if it was the only one, she would ever have with him.

  Sex wasn’t an easy thing for Krissy. She preferred sex with emotion, so it had been a while for her. Her body knew what to do, it responded instinctually to his sensual assault.

  It was her heart that stuttered in her chest. She tried to soothe it, to lock it up inside, but it was a losing battle. Mate.

  She loved Taylor. Always had. Always will. She hushed her frantic mind and allowed herself to fell back into the rhythm of their lovemaking with gusto.

  “Feels good,” she whimpered as he ran his hands up her leg and parted her thighs.

  “Krissy,” he moaned her name, licking at the valley between her breasts before falling on one hardened nub and then the other.

  Her body responded, tightening and swelling, moisture pooling in her cleft. She arched her back, forcing her breast more fully into his mouth and reveling at the pleasure that shot through her. His erection pressed hard against her belly, she wanted him lower, deeper, filling her.

  Taylor groaned around her nipple, sliding his fingers along her wet pussy. He played her like a master, sucking on her tongue before continuing his journey down her body. Drawing out moans and sighs with the slightest of touches.

  Restless and needy, she ran her hands down his back, tracing and touching every inch of him she could reach. His chest rumbled under her caresses and she felt empowered. She continued her journey, running her fingers along the muscled curve of his ass, kneading the hard flesh and swallowing his moan.

  “So beautiful, baby, I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he groaned and pulled back.

  Using his tongue and teeth, he nipped and licked a trail from her breasts down to her navel. He delved his tongue into her bellybutton and tasted the soft skin there, kissing and breathing her in at the same time.

  Her eyes opened, thousands of stars dotted the sky, but she didn’t see a single one of them as he slid further down her body, hands clamped onto her hips like vices. She whispered things, desperate for his touch. Drowning in her need, Krissy’s legs parted, cradling him in the apex of her thighs

  “Gods, yesss,” she moaned as his body slid down, shoulders parting her legs further.

  Taylor pushed on her thighs and spread her legs wider. His hot breath warmed her exposed flesh as he parted her moist lips with unsteady hands.

  “So pink and wet for me, aren’t you, baby,” he didn’t wait for a reply. He leaned forward, his long tongue delving into her tight cleft.

  Taylor groaned as he withdrew and slid his tongue into her channel again and again. Growling deep with pleasure, his thumb found her clit and he
circled, circled, circled the tiny nub until Krissy moaned aloud.

  She hissed against the pressure of his tongue and the vibrations coming from his chest all the way up to his mouth. Rocking her hips against his face, determined to chase her pleasure, she groaned when Taylor grasped her hips and held her firmly.

  Such sweet torture! Her head whipped from side to side as he flicked his clever tongue over her tight bundle of nerves. Her clit pulsed, needy and wanting.

  “You taste so good, baby. This cream is all for me, isn’t it? I’m gonna fill you now, stretch you,” he growled.

  Hands fisted in his blonde hair she choked back a scream as he filled her with both his fingers and tongue. Working in and out of her tight channel, wringing out every inch of pleasure.

  Her entire body wound tight as a bow. Taylor grunted and doubled his efforts. Lifting her hips with ease, he pulled her up to his face, sucking on her clit as she rode his hand.

  “Taylor!” she cried out, hips working in time with his clever hands and his tongue.

  Krissy rocked against his sweet invasion. Loving the feel of his fingers as he stretched her, and yet wishing for more. Wanting his cock to fill her. Visions of him taking her with his shaft filled her head.

  “Fuck yeah, baby, I want you just as much, but you gotta come for me first,” he growled.

  He lapped at her clit with long sweeps of his tongue. Whispering encouragingly and fucking her on his hand, he groaned as he swallowed her arousal.

  Head thrown back, her pussy squeezed his fingers as he thrust them in and out of her sheath. She moaned his name, all sensation now. Uncaring of how loud she was or where they were.

  She gripped his head with her thighs and tore at his hair with her hands. Ecstasy was right on the precipice; she could taste it.

  Taylor growled once more against her clit sending waves of pleasure shooting through her. And then, it was hers. She moaned his name long and hard as her pussy clenched and her muscles spasmed. Pure bliss flowed through her.


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