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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

Page 20

by C. D. Gorri

  “Yes,” she murmured wrapping her arms around his neck, “mate me. Claim me, Taylor. Here. Now.”

  “Mine,” he growled, unable to keep his Bear back. He reached for her. Water slapped over the sides of the tub, but he didn’t seem to give a damn.

  Her sexy sweet mate was finally there and desperate to claim her. She wasn’t going to waste another minute doubting him. Her Bear knew, she knew, he was theirs. Since we were kids, she smiled.

  “We need a bed. I’m going to do this right this time,” Taylor stood up with her in his arms and wrapped a large towel around them both.

  “I thought you did okay the first time.”

  “Okay, huh? Well, this time we’re gonna see stars,” he growled and nipped her playfully.

  She locked her legs around his waist, and he groaned as her heat pressed against his stomach. She felt his dick throb against her ass as he cupped her globes and carried her to the bedroom.

  Preparations for Marcus’ and Leya’s upcoming engagement bonfire meant all the cabins had been cleaned and made ready for the event. Thank the gods or there wouldn’t be any sheets for them to lay on.

  He placed her on the bed, kneeling before her open thighs and gazing at her. She stared back at the ocean of golden flesh that was spread out before her. She couldn’t wait to dive in and explore him. But her mate seemed to have other things on his mind.

  “So beautiful,” her sensuous mate parted his lips and ran his tongue over the tops of her feet. Yes. Okay. Start there.

  He dipped his head and he continued kissing and tasting every inch of her. Behind her knees, inside her thighs, one chaste kiss over her pussy lips that left her breathless, a lick across her soft stomach, nibbles across her breast, and finally a long lick up her neck before capturing her lips.

  There was nothing like kissing Taylor. She sunk into the sweet pleasure that was his mouth as she relinquished control to his command. He licked her lips, her teeth, and twirled around her tongue.

  “I am falling more and more in love with you every second, baby,” he breathed in between swipes of his glorious tongue.

  “S’perfect. Love you. S’good, mate,” the words left her mouth before she could analyze them.

  “You’re mine, mate,” he nipped her lip and mock growled as she giggled in reply.

  Laughter turned to moans as their exchange became more heated. Laughter and joy had its place in every relationship, but Krissy was in love. And, more, she was loved in return. Holy cow!

  “I need you. Want you, only you, sweet mate,” he acknowledged their growing bond with every touch, every whisper. She felt his reciprocation of her love with each second that passed.

  It was scary and heady, owning the tremendous feeling that was theirs to share. He must have known because he told her, again and again. Taylor carefully explored her body, slowly, taking his time, and talking to her all the while.

  He whispered his love as he kissed her breasts and caught her nipples between his teeth. He moaned it breathily as he licked her pussy, swallowing her arousal like the sweetest cream. He roared it loudly as he finally thrust into her tight heat.

  Keeping pace, he crushed his body against her welcoming one. Embracing her warmth, reveling in her passion that burned brighter than any star visible that night. For him, only for him.

  Her Bear roared inside of her, she wanted him to claim her now. As if sensing the beast’s impatience, he leaned down and captured her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Using the same sweeping motion that his cock used to fuck her sweet pussy.

  She wrapped her long legs around his waist, swallowing his growl as she squeezed him between her thighs. His large hands grasped her hips, anchoring her to him. Yes. Her entire body seemed to scream this word.

  Her fangs descended as he pumped inside of her, the Bear wanting to claim her man. She whimpered and moaned as he pulled her closer, the heat in his echoing her need.

  Taylor rolled his hips, swiveling into her just right, touching her deep, so deep. She hissed and snapped her teeth, desperate to sink them into his flesh. He pushed harder, faster, rubbing his pubic bone against her sensitive clit. His dick throbbed inside of her tight channel. She felt her walls squeezing him as her orgasm hovered just out of reach.

  “Love you, mate. Mine.” Taylor growled and with one final pulsing flex, raised his head and struck, biting down on her exposed throat.

  A growl formed in her chest and she reciprocated. Her teeth sliced through the skin over his shoulder as they pushed and rocked against each other. She held onto his big body as her pussy clamped down on his cock. She sucked on the wound, mimicking his movements as his seed burst inside of her.

  They were one in that moment, one body, one love. The ferocity of their lovemaking was nothing compared to the ecstasy inside of her as their matebond settled inside and over them.

  Krissy groaned, her channel still squeezing and milking him as she sucked and pulled his essence into her mouth. Her mate’s blood slid down her throat sealing their bond and anchoring them together in a way she hadn’t known was possible.

  Her neck stung, but her mate licked and laved at the wound. Closing it with his Shifter’s powers, and she did the same to him. The pain gone, only pleasure remained.

  “Did you feel that?” Wonder tinged his voice and he nuzzled her neck, his cock still buried inside of her.

  “Mmm,” she wasn’t quite capable of words yet. It was as if everything clicked into place. They were together. In each other’s arms and hearts. Forever.

  “I love you, Taylor,” she whispered into his throat.

  “I love you, mate.”


  The fire crackled from the huge bonfire on the shore. Taylor watched his mate as she instructed a few of the younger Clan members to move the several long tables they’d gathered into neat rows.

  A food truck was just backing into the lane and she waved at the driver. Her voice carried over to him as she ordered a few more young bears to empty the delivery into the waiting coolers, but not to mix them up with the drink coolers where cases of beer and wine, along with nonalcoholic beverages were currently chilling for the soon-to-arrive guests.

  Huge kettles were set up over mini fires where they’d boil countless clams, shrimp, mussels, and lobsters to feast on. Potatoes and corn would also be part of the mix followed by an assortment of Bear Claw Bakery desserts for the occasion.

  Krissy had their bakers design his and hers honey buns and bear claws. They were absolutely adorable with the boy version decorated with black fondant bow ties and the female version with pink and white frosting bouquets.

  “Hey, Dimples,” he scooted behind her and nuzzled her neck eliciting a moan from his sweet mate. She was so lush and responsive. And his. Grrr.

  “Hi,” she said and turned around to kiss his lips.

  “Finally, you two took long enough,” a voice said.

  Taylor laughed as Krissy turned and gasped. Smiling she ran and hugged her little sister. Picking her up and twirling her around while kissing her cheek.

  “Luisa! You made it! I am so happy! Did you see mom?”

  “Of course I made it.! Like I would miss our Alpha’s engagement bonfire! Yes, I saw mom first, she said to tell you she is feeling so much better! Now, I got this. You go take a break,” Luisa Sposa rolled her dark brown eyes at her big sister.

  Shorter than Krissy, she had honey blonde hair cut in a short, practical bob. Her no nonsense attitude and photographic memory made her an excellent student, and someday soon, would help her to be an excellent doctor. She grabbed Krissy’s list of things to do and shooed her away, ignoring her searching hands.

  “I said, I got this, sis.”

  “Yeah, come on, take a walk with me,” Taylor held her hand and tugged her away from where Luisa was now harassing a number of young Bears about how they were setting the tables. Bonfires were utensil free events after all.

  “Hey, you guys have a minute?” Ugh. Stopped again. What the
fuck was with his asshat cockblocking brother anyway? Taylor stopped and narrowed his eyes at Nate. Fucking guy was forever popping up when he was trying to get some alone time with his mate. Still, he was growing fond of him. Reluctantly.

  “I wanted to show you what I, uh, made for Leya and Marcus,” Nate paused and grinned at the way Taylor’s hand came around Krissy’s shoulders possessively.

  “Easy, bro. I know the deal, anyway look,” in one hand, he held a framed picture and, in the other, a metal display stand.

  “What do you think?”

  He turned the canvas around, and Taylor was speechless. Krissy gasped and covered her mouth. The picture was like something out of a fairy tale, a huge black bear stood on four legs in the middle of a dense forest. The Bear was big and regal with dark fur and even darker eyes.

  Behind him stood a woman dressed in white with long flowing blonde curls and big blue eyes, her expression one of contentment and joy. It was obvious the woman was modeled after Leya, with her luscious curves and porcelain face.

  The Bear was her protector, but more too. Her hand was open towards him and he waited for her, guarding her, but there was something else to their relationship. Something Nate had managed to capture with each stroke of his brush on canvas.

  Love. The painting exuded love. Krissy’s eyes pricked with tears and Taylor frowned.

  “What the fuck, man, you made my mate cry!”

  “Uh, Krissy? You don’t like it?”

  “Taylor! Hush. No, Nate, it’s amazing. They are going to just love it. Look, I’m going on a break, just ask my sister, Luisa, where you should set it up. I’d say by the desserts but see what she thinks. She’s just over there.”

  Nate nodded and turned. His eyes remained locked on the spot where Krissy’s sister stood looking over her to-do list. Taylor watched as his eyes widened and he lifted his face to sniff the air. Taylor squeezed Krissy’s waist and drew her along with him.

  He couldn’t help but wonder about his mate’s little sister and his new brother. Nate was a fine artist, but Luisa was just starting her internship. She was hardly going to welcome his interest.

  All thoughts of her sister and Nate fled his mind as his mate’s scent washed over him. With a growl in his throat, he lifted her off the ground and jogged the rest of the way towards the cabin where they’d claimed each other just a week ago.

  “What? Taylor! I thought you wanted to talk, not break for a quickie!” Krissy giggled though he knew she thrilled at the proof of his insatiable appetite for her.

  He couldn’t understand why it was so hard for to accept at first the fact that he wanted her all the time. Cause he did. But he didn’t question it, he just showed her. He loved touching her, even if it was just holding her hand. And then there was kissing.

  Nothing could compare to his sweet mate’s lips whenever he tasted them. She was so responsive, so soft and open in her desire. He’d expected shyness, but not his Dimples. She was all woman. Aggressive when it suited her, she could be submissive as well. Her moods ranged as much as her sexual appetites and he strove to satisfy each and every need.

  He was made to do just that. To be her everything as she was to him. He’d been searching the journals for tales of fated mates and he’d been pleasantly surprised. Thought to be mere fairy tales, the stories he read proved they were rare, and yet, very, very real.

  Not that he needed a journal to tell him that. He knew it in his heart. He and Krissy were fated mates. Mine, his Bear huffed. Hunger surged through him. He’d always want her. Always.

  “First off, Dimples, a quickie, would never do. I need time to love you properly. Second, I do want to talk. Here. Now.” He punctuated his last two words with a kiss each.

  Loving the way her mossy hazel eyes grew heavy lidded with her own desire he nipped her lower lip and took the globes of her ass in his hands, pressing his hard length against her.

  “Mmm, I thought you wanted to talk?”

  “Yeah, talk,” he growled and nibbled her ear. Suddenly he walked her backwards to the far wall, kissing and caressing as they went. He reached for something on the dresser next to her.

  “Taylor?” She whined as he broke their kiss and slid to his knees.

  “Krissy, in the past I have been totally and utterly blind when it comes to you,” he began trying to remember his practiced words, but failing in her presence. Especially with her delectable pussy so close to his face.

  Fuck it, he just had to speak from the heart.

  “Taylor, I told you it’s in the past,” she murmured and ran her hands through his hair, trying and not succeeding to pull him gently to his feet.

  “Yes. It is in the past. I just can’t believe how blessed we are, to have found one another. We are truly fated mates, and I know that makes us more than married in the Shifter world, but we live in both worlds-”

  “Taylor, what are you saying?” She gasped as he revealed the small blue box in his hands.

  “I’ve already asked your mom and she is totally on board. I just need to ask you-”

  “Ask me? Oh my gods, Taylor!” She covered her mouth, eyes glistening.

  “Krissy Sposa, my sweet and perfect mate, the one person in the world designed especially for me, I am asking you to be my bride. What do you say? Will you marry me, Dimples?”

  She launched herself at him and it was all he could do to stand up fast enough to catch her. Their lips met and crashed against one another. He held onto her with one hand on her gorgeous ass and the other pushing her hair back from her face as he lovingly feasted on his mate’s mouth. Mine. Grrr.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Oh, yeah. That’s a yes,” she breathed and kissed him again.

  She slid her feet down till she was standing as he placed the emerald solitaire on her finger. He kissed her knuckles when he was done, grinning broadly and admiring his handiwork.

  “I can’t believe it,” she sighed and snuggled into him.

  “Believe it, Dimples. You. Are. Mine. And I am never letting go,” he kissed her again.

  The end.

  Bearly Tamed

  Bearly Tamed

  A Bear Claw Tale #3

  by C.D. Gorri

  For my husband! Mine! Grrr.

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