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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

Page 23

by C. D. Gorri

  “Um, yeah I do, but can I shower first?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you. I hate to be so much trouble, but do you have a clean change of clothes I could borrow?” She couldn’t meet his eyes.

  Shame washed over her, and she felt tears prick her eyes. Maybe that was why she hadn’t noticed him coming completely across the large room. Daniel squatted down next to the bed, bringing himself to eye level with her.

  His presence was almost overwhelming. So big, so strong. She waited for nerves or fear to wash over her, but it didn’t come. Instead, she felt herself leaning towards him.

  He had thick blonde hair several shades darker than her own pale gold locks. It was cut shorter the last time she saw him, but she found she liked it this length. The natural waves flopped over his forehead, making him appear boyish and charming.

  His deep-set blue eyes were clear and bright under a jutting brow. Damn, she was staring. And judging by his calm, amused expression, she’d been caught. Lacey stiffened. Her embarrassment increased. Dammit. She was unsure of what to do or say.

  “I know you must be having a lot of feelings right now, Lacey,” Daniel’s voice was deep, soothing, “but you did nothing to feel ashamed of. I realize that we only met a few times, and I wasn’t very kind to you before. I want you to know I am very sorry for my previous behavior.” He seemed genuinely abashed. His eyes flashed downwards, and she sort of missed that direct stare of his.

  “Oh no! I mean, it’s okay. You have nothing to apologize for. You just didn’t like me,” she shrugged.

  “That’s not exactly true,” he muttered and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Um, so,” she really needed to change the subject, “you are a, a Shifter then?”

  “Yes, but I’m nothing like the piece of garbage that did this to you,” his eyes went all intense on her again, and she shivered in response, “look, get dressed and I’ll feed you, then we can talk, okay?”

  Her stomach chose to grumble right at that moment. Yikes! Lacey saw his knowing smile before she even had time to be embarrassed. Again that is.

  “Clary, our housekeeper, will make you anything you want,” he grinned, making it all seem so normal. As if she woke up every day in his bed. I wish.

  “Eggs sound good. I usually skip breakfast,” she replied.

  “Why would you do a thing like that?”

  “Modeling hours are hell, and, well, eating is not exactly encouraged.”

  His responding grumble had her eyes darting back to his. He sounded animalistic. Well, duh, he is a Bear. But whatever fear or nerves she expected to feel simply weren’t present. Not with him.

  “Uh, sorry, it’s none of my business,” he grumbled.

  “I appreciate it really,” she felt bad for having upset him.

  “Alright, there is a private bathroom right through that door. I put some fresh clothes inside earlier. My sister-in-law gave me permission to raid her room for anything you might need, but I felt strange doing that. So, uh, I sort of ran to the store this morning for some personal, uh, things I thought you’d need,” his face was beet red by then, and she couldn’t look away. This serious man was embarrassed? Oh my.

  “Thank you for everything, Daniel, I don’t know how I will pay you back,” she started.

  “Don’t even kid about that. You don’t need to pay me to take care of you, Lacey. It’s my privilege.”

  That serious expression was back on his face. His blue eyes glittered, maybe even glowed, but she couldn’t be sure. Lacey didn’t know why, but the knowledge that he was caring for her warmed her inside. Don’t get used to this, she cautioned herself.

  “Anyway, don’t worry. We can talk about it all later. The things I picked up should do for now, that is until you are ready to go out yourself, then I’ll take you shopping anywhere you want.”

  “Oh, that’s okay. I’m sure I can just get what I need from my apartment,” she began, stopping when she noted the regret and anger that flashed across his face.

  “What is it?”

  “Lacey, I don’t know how to explain-”

  “Please just tell me what happened,” she held her breath not knowing what to expect.

  Lacey could tell by the array of emotions crossing his handsome face that something bad had happened. Well, something other than her being attacked by a real Werewolf, that is. Whatever it was, she could handle it. She always has.

  “I’m not really good at this. I mean, I am the Clan Enforcer. I’m supposed to handle things like this, but I never had to tell a woman, er,” he grimaced as he spoke and she couldn’t help but think it endearing, the way he tripped over his words.

  “It’s alright, you’re not responsible for what happened, just tell me. After all, I just had my face pummeled by a man who turned into a giant dog, what could be worse?”

  His returning frown was not comforting in the least. Oh no. Lacey tensed. It had something to do with Tim, she was sure of it. What did that monster do now?

  “Lacey, um, I sent some of my men, other Bear Shifters from our clan who work under me, you follow?” At her nod he continued, “Okay. So, I sent some of my men to guard your place and to investigate any sign of the man who attacked you. When they arrived at your apartment, it was too late. A fire destroyed the whole building. We suspect arson.”

  “Oh my God! Was anyone hurt?”

  “No people were injured, but a young girl did lose her cat.”

  “Precious? She belonged to a little girl named Ashley. I’m so sorry for her,” she couldn’t stem the flow of tears then.

  “There was nothing you could do, Lacey.”

  “But maybe if I would have just-”

  “Would have just what? Given that asshole what he wanted? Hell no. You did right.”

  “Yeah, right. Look at me.”

  “I am looking at you and I see a brave, strong woman who is more concerned with her neighbor’s cat than she is for the loss of all her personal possessions.”

  “They’re just things,” she shrugged.

  “Still, a lot of people would be grieving over their stuff. Pictures, television, clothes. I assume you had some pretty expensive things. Cause you’re a model and all.”

  “My career had it’s hay day a decade ago. Now I’m lucky to get runway jobs and even those are few and far between.”

  “But you were just in an ad?”

  “Yeah. That money went to pay some outstanding debts my mom left me with.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know-”

  “It’s okay, we weren’t close,” she turned her head away from the pity in his eyes, she didn’t need that, didn’t want it.

  “Don’t worry about me, Daniel. I will get by. I have another job lined up, though it will depend on how my face heals I guess,” he blurred in her vision as she wiped the annoying tears that insisted on falling. She would not feel sorry for herself!

  “Hey, there’s no rush, Lacey. You can worry about all that later,” he caressed her fingers and she was surprised to see he was still holding them in his big hands.

  “No, it’s okay. Really. A friend of a friend knows a photographer who’s interested in me for a photoshoot. I’ll have to call him,” she moved to stand up, but Daniel held her hand firm.

  “Take it one day at a time, no one is rushing you. Rest now, get up when you feel like it,” he coaxed.

  “Um, thank you, Daniel, I-”

  “There’s no need. What you need now is a long, hot shower. Take your time, afterwards we’ll talk, okay? I’ll be right outside this door if you need me,” he walked out of the room at her nod, leaving her alone.

  Lacey exhaled and stood up on shaky legs. She’d been working late last night, trying on some samples to appease a rather whiny designer that she was right for the job. She’d just been about to take a snack break when Tim had showed up.

  Damn. She should have never gone outside to meet him. Had no idea the crazy Wolf would kidnap her and try to force himself on her
. Thank God, he’d been easily distracted by his jealousy. The bastard had been furious to think she wanted someone else.

  After showering and dressing in the cute lavender panties and a stretchy sports bra he’d bought her, she donned the new pair of yoga pants he’d gotten but grimaced at the shirt. It was short sleeved, and she felt a little self-conscious with the bruises on her arm.

  Lacey walked out of the bathroom and opened the closet. She grabbed an oversized purple sweatshirt and hoped to hell it was okay if she borrowed it. It didn’t look like a woman’s and in fact was about three sizes too big for her.

  Still, it was soft and comfortable. Perfect. She inhaled the fabric and her entire body seemed to tingle as she caught a whiff of that pine tree fresh scent that always seemed to cling to him. So, this is Daniel’s shirt.

  She didn’t take him for a purple guy, but clearly, he liked the color. A smile touched her lips and she winced at the way it pulled on the newly formed scab there. Just a reminder of why she was in Daniel Devlin’ house to begin with. Shit.

  “You look better, um, nice,” he grumbled and stood to pull out a chair at the large breakfast nook. A tall, well-rounded woman with a stern expression swatted Daniel with a hand towel, before rushing over to Lacey.

  “Hello, you poor, poor dear,” she gave Lacey a quick hug and she noted the woman smelled like flour and herbs, it was a pleasant, calming odor that made her think this was what a home should smell like.

  The kitchen was neat as a pin too. Warm, earthy colors made it feel accessible. The mixture of high-end appliances and regular every day plates decorated with ceramic roosters made it feel lived in. Nice. Not at all like the apartments she’d lived in as a kid.

  Those were always littered with empty bottles of alcohol and takeout containers from her mother and her friends. She’d never had any peace until she bought them each their own condos. And mom managed to take that from me too in the end.

  Chapter 3

  “I’m Clary,” the housekeeper’s voice interrupted her daydreaming and she was glad for it.

  No use going down that road anymore. Her mom was dead now and the money was gone. The end. Lacey would figure it out. She had no other choice. She turned her attention to the kind-looking woman.

  “I’ve been keeping house for the Devlin family for a long time. Know these boys better than they know themselves, so if you have any problems you let me know and it’ll be burnt toast and runny eggs for a month!”

  “Oh come on, Clary, you know we’d never mistreat a guest!” Taylor, the youngest Devlin, walked in with a familiar looking woman on his arm.

  “Oh hush you! Good morning, Krissy. How do you put up with this mate of yours anyway?”

  “Morning Clary! And he has his uses,” the woman beamed at him. Lacey noted with some bemusement that they seemed perfect together. The tall handsome blonde with his curly headed woman.

  She laughed out loud when he wrapped his arms around Clary and dipped her back for a loud kiss on the cheek.

  “Taylor! Put me back on my feet! Krissy, tell this man of yours, I’m gonna deck him if he drops me!”

  “Taylor, stop!”

  “I’m sorry Krissy, but I love this woman,” he kissed the older woman again and was rewarded with a slap to his head. Lacey had to bite back a grin at the whole scene while Daniel sat quietly.

  “Don’t let him goad you, Clary. We just came by to drop off the nuts and dried fruit you had me order to the store,” Krissy said.

  “Great! Set that stuff down over there. Oh, and you,” she addressed Lacey, “sit down now, dear, and tell me how you’d like your eggs.”

  Clary’s kind eyes smiled at her and Lacey found herself responding. She’d been nervous at the amount of people who’d suddenly filled the spacious kitchen nook. Not just people, shifters, she guessed correctly.

  Oddly enough it didn’t upset her like she would’ve thought. She knew Taylor through her cousin, had met him before. He’d reclaimed his woman and smiled at Lacey with a sympathetic expression on his face.

  He was movie star handsome, she supposed, but he did nothing for her. Not that it would’ve mattered judging from the possessive arm he had around the curvy woman next to him.

  “You’ve met my fiancée? This is Krissy,” he nodded, and the woman held out her hand.

  “Nice to see you again. We sort of met a few months ago,” Lacey said and took the proffered hand.

  “Yes, I remember. I hope the other guy looks worse,” she said, acknowledging the elephant in the room.

  “He will,” replied Daniel with a growl.

  All the eyebrows in the room reached for the ceiling at that quietly uttered sentiment. Including Lacey’s.

  “So, the news I’d heard about you is true then, Taylor? You two are engaged?”

  “Yes, we are,” he smiled.


  So, the infamous playboy was really engaged! Lacey could not be happier for him. The bright and cheerful Krissy Sposa was wonderful from what she could see. Poor Margot. Not.

  Lacey immediately liked Krissy and wished them both all the best. He’d always been very nice when she’d seen him last year. Though he was a little distracted the night they were introduced. It didn’t matter. She suspected Margot only did that to earn some sort of brownie points with him.

  Heaven knew she’d been paraded around often enough by people wanting to capitalize on her mediocre fame. She considered Margot a bit mean, but ultimately harmless. Taylor was too good for her cousin in a lot of ways. He was respectful and charming, so unlike most of the guys who often came on to Lacey.

  “What are you making with all these goodies, you gorgeous thing you?” Taylor turned to where Clary was unwrapping the goods, they’d brought her.

  “Clary? It wouldn’t be some of that famous Christmas stollen by any chance would it? Tell me this is the year you give us the recipe for the store, please, my love?”

  “Taylor Devlin you will get that recipe when you pry it out of my cold dead hands and not a second before! Now out with you! I’ve got people to feed,” Clary grumbled, but Lacey could see the hint of a smile on her lined face. Clearly, she was pleased by the youngest Devlin’s constant flattery.

  “Okay, enough Taylor, leave Clary be. Is that the time? We’ve got to go! Bye Daniel! And Lacey? If you ever want to chat or need a little bit of girl time you give me a shout, okay?” Krissy called out as the happy couple left.

  Lacey smiled as much as her bruised lip would allow and waved. Daniel just sat there silently pretending to read his newspaper, but she knew he was watching her every move. She could almost feel his eyes on her. Like she was breakable.

  She wished he was looking at her for a different reason. Stop it, Lacey, she scolded herself. With her face and body, not to mention her pride, bruised, the last thing she needed was to pine after a man who wanted nothing to do with her.

  “Well, how do you want your eggs cooked?”

  “Oh, poached please,” she replied automatically.

  “Poached? You got it. How about toast?” Clary said.

  “None for me, thank you.”

  Daniel frowned at her and she wondered what she’d said wrong. Then she guessed it. He probably thought she was vain and silly, trying to watch her weight. It wasn’t that. Not really. Just force of habit she supposed.

  “Actually, Clary, if it isn’t too much trouble, do you think I could have my eggs scrambled with a little bit of milk and a slice of rye toast?”

  “Sure, sweetie,” Clary smiled and went back to the stove.

  “Hmm,” Daniel rumbled, but she could tell he was pleased.


  “I’m surprised is all.”

  “Why? Because I’m a model? Look Daniel, I have always had to watch my figure, but I like food. Besides, I won’t be working now for a while if at all depending on how these heal,” she spoke to the table as opposed to him. Not wanting to see the condemnation in his blue eyes.

; “You’ll heal alright. And for the record, you should never deprive yourself of a single thing you want. You’re perfect,” his voice was low, blue eyes capturing hers forcing her to meet his gaze.

  She felt deliciously trapped in that constant stare of his. Heat seeped into her bones, pooling low in her belly at the almost overwhelming intensity that met her across the table.

  Intense. That was one hell of an accurate description of Daniel Devlin. But before she could react, Clary set a plate in front of her piled with delicious smelling food. Lacey’s stomach growled and she looked up to see Daniel grin before he dropped his eyes to his own plate. He’d waited for her to eat. That was interesting.

  After breakfast, Daniel asked her to come to his office. She did, not sure what she expected. A conference call with the Barvale Clan Alpha, who was away on his extended honeymoon, was definitely a surprise.

  “Ms. Alain, I am sorry about what’s happened to you. I want you to know I’ve reached out to the local High Alpha and he’s sending a team to track down this rogue,” the Alpha Bear Shifter had a strong bearing, a straightforward expression on his face that commanded the respect and attention of everyone in the room. Wow, she thought, wondering how powerful he must appear in person.

  “Um, do I call you Alpha or Mr. Devlin-” she started nervously, crossing and uncrossing her ankles as she stared at the image of Marcus Devlin on the screen of the laptop that sat on Daniel’s desk.

  “Call me Marcus, please. Should I call you Ms. Alain or Esme?” He spoke in a friendly, pleasant voice that belied his authority. It was deep and gravelly, some would say sexy, but it did nothing for her. Not like a certain blue-eyed Bear.

  “Okay, um, Marcus. Please call me Lacey, no one outside of work calls me Esme. Well, except for Tim. That’s his name, the guy who did this,” she pointed to her face, and noticed the way the Alpha’s eyes seemed to glow at her recitation of the last night’s occurrences.

  She explained how she’d been working. A late-night dress sizing for a picky designer she was working for. Tim had texted her to meet him in the lobby of the building for a second. She figured he’d just stopped by to say hi.


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