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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

Page 36

by C. D. Gorri

  “Fine,” Marcus had agreed and named the six-figure price. Nate hadn’t even blinked. He wasn’t quite in his brothers’ category as billionaires, but he’d done alright over the years. Made some good investments and earned a pretty penny with his graphic design artwork. Software and video gaming companies were always after him to work on their products.

  Lately, however, he’d been a little preoccupied. For the past year or so, ever since he’d laid eyes on her. Moving to Barvale had been a hasty decision on his part after the death of his mother. Even after he’d met his brothers, he hadn’t been sure it was the right thing. Then he’d seen Luisa, and all his doubts faded. Mine.

  She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. She was a tiny thing, though she probably preferred to be thought of in terms of her intellect. He couldn’t help it though. She was sweet and sassy, and he stood more than a foot taller than her. Not that he minded the height difference. Not at all.

  His woman was all woman with soft lush curves and milky smooth skin. Everything about her was made for him. She was the one. His fated mate designed by the universe to be his and his alone. The Bear rumbled remembering their one night together. The night they’d claimed each other.

  Fuck. It had been perfect. Or at least he’d thought so. Sure, she’d been tipsy at first, but he’d figured she’d just needed a little Dutch courage to approach him. By the time they’d started with the heavy petting, her Shifter metabolism had burned through the alcohol. By then, they’d lit their own fire.

  His pulse raced as she frowned and read his vitals. Feeling like a cub again, he had to hold himself still or he was gonna make a grab for her. Then I’ll really be in the doghouse. Time. My woman wants time. Away from me. His bear bellowed a mournful sound and Luisa’s eyes met his, as if she’d heard it.

  “Getting up too soon can cause a setback-” she began.

  “I miss you,” he breathed the words interrupting her.

  He inhaled her sweet vanilla mint fragrance, allowing it to flow through him soothing both man and beast. She made to step back, but he captured her wrist in his hand and held her there gently. Shit. He was fucking this up, but he couldn’t help it. He needed to touch her.

  “Nate, please, I’m at work. I can’t talk about this here,” she said not quite meeting his eyes.

  “Where then?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Come to my place tonight, please,” he’d get on his fucking knees and beg if she wanted him to. Pride had no place in a mating. That’s what his mama had told him.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Nate. I asked you for some time,” she held her stethoscope tightly in her hands and he knew she was struggling, but he needed his mate.

  “It’s been a week, honey. I need to see you,” he couldn’t disguise his Bear in his voice. The animal wanted her with him. She might as well face the truth.

  Nate had heard stories in his youth of mated couples separating and the Shifters going mad from it. His own Bear had always been volatile, on the edge, and he’d hoped that finding his brothers and belonging to a good Clan would calm the animal.

  Hopes of finding his true fated mate never entered his wildest dreams. But he had. Only she didn’t want him. Cause you’re nothing but a half-breed freak, even for a Shifter. He closed his eyes and fought back the taunts and doubts that plagued him his whole life. He didn’t need to lose his grip on his Bear in front of her. Not here. Not now.

  “You alright?” Concern made her brown eyes grow even darker and he warmed at the thought. His Bear rumbled, mollified that she was worried for him.

  “Yeah, uh, little headache from that tap on my noggin is all,” he tried to hide his reactions with a grin that he’d been told was sexy a time or two. Maybe it would work on a reluctant mate?

  “A tap, huh? It was a tire iron, Nate. What were you doing with those four Polar Bears anyway?” She narrowed her eyes and took his pulse again.

  “Training,” he replied.

  He’d been showing them some different methods of hand to hand combat he’d learned growing up with the Flint Bears Shifters. Grizzlies, all of them. Nothing but a bunch of bigots. They’d all but kicked him out because he was a mixed breed.

  One benefit, hell, the only benefit, he’d gotten from that shitty little Clan he was from was his training. Those Bear Shifters in eastern Texas had their share of Native American ancestry and secrets had been passed on from generation to generation. Of course, he had to prove he was worthy of such teachings by beating the shit out of every Bear in the vicinity.

  They’d taught him, begrudgingly, but still. He’d been eleven years old when the lessons started. Of course, his were always a little but rougher than those the other boys received. The way he saw it was it only made him better and stronger. Besides, he had a right to those secrets. They were the secrets of his people.

  His mother had explained to him when he was a cub that his people had come from Spain to Mexico, but he also had a mix of Native American blood. Mainly Caddo and Apache. Combined with his Irish American father, Nate had a whole slew of history running through his veins. It explained the enormous monster inside of him at any rate.

  “Training, huh, well you will need to take a few days off,” Luisa’s voice brought him back to the present.

  “Will you come tonight?”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” she replied.


  “Okay,” she said breathlessly. Awareness surged through his veins. Before he could stop himself, he’d pulled her into his embrace.

  “What-what are you doing?”

  “Luisa,” he said her name, bent his head.

  Their breath mingled as he closed in. Need and desire pulsed through him until he thought he would burst. Never had he wanted a woman like this. His raging arousal pulsed in his briefs and he wondered how long it would take to strip her and bury himself in her heat.

  He stopped, gave her a second to step back, to make the decision herself. It was one second too much apparently. A knock on the door had her shoving out of his arms and turning her back just as Marcus and his very pregnant wife strode into the room followed by the four huge Polar Shifters.

  “Dammit,” Nate mumbled but turned to greet the Alpha couple with a grin and little wave. Thank God for the paper gown he had on or his sister-in-law would be seeing a whole new side of him.

  “Nate! What did you do to him you brutes!” Leya teared up looking at his bruised face, but she did that often now that she was carrying the future of the Clan.

  “Oh ma’am, we are so very sorry,” Bowie began, but one growl from Marcus had him shutting up.

  “Here, sit down, Mrs. Devlin,” the one named Tonic pulled a chair from the wall and offered it to her with an approving nod from Marcus.

  “So, doc, how is he doing?” Marcus asked.

  “I’m fine. Ready to go in fact,” Nate began.

  “I wasn’t talking to you. Besides, have you seen yourself? You’ve got a welt on the side of your head bigger than my hand,” Marcus snorted, and Nate glared. Finding his older brother sure had seemed like a good idea at the time, but he wasn’t so sure just then.

  Before he could retort, his little mate was speaking again. She’d managed to regain her composure as she addressed Marcus. Still cute as a button, she exuded intellect and command in a way he found impressive and sexy as all get out.

  He enjoyed seeing her like this, professional and in control. Hell, it turned him on knowing she was that damned good at her job. He knew it was the reason she was avoiding him, but for the life of him, he couldn’t imagine why. He stopped thinking to focus on her strong voice.

  “His vitals are good. He’s strong and healthy, but I wouldn’t recommend any more training for a week at least, especially not with those four,” she gestured towards the four Polar Bears with a glare that had them bowing their heads. A few muttered sorry’s were spoken, but she didn’t acknowledge them.

  “Alright, you’re the doctor. You heard her, Nate, that means no more hammering either at all hours of the day and night,” Marcus eyed him, and Nate shook his head.

  “Hammering? I thought you were a graphic designer,” she said, those near black eyes focused on him again.

  “I am, it’s nothing,” he answered her and glared at his brother.

  “Sure, Nate here is an artist, but he’s taken up construction as a part-time gig,” Marcus said with a wink.

  “You should come see what he’s done to the place, doc.”

  “Very subtle, dear,” Leya smirked at her tall husband.

  “Marcus,” Nate growled.

  “Um, sounds interesting,” Luisa said noncommittedly.

  “Maybe you should come see it. Maybe we can have a bite to eat too?” He asked cautiously.

  “Um, maybe-”

  “Oh!” Leya let out a pained gasp and all eyes flicked to her.

  “Leya, what is it?” Marcus knelt at her side.

  “I’m okay, a little cramp is all. I think the baby is kicking. Whew! It was a whopper of a kick too,” she laughed and pressed Marcus’ large hand to her abdomen.

  “Love,” he kissed her temple and rested his head on her shoulder.

  It was eye opening and touching to see his powerful Alpha humbled by his tiny mate. Could Nate be so honest and open with his emotions with Luisa? Damn straight. But it was Leya’s trust in her mate that made their relationship work. Leya knew that Marcus loved her unconditionally and she never doubted him. He just had to make Luisa see him that way.

  Nate noted that everyone looked away from the couple’s private moment. Except for Luisa. Nate noted the wide-eyed look in her eyes as she watched the two mates. He could almost see the invisible wall going up between them. So that was it, he thought to himself.

  Just something else he didn’t know about her. But he wanted to. That was an irrefutable certainty. Whatever preconceived notions his little mate had about him were about to be destroyed! He promised himself he would find out whatever it was that was giving her cold feet and he’d do his best to remove the obstacle.

  “Okay, everyone, my patient needs to rest before I can discharge him. Marcus, would you please bring Leya next door? I’d like to examine her since you’re here. Is that alright, Leya?”

  “Sure,” the bubbly blonde readily agreed and allowed her husband to help her stand.

  “You four can wait outside,” she pointed at the Polar Bear Shifters and they bowed their heads like cubs who’d just gotten a good scolding. Nate grinned. His mate was a fierce little thing. Protective too.

  “They’ll be good, honey. I mean, Dr. Sposa, honest,” he winked at her and she turned her head, but not before he saw the pink blush spread across her cheeks.

  Oh yeah. He needed this woman in his life permanently. Wanted her not only in his house and his bed, but with him for good. Shit. Shifter matings didn’t always mean love, but he could already feel her there in his heart. Mine.

  He stared unabashedly as she retreated from the room with Leya and Marcus. The Alpha looked after his wife with loving concern as she waddled into the corridor with her enormous load. She was awful big. Must be carrying a litter. And wasn’t that a glorious thing?

  Nate wouldn’t mind babies. Hell, he’d spoil them rotten trying to be a good daddy like he’d never had. He’d love them, that was the honest truth, but he could wait. There was no rush now that he’d found Luisa. He’d wait for cubs until she was ready.

  “So, uh, sorry about knocking you out there, boss,” Locke spoke up, interrupting his thoughts.

  Nate narrowed his eyes at the younger Bear. He was a fucking monster of a man. Almost seven-feet tall and composed of huge bronze muscles. He was the largest of the three Polar Bear Shifter triplets with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes.

  Multiples in Shifters was exceedingly rare. A novelty for sure. Though they were not identical, it was obvious the Nanouk boys were related. They all had dark hair and were hugely muscled. They had odd names too. Locke, Tonic, and Bolder. Their cousin Bowie Atiqtalaaq was older than them by about three years.

  Apparently, they were infamous in their small Alaska Clan for getting into trouble and were sent to Barvale to be put to good use. Nate genuinely liked the young men, though they had a lot of growing up to do.

  “You four are gonna have to learn to listen to everything I say before you go running around half-cocked-” Nate began.

  “He said sorry,” Bolder frowned as if he didn’t want to hear it, but Nate interrupted him.

  “Sorry ain’t gonna matter in a life and death situation, son. We’ve got a viable threat coming. You four know that. If we’re gonna get ahead of this thing, you’ll have to cooperate. So just what the hell were you thinking, comin’ at me with a tire iron when my back was turned?” Nate’s unintentional growl had all four Shifters baring their necks to him.

  Despite their size, he was the more dominant Shifter in the room. His Bear was still pissed they’d laid him out and it was all he could do not to paw the ground and charge at one of them. Challenges, or fights to prove dominance, were rare in Barvale, a fact that had taken some getting used to after being raised in the Flint Clan. Still, it was a better way of life. More civil at least.

  “You said that surprise attacks were useful-”

  “In the field, son, not at me. And sure as fuck not after we’d finished sparring and I was heading home!”

  “Sorry, uh, I’ll make it up to you?” Locke said, but for some reason it sounded more like a question.

  “Damn straight you will. All four of you are taking on extra patrols starting tonight,” Nate glared at the men and all at once the grumbling stopped.

  “Yes, sir,” Tonic said, ever the soldier. As Nate understood it, their Clan back home worked closely with a group of honest to God Dhampirs.

  The half-vampire Clan was dedicated to hunting down those Vampires who no longer had the will or self-control to live among normals. Hunter Vampires, as they were called, were more or less the most dangerous things on the planet. They killed without conscience and worse, they could sometimes be controlled by Dark Witches to execute their evil wishes.

  The Polar Bear Shifters were here to train with the Barvale Clan, but also to teach them how to handle the Hunter Vamps as some had been seen in the area. Apparently, after the fall of a local Dark Witch Coven, a group of the creatures had gotten free. Not all had been rounded up in the aftermath, and these Polar Bears had more than enough experience to get the job done.

  Of course, that was only half their story, as Nate understood it. These particular Polar Bear Shifters were also in trouble for some risky behavior back home. Due to their size and threat level, their Alpha was anxious to send them off and Marcus had readily made their home available to them.

  The four young men had seemed shocked and surprised when they’d arrived. Nate could understand that. His old Clan hadn’t been too keen on keeping him around either. Marcus had assigned him to take charge of the four monstrously strong Shifters and he had. Or, well, he tried to. The tire iron to the side of the head made him think he had more work cut out for him than he’d originally thought.

  “Anything else, boss,” Bolder asked.

  “Yeah, run to the market and grab me everything I’ll need for a romantic dinner for two.”

  “Uh, boss?” Nate rolled his eyes at Bowie’s wide-eyed expression.

  “It’s not for you, idiots. It’s for me and my mate,” he began.

  “You have a mate?” Locke asked.

  “The doc,” Tonic said elbowing his brother.

  “Oh man, the good ones are always taken,” Bolder nodded sagely.

  “Oh for Pete’s sake, get out of here,” Bowie shoved his three cousins to the door and nodded at Nate, “We got this. Don’t worry.”

  Chapter 5

  Leya finished her rounds at around eleven o’clock that night. Her replacement, a young doctor named Adrianna Curry had just been hir
ed to lighten her load. Though she was a normal, she’d been born to a Bear Shifter and was technically still Clan.

  Luisa waved to the pretty dark-haired woman as she left. Her eyes went over the closed door of exam room three and she swallowed. Coward.

  She’d managed to avoid going into Nate’s room again for the rest of her shift. What about dinner? She shook her head, closing the buttons on the light denim shirt she’d changed into as she crept across the parking lot.

  The soft wind was chilly even though it was summertime. Never could tell what the weather would be like in her little Jersey town. She sighed and ran a hand through her short blonde hair, almost missing the long shadow that marred the concrete floor in front of her.

  Startled she stopped in her tracks. Looking up she saw a tall, intimidating figure leaning against the lamppost that marked her parking space. Heat filled her stomach as she recognized the shape. Nate.

  What was it about this man that made her want him from the second she laid eyes on his sleek, hard body and his exquisite face? Fate. Her mind hadn’t conjured the word out of nowhere. It was her she-Bear that insisted he was hers. Mine.

  “You were released hours ago,” she said without greeting.

  “Yes. But since you had a nurse do that, I thought I’d wait for you, so you didn’t forget our dinner date,” he spoke through tight lips and hooded eyes.

  He was sexy as hell, bruised face and all. The doctor in her wanted to check his vitals one more time, the Bear wanted her to strip down and demand he take her, and the woman, well, she was stuck somewhere between wanting to do both. She was having difficulty with it though. The incredible sex they’d shared was one thing, but the caring for him that came with having found his one true mate was almost too much. She didn’t know if she could handle the weight of that kind of feeling.

  “I’m sorry, Nate, I’m really tired,” Luisa tried to fight the barrage of emotions that threatened to crush her and unlocked the doors to her trusty little Camry.

  “Of course you are, honey, that’s why I thought you might appreciate a nice homecooked meal.”


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