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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

Page 39

by C. D. Gorri

  “Made it back,” he announced, and she recognized the sounds of his front door opening and closing.

  “Did you?” She paused, realizing she didn’t want the call to end, but she felt foolish prolonging it.

  “You on in the morning tomorrow?”

  “Not till three in the afternoon actually,” she said and bit her lip. Waiting.

  “How about I swing by and fix you breakfast before you go? Around ten alright?”

  “Sure,” she agreed quickly.

  “Alright, I’ll see you then, honey.”

  Luisa could practically here the smile in his voice and she found herself grinning back. He was so sweet like this.

  “Um, Nate?”

  “Yeah, honey?”

  “Do you drink tea?”

  “Tea?” She could hear the smile in his voice. It was infectious.

  “Actually, I have been known to have a glass of iced sweet tea now and then, but I also like a cup of Moroccan Mint once in a while.”

  “Good,” she said, grateful once again he couldn’t see her grinning like a damn fool just from hearing his voice.

  A crash sounded from outside and she turned towards her back door. She frowned, distracted now by his voice and whatever was happening outside.

  “Luisa? What was the noise?”

  “Um, I don’t know. Let me check,” she began.

  “No, honey, don’t go outside. I’ll be right there.”

  “Why? What’s going on, Nate?”

  “Just stay on the line. I’m texting Bowie and the others to swing by your place too.”

  More loud noises and the screech of a neighborhood cat made her blood chill. Luisa was no scared kid. She was a woman. A Bear Shifter. She moved to her back door.

  “I’m just gonna take a peek,” she said.

  “Luisa, please, I’m almost there. Stay inside,” his gruff command was followed by the squeal of tires on pavement.

  “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m not a child, Nate,” she replied angrily. Here it is, she thought to herself, his cave-bear attitude in full force! But instead of feeling vindicated, she felt sad and hurt.

  “Honey, it could be dangerous-”

  “Yeah well, I’ll see for myself,” she clicked the cell phone off and shook her head.

  Wasn’t that just like a man? Trying to give her orders as if she would simply obey! Luisa growled. Even her Bear was annoyed. The noises seemed to stop so she opened her back door and stepped onto the wraparound porch in her bare feet and thin nightgown.

  “Anyone there?” She called out and sniffed the air. Ew! The stench of rotten meat reached her nostrils and she had to fight not to gag. Some animal must have gotten her neighbor’s garbage since she herself rarely ate at home, there wasn’t much refuse to throw away.

  The sound of heavy breathing brought her head around and Luisa gasped. She stood face to face with the most grotesque looking creature she’d ever seen. Her Bear roared in her mind’s eye, but she stood frozen in the thing’s black-eyed stare.

  Long, needle-like teeth protruded from black lips and gray skin as the creature hissed at her. It was tall, thin, and held its clawed hands out aggressively. Black liquid oozed from its mouth.

  “Back up,” she ordered the thing, but it threw its head back and screeched into the air.

  “Eeeeeeeeeee,” the sound was worse than nails on a chalkboard and she covered her ears but didn’t back up.

  Every instinct was telling her to flee, but she remained frozen. Its bat-like face was covered in something wet, some kind of mucus and the sickly-sweet stench of rot and decay clung to its matted hair and emaciated shape.

  “What are you?” She said aloud only to be answered with another deafening shriek.

  The sound seemed to bring more of them. Three, if she guessed correctly. She couldn’t make them out as they clung to the shadows, but she did hear one more take to the porch.

  The first creature lunged for her, barely missing her exposed flesh with its claws and Luisa cursed the tiny nightgown she wore. She ducked quickly missing another swipe by the creature.

  She might be an egghead, but she was a Bear too. She had quick reflexes and used every one of them right then. Another creature dove for her from behind and she soon realized retreating to the house was no longer an option.

  She rolled off the porch onto the grass and took off to the woods. The things followed behind her. They were fast, but so was she. Her first concern was for her normal neighbors. Whatever these things were, they were not part of the normal world and needed to be kept hidden. Why didn’t I listen to Nate?

  She’d beat herself up about it later. Right then, she needed to stay alive. A creature landed in front of her with a thud and she stopped in her tracks. Panting for air she looked and realized she was surrounded.

  “Luisa!” She heard Nate cry her name, but it was far away.

  “You sure you want to do this?” She growled at her attackers.

  “Fine then,” she said and burst through her nightgown in a blur of fur and claws.

  One creature got hold of her before her shift was complete and sliced through the skin of her left forearm. Luisa roared and swung her fully changed paw, knocking the thing back.

  She did her best warding them off. Fighting three at a time was not easy on the she-Bear. They seemed to be coming from every direction. They were inexhaustible as they scratched and clawed at her.

  The fight seemed to go on forever but in reality, must have only been a few minutes. Still, she was more than grateful to see her huge Grizzly Black Bear mate charging towards them.

  He took on the leader, slicing with his claws and retreating to stand in front of where she’d slumped to the ground. The scent of her blood seemed to be driving the creatures wild. As a Shifter, she was aware of many supernatural beings, but these things were out of her purview. Must be the Hunter Vampires Daniel mentioned in the Clan Newsletter, now if only she’d read the whole thing. Ow! Her Bear roared as the scratch bled and pulsed beneath her fur.

  She recalled what she could about the Clan newsletter and with a shock realized these were the creatures they’d been warned about. But they were nothing like she’d expected. Nothing of the human beings they once were remained in these beast-like creatures. And yet, they were not animals either.

  They simply seemed wrong to her. An ungodly abomination. She shivered at the thought but was unable to do much more than that. The last attack had left her pretty winded.

  Nate bellowed and pawed the ground threateningly. The Hunter Vamps were forming a semicircle around him. There now six of the things and Luisa trembled. They were sickly looking but much stronger than you’d think. Pain emanated from the wound causing her Bear to bellow and writhe on the ground.

  Nate roared as the leader charged him. He stood on his hind legs, all thousand pounds of him and landed in the creature with a thud. As the rest of the Hunters charged her mate, Luisa thought she saw four large white blurs heading their way.

  That was all she recalled before everything went black.

  Chapter 8

  “Luisa?” Nate’s voice sounded panicked to his own ears, so he gritted his teeth and forced a calmness he didn’t feel into his words.

  “Can you hear me, honey?” Fear settled in his stomach and he swallowed back the bile that threatened to rise. He couldn’t lose her now.

  Nate sucked in a great big breath and removed the blood-soaked bandage on her forearm. The jagged wound had been raw and bleeding when he’d carried her back home. He noted with relief that the skin had already began knitting itself together. Thank fuck for Shifter healing.

  Her skin was looking better now too, her pallor fading. She had more color than she did a half hour ago when he’d first scooped her blood splattered body up off the forest floor just a few yards from her house.

  Dammit. I should have never left her alone. He cursed himself ten times a fool for not forcing the issue of their mating. Seeing her prone form lying there so
still and silent was almost too much for him to handle. The Bear in him threatened to go apeshit as he looked at her so quiet and unmoving.

  After he’d basically stomped the brains out of what appeared to be the leader of the clutch of Hunters, the other Enforcers fought off the rest of the Vamps. He’d quickly turned to tend his mate when the rest of them fled. His overprotective Bear had snarled and snapped at the four Polar Bears when they’d come too close to his wounded female.

  Realizing these men were his allies and Clanmates he forced himself to Change. Luisa had turned back to her human form after losing consciousness. He hadn’t allowed himself to focus too heavily on her nudity or the fact there were other unmated males able to see her. He wasn’t a complete fucking jerk though it was a near thing. She was injured and needed attention.

  After he’d settled her on the couch, he tended her wounds. And after he’d reassured himself that she was alright, he’d ordered the four males to contact Marcus and to act as sentries outside her tiny house.

  “Mmm. Nate?” Her voice was breathy and soft as she called his name. It worried him to hear her so fragile.

  “Hey, now, easy,” he said as he helped her sit up.

  “There were Hunter Vamps outside,” she shook her head and he saw fear light her eyes. He didn’t like that at all.

  Gathering her up close, he eased down to the sofa while she clung to him. The thin sheet he wrapped around her body did nothing to hide her soft, sexy curves. I am nothing but a fucking animal thinking about her body while she is scared and hurt.

  “I should have listened,” she said, but he shook his head.

  “No, honey, I should have explained better. Taken better care of you. I am so sorry,” he smoothed her hair away from her lovely face.

  “Sorry, love, so sorry. I’ll do better, promise you, honey. I promise you, my love,” he said and kissed her cheeks and her eyelids, her nose and her lips.

  It was true, he realized with a start. He loved this woman. Her stubbornness and sass. Her incredible brain and dedication to her career. Not to mention her beautiful face and body, and the heart that went with it. Yes, he loved her. And he’d do anything to make sure she knew it. Starting now.

  “Hey boss, the Alpha just pulled up,” Bowie called from the doorway.

  The Polar Bear Shifter was smart enough not to enter the room without permission. Good thing too, cause Nate’s inner Bear was dangerously on edge. Grrr.

  “Marcus is here?”

  “Had to call him, honey. Daniel will be with him too.”

  “Luisa!” Both Nate and Luisa looked up to see Krissy Devlin charging into the room.

  Nate tensed as his mate’s big sister dropped to her knees and ran her hand over Luisa’s brow and arm before pulling her into a tight hug. His mate sagged against her sister, but to his utter delight and surprise, she remained rooted to his lap.

  “You okay?” Krissy asked and sat back on her feet. Her wide eyes shot from her sister to Nate and the tall she-Bear’s eyebrows shot straight up.

  “I’m fine, Krissy. Nate, uh, got here just in time,” Luisa’s voice was calm and reassuring for her sister’s benefit he was certain. She’d been a mess a few seconds ago.

  Not that he blamed her. Those Hunters were nasty pieces of shit as far as he was concerned. He was satisfied he’d killed one of the fuckers, though his animal wanted them all dead.

  As long as they stayed the fuck away from his mate, he was fine. Hell, he was just trying to understand what this new development meant to their relationship. His Bear growled, but Nate shushed him.

  Just because she was willing to sit on his lap in front of her sister didn’t mean she was ready to call a preacher. He could wait. Would wait. As long as it took. Grrr, said his Bear. Fuck you, said Nate.


  “Yes, Krissy?”

  “Um, why is my sister on your lap?”

  “Well-” He started but Luisa interrupted him.

  “What happened to the Vamps? Are they all dead?”

  “Not all of them-” again he tried to speak but this time Krissy was screeching at him.

  “What do you mean no? Those bastards tried to kill my sister and you let them live?”

  “He had no choice, bellissima,” a tall, svelte man dressed in all black entered the room as if he had every right.

  His commanding presence had every creature in the house focused on him. He was beautiful. Well, prettier than any man Nate had ever seen. Not exactly a compliment in his book. Still, something was off about the guy.

  The stranger had long dirty blonde hair, straight as a pin but styled in choppy waves like some kind of celebrity. He had an air of arrogance about him that was undeniable. His eyes were like liquid metal. A dark gray that bordered on black.

  He made no move towards Nate or the two women who were in the room with him. He noted with a grunt that the robe he’d dressed Luisa in was covering most of her, but still. She was vulnerable. Injured. Mate. Mine. Protect. His Bear was chomping at the bit, demanding to be released, but he held on. Barely.

  He eased Luisa off his lap and tried to tuck her behind him, but she seemed shocked by the man’s presence. The stranger smiled at her and his Bear just about went nuts. Nate noted Bowie’s silent approach and waited for the Polar Bear to sneak up and disable the cocky fuck. The man grinned wildly and sidestepped his attack, grabbing his wrist and slamming him into the wall as easily as if he was half his size.

  “Fuck, let me go,” Bowie growled, but the stranger simply tapped him on the top of his head and the Polar Bear Shifter slumped to the floor. Shit. This was no normal. Not a Shifter either. Nate inhaled. Vampire.

  “Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?” Nate growled at the dangerous stranger.

  He’d had little interaction with bloodsuckers, but he knew enough about them to accept the fact that despite being bigger than the fucker, he was nowhere near as strong or as lethal. Fucking shit. He sure as hell didn’t want one around his injured mate.

  “My name is Baldassare di Capua, but you may call me Bal, young one,” he smiled as he spoke revealing two needlelike fangs that set Nate’s lip to curling as he sprang from the couch and landed in front of both women.

  “Are you threatened?” The Vampire laughed, and Nate’s entire body shook with rage.

  “You won’t be laughing for long, you sonovabitch!”

  “Please my ursine friend, be at peace, I am not here to harm you,” the stranger said, but Nate doubted his sincerity.

  The sound of a car pulling up and the heavy thud of feet running towards them had everyone’s eyes turning to the door. Except for the Vampire and Nate. They simply stared at each other like two prizefighters circling each other before one of them decided to throw down.

  “Alright, what’s going on?” Marcus bellowed as he strode in the room and took in the situation. He immediately extended his hand towards the Vampire and Nate growled louder.

  “Hello, Bal. Made an entrance, did you?” the Alpha shook his head before turning to Nate.

  “Easy brother, he’s a friend,” Marcus pushed a little Alpha power into his voice and Nate’s Bear immediately stilled. Grateful for his Alpha’s guidance.

  “Krissy? Luisa? You ladies alright?” Marcus asked and at their nod he visibly relaxed.

  “Taylor is in the car with Leya, she’s having some back pain,” he said and looked relieved as both women shot to their feet and headed towards the door.

  The Vampire Bal wisely walked inside, leaving the doorway free and clear for the women to pass through. Nate stopped snarling and addressed his Alpha.

  “Marcus, Luisa was attacked tonight, and I want to know why the fuck I wasn’t allowed to hunt down and kill every last one of those fucking monsters,” as he spoke that last word the Vampire hissed angrily, and his eyes shot to him.

  “Because, cub, those monsters are beyond your comprehension!”

  “Enough! Nate you will get your explanation and Bal, you are he
re as a guest, on Rafe Maccon’s recommendation. Don’t make me kick your undead ass out of my territory,” Marcus snarled in his best Alpha voice.

  “Technically I am not undead,” the Vampire’s immediate calm was eerie, but Nate followed suit by addressing Marcus alone.

  “Whatever,” Marcus said and nodded towards the small kitchen table.

  “Look, I just want to know why the order to kill was revoked,” Nate began.

  “Because I once helped a Werewolf get his mind and his mate back, and the Macconwood Wolves owed me a favor in return. This is that favor,” Bal shrugged one shoulder and Nate raised both his eyebrows.

  “Isn’t that a bit unusual?”

  “Yes, well. I am old, Mr. Cordoza, and I have many friends. Iggy Devlin among them,” he nodded at both men.

  “You know my father?” Marcus seemed shocked by the revelation, but Nate just waited.

  “Indeed. Now mi amici, I think it is time we get down to the issue,” his voice was lightly accented, Nate noted the hints of the Vampire’s Italian ancestry and wondered if he had to work to keep it going. Shifters accents tended to change in his experience.

  He’d heard stories about Shifters moving from one place to another and adopting new speech patterns based on location due to their supernatural hearing. That natural bonus also allowed Shifters to become excellent musicians. Was the same true for Vampires? He wondered.

  “I have located the Hunters nest, but they have not returned as of yet. They seem drawn to this place, to the delectable doctor in fact, not that I blame them. Her blood, deliziosa. She smells sweet and bright like a new dawn, I am sure you understand her appeal to us then,” Bal said but was interrupted by Nate’s snarl.

  “You get one warning, bloodsucker. Just one,” he growled.

  “Ah, I see. She is taken. Well, salut my friend, that she-Bear is very lovely,” Bal grinned widely, revealing his fangs and Nate felt his hackles rise.

  “Okay, easy now,” Marcus gripped his brother’s shoulder, and Nate realized he was holding him down.


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