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The Bear Claw Tales- Complete Series

Page 43

by C. D. Gorri

  “Tonight is on,” Marcus stated.

  “Not if we can’t guarantee her safety,” Nate argued.

  “Silence!” Bal roared and the four, no five, Shifters now that Bowie was awake looked at the Vampire as if he’d gone crazy.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Iggy Devlin, Nate’s formerly estranged father stepped inside.

  “Nothin’ Dad,” Taylor began, but Nate was distracted.

  Iggy had followed Luisa out before, and here he was back inside. But where was she? At that moment, a loud screech sliced through the air.


  Nate didn’t think, he just sprang into action. He could hear his brothers and the rest of them talking, but he didn’t care what they were saying. He just needed to get to her.

  “Luisa!” he growled as he leapt over the six steps to the concrete.

  His enhanced vision allowed him to see the end of the empty lot where his mate was struggling with one of those butt ugly monsters. No! His Bear burst free from his skin.

  Claws clacked on the pavement as he hauled ass over to where she struggled against two, no, three Hunter Vamps. He heard the roars of his brothers behind him. A streak of white to his right told him at least one of the Polar Bear Shifters who’d been told to guard the woods had emerged just a smidge too late.

  He watched Luisa’s eyes go wide as she struggled against the grasping Vamp. One grabbed her head and pulled it back exposing her suntanned throat while the other lunged with his mouth wide. No!

  Nate slammed full force into the one whose mouth hovered over his mate’s vulnerable flesh. The force of impact sent the creature flying into the trunk of a nearby tree. It’s head lolled to the side and he was certain he’d broken its neck. A fatal blow? Maybe. But he didn’t give a fuck. No one was hurting his mate.

  Several Hunter Vamps emerged from the trees, there was an entire clutch of the beings. Odd since they were not known to stay in groups. But since the Witches who’d originally bound them were destroyed, these Vamps had gone rogue, establishing their own hierarchy and agenda. Mainly to feed.

  Soon, the others joined the melee. Bodies flew at each other in unchecked violence. The sounds of blows being exchanged rained down like a tsunami of savagery. He received one painful scratch down his right foreleg, but a short furry Bear pummeled the creature out of his path, and he realized Luisa had joined the fray.

  Hell no. His new mission was to simply protect his mate, no matter how she tried to wiggle past him. Before he knew it, they’d rounded up all the Vamps with only one fatality. It seemed a broken neck and severed spinal cord was close enough to a decapitation to render the creature nil. The bloodsucking fiend had almost bitten his mate, he deserved it as far as Nate was concerned.

  The Shift back to human was effortless, his Bear knew he needed to be a man to touch her and ensure she was in fact whole. He ran over to where Luisa stood a few feet behind him. Her dark eyes were wide with shock, not that he could blame her. She was a healer. Violence went against everything she stood for.

  “Honey?” he whispered waiting for her to acknowledge him.

  “Nate?” Her voice was low and soft, but strong. Relief washed over him.

  He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up in his arms. Happiness and love flowed through him. The onslaught threatening to crack his chest wide open as she returned his embrace with so much strength, she nearly strangled him. Hell, he was fine with that. As long as Luisa stayed in his arms, where she belonged, anything and everything was just fine by him.

  “Nate, thank God you’re okay,” she said.

  “Me? I was worried to death over you,” he kissed her mouth and pressed his forehead against hers.

  The Bear inside of him growling contentedly now that the fight was over, and his Luisa was safe.

  “Damn, doc, I knew you were gorgeous,” said Locke who’d ambled over with several gaping wounds and bruises before he passed out at her feet.

  Good thing to, because Nate was about to knock the fucker out, but first he had to cover his mate. He grabbed her lab coat from the floor where she must have thrown it and quickly shoved it on her body.

  She just smiled at him amusedly and let him dress her, understanding his need to shield her nudity from the eyes of others. After checking on the four Polar Bear Shifters who worked under him and his brothers and father, Nate finally turned to the Vampire who was currently scratching runes into the dirt surrounding the remaining Hunters who were tied up with some sort of enchanted silver chain far as Nate could tell.

  “Hey, I just wanted-”

  “One second,” he pointed at Nate while still working on the spell he was casting around the group of snarling yet beaten Vamps.

  “I don’t want to miss a single rune and risk this lot breaking free while I wait for my assistants to arrive. There now, all done. How can I help you Signore Cordoza?” He turned to Nate with a bemused expression on his aristocratic face.

  “Hell, call me Nate. I saw you in there. You fought hard against them, though I won’t pretend to understand why you didn’t just put an end to them all,” he said.

  “Yes, well, I am afraid I have my reasons,” Bal returned evasively.

  “Still, I would not have an innocent hurt for all the world. Not the boy and not your mate. Take care of her, Nate Cordoza, what you have is a precious thing.”

  “I intend to,” Nate found the pained look in the Vampire’s face to be oddly stirring and he found himself sympathizing with the man, er, Vampire.

  “Yo Nate, cleanup crew is here,” Daniel called to him and he turned his attention to where Luisa was patching up some of the scrapes and cuts the other Bears had received.

  Luckily, as Shifters, scratches like that would not have any lasting effect though they would take longer to heal. Bal inspected the wounds himself and assured the group that Shifter metabolism would purge the Vampire virus from their systems within a week.

  As for the boy, a young-looking couple arrived with the rest of Bal’s assistants. They chatted with the child who seemed happy to go to their home where he would learn about what he was becoming. Nate’s heart still tightened in his chest for what the child would go through, but it was for the best.

  They gave Luisa the proper paperwork from DYFS that would state the boy had been removed from Mr. Green’s care voluntarily. They’d even hypnotized the man into agreeing. Not that Nate cared about the normal wretch, the guy didn’t give a fig for little Jimmy.

  “You do know his heart condition was fatal,” Bal interrupted his thoughts, “believe it or not, the Hunter who bit him may have very well saved his life.”

  “Some life,” Nate muttered.

  “It can be difficult, that is true, but he will have a chance now. At any rate, I thank you and the Barvale Clan for your help,” Bal extended a hand gripping Nate’s with more strength than Nate had expected.

  He saw in the Vampire’s eyes this was not a challenge. More of a sharing of information. Nate’s Bear grumbled but the man understood. The Vampire was sharing secrets here. Secrets other Shifters were not privy too.

  Speculation and rumor. That was all that existed about Vampires even in the supernatural world. In Nate’s opinion, there was a lot more to the secretive species than met the eye. But that was a problem for someone else to solve. He had a mate to take care of and the only thing he wanted to do right then, was to get her home.

  “You about ready,” he sidled up to Luisa and nuzzled her from behind loving the way she relaxed against him. Her complete trust in him was a gift he promised himself he would never take for granted.

  “Mmm. Yeah, I’m exhausted,” she said, and he could see in her face she was. Without hesitation Nate reached out and swept her up in his arms, Cinderella-style.

  “Nate!” She giggle and buried her face in his throat.

  “Um, sir?” Locke interrupted.

  “What is it?” Nate said humoring the Bear even though he wanted nothing more than to hi
ghtail it out of there. The feel of his soft curvy mate in his arms sent pleasure spiking through his blood, stirring him in ways he’d rather not have the man witness.

  “Alpha Devlin wanted me to tell you the cleanup was about done. He, uh, he said to take your, um, pretty little mate home,” Locke’s face burned red as he spoke, and Nate took a moment to enjoy the man’s discomfort.

  “What did you call my mate?”

  “Not me! It was the Alpha! I swear, sir, I would never disrespect you or your mate-”

  “Easy Locke, I’m just kidding with you. You can tell Marcus I plan on doing just that.”

  The Polar Bear Shifters were new to the Clan and after working with them a few months he could see they were going to be an asset. Still, it was fun to mess with them every now and then.

  “Nate quit teasing him and take me home,” Luisa said.

  “Yes,” he carried her to where her car was parked and placed her inside.

  “So,” he said as he turned the engine.

  “So,” she returned.

  “I want you to know you made me the happiest man on Earth before,” he felt his face warm as he spoke.

  “Did I?” She smiled.

  “Yep. But we still have a few things to discuss.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, the usual I expect,” he bit back his grin as she sat up straighter, worrying her lower lip.

  “For example, Italian or Chinese food?”

  “Oh,” she smiled as she realized where he was heading with this conversation, “Chinese.”

  “Okay. Are you an early bird or night owl?”


  “Me too. This one’s a little tougher,” he frowned, “are we living at your place or the cabin?”

  “The cabin?”

  “Well, I’d like to call it our cabin since I’ve been fixing it up with you in mind,” he knew he was blushing then.

  “The cabin,” she confirmed, “I loved my childhood, but I want to live in our house. With you.”

  Pleasure filled his heart at her shy confession. He turned his eyes on her knowing his Bear was shining through them.

  “Final question,” he said with a hint of a growl in his throat.

  “What is it?”

  “Will you marry me?”

  A few seconds ticked by and Nate stopped the car, worried he’d drive them into a ditch if he kept staring at her. She hardly had any expression on her face at all. Then she smiled. And it was like the sun shining down on him. A moment later and his arms were full of his mate as she clung to him kissing his cheeks, his eyes, his mouth.

  “Well?” He said between long, delicious swipes of her tongue.

  “Yes,” she said.

  It was all he could do to get them home in one piece. Luisa did not move from his lap and kept on torturing him with the most exquisite little kisses and nips. He thought he’d burst if he couldn’t bury his cock inside of her soon.

  The second he had the car in park he leapt out of the car with her in his arms. Twenty seconds later and he laid his mate out on his bed. No, it was their bed now.

  “Welcome home, honey,” he growled as he stripped them both of their clothes.

  “Yes, home,” she moaned, and he wiggled beneath him.

  “I love you, Luisa Sposa, and right now I’m gonna show you how much when I claim this sweet little body of yours all over again,” he said and took her mouth in one long hard kiss that left them both breathless.

  “I love you too, sweet mate. Now show me,” she said.

  His Bear roared happily at her use of the word mate and his cock grew even harder. Nate had never wanted her as badly as he did just then. Wanted her, loved her, with everything inside of him. Every curve, every dimple, every sweet sigh and moan. And he was going to prove it to her over and over again. For the rest of their lives.

  Lips locked, he felt as if their very souls were meeting in the long intimate kiss. Her legs wrapped round him in that secret embrace that lovers shared. He pushed slowly, softly inside the silky heat of her tight little pussy. His pussy now.

  She moaned at his invasions, savoring the penetration as she gripped his ass with her hands. Strong little hands, he thought as he swallowed her harsh sounds.

  He tucked them away to be savored at a later date, with all the other little things he loved about her. Her sheath tightened its grip on his cock, and he flexed his hips instinctively finding her g-spot and stroking it with every thrust. Swivel, thrust, swivel. Again he repeated the motions, allowing the rhythm to take them both to new heights and pleasures.

  His mouth found her breasts, suckling her plump nipples as she pulled on his hair and cried out. Swivel, thrust, swivel. Harder and faster, again and again he pushed until their heads were up against the backboard of the bed. He couldn’t get close enough. Needed to be closer, deeper, harder.

  “Luisa,” he growled his fingers digging into her hips, mouth finding that spot on her neck where his canines had broken skin only hours before.

  Her pussy tightened in response, choking his dick in a hold so strong he almost lost it completely. She was close, but he needed her to get all the way there before he could allow his own release.

  “Come for me,” he growled the command and bit down, reaffirming their bond. It was all the permission she needed. He felt her sex tighten and vibrate along his shaft.

  “Nate!” Luisa moaned his name as she came on his cock.

  “Mine,” he growled, bathing her womb with his seed. Coating her in his scent and claiming her for all the world to see.

  “Mine,” she echoed and stared into his eyes.

  The warm amber of her she-Bear peeked out at him before returning to their usual deep chocolate brown. He’d never felt happier or more complete in his entire life.

  “Guess we’re not barely mated anymore,” she teased and kissed his nose.

  “I beg to differ, honey. I’d say we were very bearly mated.”

  Laughter filled the room as he teased and tickled his pretty little mate. Soon they were touching and kissing again. He’d never get enough of her, that was for damn sure. Mine.


  Christmas that year was a major event at the Barvale Clan Den. With the four Devlin brothers mated, though technically one was a Cordoza, the house was full of love and laughter.

  Clary the housekeeper gave out special batches of her famous Christmas stollen as gifts while managing to prepare a holiday meal that could feed, well, an entire Clan of Bear Shifters. Even with the new Polar Bear transplants taking up space under the tree trying to put together new baby toys for Mia and the Alpha’s new son. The Den was open to all Clanmates, especially during the holidays.

  Mia was toddling around the tree with her father close behind while his wife Lacey admired their newborn nephew, Jordan. Marcus hovered nearby, anxious to have his son back in his or his mate’s arms. Papa Bears were very protective indeed, Luisa noted as she watched her sister Krissy waddle out of the bathroom, her pregnant belly protruding from the red maternity sweater she wore, Taylor close behind.

  All was well with the Devlins’ and she couldn’t be happier. The plain gold wedding band she’d insisted on glittered on her finger as she sat beside her sexy new husband. They were just about to exchange gifts.

  She felt sweat bead on her forehead as she waited for it to be their turn. She had a whopper of a surprise for her mate. They’d driven down to Maccon City after Thanksgiving and had gotten married by a local justice of the peace, a Werewolf who was used to that kind of rushed service. She didn’t care about the pomp, just the ceremony and they’d both agreed they didn’t want to wait.

  Of course, Krissy had been pissed, but a second later she’d burst out in tears of happiness. Pregnancy hormones could do that to you, Luisa knew as a doctor. She’d been so standoffish about her mating that it was a wonder to her that she could feel so differently now.

  Nate was simply an amazing husband. She couldn’t have asked for a better
mate. He was kind, considerate, sexy as all hell. He never demanded she choose between her work and him, in fact he was so supportive of her career he’d built her a home office and medical examination room.

  She was already able to help her Clan in more ways than she ever expected through her profession and he was right there next to her all the way.

  Any worries she had about their incompatibility evaporated the second she had decided to accept their mating and opened her heart to him. After all, the universe had chosen him for her! She knew now that they’d never have gotten it wrong!

  As the gifts were being handed out, she bit her lip at the small box as she handed it to her husband. All this time she’d been worried, she’d never stopped to think if he was ready for this step. Fear suddenly gripped her heart and she felt her pulse speed up.

  “Hey, honey, it can’t be that bad,” he said flashing a wide smile at her that usually made her panties uncomfortably wet, but right now she was too nervous for words.

  “Luisa, I promise I’ll love it, even if it is the ugliest tie in creation,” he joked as he unwrapped the rectangular box.

  She couldn’t speak, could only watch as his head cocked to the side as he tried to make sense of the little plastic stick she’d placed inside.

  “Are you? Are we? Luisa! Wooheee!” He shouted and lifted her up, quickly gentling his hold as he settled onto the couch with her in his lap.

  The others in the room voiced their concerns and asked questions, but she was too overwhelmed by his reaction to notice. She tightened her arms around his neck.

  “Everybody! We’re gonna have a baby!” The room erupted in applause and shouted congratulations. Of course there were more tears from Krissy, but Luisa didn’t pay any attention to them her eyes were on the deep set mossy green ones she loved so much.

  “Are you truly happy about this?”

  “You’ve given me so much, honey, I can’t possibly tell you how happy I am.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  “But now I’m a little nervous,” he began, and her eyebrows furrowed.


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