
Home > Other > Disillusioned > Page 14
Disillusioned Page 14

by J. S. Cooper

  “Who else is in on this?” I glared at him. “It still doesn’t add up. Who is David working with?”

  “That’s what you and I are trying to figure out.”

  “David has to know.” I glared at him. “Why didn’t we question him? He has to know.”

  “David is being used as a pawn, Bianca.”


  “David doesn’t know what’s going on.” Jakob grabbed my shoulders and led me to the front door. “Just trust me. We need to leave.”

  “You know more than you’re saying, don’t you?”

  “There is more.” He nodded. “We can’t talk about it here.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Not now, Bianca,” he growled, and opened the door. “Let’s go.”

  “I hate you!” I said, glaring daggers at him. “You just can’t be honest, can you? Is everything a lie with you?”

  “Bianca, I admit that David and I planned the kidnapping. He wanted you out of town because he was worried you would try and claim a share in the company before the merger, and I wanted to figure out what you knew about our parents. I don’t know exactly what I thought was going to happen. However, things didn’t go as planned. Someone else wanted us to kidnap you. Someone else wanted you to be scared. And I’m not going to let you out of my sight until I know who that someone else is, do you understand me?”

  “But you lied to me, Jakob.” My throat felt itchy. “It’s hard to trust you fully, knowing that. It’s hard for me to take anything that you say at face value now.”

  “I didn’t lie when I said I think I’m falling in love with you.” He stroked my hair back gently. “I didn’t lie then.”

  “My friend Blake, the guy I told you I was meeting, he’s investigating Steve.” I stared at Jakob’s face to see his reaction. “He knows everything that’s happened. He knows who you are.”

  “Is he more than a friend?” Jakob’s eyes narrowed and a hint of jealousy was in his tone.

  “No, not at all.”

  “Good.” He smiled suddenly. “I don’t mind if he helps, then.”

  “Really?” I was confused.

  “I want to know what happened with Steve as badly as you do. If he can help us with more information, that’s great. Especially if there is nothing romantic between you.”

  I rolled my eyes, secretly pleased that he was jealous.

  “I believe you, but, of course, I’ll have to come with you when you meet him.” Jakob’s eyes narrowed. “So that I can hear the information he provides at the same time.”


  “Don’t uh-huh me.” He kissed me softly.

  “I’ll uh-huh you if I want to.” I kissed him back.

  “So we’re good?” He leaned back, his expression more serious as he examined my face. “We trust each other now? We’re working together now?”

  I stared back at him for a few minutes, neither of us talking, just observing. He grabbed my hands and held them in his. I could feel his pulse racing and the tension in his body. His shoulders were stiff and his eyes were alert as he waited for my answer.

  I went with my gut. “I do trust you. Let’s figure this out.”

  “We’re starting afresh now.” He stroked my cheek tenderly, a wide smile on his face. “We’ve got this.”

  “I sure hope so,” I whispered to myself as we made our way down the stairs.

  God must have been smiling on Jakob. For some reason, his car was still parked in the loading zone with no clamp or ticket. We got into the car in silence, the warm, fuzzy feeling of sex in the shower long gone.

  “You’re going to be silent all the way?” He glanced at me as he started his car.

  “What do I have to say?” I shrugged. “I’m still taking everything in. You’re the one who needs to start talking.”

  “You’re so stubborn.” He sighed. “Of all the women in the world . . .”

  “Of all the women in the world what?” My voice rose.

  “I got stuck with you.”

  “You got stuck with me?” My jaw dropped. “Is that a fucking joke?”

  “Did you just learn the F-bomb?” He glanced at me. “I didn’t mean stuck with you in a bad way. I was teasing you. We just had a nice moment, no need to ruin it.”

  “Excuse me?” I looked at him again and hid a smile. Two could play this game.

  “You’ve been saying fuck a lot.”

  My jaw dropped. “Are you seriously on my case about my language?” Don’t laugh, Bianca.

  “The profanity, yes.” He laughed. “There’s no need to swear so much.”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck, fuck off, you fucked-up piece of shit!” I fake-shouted at him, then burst out laughing in hysterics. “You should have seen your face just now.” I giggled. “You looked so worried.”

  “Feel better?” He glanced at me with an eyebrow raised.

  “You think you’re so cool, don’t you?” I stared at his profile. I felt so lighthearted being with him in this moment. A small seed of hope had taken root in my heart after our conversation, and for the first time ever I felt completely confident and comfortable with him.

  “You think I’m cool, don’t you?” He smiled at me and turned onto the freeway. “By the way, you haven’t responded.”

  “Responded to what?”

  “My declaration of love.”

  “What declaration of love?” I rolled my eyes, my heart beating fast. Was this really the time? I wanted to hear it, but I was scared to respond. I didn’t want us to move too quickly. The circumstances of our meeting were so extraordinary—what if that was the sole basis for our heightened feelings?

  “I’ve told you twice now.” He sounded unsure of himself.

  “You told me what?”

  “That I love you.”

  “No, you didn’t. You said that you think you’re falling in love with me. That’s not the same.” I paused. “And that’s stupid, anyway.”

  “Why is it stupid?” he said softly.

  “You don’t do love, and you kidnapped me.” I can’t let myself believe that he loves me. Not yet.

  “Things change.”

  “Kidnapping someone doesn’t change.” I turned to him. “That happened and can’t be changed.” Though I’m falling in love with you as well, but I’m too chicken to tell you.

  “I’m falling in love with you, Bianca,” he said again gently. “That complicates things, I know, but it doesn’t have to.”

  “What things?” I asked softly, my brain going fuzzy. Did he really love me? Was he telling the truth? Should I tell him that I felt the same way?

  “How do you feel?” For the first time, he sounded unsure.

  “Feel about what?”

  It was his turn to snap. “Bianca.”

  “I don’t know,” I lied. I already knew that I was in love with him.

  “I see.” He reached over and turned the radio on. “You don’t have to sleep in my bed if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “I’m not worried about sleeping in your bed,” I said softly.

  “I don’t want you to think that just because you’re staying with me that you have to be in the same bed with me. You don’t have to sleep with me or have sex or anything. That’s not why I’m—”

  “Oh, shut up.” I sighed. “You know I like you, Jakob.”

  “You do?” His tone changed and he sounded so upbeat that I laughed.

  “Yes, I do. I don’t know if I trust you, but that’s another story.”

  “You don’t trust me?” He sounded disappointed.

  “I’ve been fooled more than once before.” I tried to explain to him that it wasn’t personal. “Forgive me if I don’t know who to trust right now.”

  “But you came with me.”

  “You didn’t really give me much choice.”

  “You chose to come with me. I didn’t make you.”

  “I know. I want us to work on this together, and maybe it’s for the best that I
stay with you. Way too many people have access to my apartment right now.”

  “We’ll get to the bottom of this, Bianca. I promise.”

  “Can you promise that we’ll get to the bottom of this and I’ll still trust you have told me everything you know?” I asked him quietly.

  He gave me a guilty look before turning back to the traffic. After about a minute’s silence he finally answered simply, “No. I can’t promise that.”

  “Jakob.” The disappointment in my voice was evident.

  “You don’t know everything I know yet, but you will, I promise. I’m going to tell you everything I know, Bianca, and we’re going to figure this all out together.”

  We pulled up outside a building and an elderly doorman rushed to the car door.

  “Good evening, Mr. Bradley.”

  “Good evening, George.” Jakob jumped out of the car, and before I knew it, he was grabbing my bag from the back while George opened my car door. He looked surprised when he saw me emerge from the car.

  “Thank you, George,” I said quietly.

  “You’re welcome, madam.” He gave me a weak smile, his eyes never leaving my face.

  “Are you okay?” I asked kindly, and that seemed to make him regain his composure.

  “Yes.” He rubbed his eyes and looked away. “Anything else you need, Mr. Bradley?”

  “No, thank you, George.” Jakob handed him something and George nodded his thanks. “This is Bianca, George. She’ll be staying with me.”

  “Okay.” George turned to me and smiled. “Welcome, Bianca.”

  “Thank you.” I wished I had time to talk to him. Why had he looked at me as if he’d seen a ghost?

  “If there is anything you need, please just ask, Ms. London.”

  “Thank you.” Jakob and I were about to go inside when I froze, grabbing Jakob’s arm. “Wait.” I turned around and hurried back to George. “Wait, George!”

  “Yes, Bianca?” He looked nervous.

  “Why did you just call me Ms. London?”

  “Isn’t that your name?” he said weakly. “Isn’t that what Mr. Bradley just said?”

  “No.” Jakob’s voice behind me was deadly. “I said Bianca.” He took a step forward. “How did you know her last name was London, George?”

  “Oh, sir . . .” His face went white.

  “Who have you been talking to, George?”

  “No one, sir.” He looked scared.

  “Who’s been around here, George?” Jakob’s voice sounded deadly.

  “No one, sir, I swear.”

  “How did you know she was Bianca London?”

  My heart was pounding as I gazed at the two men. The tension in the air was electric. I was scared that Jakob was going to hit the old man, but I too was curious. How did he know my name?

  “She looks like her mother, sir,” he whispered. “As soon as I saw her, I recognized her.”

  “You knew my mother?” I gasped as I stepped forward.

  “No.” He shook his head. “I didn’t know her. Not well. She only came twice.”

  “She came here twice?” I looked up at the expensive building in front of me. Why would my mother come here?

  “What did she come for, George?” Jakob’s voice was soft this time, though no less threatening.

  “She came to visit your mother, Jakob.” George’s voice was low.

  “They were friends?” I asked, surprised, and looked at Jakob, but he looked as shocked as I felt.

  “No.” George shook his head sharply. “Those two women were not friends.”

  “Oh.” I wrapped my arms around my body, my heart sinking.

  “Why did she visit my mother, George?” Jakob’s voice was slow and deliberate. “What did she want?”

  “I don’t know exactly.” George looked nervous. “I don’t like to pry. I don’t want to be in anyone’s business. It’s the only way you can be in a job like this for as long as I have been.”

  “You didn’t hear anything?” I leaned forward, my face cold. “Nothing at all?”

  “Well, the first time she came, I remember them screaming and shouting right in front of the building.” He looked nervous. “I wasn’t eavesdropping, but I couldn’t help but hear them. And then she came back a second time. I remember it clear as day because I was so shocked when she came back. I didn’t understand why she would return after the first time was so bad.”

  “What were they screaming?” I asked gently.

  “All I remember hearing was ‘He’s mine.’ ” George stared at both of us.

  “And what else?” Jakob said softly.

  “I heard someone say, ‘I’ll kill you.’ ”

  “What?” My jaw dropped. “Who said that?”

  “I don’t know.” George looked apologetic. “I’m sorry. I don’t know who said what.” He gazed into my eyes. “I saw your face and it was like seeing into the past. You look just like her. So sweet, so innocent.” He bowed his head. “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you, miss.”

  “No, it’s fine.” I looked at Jakob. His eyes were somber. I felt ashamed of myself. Maybe he’d been right all along. Maybe my mother had been having an affair with Jeremiah Bradley. Maybe my mother had ruined his mother’s life after all. What did I really know about her? About anything? My heart dropped as I realized that maybe I wasn’t representing the side of good after all.

  “Welcome home. Well, to my apartment.” Jakob opened his arms wide as we walked out of the private elevator and into his penthouse apartment.

  “It’s big.” I laughed at my completely obvious comment. I stared around at the floor-to-ceiling windows and gazed out at the city lights. “What a view.”

  “What a view indeed.” He turned to me. “Gorgeous.”

  “I’m talking about outside the window.”

  “I’m talking about you.” He stepped toward me.

  “So you were right,” I said, unable to keep the sadness out of my voice. “My mom slept with your dad.”

  “We don’t know what happened.” He shook his head.

  “I’m pretty sure we do.”

  “I don’t blame you. My dad was a pig. He was obviously sleeping with a lot of women.”

  “Including my mom.” I sighed. “I wonder if my dad knew.”

  “That would have been devastating for him.” Jakob took my hand and pulled me to the couch with him. “Are you okay?”

  “Not really.” I closed my eyes. “The sky is closing in on me and I don’t even know which side is up anymore.”

  “You’re okay, Chicken Little.” He rubbed my knee.

  “How can you be so calm?” I glanced at him. “We basically just got confirmation that there was something going on with my mom and your dad.”

  “We confirmed nothing.” He shook his head and paused. “Look at me, Bianca. All we’ve confirmed is that this whole thing is a lot more complicated than we both originally thought.”

  “What are we going to do?” I suddenly felt really glad to be with Jakob.

  Then I heard the beep beep of my phone receiving a text. “I have a message.” I pulled my phone out and frowned at the screen. “Actually, it’s a voice mail.” I frowned. “My phone didn’t even ring, though.”

  “Listen to it.” He nodded at the phone.

  “Okay.” I listened to the message and frowned. “Listen.”

  I put the phone on speaker and pressed REPEAT. “Bianca, it’s Larry. I’m so sorry for everything. So, so sorry. Listen to me carefully. Look at the letters and the clues. The clues have the answers. Death wasn’t the end, but the beginning.” Then, after a scuffling noise, the message went dead.

  “What was that?” Jakob frowned and rubbed his temple.

  “I have no idea.” I shook my head. “I hope he’s okay,” I said softly. “Even if he was a dirtbag.”

  “Hold on a second.” Jakob grabbed my hands. “Remember the note you received on the island?” He frowned. “Didn’t it say something about death?”

my God, it did!” I nodded, trying to think. “Hold on, let me think.” I closed my eyes tightly and tried to remember what it said. “It said, ‘Your life may be saved in death,’ ” I said after about a minute. “ ‘Your life may be saved in death.’ ”

  “Doesn’t that strike you as peculiar?” Jakob asked thoughtfully. “That the letter and Larry gave you such similar messages?”

  “Definitely too similar to be coincidental.” I nodded, my brain hurting. “I don’t understand what it means.”

  “Let’s think about it.” Jakob stared at me for a second. “I think we’ve been looking at the clues incorrectly.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “I think we’ve been reading the notes as personal clues, as if the meanings were intended for us—but what if the clues are more general? What if the clues have nothing to do with us? What if the clues are pointing to someone else altogether?”

  “Someone else?”

  “Someone else, something else.” He shrugged. “Just not us.”

  “I never thought of that.” I bit my lower lip and tried to remember the other clues and notes. “Get me a pen and paper, please. I want to try and write down all the clues I remember.”

  “Okay.” He jumped up and ran into another room and then returned with a pen, notepad, and small box.

  I frowned as I looked at the small box. “What’s that?”

  “Remember I told you that you didn’t know everything?” He sat next to me. “I was getting notes as well.”

  “What?” My eyes widened. “What?”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” He sighed. “I didn’t want to mention it before because I didn’t want to overwhelm you, and I wasn’t really sure if there was any connection before.”

  “I see.” I looked away, feeling hurt, but not wanting to argue, not now. Not when we needed to put our minds together and try to work this all out. I grabbed the pen from his hand and scribbled down all the clues I could remember.

  The first note I could remember was the one that had arrived before I’d been kidnapped and before the fake policeman had showed up at my apartment. Someone had sent a man to my house, disguised as a policeman, to warn me to be more careful. At the time I thought nothing of it, but I now believed the policeman was connected to Steve and Larry in some way and whoever was controlling them. I scribbled on the notepad before jotting down the message as I remembered it. Beauty and Charm. One survives. One is destroyed. What are your odds?


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