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Blue Blooded (Arcane Academy Slayers)

Page 15

by K. M. Raya

  The monster smelled of mildew and souring meat. Its hair was stringy, limp and falling out. Once upon a time it may have been long and red. She couldn’t tell if the thing had once been a woman or a man, but it didn't matter anymore. Getting back her balance, Blue slipped her whips from the loops sewn into her new pants and snapped one out with practiced finesse, ripping the Vampire’s head right off of its shoulders.

  She had no time to rejoice, however, because another dropped the ground before her. Blue gripped the whips, flinging them out as a warning, grazing the rotted flesh with its silvery tip and causing the vamp’s congealing blood to ooze out slowly rather than spurt like a human’s would. This was why vampires craved human blood. They could no longer create new blood of their own, so they survived off of the life force of living creatures.

  It shrieked and scrambled back when suddenly, it threw its head backwards and screamed as loudly as it could. ‘Shit, fuck!’ Blue cursed frantically. It was calling for the others. In seconds, the sewers were filled with answering shrieks of the bloodsuckers further inside. Blue wasted no time snapping off the head of that vamp too before the others got closer. She could hear their pounding footsteps and scratching fingernails along the walls as they slogged through the sewer water.

  "B-blue Jay..." whispered a cracking, weak voice from somewhere above her.

  "Har?!" she called out frantically, head swiveling every which way. "Harlow, where are you?!"

  "Up here—" the voice called out. Blue looked up, startled to find her sister’s familiar face, hovering overhead peeking out from a small alcove in the ceiling. Her cheeks were sunken in, and there were dark bags under her brown eyes.

  "Harlow... what the fuck; what are you doing up there?"

  Harlow waved a hand weakly. "Oh, ya know... napping," she attempted a bad joke. Blue couldn't help but laugh, deliriously happy to find her sister alive.

  "Don't you move, Har, I'm gonna get you down from there, but you have to be quiet. There's a lot of them coming and I can't fight them off if I'm worried about you. "

  Her sister nodded, closing her eyes tightly and resting her head back on the wall. "I'm sorry, Blue Jay. I'm hurt badly, or else I'd be helping you. But my arm... I think it's actually broken if you can believe it."

  Blue raised her brows at that. It was extremely hard to wound a Slayer. Only vamps were strong enough, so whatever had done that to Harlow had probably meant to kill her. "Just sit tight," Blue warned as the shrieks came closer.

  Shadows filled the tunnel as about fifteen vamps rounded the corner. Blue cursed aloud. She’d never taken on this many alone. Four or five, sure, but fifteen? She had absolutely zero hope of making it out of this alive, but as long as she took out as many as she could while she was still breathing, maybe Harlow could crawl to safety.

  The first wave hit her, and she sent her whips flying. Two heads rolled, giving her time to secure her stakes in her hands. When two more vamps got within arm’s reach, she slammed her slender stakes into their hearts cleanly, proofing them into dust instantly. Still, more came. The tunnels were pretty narrow, so luckily, they weren’t unable to surround her. They hit two by two, hissing and dripping black, bloody drool from their unhinged jaws.

  One of the vamps crawled on all fours, looking as if he were swimming through the water, trying to grab her by the legs. Using her heavy boot, she stomped the thing’s head repeatedly but it was no use, only a stake or a silver whip would do the job. Teeth latched onto her thigh and she screamed. Fire ripped through her veins.

  Contrary to popular belief, a vampire bite would not turn you. Well… it wouldn't turn a Slayer unless it had at least a minute of connection to secrete its venom. Humans were susceptible to the virus via saliva alone. Her thigh burned as if someone had lit a torch beneath her feet and she screamed louder, all the while driving stakes into the hearts and heads of one monster after the other.

  Blue lost her balance and fell backwards, a vampire followed her to the ground, trying with all its might to latch its teeth to her neck when suddenly, a stake that wasn’t hers lodged itself into the thing’s forehead and it poofed into black dust.

  Getting to her feet, Blue snatched the stake from the water just as another stake flew by her head and pierced the heart of the next bloodsucker in line. There were still about eight of them funneling through with more on the way. A deep, rumbling growl ripped through the echoing chamber and Blue’s eyes almost missed the black blur of teeth and fur as it leapt over her head and tackled one to the ground.

  Dresden was right behind Cole’s wolf, stake in hand and murderous venom blazing in his eyes. Their gazes caught and so did her breath. ‘They came for me,’ she thought breathlessly. She couldn't believe they actually made it… Dresden tossed himself into the fray, moving like a blur and leaving a trail of dust in his wake.

  "Get back, Blue!" yelled Jasper as he rounded the corner, whips of his own dangling from his palms. He had his black hood raised, covering his buzzed head and shadowing his face, making him look deadly. A black face mask covered the lower half of his face, but his orangey eyes shone bright in the darkness. She caught his gaze and he made a move to pass her and join the others who were ripping into the vampires like they were nothing.

  "You came..." she said stupidly, still astonished to see them, and also that she wasn't dead.

  "I could have so much fun with that one," he quipped with a cheeky wink and Blue just rolled her eyes.

  "Sex jokes, here? I'm covered in poop." She laughed despite herself..

  He shrugged. "Can't always pick my venue, I guess." His eyes scanned her from head to toe, and he nodded when he confirmed none of her wounds were life threatening. "Go get your sister, we've got these assholes covered." For once, she did as she was told.

  Blue leapt up to where Harlow was hiding within the alcove and was relieved to meet here wide, coherent eyes. "Let's get you out of here." She grabbed her slender hand, dragging her out of the darkness.

  "Ouch!" Harlow shrieked. "My arm, it's broken. I've never had a broken arm before!"

  "Okay, just lean your other side towards me and I'll help you down. Don't use your right arm." Blue helped her as she guided her to the ground softly.

  The sounds of the battle were dying down behind her so she chose to keep going. Getting Harlow somewhere safe was her number one priority. They bypassed the piles of the dead, backtracking until they reached the latter that would lead them back into the boiler room. Blue heaved Harlow over her shoulder and gripped her arm tightly as she made her way up the latter and out of the sewers.

  They made it out of the gymnasium and by now they were both staggering with exhaustion. Harlow fell to the ground and stared skyward, breathing heavily as Blue leaned up against a pillar. "That was shitty," breathed Harlow and Blue couldn’t help but snort as she slugged Harlow in the arm.

  "I swear to God, Har, if you ever do that shit again, I'm gonna kill you myself."

  Harlow huffed. "Hey, I'm just as capable as you are, little sister. Just a bit of bad luck is all."

  "Are you kidding me, that was an ambush!" She shook her head. ‘Bad luck…’

  "Okay, nerds, let's get you in the van before you stake each other instead." Ronnie approached out of the darkness with her hands in her pockets, dressed in all black with her hair pulled back in a ball cap. Blue didn't hesitate, she jumped up and flung herself at her roommate.

  "Woah, there!” Ronnie laughed, patting her back with the tips of her fingers. “Feeling the love but dang, let a girl breathe!" Blue backed away, knowing she smelled like crap.

  "Thank you for coming after me."

  Ronnie helped Harlow off the ground. "Don't make a habit of sneaking off and I wouldn't have to. Let’s get her into the van, David's just over there." She nodded towards the parking lot. Sure enough, David was pulling up in a massive white Astro van, heaving the sliding door open enough for the two girls to ease Harlow in without hurting her arm.

  "I need to go back. The guys..." B
lue started.

  "Are right here, baby girl," Cole’s voice boomed from the doorway of the gymnasium. Blue took off at a run throwing her arms around the werewolf and hugged him tightly. She would have loved to breathe in his familiar scent of juniper and smoke, but she knew he’d smell more like sewage right about now. Regardless, she grabbed his beard covered face and sealed her lips to his. Despite her earlier wariness of the whole mate idea, she was beginning to believe that she could actually give it a shot, as long as he was accepting of the other two.

  It was a long shot, but she had to hope because at this point there was no way she could choose between them. They’d come after her together, so that had to count for something.

  Chapter Seventeen

  They’d been back at school for half a day and already the word had spread. Harlow was in the infirmary getting her arm treated, while Blue had bluffed her way out of there, not wanting to be poked and prodded by the nursing staff.

  She knew they’d only be judging her. They’d take one look at her brand new bite marks and draw their own conclusions. She showered and changed into some dry clothing, luxuriating in the feeling of clean skin, even if she had rubbed it raw in her attempt to clean the sewage out of her pores.

  She was just about to lay down for a nap when there came a loud knock at her door. She wondered who it could be. The guys seemed to be avoiding her for the most part. From the moment they got back to campus, each of them had come up with some sort of reason to excuse themselves. She suspected they were still angry with her for leaving so suddenly. Their anger was warranted, but she didn't regret a thing, otherwise Harlow might have died down there.

  Opening her door, she was surprised and delighted to find Cole on the other side, filling up her doorway like a sexy giant. Moving out of the way, she silently beckoned him in.

  “I didn’t expect you to come see me,” she said as she shut and locked the door. Ronnie was still in the infirmary with Harlow; for some reason they had taken an odd liking to one another in the last twenty-four hours.

  “I wasn’t planning on it,” he grumbled, rubbing a hand across his beard. “I took a walk to let off some steam and somehow just... ended up here.” He looked embarrassed for a moment. It was such a change from his usual stoic demeanor that she was momentarily thrown.

  “Are you mad?” she asked, her voice timid and so unlike herself.

  “Yes!” he growled, causing her to back up a few steps. “I’m so fucking angry with you, Blue. How could you put yourself in that situation? You could have died!” He stood before her, fists clenched at his side, shaking with anger.

  “Harlow could have died too if I hadn’t done something about it! She’s my sister, Cole!” She moved in closer, knowing she couldn't exactly intimidate him, being half his size. “You went after me when you thought I needed the help, well, that's exactly what I did for Harlow.”

  “You could have said something!” he argued.

  “I did! I told you guys what I was planning and none of you offered to help me. I didn't ask because it’s not any of your responsibility to watch over me.”

  Cole huffed... or growled, a mixture of the two. “Not my responsibility? You're my mate, of course, I’d come with you. I’d follow you anywhere, Blue... you have to know that.” The anger seemed to be fading from his golden eyes.

  “How am I supposed to know that? I have no clue what being your mate is supposed to mean! In case you haven't noticed, I care about three men at once, what about that is normal to you?” She threw her hands into the air in exasperation.

  Cole’s lips tipped into a handsome smirk, temporarily throwing her off. “You still into me?” he asked with a smile in his voice. His fangs were peeking out from behind his full lips and beard and she had the sudden urge to bite him. Into him might have been an understatement.

  “Did the kissing and the touching not tip you off?!” she yelled in his face. She didn’t know why she was yelling, but she needed it. She needed to release this emotion building up inside of her. “But I also feel something Dresden and Jasper. You have to know that too. It's not going to change, so I can't be your mate; it’s not fair to you.”

  “Says who?” he asked, placing his hand on her cheek lightly. His thumb caressed her skin.

  “Wolves mate for life, Cole. I can’t hurt you like that.” She shook her head guiltily.

  His eyes crinkled at the corners, the gold in them flaring with heat and promises. “Baby girl, I’ve come to terms with the fact that there are two other men in your life. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I won't be jealous as hell sometimes, but I just want to see you happy.” He tilted her face towards his. “I chose you for a reason. You are my mate, that's not going to change just because your heart is big enough for more than just me. You never lied about your intentions. You never cheated or tried to sneak around behind our backs. If you want to be with Dresden and Jasper, then do that, but please don’t turn your back on me because you’re scared of hurting me. I’m a big boy, Blue.”

  Before he could keep talking, she pushed him against the wall and sealed her lips to his. His shoulders hit the wall, but his arms automatically wound around her waist, claws already tearing at her shirt. His whole body was rumbling like a pleasant purr, making her pulse with need. She couldn’t get enough of his taste, his smell and the noises he made.

  Pulling back, he wrenched his lips from hers, flitting his eyes between hers with questions in them. “You sur—” he tried to ask but she wasn't having it, she needed him now.

  “Shut up, wolf boy, you’re overthinking it.” Her lips mashed to his again, and this time, he threaded his fingers into her dark hair and gripped tightly, hoisting her up even higher until she was straddling his hips against the wall. She couldn’t help but grind herself against him, needing to feel every single part of him he was willing to offer.

  His hard length pressed against her core and she knew he was straining. She could practically feel him pulsing beneath his jeans. He caged her against the wall, holding her up like she weighed nothing, and something about the raw power behind his strength made her feel like a goddess. His lips moved from hers and traveled down the side of her neck to her shoulder blade. She wore only a black tank and a pair of leggings, but even those felt stifling. She wanted nothing separating his skin from hers. His skin that felt hot to the touch and glowed golden in the dim room.

  They were panting now, devouring each other like they physically couldn't get enough. She couldn’t explain what this feeling was that welled up inside of her. It was like a part of her soul was reaching outside of her body, trying to grasp onto something. There was a tugging in her abdomen, practically begging her to pull the wolf closer. She felt almost feral in her desperate need to own him.

  In a sudden, forceful move, Cole lifted her from the wall and carried her over to her bed. He dropped her down and she bounced a few times, giving him room to rip his shirt over his head. She could have sworn she made a whimpering sound at the sight of him, because his lips tipped into a satisfied smirk as he prowled closer. Everything about Cole Harlan was a work of fucking art. His body looked as if it were made by the hands of a god. He was sculpted at all the right angles that made her mouth water. His chestnut hair fell to his shoulders in wild waves that made him look like some kind of mountain man. Tattoos covered every available inch of space on his delectable body and she couldn’t even pick out each individual one because they blended together creating a beautiful mural of scrawling black lines over his muscles.

  Blue licked her lips, fucking him with her eyes already as he reached for the button of his jeans. Her eyes followed the motion, locking onto the little v of muscle there at the waistband. Cole watched her the entire time, eyes glowing. “I’ve been picturing you like this for a long time,” he rumbled. His jeans dropped to the floor and he kicked them out of the way. With eyes bugging out of her head, Blue drank in the sight of his massive cock, standing stiff and pulsing as he came closer. Cole wrapped his
palm around his cock and gave himself a couple of soft pumps, making Blue lick her lips in anticipation.

  Sitting up straighter, she ripped her own tank top over her head, freeing her bare breasts and loving the way his eyes drank her in. He was suddenly on her. He moved faster than her eyes could comprehend, but he pinned her back on the mattress and hovered over her body as he let one of his hands skim her bare torso. Something felt off, so she looked down at that hand, eyes widening even more when she saw that his claws had come out and he was partially shifted. Instead of the tips of human fingers, his nails had filed into razor edges. They skimmed her skin lightly, tingling as they went and leaving a blazing hot trail in their wake. “You like that?” Cole growled in her ear. She hadn’t even realized his face was so close since she’d been so captivated by watching his claws scratch her skin.

  “More,” she whined. Her voice sounded foreign and breathy. “Please…” she breathed. His hand left her side and came to the side of her face. Cole turned her eyes to his, their lips only breaths apart.

  “If we do this, there’s no going back.” He was dead serious. His hand even shook a little. “Not for me, and not for you. If you let me fuck you right now, that’s it. You’re mine… you fucking belong to me.” The promise was there in his eyes as well as his words. The way he looked at her was possessive and reverent. She should have been running for the hills. Never in her life did she think she’d be the one to turn over her soul to a man, but in that moment, it was like something clicked in her head. She knew without a single doubt that she wanted this werewolf with every fiber of her being. No, she didn’t just want him… she needed him.

  Blue snaked her hand up the front of his torso slowly, caressing each and every hard line of his abdomen until her fingers skimmed his throat. His whole body shuddered as her fingers wrapped around his throat and gave a gentle squeeze. He lowered his face, capturing her lips with his and skimming his sharpened teeth along the edge of her lip. “Fuck me, Cole,” she whispered.


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