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Journeyman’s Ride

Page 12

by Marie Harte

  Miranda glanced from the trickster goddess to Danner and scowled. “So you’re the one who landed him in so much trouble.” She clenched her fists, and Danner quickly intervened before Miranda did something she’d regret.

  “Danner got himself into trouble.”

  “How’s that?” He couldn’t help asking. “Because I drank too much that night? Because I slept with a woman I thought was unattached, one who approached me?”

  “Because you never allowed yourself to love,” Demise said softly.

  “Look, I don’t know why you’re here, but Miranda has nothing to do with your problems with your husband.”

  Demise let out an unladylike snort. “I know that, Danner. I’m just here to offer congratulations. It took you long enough, but you’ve finally learned how to love.”

  Miranda grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. To Demise she said, “I think I’m a little confused too.”

  The goddess shrugged and sat down in a peppermint-and-green-striped chair, looking oddly domesticated and at home in these surroundings. “Not every son and daughter of the gods is chosen to ride the lightning. Only the special ones are. Danner showed such promise from an early age.”

  “Promise?” Danner growled. “For what?”

  “To help others. To be as selfless as only a true hero can be.”

  He raised a brow. “Now you’re calling me a hero?”


  “You’re my hero.” Miranda squeezed his hand.

  Demise smiled at them, her white eyes so bright it hurt to look directly at her. “You, Danner, are a true son of Odin. You seemed to flourish all on your own, forced to forage for yourself while Odin fixed the problems of men and gods alike. Sound of mind and body, you were traveling through worlds from the time you could walk. But we hadn’t paid enough attention. Your spirit withered without affection, because praise without care only means so much. So while you grew up in Vanaheim and weaved between worlds, you made no close associations, gave of yourself too little and squandered what should have been your true gift.” She paused. “You never loved before Miranda, did you?” Demise asked quietly.

  He opened his mouth to retort and realized she spoke the truth.

  Miranda hugged him. “Danner? It’s okay. I love you.”

  Demise nodded. “And he loves you. Finally, his heart has softened, and he’s opened up to the true potential inside of him. For all our immortal flaws, Danner, the gods love. Sometimes we love too much, and our darker passions cloud our judgment. But not to love is the greatest sin.”

  He had a hard time believing he’d been that important. He was no more than a speck of dust in Odin’s great kingdom of sky. “So you forced me out of the godlands to teach me a lesson?”

  “Well, that and to teach my husband one. He’s not so free with his affections anymore. Trust me, Vi felt terrible about what happened. Those godbolts he was always throwing your way made it possible for you to keep hold of your status as a demigod, dear. Without that lightning’s energy, your immortality would have withered away. And, well, you do have a knack for upsetting him. Some of those bolts must have hurt.”

  Demise turned to regard Miranda, and Danner prayed the goddess wouldn’t hold her accountable for Vi’s indiscretions. “I do not begrudge you Vi’s love, Miranda. You’re a very beautiful woman, with a strong gift for unlocking the hardest of hearts, it seems.” She glanced at Danner then back to Miranda. “You’ve already found your Ride. But Danner, if you look hard enough, you’ll find it was always there. You just had to see it for yourself. And when you’re both ready, you may return to Vanaheim, Alfheim or Asgard as you wish. Wherever the journey takes you, children of the gods.”

  Demise rose and fluffed her hair. “Oh, and Danner? I trust you won’t be dallying with other females again. Be better than your betters.” She smirked.

  “Betters, ha.” Miranda gripped his hand. “But I have to agree. You, Danner, are now my journeyman.”

  Danner breathed in deeply, feeling a connection with his Ride that he hadn’t felt in years. The love he felt for Miranda swelled in his chest. “Darlin’, I don’t think I have the energy to handle anyone else. Between your penchant for adventure and your hothead of a father, I think I’ll have my hands full just trying to manage you.”

  Miranda laughed and kissed him full on the mouth.

  He hugged her tight and turned back to Demise. “You sure this is all okay? Old One Eye isn’t gonna have a problem with me traveling? I mean, I know he doesn’t much care what the hell I do, but I need to be sure.” Old One Eye. His father, Odin.

  Demise’s eyes twinkled, bursts of blue and purple lights appearing in the white oblivion of her sight. “Who do you think told Miranda to come find you in the first place?”

  He frowned. “Anderer’s no god. Hell, I’ve gotten drunk with the bastard often enough to know that. You wouldn’t believe half the things he’s said about dear old Dad.”

  Miranda cleared her throat. “Oh, um, about Anderer. Well, I do believe I met him just a short time ago. Your father, Danner, he was one of the guards here. And then he was Anderer, and then I saw Odin. The Odin.” She sighed. “My goodness, but he’s a handsome one. He looks just like you, except for the eyes of course. He’s missing that one.”

  “You saw my father? Here?” Danner gaped.

  Miranda smiled and threw her arms around him. “Don’t you see, love? Your father wants you to be happy, after all. He does care.”

  Demise nodded. “He’s kept a watch on you for some time. The All-Father is a busy god, after all. And yes, he’s inattentive at times. But he’s so very proud of you.”

  He cleared his throat. “Really?”

  “Oh yes. We watched you during your exile. The way you’d help people without drawing attention to yourself. Going without so others could survive. Helping the innocent time and time again without a thought of recompense. A truly thoughtful journeyman much deserving of praise and his own Ride, even when you thought you were without one. Even Vi’s impressed, and he doesn’t much care for humans. Well, except for his own.” She smiled at Miranda. “You, child, he’s just dying to meet. When you’re both done doing…whatever it was you were doing…come for a visit.” She gave them a lecherous wink. “We’ll make room. My word, we might even serve tea,” she finished in a York accent.

  Then she vanished with a wave of her hand.

  A rush of power filled Danner and passed through his joined hand to Miranda. His Ride had fully returned. Finally, the energy he’d missed for so long was his again. And the love of his life stood by his side.

  He didn’t know what to say. Everything he’d always wanted was there for the taking.

  Miranda stroked his cheek. “Danner? Are you all right?”

  “Honey, I’m more than all right. I’m a journeyman who’s about to be joined to the most beautiful woman in the West and the East.”

  She blushed, and he laughed.

  “Will you marry me, Miranda Anvers?”

  “Yes, I should be delighted to,” she said in her primmest tone. Then she smiled. “I must say, my journey turned out much better on foot than in that blasted locomotive. I suppose I should credit my handy guide. Will my next ride be even better?”

  Danner tugged her trousers back down and yanked off her shirt, then stripped out of his clothes. “It sure will, honey. Hop on board and find out.”

  About the Author

  Marie Harte is a professed bibliophile with an addiction to romance. She’s fond of things that go bump in the night, especially if they happen to be tall, dark and handsome. Life has given her some interesting insights and a great pool of writing material. After majoring in English, she spent several years in the Marine Corps, followed by stints in information technology and logistics. Now a wife, writer and crazy woman with children, she spends most of her time bugging her kids to do their homework while typing with a mad zeal to make deadlines. She’s a multipublished and bestselling author of erotic romance who’s obse
ssed with email, so feel free to drop her a line.

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  ISBN: 978-1-4268-9151-9

  Copyright © 2011 by Marie Harte

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