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Pleasure for Two

Page 19

by Pamela Yaye

  “I don’t know what happened between you and Marcel, but if it was really over you wouldn’t still be wearing his ring.” Taryn put a hand on her sister’s leg. “That man loves you with every fiber of his being, and if you walk away from him, you’ll regret it.”

  “You’re a fine one to talk.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Get your relationship on track before you preach to me,” she advised. “Your divorce isn’t finalized yet, but you’re running around town with every Tom, Dick and Tyrone.”

  “Who told you that?”

  “No one had to tell me anything. I know you better than you know yourself. There’s a new man in your life, and it’s obvious to everyone.”

  Her eyes twinkled when she giggled. “Well, listen up, Ms. Detective, because I’ve been seeing…Andre.”

  “You’ve been sneaking around with your soon-to-be ex-husband?”

  “A few weeks ago he asked me to meet him at his hotel to discuss the terms of the divorce. We got to talking about the past, the happiest years of our marriage and before I knew what was happening, we were rolling around on the bed, tearing at each other’s clothes.” She closed her eyes and placed a hand over her heart. “It was the first time in years I’ve truly felt desired. That night was…I can’t even put it into words. Have you ever been kissed with such passion you felt like crying?”

  Only every time Marcel touches me. His lips were the best thing she had ever tasted, and remembering all the times they’d made love filled Dominique with longing.

  “Does that mean you guys aren’t going through with the divorce?”

  “Things are on hold for the time being. We’re getting to know each other all over again. You know, taking things slow,” she said, her tone growing soft. “What turned things around for me was seeing how much you and Marcel love each other. I used to adore Andre, but over time I stopped showing him how much I cared, and he withdrew into his work.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Taryn. It happens to the best of couples.”

  “So, are you going to tell me why you called off the wedding?”

  Dominique wiped her clammy palms along the side of her skirt. “I broke things off with Marcel because I found out he was using me.” Ready to unburden the weight she’d been carrying for the past few days, she spoke quickly, releasing it all. “I was putting laundry away and found some of his documents hidden in a bottom drawer.”

  “Niq, why were you snooping through his stuff? Reading his documents is a violation of his privacy. You should have known better.”

  “I know, but once I started reading, I couldn’t stop.” Her voice caught on a sob, but she didn’t break down. “Marcel isn’t who I thought he was. He’s been engaged twice, and he only proposed because his student visa was set to expire. Basically, he saw me as his meal ticket and nothing more.”

  “Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry,” Taryn said, placing a hand around her sister’s shoulders. “What did he say when you confronted him?”

  Dominique sniffled. “It doesn’t matter. We’re through, and I never want to see him again.”

  “Do you want me to go talk to him?”

  “No. There’s a lot of ugliness between us right now. I just want him to leave me alone.” Lying to Taryn didn’t make Dominique feel any better. She missed Marcel and wished he was here with her now. His love had blossomed inside her, fed her, nourished her when she’d needed it most. Their relationship had been a sham, but her feelings for him were entirely too real.

  “Ma’am, I’m sorry to interrupt, but our seamstress is about to begin her shift,” the clerk said, motioning to the woman standing off to the side. “Would you like your deposit back for the Vera Wang gown, or will you be keeping it?”

  Will flung open the front door of Marcel’s apartment and stalked inside. The blinds were drawn, but he didn’t need sunlight to see the pile of dishes in the sink or the newspapers strewn across the table. The condo smelled like rotten garbage, and it was obvious his friend hadn’t left the house all week. “I’ve been calling your cell for the past two hours. Why didn’t you pick up?”

  Marcel peeked out from under a pillow cushion. “How did you get in?”

  “I ran into your super. I told him the situation, and he was cool enough to let me in.”

  “What ‘situation’? I’m fine. I just have a bit of a chest cold.”

  “Is that why your place looks like a dump? You’ve been MIA all week, and—” he stopped, cocked his head to the right, and glanced down the hall “—is that Norah Jones playing?”

  Marcel shifted in his seat.

  “Damn, this is worse than I thought.” Will dropped down onto an armchair. “I hope you pulled yourself together before Dominique got here, because you’re a mess.”

  “I haven’t seen or talked to her since she walked out on me.”

  “What? I’m sure I saw her. When I was pulling into your complex, she was pulling out.” He scratched his head. “She drives a Honda Civic, right?”

  “No, a black Range Rover with tinted windows.”

  “My bad, but the woman definitely looked like her. Have you tried calling her at all?”

  “What for? It won’t do any good. Dominique hates me.” Marcel dragged himself up from the couch and trudged into the kitchen. He couldn’t tell Will he’d been blowing up her phone for the past three days. Dominique had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him, so why did he keep calling her? Distancing himself from her was impossible. How could she stay away when she was carrying his child? His first born?

  “How long are you going to let this go on? Being without her is making you sick.”

  Marcel coughed, looked away. “I’ll live.”

  “Cut the bull, man. You’re talking to me. And I can see you’re miserable without her.”

  “When did you become my personal therapist?” he asked, scratching at the stubble along his jaw. “We broke up. It’s not the end of the world.”

  “I’m disappointed in you, Marcel. I never took you for a quitter. You screwed things up by lying to her, so it’s up to you to make things right. And roses aren’t going to cut it this time.” He took out his phone, dialed and spoke into the mouth piece. “Hello, yes, I’d like to make an appointment for…”

  Starving, Marcel opened the fridge and rummaged around. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten, couldn’t remember what his life had been like before he met and fell in love with Dominique. He’d loved her wholeheartedly, but in the end it hadn’t been enough. Should I just cut my losses and move on?

  Will ended his call and inquired about Marcel’s new job. “When do you start at Biomedical Technology Unlimited?”

  “Not for another week.”

  “Great, that gives you plenty of time to get your fiancée back.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “It is if you know what you’re doing.” He winked and flashed a toothy, I’m-the-man grin. “I’ve been in your shoes before, and if there’s one thing I know, it’s how to redeem yourself after a major screwup!”

  Marcel leaned against the kitchen counter, his head hung low and his eyes filled with sadness. “Maybe this is for the best,” he said, thinking out loud. “You should have seen how hurt Dominique looked when she walked out of here that night. I don’t want to hurt her any more than I already have, and the truth is she’s better off without me.”

  Will gripped Marcel’s shoulders and shook him. “Snap out of it, man. You’re starting to scare me. I haven’t seen you like this since your father died.” He scrutinized his friend’s hopeless disposition. “Actually, this is worse.”

  “I hate the idea of us not being together, but letting her go is the right thing to do. I can still be a good father, even if Dominique and I aren’t together. She might despise me, but she’d never prevent me from seeing my child.”

  “That woman loves you, man. Even though Dominique thought you were a broke, no-job-having graduate st
udent, she still gave you the chance to prove yourself. That says a lot about the kind of person she is.”

  Marcel nodded, and as he reminisced about the first time they met, a smile replaced his frown. More memories rose in his thoughts. He remembered the joy he’d felt when he found out Dominique was pregnant, remembered the passionate nights they’d spent together at Marco Island and how much he enjoyed being with her. “I really made a mess of things, Will. How am I ever going to make things right?”

  Will smiled. “Now you’re talking. First we’re going to call around and find out where Dominique is. Once we pinpoint her exact location, we can put the second phase of…”

  Confidence billowed in Marcel’s heart as he listened to Will outline his plan. It was time he went and got his woman or risked losing her to someone else forever. “I’m ready,” he announced, scooping his car keys off the table. “I’ll drive.”

  “You can’t romance Dominique looking like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. Shave and take a long, long shower.”

  “Are you sure?” Marcel checked his watch. “The mall closes in a half hour, and I want to pick up a few things for Dominique and the baby.”

  Will plugged his nose. “Dude, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life!”

  Chapter 26

  “Your seven-o’clock appointment is here,” Mrs. Tomlinson said, sticking her head inside the Euphoria suite. “Should I send Chanel Jacobs in, or do you need a few minutes?”

  “I still can’t believe what she paid for the last-second time slot. It’s insane how some people blow their money, especially in this day of economic uncertainty.”

  “Said the woman who dropped a thousand dollars in Babies ‘R’ Us at lunch!”

  Dominique leaned against the massage table. “My baby deserves the best, and that suede rocking chair had my name all over it. And at fifty percent off it was a steal.”

  “If you’re tired, I can get Elektra to cover from you.”

  “I’ll be all right. Chanel tips well, and she always has great beauty tips.”

  “Are you still okay locking up tonight?” Mrs. Tomlinson asked. “I can stick around if you need me to.”

  “I better be okay with it. I’ll be managing the new boutique in April, and I won’t have you around to help!” Dominique laughed. “Go home to your kids. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t tell you how excited I am that you’re coming on board full-time. If you don’t mind me asking, what made you decide to take a six-month leave of absence from the bank?”

  “I love working at First Centennial Trust, but the hours are long, and I couldn’t imagine being away from my baby all day. And after you agreed to spread my hours out over the entire week, I knew I couldn’t say no. I think it’s a win-win situation for everybody.”

  “I wholeheartedly agree.” Mrs. Tomlinson waved and then disappeared back down the hall.

  Dominique caught her reflection in the mirror, and her eyes bulged. No wonder Mrs. Tomlinson suggested she take a break. Too tired to retrieve her tote bag from the back closet, she combed her fingers through the ends of her tangled hair.

  Remembering she needed almond oil, Dominique opened the glass cabinet and perused the shelf teeming with supplies. “I could have sworn I took out a new bottle earlier.”

  “Need some help?”

  Dominique’s breath caught in her throat. Several seconds passed before her legs stopped shaking. Through the mirror, she watched Marcel stride into the room. He had a twinkle in his eye, and a dreamy smile on his lips. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as her gaze slide down his physique. He looks relaxed, cheerful even. Like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Hasn’t he been miserable without me the past ten days?

  Flustered in his presence, she said the first thing that came to mind. “Marcel, you can’t stay. I’m expecting my next client any second now.”

  “Mr. Tomlinson said you’re officially off the clock,” he said smoothly. “How are you doing? I spoke to your mom earlier, and she mentioned that you’d been sick. Are you feeling better?”

  “Yeah. I’m all right. I ate too much taco pie at dinner a couple nights ago, and the baby let me know about it. I swear, this kid is going to be a handful!”

  “Have you been able to get some rest?”

  Dominique touched her face. “Are the bags under my eyes that noticeable?” Stepping forward, she lowered her chin and peered into the mirror. “I have to get a better concealer, because this stuff isn’t doing the trick.”

  “I’ve told you before, but it’s worth repeating again. It’s impossible for you to look anything but beautiful.” He slid a hand inside the pocket of his black pants. “I sent a few things over yesterday for the baby. Were they okay? I don’t have an eye for decor like you do, so I had to trust the opinion of the salesclerk helping me.”

  “You sent a lot more than a ‘few things,’” she said, with a laugh. “Thanks to you, the entire nursery is furnished, and the closet’s packed with the cutest little pink dresses and outfits. How did you know that we are having a girl?”

  “A father’s intuition.”

  Dominique thought a moment, then snapped her fingers. “It was Jenna, wasn’t it? How much did it cost you for the information?”

  “Two tickets to the Rihanna concert,” he said and laughed.

  “That girl’s in the wrong program. She should be studying law!”

  They laughed together.

  “When I didn’t see your truck out front, I thought maybe you had left for the day,” Marcel said, smiling softly at her. “Did you carpool with one of your coworkers today?”

  “Nope, you’re looking at the proud owner of a new fuel-efficient Honda Civic.”

  “But you love your Range Rover. If my memory serves me correctly, you once said you’d sell a kidney before you sold your car!”

  “As someone I respect so aptly pointed out, it’s time for me to trim the fat in my spending and quit living on credit,” she explained, finally turning around to face him. “I used the money I made from the sale of the truck to pay off most of my debt. Now I can enjoy my eight-week maternity leave without stressing out about how I’m going to find extra money for the bills.”

  “I’m proud of you, Dominique. I’m sure selling your car wasn’t easy.”

  “It wasn’t, but it’s not about me anymore. I want to set a good example for our child, and I can’t do that if I’m living on credit and being irresponsible with my money.”

  “When are we going to talk about us?”

  His question caught her off guard. Before Dominique could even think of a response, Marcel was in her personal space. “This room brings back so many memories.” His eyes wandered over at the massage table draped in silk sheets. “The night we spent together in this suite changed my life for the better.”

  “I didn’t know you still felt that way.”

  “Look, we’re going through a rough time right now, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you, Dominique. You are, and always will be, the only woman I want.” He caressed her cheek with his fingertips. “I gave you the space you needed to think things through, but now it’s time for you to come back home.”

  Her spine stiffened. “How dare you come in here and make demands! You don’t get it, do you? I’m not a piece of property, Marcel. You can’t order me around. I’m my own woman, and I don’t appreciate you telling me what to do.”

  “I apologize for upsetting you, but living without you is making me crazy. I don’t have all the answers, but I do know this—I want us to be a family. My sole purpose in life is to make you happy, and I can’t do that if you won’t forgive me.”

  “Forgive you for what, Marcel? According to you, you did nothing wrong.”

  “You were right, Dominique. I should have told you about my immigration status. I didn’t mention it because as far as I was concerned it was a nonissue. And it still is. My job is sponsoring me, and I should have my permanent resident card by the end of the month.”
  His response didn’t satisfy her. “This conversation is pointless. I said everything I wanted to say that night at your house, and—”

  “Really?” Uncertainty filled his eyes. “I’ve been miserable for the past ten days, and I have a feeling I’m not the only one. Just admit it. You want to work things out just as badly as I do. Isn’t that what brought you to my condo a few days ago?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about”

  “So Will was wrong about seeing you driving away from my place on Monday night?”

  Busted! To save face, Dominique gave a dismissive shrug. “I wanted to congratulate you about your appointment to Biomedical Technologies Unlimited,” she explained, fiddling with her thin silver chain. “But while I was looking for a parking space, I got an emergency call and had to leave.”

  “You drove forty-three miles to do something you could have done over the phone? I’m not buying it, Dominique. Why don’t you just admit that you came by to work things out?”

  “You can think whatever you want. I already told you why I was at your place.”

  “Tell me you don’t love me. Tell me that it’s over between us and I’ll never bother you again.” His expression was impossible to read, but he sounded dead serious. “Is that what you want? For us to move on and date other people?”

  Tears burned the back of Dominique’s eyes. To keep from breaking down, she bit down on her bottom lip. Embarrassed at losing control, she turned away. But when Marcel folded his arms around her, a sob escaped her lips. “I’m…I’m so scared.”

  “Of what, ma belle reine? I’ve told you a hundred times that I’m not going anywhere, and I mean it.” He tilted her chin upward. “I hate what your husband did to you, Dominique. He destroyed your faith in men, but I won’t let your fear of being hurt again destroy our future.”

  Dominique willed herself not to cry. There was so much she wanted to say, so much she wanted him to know. “I love you, Marcel. I really, truly do, it’s just…I’ve been married before, and it’s not as easy as you make it sound. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to make things work.”


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