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Arena: Part One

Page 7

by D. Michael Withrow

  The wind was howling by now, gusting and swirling and hurling sand from the pit in every direction. The tops of the trees would bend over each time the wind gusted and the clouds moved quickly across the darkened afternoon sky. Jacob had canceled training in the pit for the day. So Colston took advantage of the time to train Cole inside the armory while the other fighters were sent back to their apartments for free time.

  They began with drills on the pell. Cole was forced to perform all drills with each hand so that he would eventually be able to effectively use the gladius with either hand. Once the drills had been practiced over and over again Colston began showing Cole common strikes used with the gladius and the corresponding defense for each strike. It was slow going and each strike was performed at half speed. Despite the slower speed Colston still struck Cole several times when he was too late in responding with the proper defense.

  “I’m getting a little tired of you poking me with that thing.”

  “Then perhaps,” Colston said. “You should be quicker with your defense.”

  “It’s all I can do to remember them all, let alone recognize the attack and apply the proper defense in time.”

  “So imagine what Marcus will do to you when he gets the chance.”

  “Let’s keep practicing then,” Cole said. “He probably pokes much harder than you.”

  They both had a laugh at this. Though they also knew it was truer than either of them wanted to admit.


  Anna was lying beside him in bed in the tower of the ludus. Because of the wind she had had to wrap her entire face with a shawl and peer through the tiny holes in the knitting in order to make her way there. Her clothes had been covered with sand. She had stripped down to her panties and bra and shaken them to get the sand out. Colston was speechless at the sight of her so scantily clad. He was even more taken aback when she folded her clothes then laid them on the bookshelf and came over to lie beside him. Colston had forgotten what he had to talk to her about. He knew it was important but he could not think of anything except her semi-nude body lying against him in bed while the wind howled ferociously outside.

  “So tell me about this morning,” she said.

  “Well, it all happened so fast. There really isn’t much to tell.”

  “Oh come on,” she said. “I want all the gory details.”

  So Colston recounted the morning’s events.

  “Weren’t you scared?”

  “Well,” he said. “Like I said, it all happened so fast. I guess I really didn’t have a chance to be. Cole was something to see though.”

  “I’d like to meet him.”

  “Not dressed like this,” he said.

  She laughed at this. “I didn’t mean now, silly.”

  “Good,” he said. “Because I rather like lying here with you in your underwear.”

  “Oh you do, do you?”

  “I do.”

  They were both quiet for a moment. Only the wind could be heard blowing hard outside their window.

  “Speaking of Cole,” he said. “I will have to start spending more time with him.”


  “Because he needs to learn to fight quickly. He’s made an enemy in my father’s champion and I don’t want him getting pounded on in the pit if I can help it.”

  “Does this mean we’ll have less time together?”

  “It might,” he said.

  “Well then,” she said. “I’ll really have to meet him now. I want to see the man that’s taking time away from us.”

  “You will.”

  “Can we go tonight?”

  “Sure,” he said. “Just as soon as my father passes out.”

  “Then it’s a date.”

  They lay there for a long time not saying anything. It was the happiest he had been since his mother’s death. He began to doubt his decision to spend more time with Cole. He enjoyed his time with Anna. It became clear to him that he was growing fond of her and the warmth of that thought washed over him as he drifted off to sleep.

  His father was waiting for him at the kitchen table when he and Anna made it back to the house. It was almost dinner time and his father had already started his drinking for the night. “What have you kids been up to,” he asked. Colston was accustomed to his father when he was like this. He certainly did not like it, but he liked it even less with Anna there.

  “Just hanging out,” he said. “How’s your throat feeling?” He wanted to distract his father from Anna. If he could get him talking about something other than the two of them then maybe she could slip away without his father noticing.

  “So what does that mean,” his father said. “Hanging out.”

  “You know, talking, listening to music. Stuff like that.”

  “Right,” his father said. “I’m sure that’s what you’ve been doing.”

  Colston decided to take a chance and play the only card he had to use against his father. He needed to get Anna away from his father before the situation escalated. “You said we could hang out. Besides, it’s what mom would have wanted. For me to have a friend.”

  His father took a long pull from the glass of bourbon. He still had not looked at either of them. Instead he stared blankly at the kitchen table. “Your mother…” he said. “Your mother is gone Colston. Why can’t you get that through your head?”

  “I know she’s gone,” he said. “I don’t need you to remind me of that. If she were still here you wouldn’t be drowning in drink the way you do every night. She would never have allowed that.”

  Anna stood stock still beside him. She did not know what to do so she did what she thought was best and pretended that she was not there. Perhaps Mr. Carlson would forget she actually was.

  “Just because your little girlfriend is here doesn’t mean you can speak to me that way, young man.”

  “Well, it’s true,” Colston said. Desperation had set in and forced him to say things he normally would not have said to his father. No matter how true they might have been. He was trying to get all his father’s attention on him so that Anna could slip away. Even if it meant getting beaten again. “You would never behave like this if she were still alive.”

  His father took another long pull of bourbon before abruptly scooting his chair back. He stood as quickly as possible for someone that had consumed as much alcohol as he had and turned to face them for the first time. “Come here boy. Show your girlfriend just how brave you are.”

  Colston did not hesitate. He stepped forward until he stood just in front of his father. He discretely motioned for Anna to move past them while he had his father’s attention. But as soon as she started to move his father punched him in the stomach causing him fall to the floor gasping for air. Anna tried to run past him but he turned and grabbed her by the arm as she passed him. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?”

  “I…” she said. “I just…”

  Mr. Carlson backhanded her with his right hand while he held her arm with his left. He had hit her so hard that she was bleeding from the mouth. He grabbed her with both hands now and shook her. “I don’t take any lip off my son,” he said. “So what do you think I will do to you?” His face was so close to hers now that his breath stung her eyes. She began to cry, though it was more from the emotional trauma of seeing Colston hurt than being hurt herself. He banged her against the wall several times until decorative plates and utensils started falling off the wall and crashing to the floor. Once again he reared back and backhanded her. “Do you hear me girl?”

  Colston jumped on his father’s back and wrapped his arm around his throat. He squeezed as hard as he could until suddenly he was thrown through the air. It happened so quickly and with such force that he was unsure of exactly what had happened. His father punched him in the mouth, causing his head to strike the cabinet hard. Before he could come to his senses his father hit him again. While he was still reeling from the blow his father kicked him in the ribs. A blinding flash of pain shot through
him and he began to see stars. Just as he was about to pass out he saw Anna raise the cast iron skillet and strike his father in the head. His father collapsed on top of him and then everything faded into darkness.


  When Colston woke he was in the infirmary stretched out on one of the beds that lined the walls. His midsection was wrapped so tightly that it was difficult to breath. The pain that shot through him every time he tried made it even more difficult. Doc Shraver stood at the foot of his bed reading something on a holotablet. Anna was asleep in a chair beside his bed. When he tried to speak nothing came out but a dry croak. It pained him greatly so he did not attempt it again. Doc looked up from the holotablet.

  “I didn’t want to give you anything until you were conscious.”

  Colston nodded but quickly decided that it was no less painful than trying to speak. His expression told Doc what he needed to know. He came over to the side of the bed then injected Colston with something that immediately made him feel better.

  “Wow,” Colston said. “That’s good stuff.”

  “It’s a pain killer. It will make you sleepy,” Doc said. “But, it should make the pain bearable.”

  “Thanks Doc.”

  “Care to tell me what happened?”

  Doc looked at Anna asleep in the chair. “She was a mess when they brought you in. She couldn’t really tell me much.”

  “They,” Colston asked.

  “Marjorie carried you in here. She left shortly after I told her that you would be okay.”

  “What about my father?”

  “What about him,” Doc asked.

  “I hit him pretty hard with a very heavy pan,” Anna said.

  Colston looked over to see Anna staring at him with a look of concern in her eyes.

  “Will he be alright,” she asked.

  “Well,” Doc said. “He had three fractured ribs and a mild concussion. I healed the ribs but the trauma around them will have to heal on its own. It will take time.”

  “How long,” Colston asked.

  “A couple of weeks I should imagine. Look Colston, I need to know what happened.”

  “My father,” Colston said. “That’s what.”

  “I cannot continue to ignore what is happening around here. I have to report your father to the authorities.”

  “Doc,” Colston said. “What will that accomplish except to make me a ward of the state?”

  “What would have happened if Anna had not come to your rescue? Your father could have killed you. Is that what you want?” He turned to Anna and repeated his question.

  No one spoke for a moment. There was no easy answer.

  “I suppose,” Colston finally said. “He would have stopped at some point. I seriously doubt my father wants to kill me.”

  “Perhaps not, but, that does not mean it couldn’t have happened.”

  “I’ll make sure to stay away from him when he’s like that from now on.”

  “You do that,” Doc said. “Because if this happens again I will not be talked out of going to the authorities.”

  “Fair enough,” Colston said.

  “You’re free to go, son. Do you have somewhere safe to stay for the night?”


  “Stop by tomorrow sometime so I can give you another dose of pain medication. You’ll know when it’s time for more.”

  “Sure thing, Doc,” Colston said.

  With that Doc bid them good night and left them alone in the infirmary. Colston got out of bed and went to kneel down beside Anna.

  “Are you okay Anna?”

  “Yes,” she said. “My face probably isn’t going to feel very good in the morning though.”

  “You’ll still be beautiful.”

  “Yeah, if you think bruises are beautiful.”

  “As long as they’re your bruises,” he said. He leaned in and gently kissed her cheeks where his father had struck her.

  “You’re sweet,” she said. “You must take after your mother.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. Though I’m starting to forget more and more of her as the years pass. I worry that someday all I’ll have left is a sense of her. If I didn’t have pictures I don’t even think I would remember what she looked like.”

  “Yeah,” she said. “I can’t picture my father’s face anymore. But I remember how happy he made me.”

  “Don’t you have any pictures of him?”

  “They took them all when we were arrested.”

  “That’s right. I’m sorry.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about. You weren’t the one that took them.”

  “No,” he said. “But I might be able to get them back.”


  “Yep. One of the things that owners receive when they pay off a debtor’s debt is all their personal belongings. Anything of value is auctioned off by the owners shortly after buying the debtor. The rest is burned. Though I doubt my father has had a chance to do that with your things yet.”

  “And you have access to our things?”

  “I can get it,” he said.

  “You’re amazing.”

  “You’re just saying that because I’ve promised you things.”

  He smiled at her and she leaned in to kiss him. It was little more than a brush of the lips though as she was already feeling the pain from his father’s blows. When she leaned back he brushed her loose hair behind her ear and stroked her face gently with the tips of his fingers. “You’re pretty amazing yourself,” he said. “Now, what do you want to do with the rest of our night?”

  Anna put her finger to her lips and looked up out of the corner of her eyes as if thinking hard on his question. “I know,” she said. “Can we go see Cole? I’d love to meet him.”

  “Now is as good a time as any. Let’s do it.”

  The ludus was dark and quiet as they made their way to Cole’s cell. Sand had settled over every walkway and overhang from the wind storm earlier that day. They walked across the still hot sand to the door that led to the holding cells. A single protector stood guard at the doorway. He unlocked the door for Colston and stepped aside. “Will you be needing me to accompany you sir?”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Colston said.

  “Just call out if he acts up.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Colston and Anna walked down the steps that led to a row of cells. All were dark except for one. They made their way to the brightly lit cell and found Cole sitting up in his bed. He looked over at them as they approached.

  “Evening,” Cole said. “What brings you two out at this time of night?”

  “We’re staying away from my dad.”

  “Looks to me as though he already got to you and your friend. The one that you’ve failed to introduce.”

  “I’m sorry,” Colston said “Cole, this is Anna. Anna, Cole.”

  Cole rose and walked over to the bars to shake hands with the girl. Colston noticed that she was staring up at him with what looked like a mix of fear and disbelief. When Cole extended his hand she hesitated a moment before taking it. Her tiny hand was lost in his. “Nice to meet you Anna.”

  She continued to stare without saying a word. Colston could not tell if it was his size or the scar that captured her attention, but, he was beginning to feel uncomfortable for himself and Cole. “Anna,” Colston said. She looked at him as if she were surprised he were there.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “When Colston told me you were big, I had no idea. I mean, you’re really really big.”

  “It’s okay,” Cole said. “I’m used to people staring by now.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to be rude.”

  “It’s quite alright.”

  They were quiet for a time before Cole finally broke the silence. “So why don’t you tell me what happened with your father.”

  “Same old story,” Colston said. “Except this time Anna just happened to be there. She had to knock him out with a frying pan.�

  “You must have hit him pretty hard to knock him out.”

  “As hard as I could swing it,” she said.

  “You sure you didn’t kill him,” Cole asked.

  “I had Doc go over to check him out. I’m sure he’s fine. He’s too mean to die that easily.”

  “So Anna,” Cole said. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I was more scared than anything. Though it did hurt quite a bit.”

  “If he does it again, kick him in the balls as hard as you can until he stops.”

  They all laughed at this. The thought of his frail, beautiful Anna bringing his father to his knees made Colston laugh so hard that he snorted. It caused him to wince from the pain.

  “I will,” she said. “And maybe I’ll even kick him while he’s down for good measure.”

  “I can’t say he doesn’t deserve it,” Cole said. “I wish I could have been there.”

  “Yeah,” Colston said. “That would have been something to see. But you can’t always be there. If he’s ever going to stop, it has to be me that stands up to him and makes him stop.”

  “That’s one of the reasons we need more time together Colston.”

  “About that,” Anna said. “That’s the reason I came to meet you tonight. I wanted to meet the man that is going to be taking time away from us.”

  “Well,” Cole said. “We have a couple of problems that need sorting out. First is his father and second is keeping me alive in the arena. Or the pit for that matter.”

  “What can you do about his father?”

  “Make him stronger and teach him to fight.”

  “Cole’s been teaching me how to work out in order to get stronger. And he wants to teach me to fight as well.”

  “But,” Anna said. “Aren’t you supposed to be teaching him?”

  “Two different kinds of fighting,” Cole said. “He’s training me with weapons while I plan to train him on hand to hand combat.”

  “And you think that you can help him to defend himself against his father?”

  “I know I can,” Cole said. “It’ll just take time.”

  “Then you have my blessing,” Anna said. “Train him well.”


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