Killing You Softly

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Killing You Softly Page 7

by Khara Campbell

  “Zhè jiāng shì thirty dolla.”

  “Oh my God! You did not just mock the Chinese.” I holler laughing.

  “What?” He laughs. “All I said was, ‘that will be thirty dollars’.”

  Sobering up, I watch him put the nail polish and remover away. “Well, I’m tapped out. Put that on my tab.”

  “Méiyǒu biāoqiān. Xiànzài fù huò bù huílái méiyǒu gèng duō de.”

  “You know, I’m familiar with a few words and phrases in several different languages, Chinese is not one of them. What did you just say? And it had better not be about my feet looking jacked or something.”

  Cage had picked up a few languages while in the military being stationed overseas.

  Now sitting up next to me on the huge bed, Cage throws his head back laughing. “I said, ‘No tab. You pay now or don't come back no more’.’’

  “Ok. That better be what you said.”

  Cage gently pulls the uninjured side of me into his chest. He’s sitting with his back against the headboard. “Trust me, if your feet weren’t cute, no amount of love would’ve gotten me to paint your toes.” I jerk my elbow into his stomach. I feign being upset. He laughs then kisses me on my head.

  I lay with my head against his chest, enjoying the rhythm of his heartbeat. I feel so secure in his arms. So at peace. I know this bubble we’re in won’t last forever, so I will cherish each moment together while I heal. Because vengeance is the agenda when I’m at least eighty percent healed.

  “Was Cherese able to find contacts for Vic’s wives?” Cherese is Cage’s sister. She’s the woman I saw on the plane that night he busted me loose out of the hospital in Arizona. She works for him as his tech-geek.

  “We’ll talk about it when you get better.”

  That’s what he’s been saying for the week and a half I’ve been here. He wants me to focus on getting better first before I dive into revenge. I told Cage what I overheard during Vic’s conversation on the phone outside my hospital room, and he feels, like I do, that Vic may not be behind his wife attacking me. But Vic has me involved in something. The something is what we need to figure out.

  Earlier this week Cage did at least let me know that there weren’t any leads yet on my attacker’s whereabouts. The woman was smart. She avoided most of the cameras in the hotel, and when she was viewed, her head was down and she was obviously wearing a disguise.

  “I want intel. It will really help motivate me in healing and eventually doing physical therapy,” I whine. I hate feeling like an invalid. I’m not used to this. “Besides, I can help strategize with whatever info you’ve already gathered.”

  “What movie do you want to watch?” Cage picks up the TV remote, completely ignoring what I just said. I know he means well with wanting me to focus on healing, but as a trained killer, I’m antsy. I need to be doing something more than just laying up in bed.

  My cellphone rings, drawing our attention to it. The ringtone is distinctive for Vic calling.

  Vic’s been calling me relentlessly. Just about every hour on the hour for almost two weeks. It is so annoying that I went days with my phone turned off. I smile when I think about how pissed he must feel about Cage coming in and taking me away. I always thought Vic was almighty and all powerful. Cage proved him otherwise.

  My cellphone is wedged between us on the bed. Cage picks up and I stop him before he hits "ignore" on the phone. Since I'd answered Jade's call, I figure I can grace my fake husband with a minute or two of my time. Cage has already ensured that no apps on my phone are transmitting my location.

  Cage looks at me questionably as I take the phone from his had hand. "Are you sure?"

  I nod, then answer the call. "Yes."

  "Where are you?" Vic demands in his smooth authoritative voice.


  I can sense he doesn't like my clipped tone, screw him.

  "As your husband, I have a right to know where you are, Cass."

  "And as my fake husband you had a right to protect me from your wacko baby mama but you didn’t!”


  Honestly, I'm not upset Vic fathered children with her. I never wanted any. Although, now that I’m with Cage, he makes me feel like I can have a family of my own one day. Little Cordells and Cassandras running around. What I'm pissed with Vic about is of all the BS he's been keeping from me. I know our life together was based on a farce, but we shared some truths with each other. At least I thought we did. I thought I knew who the real man behind the deceit he feeds everyone else is. Now I know how wrong I've been. Yeah Cass, you got duped by a professional. I berate myself again.

  “You’re staying away from me because you found out I have children; children I never wanted?” He asks incredulously.

  I hate him.

  The type of hate that seeps into your bones and is fueled by every movement you make.

  “I’m staying away from you because you aren’t worth caca! And being with you almost got me killed, Vic. I could’ve died by the hands of some deranged bitch because of your deceitful ass. You brought me into this life. You! Even after you told me about training me to be your personal killer I didn’t leave. So why keep four other wives a secret? Among the other crap you’re withholding.”

  He exhales deeply. As if I’m boring him. “Come home, Cass. I will ensure you have proper care. Then physical therapy.”

  “Go back to hell, Vic.”

  “I will find you—”

  I laugh out loud. “How does it feel to have me taken right from under your nose?”

  “Let Cage know he will be dying soon and his death will be a bloody mess,” Vic grits through his teeth.

  “Seems to me you are in no position to be making threats when he could’ve taken your life easily that night.”

  Cage’s face is stone cold sitting next to me on the bed.

  “I will find you,” Vic grits through his teeth again.

  “I’m looking forward to it.” I end the call.

  “You know this means war?” I settle back into Cage’s embrace. His face relaxes as he draws me closer.

  “One I’m fully prepared for.” He picks up the remote and surfs the channels.

  Chapter 13


  It’s been six weeks since my attack. The heavy bandages on my shoulder and arm have been removed. Which means I can take a shower on my own without being worried about getting it wet. It also means I can start physical therapy for my shoulder. I’m excited about that because I’m ready to start feeling completely like myself again. And even though I may not ever get one hundred percent of use in my shoulder again because of the injury, I will work to get at least ninety. Today I put in four hours with my physical therapist, Vanessa. And another four working out with an hour just running on the treadmill alone. I love running, a thing that, if my parents had cultivated it from a young age, I may have become a professional. Cage didn’t like how I was over doing it so quickly, he soon backed off when he saw my determination. I’m not a weakling, so I’m not letting my injury stand in my way. And my hate for Vic and the need to avenge myself keeps me pushing, even when it hurts.

  Despite Vic’s threat to find me, he has yet to make his surprise visit. Which is good because when I see him again, I want to be physically prepared.


  “Hmmmm, Cage. That’s it, yeesssss, that’s the spot. Oh God! HMMMM, yes hold it right there, nice and steady…”

  Cage leans close to my ear and whispers, “Cass, you better quit it with the moaning before I have you on all fours, busted shoulder be damned.” His magic fingers are massaging the heck out of my scalp as he washes my hair. He’s certainly a man of many talents. I had suggested going to the salon to get my hair done, since I’m still incapacitated. However, because I’m also still in seclusion and recovering, Cage didn’t want me venturing outside of his property yet.

  I pop one eye open to look up at him. I’m sitting in a chair by the kitchen sink. Cage had his sister order one of
those portable hair washing basins to make it more convenient for him to wash my hair. “Then why don’t you?” I ask him. I know I’m still healing from my gunshot and stab wounds and doing physical therapy, however, the rest of my body is physically able to have sex. Yet, Cage hasn’t made a move. We’ve made out like horny teenagers many times, which only left me sexually frustrated. I want this man in the worst way and abstinence is only making me want him more.

  He says nothing for a moment, continuing to work his magic fingers into my scalp then running them through my thick tresses. “All I’ve ever had was meaningless sex. So, when I do make love to you for the first time – I want you to be my all mine. My wife.”

  Oh! I’m speechless. I cannot be mad with that. I stare up at him, both my eyes open now. I’m just in awe of him. How is this man, so rough and gruff, also very sentimental and romantic?

  God, thank you! And when did I get spiritual? It’s like being with Cage is cleansing me of my darkness.

  “I want you to be my wife, Cass.” His straightforwardness is one of the things I love about him.

  I swallow the frog in my throat.

  “Think you can handle that?” He turns the water on and starts rinsing my hair. He’s become a pro at washing my hair these past few weeks.

  I nod my head as best I could with my head leaning into the basin. Cage looks down on me longingly then kisses me softly on my lips. He’s about to pull away, I yank him back, using the hand attached to my good arm and shoulder. I kiss him as if I will die if his lips aren’t on mine. I’ve never felt this strong intense emotion in my life. This love. I’ve been dead all my life until now. Cage makes me feel alive. Worthy.

  “I love you so much,” I say against his lips.

  “I love you more,” he replies, devouring me with his mouth. The water still running from the faucet drenches the back of my shirt and I don’t care.

  Later that night, showered and dressed in boy shorts and tank top, I make my way out of Cage’s master bathroom. I meet him sitting up in the bed, shirtless, wearing only boxer briefs. I intuitively bite down on my bottom lip. Cage is a chocolate Adonis, and I am more than ready to worship at his feet. I just want to lick every centimeter of his perfect body. The temptation has been strong all these nights in his bed.

  I walk towards the bed, instead of going to my side, I go to where he sits on the left side. Cage’s eyes are heavy with desire as he watches me approach. He licks his lips getting his fill of my exposed thighs and braless breasts. I’m sure my nipples are protruding through my tank top.

  “I want you, Cage, I can’t wait.” I straddle him, feeling the thickness between his thighs. His hands instantly go to my behind, gripping me firmly.

  Cage’s mouth covers my lips in a searing kiss, sucking the breath out of my lungs. “Baby, trust me, it will be well worth the wait,” he says a minute or two later, pulling back from my now wonderfully sore lips.

  I pant. The promise in his eyes only makes me want him more.

  He effortlessly lifts me up then deposits me on the other side of him on the bed. “And I need a cold shower before I forget why I want to wait.” He gets off the bed and heads to the bathroom leaving me wanting to jump his bones in the shower. I suppress the urge.

  I’m willing to wait.

  The next day, after hours of therapy, I’m sitting on the back deck of Cage’s home. He had left a few hours ago to handle some business. Cherese is sitting next to me, keeping me company.

  “I looked into what you asked me,” she says before picking up her glass of lemonade. “You are definitely not a legally married woman.”

  I called her yesterday asking her to check court records in Florida to see if anything was filed regarding me and Vic’s marriage.

  When Vic and I said our I do’s, it was in front of a Priest. Our lone witness. I didn’t sign any paperwork, nor did I witness Vic doing so either. At the time, being twenty-three and caught up in the moment, naively feeding into Vic’s deception, I didn’t take in much of the details of that day. Despite my loyalty and commitment to him over the eleven years, I always knew deep down we weren’t legally married. Discovering he had other wives before me only confirmed it. I mean, how could be when the man uses an alias? However, having concrete proof gives me overwhelming relief.

  “I’m free to marry Cage if I want to?”

  “Do you want to?” She counters.

  Undoubtedly, I reply, “I do.”

  A smile radiates her beautiful face. “Then I guess you will be my sister in-law soon.” I smile back at her. “You mean a lot to him. I’ve never seen my brother so smitten with a woman before. I always thought he would die a hoe,” she snorts.

  Gosh, I’ve known Cage for years, and sadly she has a point. He was disposing women like they were toilet paper. Until me.

  “I hope to put a change to that.”

  “You already have.” She swishes her lemonade around in the glass causing the ice to clink against the glass. “Don’t break his heart.” Her tone turns serious.

  “I don’t plan to.”

  Chapter 14


  It’s been four months since Cass’s attack and she’s anxious to find the woman that almost took her life. And even more anxious to carve Vic’s head on a platter. I’ve been able to keep her at my home, safe from Vic’s reach, but I may not be able to any longer. I understand her need to retaliate, but after those long agonizing hours months ago, not knowing whether she was dead or alive, I’m not ready to let her go. Here with me, I know she’s safe. How do I keep a woman that’s trained to kill from getting her target?

  She’s recovered well. Even beating the doctor and physical therapist’s expectations. Cass’s determination is something I love about her. I knew she would be back to herself in no time. Despite the reasons she’s been with me here in my home for the past four months, it has been the best times of my life. Having her in my home, my bed. Although I have yet to make love to her glorious body, because I meant it when I told her I want her to be my wife first. Our relationship has blossomed the past few months. We’ve always had an easygoing relationship, and since we were friends before I confessed my love for her, the past few months only solidified my love and need for her.

  Cherese and I didn’t grow up with a mother in the home. She and I were conceived from meaningless relationships our father had with women that were too young and selfish to deal with the responsibilities of parenthood. Our dad, Cordell Sr., got sole custody of us both after our births and raised us the best he could as a single dad. Our childhood wasn’t bad at all; however, our home had a revolving door for women. No woman lasted more than a month. So the fact that I saw women as disposable, despite having a sister I love and will protect tooth and nail, was a given. I had no good example of how a man is to love and cherish a woman. None. To this day my father is still a rolling stone. No woman has yet to make him settle down.

  And I was going right down my father’s path. Until Cass. She makes me want to be a better man. She makes me want to do all the things a man in love should do. I didn’t know I was capable of falling in love until her. That’s why it was hard to ignore my feelings for her. And I fought them hard for eight years. Now, she’s here with me and I don’t ever want to let her go. I don’t ever want to know what it’s like not to have her in my life. I want marriage and kids, and all the wonderful things that comes along with it. I want forever with Cass.

  “Tell me what you know,” Cass says, pulling me out of my thoughts. She, Cherese, and one of my right-hand men, Rick, are in the living room of my home. Cass and Cherese are sitting on the couch across from the arm chair I’m sitting in and Rick is standing by the entryway.

  I look over at Cass. She can’t be more beautiful. She has her hair up in a messy high bun. Absolutely no makeup on her chocolate face. And she’s wearing a sweatshirt and tight yoga pants that have me fighting my need to be planted deep inside her filling her with my seed. I groan internally. Lying next to her curvy l
uscious body every night has been a test of restraint I didn’t know I had. And at night, it seems she always wants to test my will by backing her perfect apple bottom snugly against my groin.

  God, she needs to be my wife soon.

  That’s how much I love her.

  Need her.

  I huff a breath before replying. “We know the woman who attacked you wasn’t Vic’s German, African, or Japanese wife. We were able to track them down from the phone numbers we retrieved from Vic’s cellphone. They were all in their home countries at the time of the attack. However, we haven’t been able to track his Italian wife down. And, unfortunately, because Vic didn’t have pictures attached to their information, we have no description of what she looks like. Nor an address. We do know that she goes by the name Elena, at least that’s what he had in his contact information. We believe that’s an alias. We were only able to track the other wives because they picked up their phones when we called from Vic’s line. He’s since disconnected his personal cellphone number.” Knowing that Vic’s Italian wife is still out there lurking, possibly waiting for the opportunity to finish what she started, has me uneasy. Especially when we have no clue of what the woman looks like. She can be just about anyone. “We tried searching through Vic’s texts messages, voicemail, and emails, but he left no trace of the correspondence between him and his wives. The man is obviously very good at keeping his secrets.”

  “The only way for us to find her is for me to leave here,” Cass says, speaking my fears.

  “You want to be a walking target for a professional assassin?” Cherese questions in disbelief.

  “I can’t and won’t stay hidden. I’m not going to allow her to win. And I was trained to do the very same thing she is—”


  Cass’s eyes fly to mine at the sound of the deep timbre in my voice. “We’ve been through this already, Cage. I’m not staying here. I’m healed and ready. I’m going to find her and kill her to put an end to this. Then, I will deal with Vic.”


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