Killing You Softly

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Killing You Softly Page 8

by Khara Campbell

  “She’s right, Cage,” Rick says from where he stands by the entryway. My eyes shoot daggers at him. “In order to find this woman, Cass has to come out of hiding,” he continues ignoring my nonverbal threat.

  “Get the hell out!” I tell him.

  Rick only laughs while shaking his head. “Cage, you know she’s right. Stop using your heart on this and use your head,” he pointedly calls me out. If only he knew that with Cass that’s no longer an option.

  “I don’t like it, but it makes sense, Cage. In order to get this resolved, Cass probably does need to get back to her life,” Cherese jumps in.

  “Her life with Vic?” I ask incredulously. “HELL NO!”

  “I need to go back, Cage…I’m not afraid of Vic. And I don’t think he will hurt me. Not physically at least.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “I can understand the part of you coming out of hiding. But going back to Vic?” Did I just make the last four months up? Have the moments we shared together mean nothing to her? Is it that easy for her to leave me and my home to go back to him?

  “Can you guys give us a moment alone?” Cass asks Rick and Cherese.

  After they leave, Cass pats the space beside her on the couch, where Cherese just vacated, indicating for me to come sit next to her. I stubbornly stay put.

  “I don’t like this, Cass.” I shake my head. Dammit the plan makes sense for her to come out of seclusion. But going back to Vic? “I don’t want you near him. I don’t want him looking at you; touching you; sharing the same air as you; nothing! I should have killed him that night in the hospital.” I sound like a damn caveman and I don’t give a fanculo, as I’ve heard Cass say.

  “I love you, Cage. You! Not Vic. I never loved Vic. You are the only man that’s secured that emotion from me. I’m only going back because I need this woman dead. I need to deal with Vic. Then, I can be all yours.” She smiles which helps melt some of my uncertainty and anger away.

  Cass gets up from the couch, walks over to me, and sits in my lap. My hands eagerly encircle her waist, drawing her nearer.

  I’m still uneasy about all this, though I give in. I have to trust her. I do trust her. I can’t and won’t make her stay here against her will. I’ve been her bodyguard for years, so I know she’s physically able to handle herself. In essence, she’s never really needed me to physically protect her, not until her attack. And even though I’m giving in, she won’t be going in alone. My team and I will have her back. We will be in the shadows. Cass and I will put an end to this together. “You’re not sleeping in the same bed as him,” I state definitively.

  Cass smiles, and leans in even closer to me, if that’s possible with how close I have her against me already, her lips just a hairsbreadth away from mine. “I won’t be in his bed. I won’t be embracing him like this. And I won’t kiss him like this…” Her lips slam hard against mine, squashing the last bits of uncertainty and anger away. God, I love this woman.

  I hope I’m not making a mistake agreeing to this.

  Chapter 15


  “Where the hell is she?” I roar at the incompetent men standing before me. “Chto yebat do I pay you all for if you can’t find my wife? It’s been four months!” I curse at them in Russian. I slam my hand hard against the desk, then run frustrated fingers through my thick tresses. All sixteen pairs of eyes are on me where I sit at the rectangular table in the middle of the room. We’re at a secret location outside of the city of Atlanta where I conduct business,.

  Not only is Cass’s disappearance frustrating, it’s also an embarrassment. I was sleeping when that prick, Cage, swept her away. And my men outside the hospital that were supposed to be on guard, just let them get away. And the man that protected me for years, was taken down without much of a fight. I fired his worthless soul immediately. The crazy thing about it all is the reason I hired Cage to be Cass’s bodyguard eight years ago, was because of his military experience. And damn, didn’t it backfire.

  Caca! Caca! Caca!

  I need to find her.

  “Tick, tock!” The voice that has been the bane of my existence for too many years, bellows. He sits on the couch that’s against the wall, practically taking up the whole space because of his massive size. He seems to be as wide as he is tall. The ever-present cigar is between his thick fingers dropping ashes on the cement floor. He says nothing else as he draws the cigar to his slimy mouth then takes a draw.

  If I could kill him, the pile of dung would’ve been in hell years ago. I’ve tried and failed. He has more security than the President of the United States, so all my attempts have been fruitless.

  But as I’ve been proven – everyone has a moment of weakness. His time will surely come.

  “Sir, we have men canvassing every possible location for Cassandra’s whereabouts, we’re still coming up empty. Cage’s apartment hasn’t been occupied in months. We’ve been tailing some of his men from his business location in the city, no one traces back to him. We’ve tried hacking into their computer and phone systems but our attempts were overridden—”

  “Enough!” I snap. His words are just repetitious garbage that I’m sick of hearing. That’s all I’ve been hearing for months. I turn my gaze from the man who was speaking, to Drake, who is sitting in a seat to the left on the other end of the table. He and Cass have gotten close as friends over the years, even with my disdain regarding the matter. Despite what Cass may think, I gave in to the friendships because I care for her a great deal. And Drake seemed harmless, unlike Cage who has since proven to be otherwise. “She still hasn’t reached out to you?” I ask Drake although I already know the answer. He’s been high on my watch list regarding my wife’s whereabouts. I would hate to put a bullet through his ears, he is an invaluable part of my team, but no one crosses me and gets away lightly.

  “No. I’ve also tried reaching out to her, she hasn’t accepted any of my attempts.” He looks me right in my eyes, unwavering. Like I said, I already knew his answer. My asking is only a formality, so if I do have to end his life, he will have a clear reason as to why.

  I feel like blowing up the whole goddamn state to uproot where Cage is hiding her. How has he kept me from her for all these months? My wife. I may not be in love with Cass, because quite frankly, I have too much evil in me to be capable of feeling that emotion, but I care. I care a whole lot for her. And of all my wives – she is my favorite.

  The first time I laid eyes on the chocolate goddess I was a goner. I needed to have her. Possess her. Her broken soul called out to me like a siren. And the devil knows I crave a broken spirit. She came to me willingly, seduced by my vile charms. Within months she was my wife…my dark angel. And I need her back.

  I reach for my gun on the table, lift it, point it towards Drake, and pull the trigger. The body slumps over the seat with a gushing bloody hole through his head. Brain matter drips staining the concrete floor. Drake looks with wide eyes at the dead man next to him. I must say I have a lot of respect for him for not running when I pointed my gun in his direction.

  “Let that be an example. I will kill all you madre stronzo, one by one, until I get my wife back! Something I should’ve started months ago. Playtime is OVER!” I push away from the table and stand. I button the top button to my dark suit jacket after standing. I look each of my eight men present in the eyes ensuring they understood. “Drake, clean that mess up.”

  “Tick, tock!” The lump of caca on the couch echoes as I make my exit with my new bodyguard, Sten, right behind me. He knows better than to say anything else to undermine my power over my men. But we both know his is greater than mine.

  Where are you, Cass?

  Chapter 16


  Leaving the sanctuary of Cage’s home is no easy decision. I wish our lives were normal so that I can just stay here with him. In peace. In if I want those very things I have to leave. I need to take care of Vic’s wife, then I need to deal with the devil himself. I need to regain my

  Vic may not be behind his Italian wife trying to kill me, but he’s plotting something with my life. I can feel it so I need to find out what it is. The devil is trying to destroy me. I must defeat him before he claims me fully.

  Cage wasn’t in bed when I woke up this morning, which isn’t unusual. It surprises me every day of his willpower to lay next to me every night and not physically claim me as his own. Some may see that as odd, as a weakness, I see it as strength. It takes more tenacity to stand up for your beliefs than it does to give in. Cage wants to honor my body. He wants to give me the gift of being my husband before we consummate our love. And it makes me fall deeper in love with him each day.

  I find Cage in the room he’d turned into a gym. This is where he deals with his pent up sexual frustration. Every morning at the crack of dawn I’m sure to find him in here working out. Vigorously.

  This morning I know his frustration also has to do with me going back to Vic today. He hits the boxing bag with precise swiftness, causing the heavy-duty equipment to swing loudly on its hinges. I imagine Vic’s face is what he envisions as he viciously pounds away.

  With my own lack of sex, it does me no good to watch his muscular back, tight glutes, thick calves, and strong arms flex as he punches the boxing bag. I stand in the doorway admiring the man I love. His back is to me and he has earbuds in his ear obviously listening to music, he probably hasn’t noticed me yet.

  Tired of torturing myself, I run then lunge myself onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He doesn’t even budge from my assault. “Good morning.” I kiss him on his sweaty cheek then pull the earbuds out of his ears.

  Cage laughs heartily, “Good morning.” He quickly strips off his boxing gloves, throwing them to the hardwood floor, then brings his taped hands up to my thighs that are hugging his waist from behind.

  “I’m going to be fine,” I try to reassure him because I know his mind is unsettled regarding today.

  Maybe I should be apprehensive myself, I’m not. At least I’m trying not to be. One thing Vic has taught me over the years doing his bidding is to always be confident in my missions. And I am confident I am going to kill that wench. My many years of training was meant for this very moment.

  Cage sighs, confirming my thoughts. He walks over to the bench press and picks up a towel. He wipes his sweaty face and chest as best he can with me piggybacking on his back. I slide down and step in front of him. “One month. That’s it!”

  We agreed yesterday that I will only stay with Vic for a month. Hopefully that will be enough time to bring his Italian wife out of hiding.

  “One month.” I peck him on his lips after he threw the towel around his neck.

  “Come, I have something for you,” Cage takes my hand and starts for the door.

  “And I thought you wanted to wait until our nuptials?” I tease.

  He looks at me over his shoulder with heat filled eyes. “Don’t tempt me, baby. I’m barely holding on.” He pulls me gently to his side, his hand gripping my silk pajama shorts clad butt. A girlish giggle escapes my mouth. “Come.” He instructs as he continues out of the door.

  We enter his home office. Cage releases my hand and goes to his desk, pulling open the drawer. He pulls out a small square box and hands it to me.

  “What is it?” I ask anxiously, taking the box from his hand. I pull the top off of it and inside is a white gold necklace with a huge diamond pendant and matching diamond studs.

  “They’re not real,” he says quickly before I get too excited. “The stones are made of glass. The earrings are listening devices and the pendant has a camera. If I have to send you into the lion’s den, I want to at least have eyes and ears on you at all times.”

  “Really, Cage? Even when I’m taking a dump on the toilet?”

  He smirks. “You can turn it off during potty breaks.”

  I grin back. “Why thank you for some privacy.” I inspect the rigged jewelry in the box. Pretty convincing.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Cass. I know you can handle yourself, but I’m going to have your back every step. I will start another world war if something happens to you. Seeing your bloody body in the elevator proved to me that you are mine – to have and to hold, till death. And I don’t plan on either one of us dying soon.”

  I place the box down on his desk, then I step closer, looping my arms around his neck. “That’s why I love you. I will be back home with you, safe and sound, before you know it.”

  “I love the sound of that. Especially, you seeing my place as, home.”

  “Home is wherever you are.” I reach up on my toes and kiss him softly on his lips.

  The kiss starts out slow and steady, now it’s getting heated. Cage’s tongue is ravenously making love to my mouth. Sucking, biting…down my neck, my ear. His large hands groping me sensually, eliciting moans from my mouth. He cups my behind, lifting me up and I automatically wrap my legs around his waist. He easily deposits me onto his desk. He goes for the hem of my silk top and easily slips it over my head, exposing my full perky breasts. Cage’s hungry mouth captures a dark nipple into his mouth. Every nerve ending in my body seems to be at the peak of the nipple he’s suckling – and oh gawd! His mouth on me feels soooooo, aahhhh, yeesssss…so good! His thick erection is rhythmically pressing into my soaking wet undergarments…

  “Oh Jesus! TMI, TMI,” Cherese shrieks from the doorway before she dashes away. Why is she here so early?

  And just like that, it feels like a cold bucket of water is doused on top of us. Cage groans loudly, like a wounded lion. I love Cherese, but I could just kill her right now. The last few seconds were the best sexual experience in my life – and I want more!

  Cage is breathing heavy. I can still see the imprint of his glorious erection. My mouth salivates. Realization dawns on him and he steps away from me. “This is definitely to be continued,” he states.


  “Damn right!”

  Chapter 17


  The guards at the front gate let me through with no problems. The three that are posted there look like they want to give me a big hug, like I’m their long lost best friend. I guess Vic lit the fire under their butts to get me back home. Luckily for them, I’m back here willingly. But I don’t plan on staying long.

  I walk the rest of the way up the long driveway with my duffle bag over my shoulder. I took an Uber here since the plan is for Vic to believe I left Cage to come back home to him. I’m not sure if that plan will work, I guess I will find out soon enough. Taking in the grandeur of this home, the joy I used to feel of living here is gone. Being with Cage is definitely home for me now. That fact speaks loudly to me as I draw nearer to the double mahogany front doors.

  Nothing has changed. The weekly delivery of a fresh assortment of flowers is sitting in a vase on the huge table in the middle of the entry way. That was something I had started when I moved here, no arrangement was the same in a given month. I love the natural aroma the plants give off.

  I walk further into the house after closing the door behind me. God, I hope I’m not making a mistake. There I go again praying. Maybe it’s not a bad thing. Cage doesn’t think it is.

  The guards told me Vic isn’t here, I’m sure he’ll be here soon enough. I head upstairs to the room I shared with Vic. I go right to my side of the walk-in closet. I may be back – but I’m not sleeping in his bed. I reach up on a shelf to take down my designer suitcases then I start to pack as much of my clothes as possible. I will take them all to the guest bedroom so I won’t have any need to come back in here. Next, I throw some shoes in the bag. I go to the drawers and pull out undergarments and sleepwear. Then I head the master bathroom to pack up my toiletries.

  About thirty minutes later, I have my bags in the bedroom ready to haul to the guest room two doors down. I’m going to keep some space between us.

  The sound of familiar music playing pulls my attention to
ward the bedroom door. Is that…Tevin Campbell?

  “Baby, don't stand there in the doorway

  With all your bags ready to go

  Baby sit down, and let's talk it over

  Oh I need to know

  What do you think you're gonna find?

  A man that treats you sweeter

  What are you looking for?

  A place where the grass grows greener

  The world is cold out there

  I'm the one who really cares…”

  What in the…? Vic is standing in the doorway, dressed in one of his signature Armani suits…singing “Don’t Say Goodbye.” After all these years, how did I not know that the man can sing? He sounds nothing like Tevin Campbell, but to my jaw dropping surprise – this white man that I’ve been with for eleven years, can sing! Soulfully.

  Unlike him, I didn’t withhold truths about myself, so he knows Tevin Campbell is one of my all-time favorite musical artists. I never believed love was for me, as a child, left alone days on end because my parents and siblings were too busy chasing their next high, I had a lovesick neighbor that used to blast Tevin Campbell’s albums. I used to sit on the dirty floor and lean against the thin walls of our apartment, and allow the music to drift me away from the devastation of my life. Tevin Campbell’s voice helped me forget, even for just a few minutes, how hungry or cold and alone I was.

  “…Don't say goodbye girl

  Take a look inside and read my mind girl

  Everything I do, I do for you

  Don't leave me crying, crying

  Maybe my crime was caring 'bout you

  Wanting you close by my side…”

  I’ve had enough of this farce. Especially when he gets closer to me and tries to pull me into a hug. “Stop!”

  He turns the music off on his phone, then slips it back into his pocket. “Please tell me you’re staying?”

  “And if I’m not?”

  “I’ll have to find another way to convince you to stay.” Him and his pretty boy face, it’s almost hard to believe he’s son of the devil. A cunning beauty. One I’d been enthralled with for eleven years. Well no more!


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