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Page 4

by Ainsley Cole

  Wolf was to the west. Hunkered down on the top of one of the Humvees and Bones skirted past him, giving the man a quick nod. They’d had their quick chat. Wolf’s words had hit him hard, and he needed time to adjust himself to them.

  Queenie had taken up the north position. The light of his phone illuminated his face and Bones stopped next to him, looking down at the screen. All he could see was a full page of text, and he grimaced, before asking, “What’cha reading?”

  The man’s amber gaze lifted to him, darker than normal in the poor light, and Queenie grinned, showing perfect white teeth. “Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.”

  “Again? Isn’t this like the tenth time or something?”

  “I’m sure I’ve missed something,” Queenie quipped, his gaze shifting back down to the device. “I’ve got to be.”

  “Do I want to know how fried your brain is right now?”


  “Right.” Bones pushed his hand through his hair, curling its length back over the top of his skull. It was longer in the front than the back, and he was starting to wish he had cut it all off. Wasn’t the most practical of haircuts out here—but the ladies back home loved it. “Are the solar pumps up and running?”

  “Yeah. The pipes were a little rusty and needed a flush. But I got them sorted with Reaper’s help. The solar will kick in first thing in the morning. Battery packs are in place now until sun-up. Should be enough water pumped through and hot by the time you need your first beauty wash.” The Greek chuckled, and Bones frowned. “How are you going with the doctor? Got into her pants yet?”

  Bones’ gaze snapped to Queenie, seeing him smirk at his phone. If it had been the man in the chair beside him interested in the brunette, he would have already slept with her. Queenie had a natural gift—men, women, he didn’t care. If he got off, that was all that counted.

  “No, and I’m not planning on it.”

  “Uh huh. And the likelihood of that happening is about one-point-three percent. Give or take a percent.”


  He lifted his head. “What?” He shut off his phone and looked at him. “I’ve known you for what? Six and a half years? When have you not slept with a woman you wanted? You set your sights on her, and within a week, those panties are dropping.”

  Bones turned his head away, knowing the man had a point. “She’s different.”

  “Why? Because she grinds you? Rubs you the wrong way?”

  Bones turned his attention back to the dark-haired man. “I’m not discussing the doctor with you.”

  “Why not with me? I could give you some pointers. Like walk past her naked. The length of your—”

  “Cut it out,” Bones snapped, and Queenie grinned.

  “Sure. Whatever.” Lifting his phone again, he switched it back on, starting to read again. “Good chat, boss. I love our little heart to hearts.”

  “You’re a prick.”

  “Yep. But I’m your prick.”

  Shaking his head, Bones turned, wandering away from the man.

  Queenie had once—and only once, hit on Bones. After the initial shock had worn off, Bones had smacked him one, breaking his nose. They’d never spoken about it since. He knew though, somewhere deep down inside, Queenie still held a flame to the idea of having him.

  Wandering toward the south side of the camp, Bones tried to get rid of the conversation with Queenie.

  The doctor in the clinic no more than a few feet from him had looked tired, but beautiful. He wondered how a woman like her could do what she did. Traipse across the globe to the middle of Kenya to find an outbreak which didn’t affect her. What did her husband think?

  “You okay, Brae?”

  Apollo’s voice broke through his thoughts, and he realized he’d come to the side of the other Humvee. Sighing, he climbed the small ladder and perched himself next to his adopted brother. “Define okay, Baz.”

  “Queenie been giving you hell over the doc again?” he asked, leaning back against the huge 50-cal gun on the top of the vehicle.

  Bones hunched forward, wrapping his arms around his brought-up knees. Staring out into the dark, his gaze went to every shadow. Somewhere, out there in that savannah were lions, elephants, and cheetahs. Wild animals which could kill you. But he was sitting here, worried about the woman in the clinic behind him. “Understatement.”

  “Ignore him.”

  “Uh huh… with a mouth like that? I’m amazed you couldn’t hear him from here.”

  “I’ve learned to block out most of what the prissy shit says.” Apollo chuckled. “It’s easier. Plus, with all those damned big words, he makes my head hurt.”

  “Got that right,” Bones replied. Queenie was their brains. The man’s IQ was through the roof. He knew the ins and outs of everything and knew when the odds were in their favor. “Wish he’d keep his opinions to himself.”

  “They’ll get him shot. One day, you’ll see, he’ll end up hurt because of his mouth, and you’ll be able to tell him, told you so.”

  Bones turned his head, looking back to Apollo. The lights from the clinic shone through his golden curls, giving him an aura, and he smiled. “I’m going to love that day.”

  Apollo grinned. “Aren’t we all?”

  Bones chuckled, leaning back, and looked up at the stars.

  “Why don’t you go and get some rest? I’m sure we’re going to be safe tonight.”

  He looked at his friend. “You sure?”


  Bones nodded, putting his hand on Apollo’s shoulder. “Thanks, Baz.”


  Making his way down the ladder, Bones headed toward the small building which housed the bunks. Entering, snoring came from one of the smaller rooms. The two other doctors; Chris and Andrew.

  Looking around, he noticed three smaller rooms. All housing two beds.

  A small pink suitcase sat to the side of one and Bones frowned. Someone would have to bunk in the same room as the doctor.

  Turning to one of the others, he noticed Apollo and Reaper’s bags. Wolf and Queenie’s in the other. His pack was in the middle of the common area, ready for him to decide what to do.

  “Damn it.”

  Inhaling, he walked over and picked it up, staring down at the battered canvas.

  He moved to the other side of the room. Furthest away from the one Abigail had put her bag in. Bones dumped his bag on the floor and sat down. Throwing one last look at the pink suitcase, he frowned. Laying down, he rolled his back to the rooms and the last spare bed. The pack was uncomfortable, but it wasn’t the first time he had used it as a pillow, and it wouldn’t be the last.

  He refused to put temptation there in front of him. He’d rather sleep on the cold, hard floor in the middle of the common area. He wanted to prove to Wolf that he could control himself.

  Closing his eyes, Bones drifted off to sleep; the snoring of Chris and Andrew lulling him.

  * * *

  Abigail finally called it quits at almost three a.m.

  Her head was dull, hearing ringing, eyes aching. Picking her way through the camp, she nodded at the blond on top of the Humvee and made her way to the living quarters.

  Pushing open the doors, she stopped.

  The dark figure of Bones lay on the floor, hard against one of the walls, hands on his chest, fingers laced. His head rested on a battered bag, and she frowned. Stepping closer, her gaze went to her room. There was a good bed in there. Why would he sleep on the floor out here?

  Chewing on her bottom lip, she moved to the room. Unpacking her PJs and a singlet, she took off her boots and climbed into bed, covering herself.

  With quick, practiced movements, Abigail changed, tossing her clothing out onto the floor. Climbing from the bed, she adjusted her clothes and picked up her dirty ones. She shoved them into the small section of her bag which stored wet clothing.

  Going to the door, she looked out at Bones, leaning against the door frame.

What an odd name. Her gaze gravitated to the intricate tattoos which wound along his skin. Flowers, butterflies, demons. Bones.

  “Oh.” The more she looked, the more she could see. A skeletal tattoo blanketed his flesh. Flowers, butterflies, and demons laced in and out of the bones. “Cool.”

  Smiling to herself, she watched as he rolled in his sleep. Turning to face her, she marveled how peaceful and nonthreatening he looked. The tension was gone from his features, his face calm. Licking her lips, she turned and climbed back into bed.

  Her mind raced with images of what Bones would look like under all his clothes. Would his tattoos cover every single inch of his skin? Was he as ripped and toned as his arms suggested? Would he be able to hold her up against the wall with those strong arms?

  Shaking the dirty thoughts from her mind, Abigail closed her eyes and let the day’s exhaustion overcome her.

  Chapter Three

  He’d been awake for close to two hours. In that time, Bones had already gotten himself coffee and made sure each of his men was okay. Reaper was still on guard, having moved to the roof of the clinic. Apollo, Queenie, and Wolf were grabbing some quick shut-eye before their shift started.

  Bones had made himself busy. Checking the Humvee they planned to take with them today. They would do a small recon mission. Himself, Apollo, Abigail, and Andrew. Chris would stay with Wolf and Queenie and make sure the lab was set up and ready. Reaper would nap for his shift later that night.

  Now back in the sleeping area, he walked past Abigail’s room, flicking his gaze to her as she slept. Dark hair haloed around her head. Her singlet wasn't holding her breasts in as well as it should, as she lay on her side.

  Bones shook his head. The swell of her breasts was tempting—would her skin be soft? How quickly would he come, if she allowed him to place his cock between those soft mounds and titty fuck her?

  The sound of Queenie’s snores knocked him out of his daydream, and he picked up his pack and headed out the door, not looking in on her again. The guys would be up soon, and they needed to head off to the village.

  Heading to the small ablutions block to the east of the main buildings, Bones went to one of the small cubicles and shut the door. Turning on the water, he waited for the solar pumps that Queenie set up the night before to kick in. The water took a little to get started, then to heat but once going, the room filled with steam quickly.

  Stripping off, he climbed under the water and tipped his head back. His hands moved, soaping himself, running down his torso and over his cock. He hardened, thinking of how her breasts had almost spilled out of her singlet. He ground his teeth together as he stroked himself.

  His legs started to shake as his orgasm built. Leaning his head against the wall, his stroking got faster. His jaw clenched as he spurted, thick cum splashing into the water. “Fuck.”

  His knees shook as he slowed, his breathing harsh. He hadn’t jerked off to the thought of someone in a while.

  Sighing, he shut off the shower and toweled himself dry. Wrapping the fabric around his waist, he sat on the small bench, waiting for his erection to go down. He stared down at the concrete floor, wondering how the hell he was going to get through these next couple of days. He couldn’t even handle seeing the side of the woman’s breast.

  “Hey, Bones, you in here?”

  Apollo’s voice floated to him from behind the door, and he lifted his head. “Yeah.”

  “The doc is awake. She’s ready to head out.”

  “Already?” He hadn’t been in the shower that long.

  “Yeah, she’s pretty adamant on getting going.”

  “Okay,” Bones replied, leaning back against the wall. “Be out in a minute.”

  Apollo’s footsteps left, and Bones sighed. Looking down at his crotch, he raised his eyebrow. His cock wasn’t going down. Frowning, he lifted himself and turned on the taps again, stepping into the shower.

  The shock of the cold water made him soft in an instant, and he shut it off again, stepping out.

  Drying himself, he dressed in his gear. Dark cargo pants, a tight black shirt. Lacing his boots up, he opened the door, stepping out—

  “There you are. We have to get going.”

  Bones blinked, staring at Abigail. She stood in the doorway of the bathrooms, hands on her hips. He lifted his hand, smoothing his hair over his head and her gaze gravitated upward.

  “I needed a shower, ma’am.” He walked to the sink. Putting down his pack, he opened it, fishing out his toothbrush and paste. He started to brush his teeth, gaze slipping to Abigail in the mirror.

  She was watching him, arms crossing over her chest and she sucked her tongue over her teeth as he continued. “It’s almost eight a.m., Bones.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t have slept in so late, Abigail.” He spat the contents of his mouth into the sink and rinsed. Lifting his head, he wiped away any lingering toothpaste, before turning and looking at her. The sunlight streaming in behind her was giving her hair a redder tone than it was. “I am not one to keep a tight schedule when it comes to someone sleeping. I give them what they need to recuperate. You looked like you needed more time. So I gave you more time.”

  Her face flushed a tantalizing shade of red. Did she realize he’d looked in on her sleeping? He could only imagine what she’d think if she knew what he did after that.

  “Well, can we get going? It’s a busy day ahead of us.” She turned on her heel, stomping off from the bathrooms and Bones rolled his eyes.

  He was sure he liked her more when she was quiet and shy—like back at the base. This woman was too headstrong, and she was going to be his downfall.

  Picking up his pack, he walked out into the heat and toward the Humvee.

  Apollo was already waiting, and Bones grabbed Queenie by the arm as the man walked past. “Can you drop this into the rooms?”

  “Sure thing.”

  The dark-haired man left, and Bones stopped in front of Apollo. Abigail and Andrew had already taken their seats in the back of the Humvee. He turned, so his back was to them. “This is going to be a long day.”

  “Were you at least dressed when she found you?” Apollo asked, grinning.

  “Yes. If I hadn’t been, she might not have been so pushy.”

  “Yeah, because that would have been real professional.”

  Bones frowned, taking the little mic and pack from Wolf as he walked past. Shoving the earbud into his ear, he clipped the small mic to his shirt and the battery pack to his belt. “I don’t think staying professional with this one is an option.”

  Apollo raised an eyebrow. “Got you good, has she?”

  Bones frowned, pushing his hand through his drying hair, gripping the back of his neck as he looked at his adopted brother. “Baz, there’s nothing good about it.”

  * * *

  Abigail watched Bones as he spoke to the blond they called Apollo. His body was tense, dark eyebrows furrowing. She hadn’t said anything to offend him—not that she knew of.

  “He doesn’t look impressed,” Andrew said, leaning closer to her and Abigail leaned closer to the window, trying to get away from the man.

  “Would you be, if you were going into unknown territory?” she asked, still watching the dark-haired man. His shirt pulled across his back and chest, outlining a sculptured body. Hard muscles and strong arms. She’d always had a thing for hard muscles.

  Apollo and Bones turned to the Humvee, climbing in, and Abigail’s nose picked up the scent of the man. He smelt of the heat, cleanliness of soap and the spice of aftershave. The scent hung in the air as he adjusted himself in the seat and Apollo started the engine.

  As they drove out of their little compound, Abigail turned her attention to the surroundings. Kenya was beautiful. The countryside danced with bright colors and fragrant, hot air. Abigail closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of grasses and hot dirt. It was so different compared to England. All you could smell there was smog and rubbish… well, where she lived, anyway. She hadn’t seen to
o much else of the country since she had moved there ten years ago, she’d been far too busy.

  Opening her eyes, her gaze gravitated to the back of Bones’ head. His dark hair was still damp, clinging to his skull. His tattoos wound up to the back of his neck, shy of his hairline. More flowers and bones and demons. The scary face of a Japanese Tengu stared at her, its mouth hanging open, tongue out.

  She wondered how much money he had put into his body, turning it into such a bright and beautiful canvas. Turning her head, she saw Andrew watching her, and she frowned, looking away. God, she wished they had left him behind.

  * * *

  The trip to the village was tense. Bones brooded the whole way, trying to keep his mind off the dark-haired beauty sitting behind him. Apollo was trying to follow the directions Andrew was dribbling.

  “There should be a line of acacia coming up soon.”

  The man’s voice was starting to grate on Bones’ nerves. It reminded him of a chihuahua.


  “There!” Andrew’s arm shot out through the pair of front seats, making Bones roll his eyes.

  “Dr. Grant, please sit back. We don’t know if there would be an IED around. Wouldn’t want you hurt if the car blows up,” Bones quipped, earning a snigger from Apollo. They both knew it would be more likely for them to see a flying elephant than an IED. But it worked, and Andrew scrambled to sit back and put on his seatbelt.

  Bones looked out the side window. There was nothing. Flat and expansive, he stared at the occasional acacia which went past. Africa had lost its beauty the last time he was here.

  “It shouldn’t be too much farther,” Abigail said, finally speaking. “I don’t know if they’re expecting us.”

  Bones turned, looking back to her. “Are you saying they don’t know we’re coming?”

  She frowned, pursing her lips. “I’m unsure. We know there is an outbreak. Waterford contacted them and advised of the prospect of a team coming in. But I’m unsure if they know we’re actually on the way.”

  Bones clenched his jaw. “Wonderful.”

  Turning back to the front of the vehicle, he shot Apollo an annoyed look. The blond returned it.


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