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Page 14

by Ainsley Cole

  She watched the man. He was gloating, telling her these things because he knew she couldn’t do a thing to escape.

  “But no matter. What I planned, it’s all fallen into place.”

  Abigail’s eyebrows creased together. “What?”

  Ungato turned to her, a grin spreading across his features, making the scars on his neck protrude. “The deaths. The boomslang darts. Surely it didn’t take long to figure out what it was?”

  “You? You did it? On purpose?” Surprised, she blinked. “Why? What the fuck could you gain from it?”

  “It got you here.”

  Abigail’s eyebrows scrunched together. “What?”

  The small table wobbled as he perched himself on the side of it, folding his arms across his chest. “Black Dove Security. One of the best in the world. Built off a bunch of liars’ backs. I knew they would be the ones to run security for a mission into Kenya. They had experience here.” He waved his hand in the air as he continued. “I found the perfect excuse to get them here. Kill the people. Have someone from WHO come here to investigate.”

  Abigail’s mind was whirring in a million different directions. “But I’m not with the WHO.”

  “Yes,” he replied. “Imagine my surprise when I found that the WHO had sent the contract to another company. I almost had to change my plans.”

  Abigail listened to the man as he continued, his confidence shining brightly as he explained his plan.

  “Then I find that the scientist they’re sending is C.H. Reeves’ daughter. How convenient. It would be the perfect opportunity.”

  Everything seemed to click into place as the man continued. “You weren’t after me?”

  “You? No. Your father has never sold us weapons. And we will never deal with him. We don’t need his guns. But what I needed was a reason to get Black Dove Security here.”

  She blinked, her mouth going dry. “Bones.”

  “Major Braedon James Roberts. I want his head for what he did to me, to my world. He destroyed it.”

  “You want revenge? That’s it? All those people dead in the pits? For revenge?” She was angry beyond belief. She thought they wanted her, that they were after her for her father’s weapons. But they were after Bones. “Your men killed him.”

  “Did they?” Ungato asked, lifting himself away from the table.

  Abigail’s stomach churned. Bones was alive.

  “I told them to let him go because I know one thing above all else—” He stepped forward, hand coming out. It caressed the side of her face, picking up a strand of her hair, running it through his fingers. “He’s never lost a mission. He’ll come for you. And then I will kill him.”

  Chapter Eight

  Bones brooded in the back of the Humvee. His anger growing inside him. He’d been right. Ungato was alive, and now the maniac had Abigail.


  He turned his head, looking at the man by his side.

  Wolf was in full riot gear. His dark eyes staring at him from behind camo paint. They had decided to go in at night. It was the easiest time to make a quick entry. Get Abigail out alive—if she was still alive, and not in pieces.

  “We’ll get her. Don’t worry.”

  He nodded, turning his attention back to the front. Reaper was driving, Apollo in the front seat, his blond hair hiding under a black beanie. Queenie was beside Wolf, quiet for once. They knew they had an almost impossible task. Who knew how many militias were guarding Abigail, how many were waiting for them?

  His hand lifted, rubbing at the scar around his eye, it itched again. He knew this was going to go sideways. There would be a lot of blood spilled tonight. Of that he was certain.

  * * *

  The buzz through the militia camp was growing. The longer it took for Bones to come for her, the more agitated the men around her became.

  Ungato had been pacing the camp, his large frame always in her view. He was making sure she was always in his eyesight.

  She sat on a small, rickety chair in the fading sun of the afternoon, watching the men running around the camp.

  She gave Black Dove Security one thing. They would trounce the fuck out of this ragged band of men.

  They were unsure of themselves, jittery and clumsy. She’d already seen one of the men drop a grenade in the middle of a group, only a few feet from her.

  She was glad the pin had still been in it. Otherwise, she would have been dead.

  Abigail lifted her head, looking up at the sky. The stars were starting to come into view. Bright in the fading light, little sparks in the approaching inky blackness. Somewhere out there, she was sure Bones was looking at the same sky. Trying to figure out how the hell he was going to get her out of this predicament.

  * * *

  The camp looked busy.

  Men going to and from small huts, unorganized, like a hive of bees without their queen. Bones crouched down behind the small bush, checking his weapon again.

  The team was around the camp, at intervals that would provide the best coverage. He was waiting for Apollo. His adopted brother was ready to pop off a few men in quick succession. Scatter the rats and create confusion.

  Bones lifted his hand, touching the mic at his throat. “Anyone got eyes on either Ungato or Abigail?”

  “I can see Ungato.”

  Reaper’s voice came through the coms, low and angry. He’d been there when Ungato had sliced Bones’ face. They all had. A mission gone wrong that had seen them as POWs. It had been sheer luck they had managed to get out of there with their lives. “What about Abigail?”

  “No, nothing.”

  “I have her.” Bones turned his head, looking toward the spot Wolf had taken up. “She’s in front of a hut. Left, upper corner of the camp.”

  “Is she hurt?” If she had even a hair out of place, Bones would unleash hell on every man in the vicinity.

  “No, she doesn’t look hurt. She’s sitting. Her hands are bound, but nothing more.”

  Relief flooded through Bones. His eyes closed, his stomach roiling. At least they knew where she was. He lifted his hand, touching his mic again. “Baz.”


  “You have a green light. Let’s light these fuckers up and scatter the roaches.”

  * * *

  Night had fallen.

  The shadows crept into camp, snuffing out the small, dull lamps which tried to throw light into the area. Exhaustion was creeping up on her.

  Watching Ungato pace. The sex Bones and she had had. The heat. She didn't know how much longer she could stay awake.

  Ungato stopped in front of her, smirking, and she looked up. “What?”

  “Looks like he doesn’t care so much for your welfare, after all. So much for never letting the client get captured or hurt.”

  The man in front of her was so smug, so sure that he had won and for a moment, she believed him. “And what will you do with me?”

  “Well, we can’t let you go, can we? That would defeat the purpose. Might throw you to the men, let them have a taste of a proper English woman.”

  Her stomach roiled.

  “Or send parts of you to Bones. Over a few weeks. Draw it out.”

  “What would that achieve?” she spat, wanting the man to stop.

  “It’d ruin him. Not only his work, his company, his reputation, but it would destroy him as a person as well. I know how proud of a man he is. Losing someone he’s supposed to have been protecting.”

  “Uh huh.” She turned her head, not wanting to hear him any longer. What would he do if he found out they’d slept together?

  A man ran over, his eyes wide, Swahili spewing forth.

  Ungato turned, staring at him, face darkening in anger. “What do you mean?”


  The man’s head exploded. A bright spray of blood and brain matter coated Abigail. She squealed as the boom from the gun followed a few seconds later. Ungato jumped back as the man’s body slumped to the ground, blood running into the dirt.

  She lifted her head as another man’s chest exploded, another’s head.


  No-one else was a sniper for the Black Dove team.

  Abigail’s heart kicked up, her wrists wrestling against the bonds as the camp broke into a panic.

  A lot of them turned and ran out into the night, dropping their weapons to the ground and deserting the camp. Those who stayed were running around, trying to get to cover as more and more fell to Apollo’s rifle. A flash to the side caught her eye, and she watched as the dark figure ran across the opening between two huts. It caught the attention of some men, and they went after it.

  It wasn’t Bones.

  Too small, too skinny.


  Those men who chased him didn’t come back.

  Abigail turned her head. Another figure flitted past in the opposite direction. Long braid streaming behind his head.


  Ungato was barking orders as the rifle picking off his men fell silent.

  He stepped back, grabbing Abigail by the arm, dragging her to her feet, a knife coming to her throat. A few men stood in front of them, covering with AK-47s.

  Two dark figures stepped out of the shadows.Huge, hunkering.

  As they stepped into the dull lighting, Abigail’s heart skipped a beat.

  While Reaper was nasty looking on his best days, the vision that was Bones was terrifying. Face covered in dark camo paint and blood spatter. His hair hidden by a black beanie, his bright blue eyes piercing. He had murder in them, and by his stance, she knew he would see it through.

  “Ah, there you are, Major Roberts.”

  He stopped at the sound of Ungato’s voice, his jaw clenching. He didn’t reply to the man. Instead his gaze fell on Abigail, softening. “Are you okay, Abi?”

  She nodded. “I’m fine.”

  Bones’ gaze moved to Ungato, seemingly satisfied with her answer. “I thought I killed you.”

  “Ha!” the big man barked, gripping Abigail’s arm tighter, making her wince. Bones’ gaze hardened with the sound. “You tried your best, boy. But I am a child of my country. Tough."

  “Bullshit. You're a maniac,” he spat, stepping closer, and the men in front them raised their guns, pointing them at Bones.

  “They have an order, Major Roberts. Not to kill you.”

  “Why the fuck not?” His hands gripped the assault rifle. They would have been able to take out all the men in this camp in seconds, so why was he delaying?

  “Because that’s my job,” Ungato hissed, the knife wedging against Abigail’s throat. A pinching sting and she inhaled.

  “Let her go. She has nothing to do with this,” Bones growled, anger evident.

  Reaper was standing back from him, bristling with anger as well.

  Movement behind them had her lifting her gaze, seeing Wolf and Queenie coming in behind them. Four men against the dozen or so between them and her. She didn’t like the odds. Why couldn’t Apollo pick them all off?

  In the ensuing panic, they’d be able to get the hell out of there.

  “How about I make a deal with you, Bones?” Ungato said, taking the knife away from Abigail’s throat. He stepped to the side, letting her go, but one of his men came up, placing a pistol against her head.

  Bones stepped forward, but Ungato clicked his tongue. “Not so fast, hero.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to feel your neck snapping under my hands. You destroyed my world. Left me for dead. My family slaughtered by you and your team.” Bones’ eye ticced as the man spoke and Abigail’s heart thudded in her chest. “You ruined me.”

  “You ruined yourself,” Bones spat, his hands tightening on his gun. “You were killing innocent men and women and taking their children for your army. We didn't kill your family. You did that with your actions. Our job was to stop you. We did.”

  Ungato stepped forward, his knife raising, pointing at Bones. “You had no right to come in and destroy my world! I was king then! I will be king again!”

  “Well, guess what?” Bones said, stepping back. “I was there last time to stop you. And now I am here again. Funny how shit works out.”

  Abigail’s gaze went to the big African, seeing the anger seething through him.

  “You haven’t changed. Still the arrogant American yahoo.”

  “Uh huh,” Bones replied. “You know there is no scenario in which you get out of this alive. Apollo can splatter your brains in the dirt the moment I give the signal.”

  Abigail watched the African man as he shrugged. “You could. But I have a card still to play.”

  * * *

  Bones watched as Ungato stepped up to Abigail. His hand disappeared behind his back, pulling out a syringe, holding it up. “You know what this is?”

  The liquid had a yellow tinge to it, and Ungato flicked the cap off, squirting a small amount of the liquid into the air. Abigail’s gaze went to it, her eyes widening in fear.

  She knew what it was and so did Bones. He stepped forward, putting out his hand. “Don’t. Please.”

  “Don’t?” Ungato asked, bringing the syringe close to her neck. A bead of the toxic boomslang venom sat on the end of the needle, making Bones’ stomach roil. “Why not? You took my family, I will take your woman.”

  He clicked his fingers and one of his men brought out a small tablet from his back pocket and held it up, pressing play.

  Bones and Abigail, in the throes of passion, fucking in the abandoned house.

  They had never been safe from the militia. They had somehow managed to find them even after they thought they had escaped from the town.

  He closed his eyes, hearing Ungato chuckling.

  “I thought taking her would motivate you because she was a client. It might have ruined your reputation and your company. But Bones. Come on, not very professional of you. Having sex with a client? You’re a naughty boy.” He opened his eyes, glaring at the man who should have been dead. “So, how about we make a deal? You fight me, and I won’t inject your lover with boomslang venom. I’m sure you know exactly what will happen to her if she gets it in her system. You’re too far from civilization to save her. Can you watch her bleed out from every hole in her body?”

  Bones licked his lips, thinking of his options. Fight Ungato, with the possibility the man had had more training than last time, and he would kill him? Or watch as he stuck Abigail with the venom, and she bled out? And then he’d still have to find a way of killing him.

  He knew what he was going to do before he had even thought about it, and he lifted his hands, taking the MP-5 and held it up. He moved, placing it in the dirt by his feet. He turned his head to his men. “Stand down.”

  Reaper, Wolf and Queenie bristled, but followed Bones’ lead and placed their rifles on the ground. Bones turned back to Ungato, frowning as he held up his hands. “Don’t hurt her.”

  “Bones.” He turned his head, looking back to Wolf. The man was shaking his head. “Don’t do it.”

  “Make sure Abi gets out of here. No matter what.”

  The man blinked, frowning, but nodded. “Yes, boss.”

  He turned back to the African, stepping forward and Ungato grinned. His hand moved, giving the syringe to the man holding the gun to Abigail’s head and he stepped forward. Ungato’s men moved, making a half circle, their AK-47s still trained on them.

  Bones watched as the man lifted his hands, taking off his shirt, showing the huge barreled chest he had.

  Fuck. He forgot how big the man was.

  Rolling his shoulders, Bones’ gaze went to Abigail for a moment, seeing the fear in her eyes. They both knew this was the only option. If he gave Apollo the signal to kill Ungato, it wouldn’t take the kid holding the syringe to her throat long to inject her.

  His attention went back to Ungato as the big man stepped forward. And for the first time, he saw the mess he’d made of the man's throat.

  Bones couldn’t believe he had survived.

bsp; While his attention was on the scarring, Ungato took his chance. Lurching forward, he sliced at him with a hidden blade. Bones managed to step back in time, the knife missing his throat by mere millimeters.

  “Bones!” Abigail’s voice was shrill as she cried out.

  He stepped back again as Ungato came at him once more, lunging with the blade. He needed to get it out of his hands. With his size, Ungato would be able to kill him if he managed to land one of his blows.

  Bones sidestepped, ducking out of the way of the blade again and he spun, kicking up dust into the African’s eyes. It didn’t have the desired effect of slowing him down. If anything, it spurned him on, and Bones’ heart raced. There was no way he was going to be able to keep this up. He was exhausted.

  “Bones!” He turned his head for a moment, looking at Reaper. The man held up his leg, tapping his right knee.

  He turned his attention back to Ungato, watching the man’s knee.

  There. There was a slight limp and Bones saw his weak spot.

  Standing his ground this time, he ducked, catching Ungato’s arm as the man tried to slice at him. Ungato fought against him, his chest against Bones’ back. His arm slowly twisted, and Bones could feel himself getting the upper hand.

  Panic replaced the shock on the man's face. Followed by pain as Bones twisted his arm enough for Ungato to drop the knife. He then stepped to the side and lifted his riot boot. Driving it down onto the outside of Ungato’s knee, the man screamed in pain—and chaos ensued.

  * * *

  Ungato going down with the breaking of his knee should have had Abigail jumping for joy. But the moment the big man fell to the ground, writhing in agony, the men around her went into battle mode.

  It took all of ten seconds for Queenie, Reaper and Wolf to pick up their weapons and start shooting. Bullets started flying, bodies falling around her as the Black Dove team did what they did best. Protected their client.

  Abigail threw herself to the left, getting away from the man who had the syringe. She moved toward Reaper. He was the closest one to her, and he was shouting out to her, his gun raised, popping off militia. “Come on, Abigail! Move it!”


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