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The Naughty Collection

Page 12

by Ruby City Books

  At last he came to a halt, shivering and whimpering, tears rolling down her cheeks, wondering how the hell she was going to survive this, and absolutely savoring the unbearable pain. Just as soon as he was in, however, he was pulling back out, only to come plunging back inside, in, out, in, out, working up to a horrible rhythm, his speed picking up, up, up, up, and at last fucking away without mercy, pummeling her ass with just as much viciousness as he'd face fucked her, his cock slamming mechanically into her like a piston into a shaft, his nuts slapping into her in their sack with each angry thrust, the curved blade of his erection stabbing deeper and deeper and deeper, killing her each and every time, only to pull out and stab her to death once more, their wet, sweaty bodies echoing noisily in short, quick, supersonic bursts as they slapped together, KLAP, KLAP, KLAP, KLAP, KLAP, and the sweet little whore was wailing at the top of her lungs, “OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK-”

  And, WHAM!

  With every last ounce of his fucking might Omar slammed into her, holding himself as deep and as painfully erect inside her body as he could reach, his cock blowing up, shooting out the long hot cords of semen into her body, his ejaculate so thick and so abundant that it came rolling back out of her body just as quickly as it could enter, spilling from her asshole into the lips and folds of her vagina, and she felt herself exploding with an intense anal orgasm, a hurricane of sensation ripping through her body, made unbearable as it combined with the pain, so that soon she was shaking, convulsing, the room spinning around and around and around her head, and everything in the world dissolving save for the pangs of utmost delight surging through her.

  It sure did feel good to help welcome someone new to the neighborhood...


  Three In The Bed Ain’t Bad

  Chapter 1

  Lana Tucker wipes the sweat out of her eyes and brushes the hair off of her face. She had put her hair in a ponytail hours ago but the heat in the kitchen was slowly bringing it down. A cook, she was not.

  Just five hours ago, she had an adequate cook who would cook meals for her guests without breaking a sweat. Granted, the food was just that - adequate. There was nothing special about the food. But it was edible. Lana was afraid that her attempt at chicken and rice would be so gummy that nobody would be able to talk for days after eating it. However, the cook got an emergency phone call that her grandson had broken his shoulder and her daughter needed her help in caring for him; so the cook quit on the spot and left to help her daughter. Not that Lana blamed the cook. Family was everything. Lana would have done the same thing. She just wished that it had not been at her expense.

  Not only did she have to worry about the cooking, but now Kyle wanted an answer to his proposal. Kyle was her late husband’s brother. After the death of her husband two years ago in a car accident, she had become very dependent on Kyle. She never thought that he would take that to mean that she wanted a relationship with him. Sure, over the last couple of years she had cried on his shoulder countless times and even shared a kiss or two here and there. But that was all.

  It’s not that the idea of being intimate with Kyle wasn’t appealing – it was, it was just that he was Michael’s brother. Shouldn’t that be against her wedding vows or something? You know, thou will not sleep with your husband’s brother even in death? Or something like that. But she had depended on him so much that he had it in his head that they should get married. She was sure that he would be fine if she would just sleep with him for now but she just hadn’t been able to commit to it yet.

  And now this….. like she didn’t have enough to handle. The bed and breakfast that she had bought with her husband shortly before his death was barely hanging in there. Every month it made just enough money to pay all of the bills but nothing more. She knew that she should be grateful that the B&B was holding its own, but she was one broken pipe away from failure. Now, she had to submit her paying guests to her cooking – which she normally wouldn’t even eat herself! If it wasn’t for the old cook and take-out, she would be nothing but skin and bones. As it is, she was a little on the small side. Her hips were narrow and her stomach was lean. That sounds great in theory, but in reality, men want big butts and large breasts. While her butt has nice curves to it, Kim Kardashian she was not. In addition, her B-cup breasts were not most men’s idea of a fantasy.

  She called Kyle a few hours ago to cancel their dinner plans as she would be busy cooking and she told him of her dilemma. No doubt, he was busy thinking of a way to get her out of her current situation. It’s not that she didn’t appreciate his help – she did – it’s just that maybe if he let here figure out her own messes, she wouldn’t feel like she owed him anything. She liked him, she really did. She was just getting used to the idea of being alone and here he is trying to couple them together. Oh, she had thought about it. Kyle is not a man that you wouldn’t dream about. He is about 6 foot tall, muscular and has a deep tan. His arms are as big as pythons. He is an architect but he enjoys getting his hands dirty on the work site.

  Just as she was thinking of him, who should appear?

  “Hey sweetie,” Kyle says sweetly. “How’s the best looking cook in Cape Cod?”

  “Real funny, smart ass,” Lana replies not so sweetly. “I hate cooking and it shows. I wish that you were an attorney because I am sure to get sued for food poisoning my guests.”

  Kyle laughs as he says, “Don’t let it stress you sweetheart. If you agree, it will only be for a few days. You know how I sometimes mention my best friend, Lance?”

  “Yeah,” Lana did not like the way this was going. “So?”

  “The so is that he is a published cookbook author and wonderful chef. He has been stressing over finishing his cookbook and I thought that maybe he could use your kitchen to test out some of his recipes and that would solve your cook problem. I gave him a call and he thought that it was a wonderful idea. He will be here tomorrow from New York City.” Kyle said all of this with a gleam in his eye as he knew that he was saving the day – once again.

  She tried not to be offended. She really did. “Do you think that I am so incompetent that I can’t solve my own problems? Am I some helpless person that you feel compelled to continually save? I could have found someone to cook for me on my own.” Lana was spitting fire.

  “Whoa there baby. I was just trying to be helpful. And in reality, you would be doing me a favor. Lance has really been stressing over his new book and really could use some time away from the big city. You know that he and I went to college together and I would do anything for him. And I would do anything for you. You know that. Just meet with him and if you decide that you would rather find someone on your own, I will understand and I will even break the news to him myself.” Kyle said all of this with the utmost of sincerity in his voice.

  “Okay,” Lana relented finally. “I understand why you did this and I know that your motives were pure. But I need to start doing things on my own.”

  “Baby, if I can help it you will never be on your own again.” With that said, Kyle swiftly kissed Lana on the mouth and walked out of the kitchen, leaving a frustrated Lana behind.

  Chapter 2

  Lance had been traveling most of the day and was exhausted. The less than two hour flight had taken over 5 hours. First, there was the delay before leaving the tarmac in New York and then they had to circle for more than two hours before landing in Massachusetts. And on top of everything else, now he had to go interview for a job that he could do with his hands tied behind his back. But the truth was, he needed this job. He had to have time to test his recipes and what better way than having a full service B&B with paying guests to test on. They had no reason to lie about his cooking so this was a win-win situation.

  As Lance walked from the airport terminal to the baggage claim, he saw Kyle standing by the information center waiting on him. Boy, was he a sight for sore eyes. As Lance took in Kyle’s lean, muscular body, he wondered over how fit and good looking his best friend really was. He wo
ndered how this Lana person was resisting him. If he swung that way, he would make a play for Kyle himself. (To be truthful, they had shared a long experimental kiss in college but neither of them ever mentioned it past that night.)

  Kyle greeted Lance with an open hug and a brief handshake. These two guys went way back and held deep affection for one another. On the way to the B&B, Kyle filled Lance in on what the job entailed and how much it meant to Lana.

  “Lana has put everything into making this B&B the best in Cape Cod. She is passionate but the girl couldn’t cook her way out of a paper bag. She is awesome at running the B&B and helping the guests experience the most out of their trip, but I’m afraid that she is going to poison someone. She had me taste her chicken and rice the other day and I think I am still chewing it!” Kyle said all of this with a smile upon his face. Lance could tell that Kyle had feelings for this Lana and didn’t understand what was holding the two of them back.

  Lance took a breath and spoke with truth in his voice, “You know that I would do anything for you Kyle. This is a win-win situation for me because I am helping you help Lana and at the same time I get to test out my recipes for my new cookbook. You are helping me as much as I am helping Lana.”

  “I just hope that you and Lana get along,” Kyle said with a smile. “Lana has the body of an angel and the spirit of an unbroken Mustang. But once you get to know her, I’m sure that you will love her as much as I do.”

  “I don’t need to love her,” Lance said with a sigh, “I just need us to get along long enough for me to test my recipes and for her to find another chef.”

  Kyle rolled his eyes. “Don’t be like that. This is an awesome opportunity for both of you. And you are my two favorite people in the world. I really want this to work out.”

  Lance looked at his buddy in the eyes. “Me too, I really do want this to work out. I’m just tired and ready to get this show on the road.”

  “Well then, let’s go.” Kyle smiled up at Lance’s handsomely rugged face and they walked together toward the parking garage.

  Once again, Lana was slaving away in the kitchen. Tonight, she was making a simple baked pork chop with brussels sprouts and carrots as the main dish. It wasn’t going well. She had dried out the first batch of pork chops and had to toss them. She wouldn’t even feed those hockey pucks to her dog – if she had a dog that is.

  Just as she was about to throw her hands in the air, in walked Kyle with a man so statuesque that she could only stare. He wasn’t a conventional handsome but he did look good. His slightly crooked nose stood erect on his masculine face. He had to be over six foot tall and he was lean in the hips. All in all, he was nice to look at. But she didn’t have time to stare.

  “Hey Kyle, I sure hope that this is the friend you were talking about because I don’t think my guests, as loyal as they may be, can stand my cooking for much longer.” Lana said all of this in one breath as she turned the chops over.

  Lance grabbed the spatula out of her hand, just barely touching her as he went to take over her duty. But with that one touch, sparks flew between the two. For a heartbeat they did nothing but look at each other. Lance starting taking over the cooking duties and the connection was broken.

  “Yeah, I’m Lance and what in the hell do you call this stuff?” Lance was repulsed by the grayish looking mess that was looking at him.

  “Okay, so you’re a smart ass. I can handle that as long as you can cook. It is supposed to be dinner but I’m not sure if it is edible. I’m in a real bind. Kyle has talked about you for years and has even given me a couple of your cookbooks.” Lana said this with a slight smile on her face.

  Lance stopped what he was doing and looked Lana in the eye, “Did it ever occur to you to actually look in one of the books? I’m not sure what I can do to save this mess. If you don’t mind losing a few chops, I’m going to start over.”

  “Don’t get your panties all in a wad! Of course I have looked at the books. The pictures are gorgeous. But as you can tell, I can’t follow directions to save my life. Now, I don’t mind losing a few chops to save myself from a law suit for food poisoning but I do mind your attitude. Let’s get one thing straight; I am the boss here. I may need you but I have kept it together this long and I will continue to do what is necessary. Got it, hot shot?” By this time, Lana was spitting fire.

  “Oh, I’ve got it alright. You may have the looks of an angel but you sure don’t know how to graciously accept help. Now, you may be the boss, but as long as I am here – the kitchen is my domain. So the two of you get out!” Lance had had enough. It had been a long day and it looked like it was going to be an even longer night.

  As Lana and Kyle walked out, Kyle put his arm around Lana. Lance looked on and wished that it was his arm. Lance decided not to dwell on things and went to work.

  Chapter 3

  The guests were coming up to Lana left and right and telling her how lovely the meal was. Truth be told, it was one of the best meals that she had eaten in a long time. The pork chops had been stuffed with sundried tomatoes, baby spinach and multiple cheeses. The balsamic brussels sprouts and honey glazed carrots had been the perfect accompany to the meal.

  As the guests were leaving to adjourn to the main meeting area and their perspective rooms, Lana watched as the night dishwasher cleaned the tables and started toward the kitchen to clean the area. She knew what she had to do.

  “Lance?” Lana approached him carefully. “I want to thank you for the wonderful meal that you provided tonight and to tell you how sorry I was so snippy when you first got here.”

  Lance looked shocked. He knew that the meal was wonderful – it was what he did. However, he did not know that it would be such an attitude adjuster for Lana. “No problem. I understand.”

  Lana looked at Lance carefully. She did not expect this to be so easy. As a token of appreciation, she approached Lance and was about to kiss him softly on the cheek as he turned. Unexpectedly, their lips met. Instead of backing off, Lance leaned forward into the kiss. As he deepened the kiss, he wrapped his arms around Lana and adjusted their position so that he could run his arms around her back and buttocks. As the kiss heated up, Lana put her hands against Lance’s chest with all intentions of pushing him away. Rather than that, she found her hands roaming his body freely.

  Just as things were turning more R-rated, a noise alerted them that they were no longer alone.

  “Is this a private party or can anyone join in?” Kyle said this with a smile in his voice.

  Lana looked up guiltily, “I was just thanking Lance for the wonderful meal.”

  “Well, since I am the one that brought him to you, why don’t you come over here and thank me like that?” Kyle said mischievously.

  Lana looked from Lance to Kyle. She walked the few steps to Kyle and gently kissed him on his cheek. “Thank you for thinking of Lance for the chef’s position. He has proven himself to be invaluable.”

  Kyle grabbed Lana by the back of the neck and dragged his mouth over hers. “Is that the best you can do?”

  Lana looked at Lance again and then turned and kissed Kyle with all of her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. Knowing that Lance was watching excited her. Lance took one more look at the couple and turned to walk away feeling rejected.

  “Where are you going?” Kyle said, dragging his mouth away from Lana’s for just a minute. “We want you to join us, don’t we Lana?”

  Lana looked surprised but excited. This scenario had always fascinated her but she never thought that she would have this opportunity.

  “If you would both like to get more comfortable, we could adjourn to my apartment,” Lana said with more bravado in her voice than she was feeling.

  Lance looked confused and not sure what to do. Kyle walked over to Lance and lightly kissed his lips. “Come on Lance, you know that we all want this.” With that said Kyle softly stroked Lance’s face and turned away to grab Lana’s hand. “Let’s go up.”

p; Lana took Kyle’s hand and began walking towards the steps. She looked over her shoulder at Lance and winked. Then she gestured with her chin for Lance to follow them.

  Lance took one more look around and decided to follow them up the stairs.

  Chapter 4

  As all three of them approached Lana’s apartment door, Lana decided that she had to say something. “Regardless of what happens tonight, I want us all to remain friends. If we can’t all agree to that, then I think that we need to call it a night right now.” Lana didn’t want to lose any friendships, or a great chef, over a night of exploration and experimentation.

  “Lana, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I want this. And tonight will not affect our tomorrow.” Kyle was sincere as he spoke.

  Lana and Kyle looked at Lance with a question in their eyes. “I can’t tell you how far I can take this, but I want this too and I won’t let it hurt our friendships.” Lance was scared as he spoke but he spoke with honestly.

  Lana looked at both men and then opened her door. “Welcome to my home. I have wine if anybody wants any?” Lana said with a question in her voice.

  Kyle spoke first. “I don’t know about the two of you, but I want to be clearheaded. I have wanted this for a long time and want to remember every minute of this. Lana, you know how much I want you. But Lance, I want you too. I know that you are straight but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy each other.”

  With that said, Kyle walked over to Lance and once again gently kissed his lips. “I have always been attracted to you Lance and I have dreamed of our kiss from years ago countless times. Can you bring yourself to let this happen?” Kyle looked into Lance’s eyes as he spoke.


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