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The Naughty Collection

Page 14

by Ruby City Books

  Lana looked back at Lance. “Last one in the water is a rotten egg.” She shucked her pants, bra and panties in no time at all and ran into the water.

  Lance laughed. “Baby, I’ll be a rotten egg any day of the week that I can watch you undress and run naked. Give me a minute and I will join you.”

  Lance quickly undressed and walked to the water with a man full of confidence in himself. As he walked into the water, he walked straight to Lana and took her in his arms.

  “You feel so good.” Lance said as he encompassed Lana into a hug. He stroked her hair before grabbing a handful with a little bit of force and bringing her mouth to his. Lance savagely raped Lana’s mouth with his as he stroked her arm with his free hand. The hand that was wrapped in her hair kept her in place – as if she would want to move if she could.

  Lana took her hand and lovingly caressed him from his waist to his thigh.

  Several minutes went by until they had worked themselves into a frenzy. Lana pushed herself free of Lance and ran to the shore.

  “Catch me if you can!” Lana cried out. Lana ran to the closest tree on shore and hid behind it.

  Lance took his time coming to shore. He knew that Lana wanted to play and he was willing to let her. But she would pay.

  Lance walked with confidence from the water, went to his pants and got out a condom and then approached the tree. He came to the other side from Lana, dropped the condom on the ground and stopped. He could hear her breathing. He reached around the tree and grabbed her roughly pulling her to him.

  “You caught me! Now, what are you going to do with me?” Lana questioned with a smile in her voice.

  “I’m going to make you pay, that’s what I’m going to do.” Lance said. He faced her toward the tree with her back to him. He took her hands and placed them palm facing the tree. “Keep your hands there. You can be as loud as you want but nobody is going to hear you and nobody is going to save you.” Lance made loud noises as he kissed her neck and side of her face.

  “I don’t want to be saved, I just want you.” Lana pushed her backside into Lance’s body.

  Lance reached between their bodies and found her center with his fingers. He took his finger and flicked it across her clit. Lana jumped and her juices began flowing.

  Lance took the condom from the ground, opened it and sheathed himself. Then he put his member at the opening of her heaven. “Tell me you want me.” Lance huskily spoke.

  “I want you. I want this. Please. Don’t. Stop.” Lana panted this all out as quickly as she could.

  Lance grinned as he began to enter her. “Don’t ever let it be said that I don’t give you what you want.” He thrust forward once, pulled back and then thrust forward again as far as he could.

  Lance pounded in and out of Lana as she arched her back and pushed into him further. Her panting mixed with his and the wind took up their cries and scattered them in the skies.

  Lana tossed her head back and cried out when Lance took his hand to her mound and flickered with her clit while he moved his member in and out with force. Lana flung her body into it when the tremors began to overtake her. Her powerful orgasm was over powering and with her cries, Lance’s orgasm overtook him.

  They both stood there shaking for a moment before Lance pulled out of Lana, turned her around and swooped her into his arms. He carried her to the blanket and gently laid her down. Lying next to her, he gently caressed her and they both fell into a light slumber.

  Upon waking up, they ate their late lunch before starting back on the track back to the bed and breakfast.

  After reaching the inn, they spent a day relaxing and just getting to know one another. This day was for them and they would enjoy it.

  Chapter 8

  Lance stretched out on the bed Monday morning. They had turned to each other several times between yesterday and last night and Lana was exhausted. He watched as Lana’s naked form laid spread out over the bed and breathed softly in and out.

  He reached out and lightly stroked Lana’s back but so softly as not to wake her. He knew that she must be exhausted.

  Lance walked into the living room and picked up his cell phone and placed a phone call.

  “Hey there, buddy. How are you?” Kyle asked when he answered the phone.

  Lance gave a chuckle. “I’ve never been better. I know that you are an early bird and that is the only reason I am calling you before seven in the morning. Lana told me that you were taking off work today and I wanted to know if you wanted to come on over this morning.”

  “Sure man. Let me clean up my coffee mess and I will head over there. I can be there in less than twenty minutes. Is that okay?” Kyle questioned.

  Lance said, “That’s fine. I’ll meet you in the lobby of the bed and breakfast. I want to talk to you about something.” Lance had a little tribulation in his voice.

  Kyle cautiously spoke next. “Okay. I hope that everything is okay. I will see you soon.”

  Lance greeted Kyle at the door. Lance opened the door wide and allowed Kyle to pass through. After Kyle was in the door, Lance closed and locked it. They were not expecting any guests for more than seven hours so they had plenty of time before then.

  Lance turned to Kyle. “There is something I wanted to tell you without Lana around. More than that, something I wanted to show you.” With that, Lance pulled Kyle to him and gave him an open mouthed kiss and embraced him with passion.

  “Wow!” Kyle said as Lance released him. “That, I did not expect. Not that I’m complaining, but where did that come from?” Kyle asked.

  Lance answered carefully. “I sat up for quite a while last night thinking. Lana told me that both of you wanted a relationship that compiled of all three of us. And I want that too. I just wanted to show you that I am open to this and welcome it with open arms. While I might not be ready to have sex with you, I am open to an intimate relationship with you. And Lana, of course.”

  “Of course,” said Kyle. “And I want to thank you for that. It means a lot to me. Now, what do you say that we go and wake up sleeping beauty in the most wonderful way?”

  Lance looked into Kyle’s eyes as he spoke. “I say let’s get to it. You know, they were right in culinary school.”

  “What do you mean?” Kyle asked.

  “Well,” Lance said, “sometimes you need to just add spice.” With that, Lance grabbed Kyle’s arm and they walked hand and hand to the woman upstairs.

  The End

  Menage at Sea

  Chapter One

  “Come on dear,” Michael said. The middle-aged man was looking flustered, and the few hairs that remained on his bald head were standing up in a wispy manner, ruffled by the manic morning. He was waiting at the threshold of the door while his wife, Cindy, was dragging a case down the stairs. She was fifteen years younger than him and whenever anyone saw them on the street they passed silent judgment, for Michael was a successful banker and as such many people assumed that the curvaceous blonde had married him purely for his money, but that wasn’t the entire truth. Of course being successful had attracted her to him at first, but she was genuinely drawn to his warmth and kindness. She’d had a troubled past with a lot of deadbeat boyfriends, and it seemed that the only way to escape that particular cycle was to change things up completely.

  Of course, it didn’t happen that easily and she was forced to basically sacrifice a number of friends and her family when they didn’t approve because of the age difference, so when they eventually tied the knot it was a much small ceremony than Cindy had originally envisaged. And for the most part their life had been fine and fun, but over the past year or so Michael had been getting more and more withdrawn. Work was taking up much of his time, as it always had, and Cindy had prepared for that, but even when he was with her it was like he was somewhere else, and their sex life had suffered as a result. It had been months since he had even made a move on her. When they had made love it was on Cindy’s insistence, and Michael was putting in minimal effort. She di
dn’t know whether his libido was fading due to age or whether there was something else going on, and the worst part was that whenever she tried to bring it up he merely dismissed that there was even a problem.

  So Cindy decided that they were going to go on a trip in the hope that it would kick-start their relationship, and since she had never been on a cruise before she decided that that was what she was going to do, because she figured that on a boat eventually he would get bored and would have to confront their problems.

  “Yes yes, I’m coming,” she said, and the suitcase bumped down the final few steps.

  “Do you really need to take that many clothes?” he asked, “we’re going to be cutting it close,” he said glancing at his watch anxiously.

  “Don’t worry about that they’re hardly going to leave without us. And yes I need this many clothes. We are going to be seeing the same people over and over again, and I’m not going to let them think that I only have one outfit.” Michael rolled his eyes at this and then carried the bags out to the waiting cab. Cindy followed soon after, and ignored the widened eyes of the driver as he saw the two of them.

  “I’m looking forward to this,” she said brightly. Michael huffed and stared out of the window. Cindy pouted.

  “You could at least look a little excited,” she said, and folded her arms.

  “You know I’ve got a lot of work on at the moment. I shouldn’t be taking a week off work. They need me there.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine without you. It’s a massive company with thousands of employees, no offense but you’re only one man, I’m sure that it will chug along in your absence. Besides, aren’t you looking forward to spending some time with me? We haven’t been on a trip since that weekend upstate, and you were on your phone for most of that anyway.”

  “We were closing a big deal,” he said, raising his tone defensively.

  “I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m just saying that it would be nice if you actually seemed excited about going away together. It’s supposed to be romantic, I mean, can you imagine what it’ll be like standing out on deck at night, watching the stars drift by over our heads.”

  “It’ll be damned cold, that’s for sure,” he said. Cindy shook her head.

  “Fine, maybe we should just turn around and you can go back to work and I can just read for the whole weekend and we can do our usual routine of not speaking properly, is that what you really want? Do you even want to be married to me anymore?” she said venomously, spitting out her words. She slumped back in her seat as the frustration became too much for her. The city whizzed by outside, and the driver glanced in the rear view mirror, although he shifted his eyes away quickly when he caught Michael’s glance.

  “Cindy,” Michael said in a hushed whisper, “not now, you’re causing a scene.”

  “Oh yes, and we’d hate for that to happen wouldn’t we. God forbid anyone would actually see that there’s a spark of passion between us. I’m tired of this Michael, she said, turning her head to face him. When he looked at her he saw that she seemed to have aged many years. Instead of the bright smile she usually wore her face was lined with worry and there were soft bags hanging under her blue eyes, and the sparkle in those eyes had diminished slightly. And Michael felt within himself the wilting of a flower, for her knew that he was the cause of this change in her countenance, and he hated to be the death of her spirit.

  “If all you’re going to do is complain instead of enjoy a week with me then maybe this was a mistake and we want different things. I guess people were right, maybe we should have thought harder about things when we first got together.” She sounded resigned, and both their hearts fell through their chests as she gave voice to the concerns that neither of them wanted to hear.

  “Are you saying you don’t love me anymore?” Michael asked.

  “I don’t know, that’s the problem. I feel like I don’t know anything anymore, not even myself. Do you know how hard that is for me? I thought we were perfect but I look at us and I think is this what I really want? Are people jealous of what we have? I want to be the couple everyone looks at because they’re jealous of how happy we are, not because their curious about whether I’m digging for gold and you’re just having a mid-life crisis. It’s not fair.”

  “You know neither of those things is true,” Michael said. He shifted his body to face her and placed a hand on her lap, but she drew hers away. Tears started welling in her eyes and she turned towards the window.

  “If you promise me that you’re going to give this a go then we can go on this trip and see how things stand by the end of it but I can’t continue going on like this Michael, I just can’t. It’s not want I want from a marriage and it’s not what I want from love.”

  The taxi rolled on towards the docks as the married couple continued to sit in silence. The driver put on the radio and music filled the cab, but Cindy and Michael were consumed with their own doubts. Both of them wanted to speak but they were afraid of saying the wrong thing and causing further damage to their relationship, but for Cindy it was all too much and she couldn’t stand any more posturing and denials. She was going to go on this trip one way or the other, even if it meant that it would be the last trip she and Michael took as a couple.

  The tension was rife between them as they got out of the cab and started to unload their bags. The driver tipped his hat to them and drove off, leaving them at the docks. Cindy couldn’t help but marvel at the sight before her eyes even though she felt like she was dying inside. The harbor was bustling with people. Everywhere she looked there was something else wearing an excited look on their face. People ran along the paths, searching for the right entrance. Porters pushed huge wagons filled with luggage near to the boats, and then these were hauled up by a giant claw. Cindy’s eyes followed this claw up, higher and higher, until her head tilted back and her mouth dropped open in awe.

  There were a number of ships docked at the harbor so they had to find their one, and it was fairly tricky because their ship was unlike the others. The other ships were hulking masses of metal that were testaments to the ingenuity and imagination of mankind. The titanic vessels could hold thousands of people and were able to traverse great distances. They had on them all manner of luxurious things, like swimming pools, shopping malls, and top quality entertainment. When Cindy looked at these ships she found herself tilting her head back until her jaw dropped open in awe, and perhaps one day she would enjoy the pleasures of this type of cruise, but it was not the one she booked.

  They made their way through the crowd, dragging their bags behind them. Michael languidly walked behind her, while she stormed forward. He always took his time when walking, despite his earlier insistence that they were going to be late. It was always the same, and she was tired of constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure that he was keeping up with her. The dock smelled of the salty sea, but there were industrial smells too. The muggy scents of grease and oil reached their mouths and made them gag, but the sounds of the water rippling against the docks was calming. The sun blazed down brightly above their heads but due to the size of the ships they were cast in cold shadow, and Cindy found herself shivering.

  She increased her pace, and although she didn’t want to have to say it, she ended up turning around and commanding Michael to quicken his pace. He scowled and muttered something that was lost amongst the cacophony of noise at the docks, but she was aware of the general tone.

  The wind caught around the ships and blew Cindy’s hair around her face. It whipped around and she had to spit out her hair, which only served to enrage her more. She sighed heavily and was glad when she rounded a corner and saw their boat peek out from its hiding place. It was sitting in between two of the larger boats, and although ordinarily this ship would have been impressive, it looked diminutive in stature compared to the more modern ocean liners. The cruise they had booked was a ‘blast from the past,’ where they were going to be taken on an old trading vessel. It was an old wooden ship,
restored to be suitable for modern guests, and was said to offer a unique experience. Michael grumbled when he saw it.

  “Why couldn’t we have gone on one of those?”

  “Because everyone goes on those. This is going to be different and special. It’s going to be something that we’ll remember forever,” she said, and walked forward to the porter who awaited them on the gangplank. There were no cranes to lift luggage here, and the crowds were much sparser. Cindy showed the porter their tickets and they were shown onto the boat. The wheels on their cases rumbled along the gangplank and the wooded creaked under their weight. The ship sighed as it swayed on the calm water, and Cindy breathed in the smells of the old maritime air.

  Chapter Two

  “This is not what I expected,” Michael said as they reached their cabin. They had gone straight from the deck to the cabin without much time for sightseeing, but they had noticed that the deck was fully equipped with everything that one would expect from an authentic trading ship. A few members of the crew were available to help them, but the ship was easy to navigate because there were only a couple of routes to take. The corridors were narrow and the ceilings were low, and for once Cindy was grateful for her short stature, although Michael, who had long legs, was constantly moaning as he hit his head on the low ceilings. The ship was alive with various smells, most of which were bitter, and it genuinely felt as though they had stepped through a portal and entered another time period.

  Along the way to their cabin they heard various noises, mostly shouting and the clanging of metal as the crew got ready for launch. When they reached the cabin areas they saw a number of their fellow guests as well, and Cindy snickered to herself as she saw that a lot of them were lamenting the size of their cabins, just as Michael did when they eventually reached their accommodation. The small room was cramped and it was clear from the size of the bed that Michael would have to curl his legs up in order to fit on it, but Cindy quite liked it. It felt quaint, and she certainly felt like she was on a sailor embarking on a voyage, although she did instantly regret her decision to take so many clothes because the suitcases were taking up most of the room. In the room there was a small toilet and shower, a bed, and a fold out desk that could double as a table. A few shelves were located near the top of the ceiling, and they also had a porthole. However, for the moment they could only see out to the next ship. There was also a brochure which informed them about the ship. It was called the Daedalus and used to sail between America and South America, trading spices and other commodities.


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