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The Naughty Collection

Page 21

by Ruby City Books

  Once she stopped shaking, Stephanie said, “Okay…that’s good for a start, but what else ya got?”

  In answer, Todd stood up, his dick pulsing with blood and excitement. Amy whistled and Stephanie grinned.

  “Amy, I have an idea, if you’re up for it,” she said. Amy just nodded, not even needing to hear the idea. Stephanie got off the bed, stripped Amy of the rest of her clothes, and had her lay lengthwise across the bed. Stephanie then straddled Amy, on her hands and knees, pushing her ass out to Todd’s approving eye. “All right Todd, the preliminaries are done. I want you to fuck me hard and make me come. If you do that, you can then fuck Amy and we’ll both bring her to orgasm. What do you say?” In answer, Todd grabbed Stephanie’s hips and plunged his prick deep inside her. Stephanie groaned and pushed back at Todd’s hips, increasing the pleasure. She then dropped her head to Amy’s breast and began sucking her nipples, alternating to make them stand at attention. As Todd pounded Stephanie from behind, Amy grabbed her tits and massaged them. Stephanie’s climax was racing towards her like a tsunami, and she didn’t want to get there alone. She rested all of her weight on left elbow and moved her right hand down to Amy’s cunt. There was nothing gentle about the way Stephanie pushed three fingers into Amy’s center, and attacked her clit. The fiery stimulation pushed Amy down the road to orgasm, and she went happily. Todd could see the two women working on each other, and it helped him find another gear. As his tempo increased, so did Stephanie’s on Amy. Despite being stimulated the least, Amy came first, her juice flowing all over Stephanie’s hand. As passion overtook Amy, she clamped down on Stephanie’s nipples, pushing her over the edge. Her pussy squeezed Todd’s dick so hard that he couldn’t move until the walls convulsed three times.

  Colors danced in front of Stephanie’s eyes that she hadn’t seen before. Her pussy felt like it was exploding, and from the amount of liquid that gushed from her, it might have. Finally, she collapsed on Amy, her strength gone in her arms and legs. As she fell away from Todd, his cock slipped out of her pussy. It was a deep purple and harder than Todd had ever felt it before.

  Amy stared at Todd’s angry appendage and knew she had to have it inside her. “Stephanie, you need to roll over now. I’m taking Todd deep.”

  Stephanie shakily rolled over and saw Todd’s cock and jealousy almost overtook her. That dick is mine, her mind yelled. Another part of her mind answered, Yours? You just met him, he’s not yours. Why can’t you share.

  “All right, Amy,” Stephanie said in a weak voice, “take him deep, because if you don’t, I’m gonna make him mine.”

  Amy kissed Stephanie’s cheek, and then turned to Todd. She reached for his cock and pulled it down to her cunt, “Let’s do this. You pounded her hard, but I know you have more in you. Give it to me, I can take it.”

  Todd nodded, “You asked for it.” He then plunged balls deep into Amy, making her already large eyes bug out. Todd shoved his tongue into Amy’s mouth and their kisses overflowed with passion. Todd pistoned in and out of Amy, making her grunt with every thrust. For what seemed like hours, they crashed into each other, enjoying the collisions. Amy’s volume finally began to increase as her climax approached. Todd’s hips were a blur as he fucked Amy and gave her a third orgasm. Her pussy wasn’t as strong as Stephanie’s, but it almost made Todd lose control as it tightened around him. Once Amy calmed down, Todd pulled out, looking for one final conquest. Now fully recovered, Stephanie leaned over Amy’s inert body and took Todd’s cockhead in her mouth. She sucked with all her might, tasting Amy and herself in the ridges. Her right hand stroked the shaft faster and faster, feeling it expand just a little more as Todd’s sperm charged towards the head.

  “FUCK! I’M GONNA CUM!” Todd yelled, and he shot a jet of sperm straight down Stephanie’s throat. A second, then a third followed. Stephanie kept sucking and stroking, doing all she could to prolong Todd’s pleasure. Finally, his dick stopped twitching, but it didn’t go flaccid.

  Stephanie released the head and said, “Damn, Todd, can’t you get enough?”

  Todd leaned down and kissed her, tasting all three of them on her tongue, and said, “I can never get enough of you two. You’ve made me insatiable.”

  Amy muttered, “Too bad, Big Guy. My pussy’s closed for the night. You two have worn me out.”

  “Worn out? How can you be worn out, it’s only,” Stephanie turned to the clock, “Holy Crap, it’s already 11 o’clock. How did that happen?”

  Todd got off the bed and went in search of his boxers, “I don’t know, but I need to get back home and finish packing. I’ll call you in the morning and pick you for breakfast. Sound good?”

  Stephanie jumped off the bed and hugged Todd, pressing her naked body against him, “Sure you don’t want to come back and sleep with us?”

  Todd kissed her and rubbed her back, “I would love to, but then none of us would get any sleep.”

  “I would,” said Amy, still barely able to move.

  Stephanie and Todd grinned and parted, allowing Todd to get dressed. They kissed again as she walked him to the door. As he left, he grabbed her breasts once more and said, “Tomorrow, we’ll have lots of fun on the plane.”

  “You bet!”

  With that he was gone, and Stephanie ran back to the bed and jumped in, “You hungry, Amy?”

  “No,” came her muffled voice, “just sleepy.”

  Stephanie frowned at the larger woman, “Ok, well I am hungry and we both stink. Let’s take a quick shower and see if there is anything to order from room service.”

  “Sleepy,” was Amy’s response.

  “C’mon.” said Stephanie, “I’ll soap you up and make you feel all better.”

  Amy slowly sat up, “Stephanie, I’ve never had sex like that before. Is it supposed to be that energetic all the time?”

  Stephanie pulled Amy to her feet, “No, sometimes it can be slower and more

  gentle, but I like it that way. Passion overflowing, everyone hungry for more.”

  As they showered, Amy began to perk up, get some strength back. They dried each other, slipped on the complimentary robes, and ordered a light dinner of fruits and vegetables. When midnight came, both women were back in bed, snuggled naked together. Amy spooned Stephanie, cradling the smaller woman’s right breast in her hand. When Todd called in the morning, they woke in the same position, and Stephanie couldn’t get the smile from her face.

  They shared another shower, but this one involved much more caressing. Stephanie slipped two fingers into Amy’s pussy, angling them to stimulate her G-spot. With her thumb on Amy’s clit, Stephanie was able to make her new lover orgasm in less than three minutes. Amy wanted to return the favor, but Stephanie looked at the clock and realized they didn’t have the time. They were finally dressed thirty seconds before Todd knocked on the door.

  “Damn! I had hoped I would find you both naked and posed for me,” Todd said, kissing both women as he walked in.

  “No, Stephanie said we don’t have time this morning,” Amy said with a pout.

  “What are you complaining about,” Stephanie said, “you got yours this morning in the shower.”

  Todd looked at the two, “Really? Damn, I would love to see that.”

  “Next time, I promise,” Stephanie said, grabbing her bag, “let’s go.”

  Amy followed her out the door, “Are doctors always in such a hurry?”

  Without turning around, Stephanie said, “We are when it is necessary.”

  As it turned out, hurrying was definitely necessary that morning. Security at the airport was packed. The trio had to run from the x-ray machines to their gate, and almost missed getting on the plane. They were all disappointed to find only two of them could sit together in First Class. Being the gentleman, Todd let the women sit together, and took a seat across from them. During the flight, the women took turns flashing him when they thought no one else was looking. They got caught a couple of times, but didn’t seem to upset anyone. When they landed in S
alt Lake City, they walked hand-in-hand down the concourse to baggage claim. There, they found a man in a chauffeur’s uniform holding a placard with their names on it, plus a fourth, Phillip Johnson.

  Todd walked up to the man, “Hi, I’m Todd Marton, and this is Amy Pelling and Stephanie Langdon. We don’t know who Phillip Johnson is.”

  A deep voice behind Todd spoke up, “I’m Phillip Johnson. I guess we’re all going to Jenkston together?”

  Todd turned around and shook Phillip’s rough and powerful hand, “Sounds like it. Good to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Phillip said, and then turned to the ladies, “now why was this guy lucky enough to travel with two such beautiful women?”

  Stephanie smiled and Amy blushed while they shook Phillip’s hand. Todd went to get the bags while Stephanie and Amy got to know Phillip. He turned out to be a police officer from San Diego, California.

  “So Jenkston needs police help?” Amy asked.

  “Wait,” Stephanie said, “San Diego, you say? You aren’t by chance Detective Johnson, the man who brought down the Siciliano Sex Slave Ring?”

  Phillip nodded, “Yep, I had a hand in that.”

  Todd walked back at that moment, “From what I read, you had more than a hand in it, you went in Dirty Harry style and took out the whole gang, and freed something like two hundred women.”

  Phillip shrugged, “I had help connecting the dots. My captain wasn’t sure the search warrant we had would hold up, so I had to bend a few rules to make it happen.”

  “Well then, it sounds like we are traveling with a hero,” Amy said and then leaned down to kiss Phillip on the cheek, “we’re lucky to have you.” Phillip smiled and locked eyes with Amy for a moment. She was used to men staring at her tits and avoiding her eyes, but Phillip was doing the opposite. She liked it.

  “All right, well let’s get in the bus, shall we?” Stephanie said, noticing the building chemistry between Amy and Phillip. It would be an interesting pair. Phillip was about 6’1 and built like a running back in the middle of football season -- all muscle. He kept his head shaved, and his skin was a dark brown.

  “Ma’am.” the chauffer said, “we are not riding in a bus. We’re in a limousine. Is that okay?”

  Stephanie looked blankly at the older man, until she realized he thought she was serious about the bus comment, “Yes, that’s fine, I was just making a joke. Lead on, please.”

  Todd took Stephanie’s hand and squeezed it, whispering, “Someone’s a little too literal for his own good.”

  “You got that right,” Stephanie said. She looked back for Amy, who was walking beside Phillip. They were talking and he had taken Amy’s bag. Well, sounds like we have a fourth for our company. Wonder if that means the end of our trio, she thought.

  The ride to Jenkston went through some of the most beautiful scenery that Stephanie had ever seen. The reds and oranges of the canyon walls mixed well with the blue sky. Stephanie couldn’t stop looking outside as it all passed by. Todd took in the sights also, but he was more interested in looking at Stephanie. It had pained him to leave her the night before, but knew it had been for the best. Now that they were together again, he wanted to hold her close, but it was obvious she was distracted by the view. As they crossed one bridge, Stephanie gasped and threw herself away from the window and into Todd’s arms.

  “What’s the matter, Gorgeous?” Todd asked as she shivered next to him.

  “Sorry, the sudden lack of ground around us caught me by surprise,” Stephanie said, “you want me to move over?”

  Todd laughed and squeezed her closer to him, “Not on your life.” For the rest of the drive, Stephanie stayed in Todd’s arms, but her eyes kept looking outside.

  Amy didn’t notice the exchange, as she was wrapped up in the stories Phillip was telling about his police work. He fascinated her, the risks he took, the challenges he faced. Phillip for his part noticed the other couple getting closer, and wondered if he could chance doing the same with Amy. Her eyes and smile hypnotized him. Sure, he noticed her massive breasts and strong figure, but that was just generous icing on the cake. Just as Phillip was finishing his story, the limo swerved to the left to avoid a slow moving truck, pitching Amy into Phillip, who was sitting against the door, facing backward. As the car straightened out, Phillip and Amy were less than an inch away from each other’s lips. Phillip moved halfway, and Amy went the rest, and the two shared a gentle, lingering kiss, and then another. Phillip was about to go in for a longer, third kiss, but then opened his eyes and noticed Stephanie and Todd looking at them. When he stopped, Amy opened her eyes and saw the two staring as well.

  “What?” Amy said, “You never see two people kiss, before? I know you have, and recently.”

  Stephanie laughed and said, “Yes, and I’m just wondering if I will get to kiss Phillip, since you kissed Todd yesterday.”

  Phillip said, “Wait, what?”

  Amy looked down guiltily, “Yeah, we had a little fun last night.”

  Todd grunted, “A little fun? Wow, I feel diminished.”

  “No, please Todd,” Amy said, “don’t take it that way.”

  Todd smiled, “I’m just playing, Amy.”

  Amy then looked at Phillip, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. Last night, we all got together.”

  Phillip held up his hand, “Amy, stop. You don’t have to answer to me. You’re a consenting adult, and free to do what you like. We just met, and I’m going to be honest, I want to do more than kiss you. I hope you do, too. And if you want to kiss and do more with other people, I have no problem with that. We are all here to have fun and possibly start new lives. There’s no reason to build that on guilty feelings. Now, do you want me to kiss you again?”

  Amy quickly nodded and leaned forward for the kiss. Stephanie turned to Todd, “How does all of that sound to you?”

  Todd kissed her in answer, letting her feel his passion.

  “Good answer,” Stephanie gasped between kisses. She moved her right hand down to Todd’s lap and groped his shaft. Just as Todd grew to full length, the limo slowed to stop at a traffic light. The two couples separated, all of them slightly panting.

  “We are here,” the chauffer said.

  The four stared out the windows, looking at the perfect small town square. Each building had the perfect blend of new paint and old west charm. Stephanie noticed that most of the people walking around were young and in good shape. As the light turned green, the limo traveled down Main Street, and then took a left on Jenkston Avenue. The chauffer maneuvered the limo into a circular drive in front of what must be City Hall, and came to a stop. He jumped out of his seat and quickly opened the back doors for his passengers. Todd and Stephanie got out one side, while Amy and Phillip got out the other. The first thing they all noticed was how fresh the air smelled.

  “My goodness, taking a breath has never felt so good,” Phillip said.

  Stephanie and Todd nodded, and Amy said, “I know. Makes me wonder what I’ve been putting into my lungs all these years.”

  Right then, a large man in a red suit approached the four newcomers, “You don’t have to worry about that ever again, Ms. Pelling.”

  They all turned and looked at the man. While Stephanie, Todd, and Phillip all thought of Santa Claus instantly, Amy said, “Mr. Jenks, thank you for meeting us.”

  “My pleasure, dear lady.” He shook Amy’s hand and then turned to do the same with the others, “I am so glad you all could come. How was your trip? Were there any problems?”

  Stephanie thought about telling him about the hotel trouble, but decided against it, “No, not at all. Everything was great, and we’ve all become fast friends.” Ronald Jenks caressed his white beard and said, “Of course, we pair our newcomers for just that reason. And throughout the week, I have no doubt you will become even closer.”

  Todd turned his head at this, “What do you mean by ‘pair our newcomers’ Mr. Jenks?” “Please, can I be Ronald to you all and you be Todd
, Stephanie, Amy, and Phillip to me? Good, now Todd, you should understand this best of all. We use all kinds of algorithms and programs to make sure we have the best mix of people here in Jenkston. And from what I have seen from you four already, I know we are on the right track,” he gazed at how close the two couples were standing next to each other, “but more on that later. First, we have a small tradition for newcomers. Your first stop is to the bath house. You will not believe how good it will make you feel.”

  Amy looked around for her bag, “Should we go up and change into bathing suits first?”

  Ronald was already walking away, and yelled back, “No need, no need, we have everything you require.”

  The four newcomers looked at each other, shrugged, and followed their benefactor. He led them to a building that Stephanie instantly recognized as part of the town square. Above the large yellow door was a sign that stated, ’Jenkston Bath House, Est.1905’. As they walked inside, Stephanie was amazed by the décor. The tile on the floor was obviously hand cut and at least a hundred years old, laid out in an intricate pattern. Despite its age, the tile was spotless. The same was true about the murals on the wall. One depicted the town when it was first built. At the center of the painting, which must have been touched up at some time, was a large man in a red suit, sporting a white beard. Ronald Jenks stood in front of the mural.

  “Incredible likeness, don’t you think?” Ronald said. “That’s my Great, Great Grandfather. Genetics are an amazing thing, don’t you think? The only difference, his suit is a little dated.”

  “This place is amazing,” Stephanie said, “how do you keep everything looking so new?”


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