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The Naughty Collection

Page 59

by Ruby City Books

  Hot water ran over her weary yet still excited body. She leaned against the wall and let the water refresh her. As she remembered the events of the night she giggled at how out of character it all was. Both, she and Kyle were no kind of swingers. Adventurous in the bedroom a little, but nothing like that.

  Cleaned and ready to get on about her day of doing laundry and grocery shopping, her typical Saturday routine, she pulled on a thin summer dress and found a particularly sexy bra and panty set to wear underneath it. She felt sexier than ever and wanted to feel the lacy garments against her smooth skin.

  Kyle’s eyes opened as she finished the braid she was putting her hair into. “Mornin’” he said with a sheepish grin.

  She smiled. “Afternoon, sir.”

  “Come here you little sex kitten,” he said as he held his arms out.

  She complied and moved herself into them. “So, how do you feel about everything today? No regrets?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Not one. That was the best sex ever, baby.”

  She ran her hand through his tangled curls. “You have the worst case of bed head ever.”

  “I’m sure you did too, but you jumped up and made sure no one saw it didn’t you?” he asked knowingly. “Was he still here when you got up? I mean you didn’t leave us alone in the bed together did you? Cause that’s not cool if you did.”

  “He was gone when I woke up,” she said. “I don’t know when he left. I wonder if this is going to be weird now.”

  “Not with him it won’t.” Kyle took her braid in his hand. “He’s a pro, I can tell.”

  With a giggle she said, “How in the hell would you know, you threesome virgin?”

  “I just do. So what are you going to make us for dinner tonight?” he asked as he let her go and got out of the bed.

  “Us? Do you mean you want me to invite him over again?” she asked. “Because I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?” he asked as he made his way to the shower. “I could take another orgasm like that last one. You’re going to need something to suck on while you ride me, might as well be him.”

  Julie laughed as Kyle walked into the bathroom, but her brows furrowed once he closed the door behind him. If they did that too many times, she was afraid she’d develop real feelings for Christophe, and where would that leave Kyle?

  As she went into the kitchen she saw a note on the countertop. It was from Christophe and he asked them to go with him to dinner in New Orleans at Coquette’s. She’d wanted to go there for some time, but the couple’s budget didn’t allow for a date that extravagant.

  Her mind wandered back to what she’d thought about earlier and how she could keep her distance with him if they maintained this type of a sexual relationship.

  With his wit and charm, gorgeous face, bad ass body, money, and his ability to make her scream with pleasure, there was no way she wouldn’t fall for him. Was there ever a happy ending for everyone in a threesome?

  Kyle walked in towel drying his dark curls, making them spring around his handsome face. Julie gazed at him. He was gorgeous too, and funny. His body was rock hard as well and he made her feel just as good as Christophe did. Plus they had history, so maybe she’d have so much love for him, she’d never really fall for Christophe.

  She held up the note and said, “We’ve been invited on a date, babe.”

  “Did that sweet son of a bitch really ask us out?” he asked with a grin. “Fucking love that dude.” He took the note from her and read it.

  Julie rolled her eyes and thought maybe he would be the one to fall for Christophe and leave her. “So you think we should go, or should we end this before someone gets hurt?”

  “Who’s going to get hurt?” he asked with a frown. “You love me, right?”

  She placed her hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. “Yes, of course, but you have to be aware that if we spend too much time with him something could happen between he and I.”

  “What more than already has?” he asked with a grin. “I mean, really, what more could happen, Jules?”

  “What if I fall in love with him, you idiot!” she said as she turned away from him and fell on the sofa. “I don’t want that, and with enough time together and more of that mind blowing sex, who knows.”

  Kyle went to sit next to her and ran his hands over her reddened cheeks. “Our whiskers made your cheeks red,” he said with a laugh. “If you never want to do that again, I’ll go along with your decision as I’m sure Chris will. It was you who asked for it if you’ll recall.”

  “I’m aware of who asked for it,” she said.

  His finger touched her kiss swollen lips. “He is our neighbor and now a good friend, better than any other we’ve ever had. So we need to maintain a decent relationship with him. Try not to make this weird, Julie. Let’s go to dinner with him.” He stood and went to the kitchen. “Is there any of that wine he brought left, I’m craving that shit?”

  “I honestly don’t know, but I’d like some too,” she said. “And I never crave alcohol.”

  “Maybe I’ll run over and ask him where I can pick some up.” Kyle said then walked out the front door.

  Julie laid on the sofa and worried over the situation. Kyle came back after fifteen minutes. No wine in his hand left Julie disappointed. “That guy must sleep like the dead, cause I banged on both doors and he never answered, but his car’s there so I know he’s home. You must’ve wore him out, baby.”

  She blushed at his words and pushed her face into one of the pillows. “God, I’m a whore!” she shouted into it.

  Kyle began to realize how different women take the sex stuff than men do. He knelt beside her and kissed her cheek. “You’re no whore, and no one ever needs to know about our private sex life. Don’t ever call yourself that again, promise me.” He took her by the chin, making her look at him. “Promise me, baby.”

  “But I am one,” she said as tears welled up in her sky blue eyes. “I’m disgusting.”

  He sat down and pulled her to his lap, cradling her. “You are not. Now let this self-degradation go and let’s find something nice to wear for this evening.”

  The rest of the day went by with Kyle seemingly on cloud nine and Julie going back and forth between feeling horrible and elated. Both craved the wine from the night before and searched the internet for a bottle which looked like the ones thrown in their trash.

  Just as the sun set, their doorbell rang, and it was Kyle who nearly skipped to the door in happy anticipation of their neighbor. He opened the door and held his fist out to Christophe who wore the most magnificent black suit he’d ever seen. The man bumped his fist with Kyle’s and smiled as he looked Kyle up and down. Kyle was wearing a white, button down shirt with black slacks.

  Christophe pulled something from behind his back. “Go put this on and give the dress to Julie.” He reached down and picked up two shoe boxes. “And wear these too.”

  In a clear bag, a black suit similar to Christophe’s shone through, making Kyle smile. A red, backless dress was in the other clear bag. Christophe reached into his pocket, producing a small, black, rectangular shaped box. “Give this to Julie, I bought her a pearl necklace. Also instruct her to wear nothing underneath the dress.”

  Kyle’s eyebrows shot up. “She may not be into the sex thing anymore. I have to warn you.”

  Christophe smiled. “She will be before the night’s over. How about I open us a bottle of wine and we have a few drinks before we go? Our reservation is a little over an hour from now.”

  Kyle nodded and pointed to the kitchen. “You know where the cork screw is. Make yourself at home and we’ll get changed.”

  He took off for the bedroom and hoped Julie wouldn’t make a big deal about the clothes. She turned and looked at him as he entered the room. “Christophe is here. Take those clothes off.”

  The reaction to his words she had made him laugh. “Kyle, I said I was unsure…”

  He interrupted her, holding
the dress up. “So you can put this on. He gave you a necklace too, and these shoes. Oh, and don’t wear anything under the dress.”

  “I sure as hell will,” she shouted. “I’ll not have you two telling me how to dress, and what I can and can’t wear.”

  Kyle looked at the dress and said, “It looks like one of those body hugging things so underwear would probably show. You know, panty lines, plus it doesn’t have a back, so a bra would look horrible.”

  As she pulled the dress she had on, off, she huffed. “Fine, toss me the shoes and the damn necklace,” she said as she wrangled the dress out of the plastic covering it. One look at the sky high red heels which had red soles as well made her shriek with delight. “Oh, my God! These are from Yves St. Laurent!”

  “Wow, what the hell does that mean?” Kyle asked as he pulled his clothes off.

  “Nothing. You’d never understand,” she quipped as she pulled the skin tight dress over her head and slipped her foot into one of the heels. “Damn it, they feel as good as they look.”

  Kyle finished buttoning his shirt. “He brought more of that wine too. We’re going to have some drinks before we go.”

  Julie’s eyes lit up. “Yes, he brought more! I’ll be right there.” Kyle slipped his new shoes on and strode out the door.

  She slipped into hers and grabbed the black box and headed into the living room. Her eyes saw the wine glass full of the dark red liquid she’d been craving all day. “Hi, Christophe,” she said as she made a B-line for the glass.

  The man stood in her path and grabbed her arm as she tried to go around him. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Julie. First you greet me, then you can have some wine.”

  Her head snapped to look at him. Her eyes softened. “Of course how rude of me, Christophe. Hello, thank you for the clothes and the jewelry, it was unnecessary, but appreciated.”

  He held his hand out. “Give me the box, so I can place the necklace around your beautiful throat, love.”

  Doing as he said, she waited for him to clasp it on her. He turned her back to face him and his lips fell onto hers as his arms wrapped around her. She took in a shocked breath and placed her hands on his broad chest.

  He let her go and laughed. “Julie, are you feeling shy all of a sudden?”

  With a shake of her head, making her long, blonde curls bounce around her, she said, “No, it’s just that I’m unsure about doing the threesome thing anymore. I’m afraid someone will end up getting hurt, and I don’t want that.”

  As he took her hand in his, he led her to the table where the wine sat, and placed the glass in her hand. “Here, have some wine and we can see where the night leads us, love. We would never do anything you didn’t wish to do. Isn’t that right, Kyle?”

  Kyle shook his head and took a drink then said, “I’ve been telling her that all day.”

  Julie held the glass to her quivering lips and took a long drink, the saltiness assaulting her senses at first, then changing into something delicious as she let if set in her mouth before swallowing. The red wine stained her lips as she pulled the glass from them. “I’m afraid you’ve made us quite addicted to this stuff,” she said. “We looked all over the internet to see where we could buy some, but nothing showed up. Tell us where we can get our own.”

  “I’m afraid I am the only one who can give it to you,” he said as he put his arm around her waist and walked her to the sofa. “It’s from my own winery in France. It’s a private collection. I’ll show you how it’s made when I take you with me to visit my home country.”

  “Cool,” Kyle said as he took another drink. “I love this stuff.”

  Christophe sat Julie down next to Kyle and smiled down at them before he took the place on the other side of her. “I’ve a proposition for you two. If you accept we can make it permanent after dinner this evening.”

  Julie’s eyes went wide. “Christophe, what do you mean by permanent?”

  His emerald eyes seemed to glow as he said, “I want you, Julie.”

  “I love Kyle and this is exactly what I was afraid of,” she said as she stood up, but he grabbed her hand, making her sit back down.

  Taking the glass, he held it to her lips, though she didn’t want to do what he asked the wine called to her, so she took the drank he offered. “Julie, you don’t understand. I want Kyle too. I want us all to make this a permanent situation.”

  Kyle sat back and pondered the thought. “How, Chris?”

  “See, he’s interested,” he told Julie as he stroked her cheek. “How about you, love?”

  The wine was already hitting her and his electric touch buzzed through her entire body. She found herself wanting to pull the dress off and give herself to him. His lips touched hers softly. An ache began inside her and she moaned. “What would we do?”

  “This all the time, except for the daytime, when we would rest,” he said as he looked so deep into her eyes she could swear he could see into her soul. “No more working for you two, only fun for us all. How does that sound to you, Julie?”

  “Like heaven,” she said as she licked her lips.

  He kissed her again, this time sending his tongue into her mouth to taste her sweetness. Kyle cleared his throat and said, “It sounds pretty damn good to me too.”

  Christophe released her lips and turned her towards Kyle, who took over the kiss which had left Julie with her eyes closed and feeling no pain. He kissed her gently as he ran his hands over her back. The other man, clapped his hands. “Then it is settled we will make this permanent this very evening. You both need to let your boss know you are quitting your jobs. Let your families know you’re moving to France as my employees. You can see them again, but not for about a month.”

  Julie shook her head and asked, “Why is that?”

  His finger touched her nose, and he said, “You will soon see, love. Do not rush the information from me. There is nothing to fear, it will all be fantastic.”

  The three went to dinner and even though they drank more wine at the restaurant it didn’t have the same effect Christophe’s did on them. Julie found herself sobered up, but she enjoyed the company even more. The idea of being a permanent threesome was growing on her.

  The men treated her like she was precious to them. Julie observed Christophe as he spoke with Kyle about taking out his yacht in the south of France on a moonlit night and how beautiful it all is. Christophe was excited about the things he wanted to show them.

  Their excitement had peaked and the phone calls they’d made to their families and former boss, which were highly questioned by all of them, flowed out of their minds as they listened to the man tell them of the wonders they were about to witness.

  The drive back to their house was filled with laughter and Julie found herself letting go of any doubts she’d had. It would be just the three of them, gallivanting all over the world.

  Christophe pulled into his driveway and said, “Let’s go into my place. I’d like to show you some of my playthings.”

  Each man took one of Julie’s hands in theirs and made their way inside the darkened house. Julie noticed the lack of furniture in the living room, but decided not to comment as they would all be taking off soon for France anyway.

  Straight to his bedroom they went, where a bottle of wine waited on a small table. A large bed sat in the middle of the room, and the thing which caught both of their attention was the two sets of chains which hung from the ceiling. Christophe turned to look at them both. “The things I will teach you two,” he said as he poured them some wine. “Drink up, I want to get started right away.”

  Kyle downed his glass and held it out for more. “So what are we going to do with that contraption?”

  His glass was refilled as Christophe smiled. “First Julie and I will place you in the first set of chains and she will pleasure you by sucking your cock while I take her from behind. It’s quite an exquisite sensation as you’re held off the floor. After she’s satisfied you, I will place her in the chains next to those. You will watc
h from your high perch as I clean up the mess I’ve left in her with my mouth.”

  Kyle nodded in agreement. “When do you get chained up?”

  “After I take you down, of course. Then it’ll be your turn to do what you want to with her,” he said, as he began removing the dress from Julie.

  Kyle watched as Christophe undressed her, carefully removing the pearl necklace. She stood before them both, naked. “Take off your clothes, guys. Let’s get this party started.”

  Kyle did as she asked and in moments he was locked up in the chains and waiting for her mouth to make him happy. Which she did as Christophe kept his clothes on, he only unzipped his pants to release his erection, and moved steadily behind her until all three found their release.

  Once Christophe had Julie in her chains he stood back and smiled at them both. “I’m going to deviate from the plan. It’s at this point I’m going to tell you what has to be done for us to stay together permanently. You may try to change your minds, but I won’t have it. It sounds scarier than it is.” He pulled out a roll of silver duct tape and pulled off two pieces. In an instant he flew up to them and slapped a piece over each of their mouths.

  Julie’s eyes went wild, and she screamed, but it was muffled by the tape. Kyle shook in his chains and glared at Christophe who smiled back at him. “You see, I am an eternal, and I’m about to make both of you just like me. I have given you the blood of virgins and you have consumed more than enough for the process to take place.”

  Kyle made a gagging sound and Julie thrashed about. The tall man seemed to grow even taller as they watched him transform into something not of this world, but still devastatingly gorgeous. His voice the same, he said, “I am a vampire and you are about to join me. When you wake up from the fever which will burn you for days, you will be an eternal. Not a thing can kill you, and we will be together forever.”

  He clapped his hands and smiled, revealing a horrifying set of sharp teeth. “Who first?”


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