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The Naughty Collection

Page 74

by Ruby City Books

  And WHAM!

  Vera slammed into him at full blast, holding herself in place, and something strange happened. Venus and Mars suddenly fell out of alignment in the sky, and there was a bright flash of light. Mark and Vera both shook like dogs, their entwined bodies convulsing wildly, as their souls twisted out of them, blurring around and around and around.

  Vera's cock was now Mark's cock- or no, it was both of their's, and both of them felt its sensation equally- and it ejaculated forth in a bright silver torrent, and Mark and Vera now shared the same anus, and both of them felt the massive gush boiling over into them, so thick and so abundant that it came spilling out of their asses just as soon as it could enter, and each of them exploded with the shared sensation of the same two orgasms, anal and penile, the combined force ripping their swirling souls to shreds, making their heads spin as they quivered, until at long, long last, they each descended gently back down into their proper selves, Mark's soul in Mark's body, Vera's soul in Vera's body.

  Mark gently pulled himself out of her, and wrapped her in his arms, the two of them kissing long, slow, and sensually, basking in the damp, sweaty afterglow of their twisted lovemaking, and fading gently off to sleep in one another's arms as they drowned in the thick golden fluid of the afternoon sunlight streaming through the window.

  Mars and Venus continued on their separate courses, forever distinct, but each glowing just a bit brighter for their brief alignment along one another's orbits.


  Billionaire Magic

  “I think I'm becoming quite the artist,” Emma commented aloud to Michael as she doodled satan horns and a pitchfork on the umpteenth picture of her ex-boyfriend, Adam. Sure, it was childish, but Emma felt entitled to a leave of sanity at the moment. In fact, she felt she was handling things rather well given that just forty-eight hours prior she had arrived home early to celebrate their eleven-month anniversary, only to find Adam tongue-deep in his assistant's nether regions. She didn't break down and cry in front of him, nor did she resort to screaming every expletive in her limited repertoire. She remained calmer than she could ever have imagined, squared her shoulders and commented drolly, “Jeez, Adam. There were leftovers in the fridge if you were hungry.” Emma walked out of the house and headed straight to her best bud, Michael, and proceeded to fall apart into a sobbing figure of shame and misery in his arms. She'd remained with him ever since; she had sold off her condo months ago when Adam invited her to move in, and in truth, she didn't want to be alone. As miserable and dejected as she felt, Michael somehow always managed to make her feel better. He stayed with her day and night for weeks after her parents died tragically in a car accident two years ago; he'd been there for her through every breakup; celebrated every success and consoled her through every failure. Emma wasn't sure how she'd cope without him.

  “You might not want to quit your day job for your art just yet, Em,” Michael teased. “Yeah, I suppose you're right. Besides, I don't have any pics of the jerk left in my wallet, so I'm out of canvases,” Emma responded in kind. “You know, Em,” Michael began a little uneasily. “I'm thinking there might be a better way to put some distance between you and Adam.” Emma cocked her head to show she was paying attention. “I have that cruise trip booked this Friday, and I was thinking you could come with me. You know, get away for a while, soak up some sun, sip champagne on the sundeck. What do you think?” Emma didn't respond right away. She often forgot about Michael's financial situation, and while Emma struggled to seek out a comfortable existence, Michael had comfort in spades. She didn't know exactly how much money Michael had, but she knew he was positively loaded—yachts, mansions and fancy cars-kind of loaded. Changing vacation plans at the last minute might be challenging for the common folk, but for him it would likely be no more difficult than flipping the channel on the television. After she had been silent for a moment, Michael probed gently, “Em, what do you think?” She'd always turned down Michael's lavish generosity, but she was severely tempted this time; putting some mega miles between her and her ex sounded like a splendid plan. “Um, I guess so. If it's not too much trouble,” she conceded.

  A thrill coursed through Michael. He had tried to get Emma to go away with him so many times before, but she had always turned him down. She was the only woman he'd ever known who didn't jump at the opportunity to let him spoil her rotten. Maybe getting her away from the circumstances surrounding their everyday relationship, Emma would begin to see him as something other than her best bud. God, he'd had a thing for her since the night they first met; she was volunteering at a charity function he was attending, and from the moment he saw her, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was tall and slim, with a gorgeous rack and legs that went on for miles. Her wavy auburn hair fell half way down her back and her big emerald eyes seemed to sparkle every time she smiled. Unfortunately, behind her stood her date for the evening–Lucas, one of his closest friends–so Michael could be no more than cordial toward her then. After that, she was around all the time; every time he'd get together with Lucas, he'd have Emma in tow. Michael swore Lucas brought her along just to tease and torment him.

  But every time he saw Emma he was more captivated than the time before. She wasn't just a hot piece of ass, she was the most genuine, compassionate and kind person he'd ever known. And he nearly beat the shit out his lifelong friend because of her. He was there the day Lucas broke up with her; they had gotten together with a group of friends for Sunday brunch. Half way through the meal, and out of the blue, Lucas turned to Emma and told her she just wasn't exciting enough for him and he needed to move on. Emma was mortified, certain others at the table could hear, and her face flamed red instantly. Michael was on his feet in a blink of an eye, but at first he couldn't decide whether to comfort Emma or go after Lucas with a right hook. In the end, he glared down at his friend and casually escorted Emma out of the restaurant before the tears filling her eyes overflowed and the table of acquaintances got nosy. Unfortunately, his role as protector and comforter in that moment, relinquished him to the “friendship” corner in Emma's eyes. And ever since that morning four years prior, he had watched Emma land up in one bad relationship after another, always there to console her when what he really wanted to do was scream at the top of his lungs just how he felt about her. He'd tried to move on, hooking up with gorgeous women--models, actresses, lawyers, doctors–but none of them could erase or replace Emma. He'd stopped trying. Sure, he was still a man with a healthy sexual appetite, but lately, high-priced escorts served his baser needs without complicating the issue with a futureless relationship.

  “I guess that means I should start packing,” Emma interjected into Michael's trip down memory lane. It was already Tuesday, leaving Emma just two days to prepare for a trip to the Caribbean. While she still felt the sting of Adam's betrayal, the prospect of a tropical getaway with her best friend was quickly beginning to soothe her frayed emotions. Oh, but everything she owned was still located at home...or Adam's home now. She didn't relish the idea of having to go back there, but she supposed it was inevitable. “I guess I should bite the bullet and go pick up my stuff or I'll be spending this impromptu vacation naked in the statesroom,” she joked. Michael gritted his teeth against the images suddenly running through his mind, and as much as he'd rather have Emma naked and all to himself for a week, he knew she wouldn't go for that...yet. “You don't have to do that, Em. Why don't I take you shopping...just for a few things to get you through the week, and then you can worry about retrieving your stuff when we get back,” he offered. “Oh, no. I couldn't possibly let you do that. I already feel like a mooch tagging along on your vacation,” Emma insisted. She was resolved, and her stubborness made her feel stronger. Suddenly, Emma was sure she could face Adam and walk away with her head held high. She stood, grabbed her purse from the kitchen counter and threw her arms around Michael. “Thank you so much for everything,” she told him warmly. “I don't know what I'd do without you.” With that, she kissed him on the
cheek and walked out the front door to her Impala waiting in the drive. Michael knew she'd be fine; it was yet another thing he loved about Emma—when she committed to something—or someone—she did it whole-heartedly. He also knew that the feel of Emma pressed up against his body a moment prior had him rock hard, pressing painfully against the waistband of his jeans. “Damn!” he cursed aloud as he deliberately tried to turn his thoughts to his plans for the upcoming trip, and headed for a cold shower.

  Emma spent the entire drive to Adam's thinking about Michael. He was such an amazing friend; she certainly didn't know what she'd done to deserve him. He was an incredible man; kind, strong, honourable...Emma couldn't figure out why some lucky woman hadn't scooped him up yet. He was the sexiest man she knew; more like an actor or model, really. Emma was five foot seven inches, and he towered at least half a foot over her. He kept himself in amazing shape, covered in sinewy muscle from head to toe, and he had dark hair that he kept cropped just a little longer than his other business mogul counterparts. With women drooling over him everywhere he went, it really did baffle Emma why he was involved in so few relationships.

  By the time Emma had finished pondering Michael's relationships, she had arrived in front of Adam's house. “Strange that it already seems like his house when just a few days ago it was ours,” she mused aloud. But, she had come here on a mission, so it was time to get it over with. She exited her car and made her way up the drive. She knocked when she reached the door instead of walking in or trying her key. It really wasn't home anymore.

  Adam opened the door a moment later, and she stated her intent succinctly, “I've come to collect my belongings, Adam.” “But Emma. Let me just explain...can't we talk about this,” Adam started. It seemed so cliche to Emma that she nearly laughed aloud at the absurdity of it. There was no way she'd believe that he slipped and fell into Miss Nether Regions, so there really was nothing to talk about. “I'd just like to get my things, Adam, and then I'll be going back to Michael's.” “Oh, so that's where you've been. You went running straight to him, didn't you? I know exactly what's going on between you two, and you think you can give me a hard time over one stupid mistake?” he accused. Emma couldn't fathom what Adam was talking about, and right now she didn't care. “Are you going to let me in, Adam?” “Fine,” he eventually conceded. Emma made her way through the house, grabbing her few pieces of luggage from the bedroom closet and stashing her things in them as quickly as she could. When she was finished, she lugged the baggage down the stairs and headed for the door. Adam stood blocking her exit, but Emma was certain she was done with this part of her life. She glared at Adam and waited for him to move. Almost a minute later, Adam conceded his defeat and moved away from the door. She walked through it, luggage in tow, and never looked back.

  Emma spent the next two days in a whirlwind of preparation. Though in truth, most of the time was spent packing, unpacking and repacking her suitcase. She had never been on a cruise before and wasn't entirely sure what she would need. In the end, Emma ended up purchasing most items new for the trip, unhappy with her ordinary wardrobe and reasoning that she hadn't splurged on herself in years. A little of everything ended up in her suitcase, from casual sundresses to formal attire. On a whim, she even picked up a few naughty pieces for the trip including sexy lingerie that she had no idea why she purchased to a string bikini she would never have been caught dead in before. While she wasn't sure she'd have the guts to put it on—full-coverage bathing suits and tankinis had always been her style—the prospect of letting loose and walking a little on the wild side appealed to her. For some strange reason, the thought of Michael seeing her walk out on the sundeck in that scrap of fabric appealed to her even more. “Jeez, I must really have taken leave of my senses,” Emma thought aloud. But, since the purchase was non-refundable, she tossed it in her suitcase and nodded her head to close the subject.

  It was Thursday evening and Emma was finding it difficult to settle down to sleep. She and Michael left for the cruise ship in just seven short hours, and she was surprised to realize how excited she was for her first vacation in eons. She had been staying at Michael's house, given that she wouldn't have time to hunt for a new place until she got back, but she'd barely seen Michael at all during the past few days; he had popped in for lunch two days ago and then again yesterday for a shower and change of clothes. He apologized for his absence; apparently a last minute business commitment before the trip. Even though they departed in just a few hours, Michael still had not returned home again. So, Emma sprawled out on the living room sofa in her makeshift T-shirt and boy-cut panty pajamas, and flipped through the television channels hoping to find something dull enough it would lull her off to sleep. It must have worked because when Michael walked in the door an hour later, Emma was fast asleep. Her bare legs lay exposed to his view and her T-shirt had ridden up, showing off her perfectly-shaped ass and toned stomach. Just another inch and the hem of her shirt would expose the bottom fullness of her tits. “Damn!” Michael uttered a whispered curse. He couldn't take his eyes off the sleeping form on his sofa. God, how he wanted to walk over and run his hands along her silky smooth skin; to gently pull her T-shirt up to bare her tits; to slide off her tight little shorts and leave her naked to his view. Michael was beginning to question his decision to invite Emma on vacation. While he hoped it might provide the opportunity for a shift in their relationship, it also might be the end of him if he couldn't have that body soon. Living in close quarters with her might drive him mad.

  Emma began to stir as if she could sense the tumultuous battle raging in Michael's head. Her eyes fluttered open and Michael did his best to plaster a friendly, disinterested smile on his face. “Is it morning already?” she inquired sleepily. “Nope, not for a few more hours. Go back to sleep, Em,” he whispered. “Mmm, I've missed you. Come sit with me. I was just watching TV,” Emma explained, thinking she'd only been asleep for a moment. But, when she glanced at the TV to find a late-night paid programming show, she smiled a sheepish, tired smile. “OK, maybe I wasn't watching TV,” she joked, but she moved to sit up regardless. “It's late, Em,” Michael protested weakly. Cuddling up with her half naked form seemed like an epic recipe for disaster right now. “Suit yourself,” she replied and flopped back down against the arm of the sofa, but some small part of Emma felt disappointed; she had wanted to feel Michael's body close to hers, and she couldn't understand why. Fortunately, a moment later she had drifted back to sleep. Michael, on the other hand, didn't sleep a wink all night, too painfully aware of the gorgeous woman on his couch.

  At six in the morning, a sleep-deprived Michael shook Emma gently to wake her for their departure. Forever a morning person, she awoke quickly and was showered, dressed and ready to go in less than 20 minutes. She grabbed the handle of her suitcase and rolled it across the hallway to the front door. Suddenly, she was as excited as a child on her first trip to Disney World and she found it difficult to contain her exuberance. Michael laughed at her, mesmerised by her childlike delight and followed her out the door to the car and driver waiting outside. “Oh my,” Emma froze. “I take it this is here for us?” “Yeah, Em. I'm not leaving my car parked at the airport, so we're getting a ride there,” he explained matter-of-factly. It was too late to object. Besides, what girl wouldn't be at least a little excited about her first ride in a limo? The driver opened the door and Emma climbed in while Michael handed over their luggage. A moment later they were on route to the airport. It wasn't until they arrived that Emma realized they had been on their way to a private airport. Apparently they were taking a private plane to the cruise ship. Emma wasn't sure she'd ever get used to such luxuries, but within five minutes of being on board the plane, she discovered that luxuries weren't such a horrible thing. The few times she had reason for air travel, she'd always flown coach. This was definitely a new experience. “OK, but if Michael owns the cruise ship, too, I'm calling off this vacation!” she thought as she stared at the clouds out her window.

p; The cruise ship was nearly ready to depart by the time they arrived—a private, late boarding was apparently another perk that came with a gi-normous bank account. Michael and Emma were escorted to their room, which turned out to be a four-room suite complete with two full-size bedrooms, a living room and a luxurious bathroom with whirlpool tub and glass-walled shower. And a private balcony overlooking the ocean. Yikes! When Emma had researched the name of the ship Michael had mentioned, she had taken a look at the online brochure with pictures of tidy and simple statesrooms. But, she had to admit this was a beautiful suite. Their luggage was deposited in the two separate bedrooms and then they were left alone to settle in as the ship began to move. “Relax and enjoy, Em,” Michael began. “I'm just going to talk to the captain quickly, and I'll be right back.” He leaned toward her and kissed her cheek before leaving, the action feeling more natural to the both of them than either would care to admit.

  And then Emma was alone in the oversized suite. She walked around for a moment, taking in the elegant furnishings, and peaking out the balcony to admire the view. Then she decided it was time to take care of business. She hated living out of a suitcase, so she relished the idea of getting her clothing hung up in a proper closet. She opened her luggage and began to hang her apparel, organizing it into casual and formal attire for easy access later. She stuffed the indecent bikini in a drawer and just as she was about to toss in the naughty lingerie, Michael knocked on her door and walked in. She stuffed the ivory, satin thong, garter belt and matching strapless bra in the drawer and closed it quickly, but not before Michael had gotten a sneak peek. He imagined her in them instantly, and he was certain the image was burned in his brain forever.


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