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The Naughty Collection

Page 94

by Ruby City Books

  “Shit!” Casey yelped, and bucked upwards. They pulled out and thrust in again, and she was so wet she was making a sloppy mess of the floor below her, and she was going to be embarrassed about that, she really was, just as soon as these two idiots stopped driving her crazy with their hands… “Oh!” she cried as their fingers brushed the same wall inside her from different sides. “Oh fuck yes, oh God, where did you learn that, do it again! Please!”

  But Max and Jeff were pulling away, setting her down gently on the floor. Casey looked around wildly. Was it something she’d said? What had she done wrong? Had they heard a floorboard snap or something? Were the zombies about to eat them alive, and not in a fun way?

  Then she realized they were taking off their pants. As their cocks sprang free, Casey forgot everything but a single, desperate need to have them both inside her at once. She felt her knees quaking with desire, and she immediately brought a hand to her cunt. It was so hot and slick and ready for them. Her hand scrabbled for the loose bottle of lotion and squeezed some into her palm. She reached a hand behind herself, feeling them watch her with lust and fire in their eyes, and inserted one slick finger into her ass, then two, stretching herself out for them. Jeff’s green eyes burned hers.

  “Jesus Christ, Case,” he said hoarsely, beginning to yank cruelly on his cock.

  Max’s brown eyes were slits of need. He fondled his shaft. “Just like that, Red,” he hissed. “Just. Like. That.”

  Finally Casey felt the walls of her ass begin to relax. She looked up at them, a small smile on her lips, undead hands thumping on the floors below them.

  “Please,” she said, her voice breaking in the middle. “Please get inside me.”

  The two boys descended upon her, lifting her up by her armpits and positioning themselves. Max fit behind her and Jeff stood in front, drawing one of her legs up in his arms, his cock held firmly in front of him. She felt the head of Max’s cock brush the seam of her ass, his lips next to her ear.

  “I want to hear you beg for it, Red,” he said huskily.

  “Oh God please, Max,” she whimpered, her hips already rocking, aching for contact. “Please fuck me in the ass, please, I need you to, I want you inside me.”

  She could feel him smile against the skin of her shoulder blade, and the sensation of his physical smile made her gasp. He fit his cock in her seam against her anal opening and waited. Now Jeff leaned forward.

  “My turn,” he smirked, nipping at her nose.

  “Please please Jeff, fuck me, my cunt is ready for you, my cunt wants you, fuck me until I scream,” she begged. In return, Jeff fit the tip of his cock against her entrance, burying it in the red puff of hair just inside the rim of her hole. Then they both froze. Casey squirmed impatiently, her leg suspended in the crook of Jeff’s arm, her own hands grasping one of Jeff’s biceps and one of Max’s thighs. What were they waiting for, these bastards? Finally she screamed in frustration.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, you ridiculous bunch of teases, if you don’t fuck me I will…”

  The two boys thrust into her in the same moment. Casey ceased speaking or thinking about anything at all, her mouth open in a wordless yell, her hands gripping sweating, hard flesh. They pulled out and simultaneously thrust in again, and this time she felt the bend of Jeff’s long, stiff member hit the same spot on her wall as Max’s thick, veined erection did from the other side. The three of them yelled in unison, and now it was a wild, sloppy mess of thrusting and pushing and pulling and fucking and smacking, in and out, in and out, faster and faster, hands grasping desperately at breasts, biting blindly, kissing every spare space of skin, and Casey was so full of cocks, so full of men, she was so full she could burst, her hips swiveling and bucking up and down, mouths crashing onto hers, and suddenly Jeff was screaming and then Max was screaming and as they spilled inside her, her walls contracted and Casey was seeing stars and screaming, too, her body thrashing with pleasure again…and again…and again…

  The three of them crashed to the floor. They lay on top of one another, panting and running their hands senselessly over each other. Zombies pounded at the floor, but the trunk was holding somehow. Naked and spent, all the three of them could do was laugh and laugh and laugh, until the sun went down on another day spent alive. Tomorrow, they would figure out how to survive one more day. If today were any indication, they could find ways to entertain themselves until then.

  The End

  Menage With My Vampire Boss


  Millie walked into the office building, trying to control the sweat that was dripping out of her pores. The summer had been the hottest for a while and the scorching temperatures were off the charts, but the building of Demeter Inc. was cast in shadow, and she was glad for the coolness. However, when she entered she noticed that the glass was blocking out the sunlight, so the entire building seemed like it was cast in a gloomy winter. It was an odd feeling to come from radiant sunshine to this black, shadowy space, but she put on her best face and strode up to the reception desk.

  It was the early afternoon but there weren’t many people around, which Millie found surprising for such an important business. When she had applied for the job it had largely been on a whim for she was young and inexperienced; barely out of college. Armed with nothing but her degree and a few summers working with her father’s company, she’d been sent out into the real world under-prepared and vulnerable. So far it had been eating her alive and she’d sent out so many resumes with no reply that she thought she had been cursed. So when she had received an invitation to interview her heart leapt, but what followed was a period of intense nerves, for it felt like if she failed to get this opportunity she would fail at life, and the investment that had been made into her education would have been a complete waste of time. Still, she tried to put that out of her mind as she had been getting ready for the interview that morning. She’d worn a professional outfit; the skirt went down to her knees, the purple shirt was open slightly at the collar to reveal a crucifix necklace, and the blazer clung around her curves. She wore her brown hair in a long ponytail that reached down to her lower back, and had applied just a dab of make-up to accentuate her heart-shaped face. The secretary pointed her to an elevator and told her to go to the office on floor five where Millie would be given further instructions. It all seemed so mysterious and intriguing, and Millie’s heart began to race as the interview grew nearer.

  The elevator ride was smooth and there were so many buttons, for the building was a hulking monstrosity, a glass and metal castle that rose imposingly in the heart of the vibrant city. At the top was a penthouse, as shown by a button with the letter ‘P’, on it, and she wondered if she was ever going to be in a position to own a penthouse suite. Sadly, she thought, it was a joy she would never know.

  In her research into the company she had read about the owner, a mysterious figure who nobody seemed to know much about, and this made him all the more interesting. His background was vague but there was no question that he had been successful and he was always high on the rich list that was published every year. It was strange to think that he earned in a day what she would most likely have to work most of her life for.

  The elevator car reached the fifth floor and the doors opened. Again the place was so dark it may as well have been night. Not one bit of sunlight made its way into the building, and she wondered if it was for some productivity reason, like to prevent glare or something. The place was deserted though, with only a few people manning computer terminals, and none of them looked at her. There was no obvious place to go, so Millie was standing around for a few moments wondering what to do. She twisted her head as she looked in both directions, and eventually a slender woman with brown hair walked towards her. As she came closer Millie saw that she and this women were wearing similar outfits, and she wasn’t sure whether this was a good or a bad thing.

  “You must be Millie, sorry to keep you waiting. I’m Claudia, please, come this way.” They shook hands and then
Claudia led Millie to a large office with glass walls. They exchanged some small talk on the way, and Millie just tried to keep a handle on her nerves. Her throat was dry and she was worried that her words would come out sounding wobbly.

  “Can I get you anything, some water perhaps?” Claudia offered, and Millie gladly took her up on it. Millie went to sit in the office and was surprised at how cold it seemed. There were barely any personal touches and although the company’s reputation was unparalleled, and she knew she’d be a fool to turn down any opportunity that presented itself, there was something about the place that was unsettling. She made herself comfortable in the leather chair and rested her hands on her lap as she waited for Claudia to return.

  When Claudia did return, Millie sipped the water and was glad to soothe her throat. Claudia sat down opposite Millie and pulled out a few pieces of paper. She made some notes while Millie sat there patiently, and then looked up.

  “So then Millie, you’ve just recently graduated college, yes?”

  “That is correct.”

  “And how is the real world treating you so far?”

  “Oh, well, you know…it’s okay I suppose. It’s not um, it’s not exactly what I expected. I’ve been trying to get a job that suits my education but it seems like barely anyone replies.”

  “Yes,” Claudia said, leaning back in chair, “it’s been a terrible few years, and I certainly understand your frustration. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression of people wanting experience, but never giving anyone the chance to gain experience.”

  “Yes! That’s exactly it. I know I could contribute positively to a company, all I need is to be given a chance.”

  “Indeed, that’s actually one of our main recruitment policies here. Mr. Lioncourt wants to give opportunities to eager people who are willing to work hard and make themselves a valuable member of the team. Experience is good but it is not essential for things can always be taught, what is essential is a good instinct and attitude. Those are the things that Mr. Lioncourt looks for in his employees. Now, obviously being inexperienced does come with a slight risk, and although we have opportunities for people in your position we cannot offer a high salary band at first. If we deem you suitable for the job, and if you would like to work here, we offer a basic package for a set period, and then after that there will be an evaluation where we will determine your future in the company. It is a good job and a good company to work for, it’s certainly changed my life for the better, but it is a demanding one and you will have to be prepared to give everything you have.”

  The words were chilling and Millie thought that it sounded far more dramatic than she had ever anticipated. All she knew is that she was tired of being unemployed and she didn’t want to have to go back to waiting tables, so she nodded. Claudia smiled broadly, but this expression sat strangely on her face, as though it wasn’t made to hold a smile. In fact, as Millie looked more closely, there was something eerie about Claudia’s eyes, as though there was a darkness within them. Millie couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but it seemed like Claudia was looking on her with the eyes of a predator. Millie inhaled deeply and tried to put it out of her mind as the interview continued. Claudia asked the standard questions and Millie responded in the best way she thought possible, but given how she was inexperienced at interviews she was always doubting her answers and worried that she would say the wrong thing. Indeed, whenever Claudia nodded gently, Millie felt as though she had to say more, so she ended up rambling, and a sick feeling swelled up in the pit of her stomach, resulting in her dreading any more questions.

  Soon enough her cup of water was completely empty but her throat was still dry, and she managed to muddle her way through the rest of the questions. Claudia outlined the role and it was simple data entry work, although Claudia did mention that there was the possibility of work directly under Mr. Lioncourt as well, for he often liked to take new employees as his assistant in order to show them how the business was run. This prospect thrilled Millie, and it only made her more desperate for the job. At the end Claudia asked if she had any questions, and there was only one question on Millie’s mind.

  “Why is it so dark in here?” she asked. Claudia smiled and laid her hands on the desk. “I thought you might ask that,” she replied, “Yes, it is a shame on a day such as this. But I’m sure you’ve noticed that there aren’t many people working either,” she said, and Millie nodded. “Well,” Claudia continued, “Mr. Lioncourt wants to give his company a unique feeling, and since we’re a global company we have to be ready at all hours of the day. He likes to keep the main staff on in the evening, because that’s when he’s most active as well. He’s always been a night owl and when he formed the company he did so in his own image. At night this place is very different. The blacked out windows also help people to stay focused because it means they’re not distracted outside. I understand that it’s unusual but that’s the way things are around here.”

  Millie seemed satisfied by the answer although she still found it strange, and although she wasn’t sure how she’d like being so deprived of sunlight she needed the job so badly that she’d put up with everything. Claudia led her to the elevator and had a final few questions before Millie left.

  “Just a couple more things, this job can take up your life and often people don’t realize how much it consumes them, and not just because of the odd hours. Do you have any strong relationships like a boyfriend that might be affected by this?”

  “No, I don’t have anyone like that. I’m willing to work hard at this job I won’t let you or Mr. Lioncourt down, if you think I’d be suitable for the role,” she said. Claudia gave her an approving smile, and while it initially filled her with confidence Millie was doubting herself as soon as the elevator doors closed and she began her descent to the ground floor. The interview seemed to go well but she couldn’t be sure, and all she could do was wait for the call.

  When she left the building she was blasted by sunlight and had to squint until her eyes adjusted. The change in temperature was drastic and her clothes began to stick to her skin. She walked out into the city and looked back at the towering building. It blotted out most of the sky, and was like a huge obsidian tombstone in the middle of the city. Behind it, soft white clouds drifted by against the calm cerulean sky, but it didn’t seem to touch the skyscraper, and it was almost like it was a part of a different world. Millie lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the sun as she looked up. Her eyes rose to gaze at the top of the building – the penthouse suit – and she wondered whether Mr. Lioncourt was in there at the moment, looking down on the city like a king. Little did she know that he held her future in the palm of his hands, for to him she was as insignificant as an ant and did not matter at all. She turned and walked back through the city to try and relax in the sun and forget about the interview. She didn’t want to get too excited because she wasn’t sure whether she would get it or not, and she didn’t want to think the worst because it would only make her depressed.


  That evening when she returned home she reported back to her parents about the interview and how it had gone, and although she sounded positive she thought it was a bad sign that they hadn’t called yet. In all the articles and advice columns she had read it was often the case that when an interviewee impressed the interviewer they were given the job promptly. Millie stared at her phone and willed it to ring, but it never did, and when she slept it was with a heart filled with sorrow because her life was not going to plan. Before closing her eyes for the final time she glanced at her phone once more, and then groaned as she tossed it across the floor, hating the fact that it was impossible to get a job.

  All she wanted was the life she had dreamed of…nothing glamorous, just a place of her own, a steady job, and then maybe she could have some time for romance. Right now her priority was getting a job, because she had always been instilled with a strong work ethic and not having a job clawed at her soul, making her feel as though she had no purpose.
There was no way she could enter into a relationship while feeling hollow inside, and she needed a job to feel complete, so it felt like her whole life was on hold until she eventually got a job, and it was getting to the point where she would have to start looking at other areas but that seemed like such a waste because she had studied and trained for a particular role. It felt like she had been lied to her whole life. All the time she had been told that she could do anything she wanted as long as she worked hard and tried her best, but growing up made her realize that there were so many factors, and that at most points it seemed like she was at the whims of fate.

  She wasn’t looking forward to the next day when she fell asleep, and she only wished that she could get a break from the monotony. Her days insisted of a morning run, followed by hours scrolling through job adverts, tweaking her resume, and then sending it off into the ether, where they seemed to disappear without trace. Her parents were being as supportive as possible but she knew that they were getting worried as well and she hated the fact that she couldn’t support herself because she didn’t want to live on their charity forever.

  However, during the night she was awoken by her phone ringing. At first the sound entered her dream and she knew something about it was incongruous, but it didn’t register for a while. Then it bloomed and grew louder, and she awoke with a start. She shook herself out of her slumber and the world swirled around her. Her eyes ached and her head throbbed, and when she checked the time on her digital clock she groaned to see that it was three in the morning. She reached over to pick up her phone only to feel around at empty air, and then the vague memories of her throwing it onto the floor returned. She held her eyes shut to quell the pain as she rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud. She rolled over and stretched out her hands to explore through the mess of clothes on the floor. When the location of the phone was not immediately apparent she was forced to open her eyes, and the soft glow of the screen stung her retinas. She crawled over and re-positioned herself so that she was able to grasp the phone, and brought it to her ear. The voice on the other end of the line was calm, and when it announced that it was calling on behalf of Demeter Inc. Millie was instantly awake. She sat up and leaned against the edge of the bed as she listened to the person on the other end of the phone. She was still half-asleep and when the phone call ended she had to pinch herself to make sure that it wasn’t a dream, for they had offered her a job and she started the following day.


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