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The Naughty Collection

Page 111

by Ruby City Books

  The fabric was ripped to shreds and there was no way that I was going to make it back without being seen. I was not shy by any means, but even I had my limits. He pushed me back with force and I landed heavily against a tree. I slumped back down against the ground, holding my heading and coming back with a sticky substance. I felt dizzy and I looked up to see my attacker. It was all fuzzy around the edges, but something was wrong with Derek.

  His body was different and even with my blurred vision; I could see the transformation with my own eyes. That wolf creature that stood there with its gray and white hairs standing on end was now staring down at me with glowing yellow eyes. I’d heard the cracking and I didn’t know where Derek went, but I think deep down I did. I just didn’t want to admit it to myself. It would mean that everything that I believed in was false. Everything that I thought was a myth or legend was real. Was that even possible or did I have a concussion that was making me see things?”

  “Stay away from me.” It was snarling and its jaws were dripping saliva onto the ground. I couldn’t move back and the tree was preventing me from going anywhere. It circled me like I was its prey and it swatted out and barely missed my face by a couple of inches. I could actually feel the soft breeze and the glint of his claws, as they went by my face. It sniffed at my hair and then it licked my face, before once again circling me. Ooooh…dog breath.

  I was shaking like a leaf and it wasn’t just because I was vulnerable to the elements. My white bra and panties were a direct contrast to my dark chocolate skin. For the first time in my life, I felt powerless and I was seeing something that just couldn’t be.

  “Run.” It was like a neon sign in my head and the voice was my own conscience screaming at me. I didn’t know how I could listen to my inner voice. My legs wouldn’t move and I was frozen in place by fear. Was I deluding myself into thinking that I could be his friend, especially after what I’d seen with my own two eyes? This wolf and Derek were one in the same and that could only mean that he had been bitten while stationed overseas. The reason why he had survived was because the wolf had decided in its own infinite wisdom to give him the curse. The others were left, as a painful reminder of just what kind of power it wielded.

  I wanted to do exactly what that inner voice said, but there was no way that I could even move, let alone run.

  I had no idea how long I had been there, staring at this thing and wondering if there was even a semblance of Derek inside. I tried to crawl away, but it blocked my path and made it very clear that I was not to go anywhere. I thought for sure that it was going to kill me, but then after a long period of time, it finally circled in the spot that it was standing and then lay down. It did not attack, but it was keeping a watchful eye. I hugged myself, trying to gain warmth and then I fell asleep, completely exhausted and overcome with the impossible. This day didn’t end the way that I had thought it would. I was going to enjoy the music and then return to hopefully find that my friend had found some loopholes regarding my tax situation.

  It was nice to meet Derek, but then things changed and it was like I was seeing things for the first time. I was a child taking my first steps and I might have fallen a few times, but now I was standing tall and seeing things for what they were. I was no longer blind, hiding in the sand like every other human being on the planet. We were used to the way things were and to invoke change was only going to be met with strong opposition. I’m sure that this wasn’t the first time that somebody had seen something like this. It’s just that they probably thought it was a figment of their imagination and decided to bury it in their consciousness.

  Even as I slept, I knew that my life had changed dramatically and that things could never be the same. I believed that Derek had no idea what he was. I was going to have to be the one to finally take the shroud from over his eyes. I was the one that was going to uncover for him the truth of what happened with him and his brothers. It wasn’t going to be an easy conversation, but it was necessary for him to finally come to terms with what he was. He may not believe me at first, but I think that eventually he’ll know that it made sense, even if it didn’t.

  Chapter three

  I awoke to the feeling of hands on my almost naked skin. I heard the telltale click of my bra coming undone and then the breeze making my nipples as hard as stone. I thought that I was having an erotic wet dream. This was my way of escaping reality. My nipples felt suction and then a tongue lashing at the surface of them. I arched my back and pushed out my chest for more contact. That mouth felt real and the teeth that were pulling my nipples away from my body were making me cry out in an almost orgasmic way.

  My eyes blinked and fluttered with the intensity of the moment. I could actually feel that my panties were soaked through. A hand touched them and even through the panties, my body responded in kind.

  “Yvonne, you’re so beautiful lying there that I just couldn’t resist. I needed to touch you, to feel your skin against my fingertips.” It was a very sweet thing for him to say, but I don’t think he fully understood what was going on here. “I want to be inside you. I want to feel you wrapped around me with every inch of my cock deep within that hot body of yours. I want to see the contrast of my pale cock sliding into that dark tunnel and I want to see your lips caressing the head, before I finish the task by thrusting my hips and giving you all of me. I know that you want that to. I can see it in your eyes and the way that your body responds to me.”

  God help me, but there was nothing that I could do. My body was making me a slave to my own desires and the way that he was touching me was only igniting a spark. It suddenly became an inferno between my legs. It hadn’t dawned on him the reason why I was almost naked. Even as he pulled my panties to the side to run his finger along my slit, I felt like there was a truth that had to be told.

  “Derek, I think that there’s something…stop that…oh god don’t stop that.” He had taken that opportunity to move his tongue down between my cleavage, until he was dipping into my belly button and then he was continuing on to where I wanted him the most. That sensation was building and when he circled my clit, I squirmed noticeably on the ground. I was trying my best to get him to hit it in just the right way.

  “Yvonne, we don’t have to talk about anything. We just need to let our bodies do the talking for us.” It was hard to argue with him, especially with the way that his tongue was now tracing down my slit and then slipping easily into my demanding sex. My pussy grabbed onto his tongue and didn’t want to let go. My juices were paving the way and he was wiggling his tongue in such a way that he was actually touching on my G spot. His finger soon joined in on the action and I had no choice, but to let myself go. “YESSSSSS.” I screamed and I heard the wildlife answer me with a cacophony of sounds. I twisted and turned with his fingers digging into my thighs. His tongue was lapping noisily and wetly for anybody that was in the vicinity to hear.

  “You are, so fucking delicious, Yvonne. I can’t get enough.” He proved that by making me have three intense orgasms in a row. It was like he knew exactly how to touch me and what buttons to push to make me into his own personal plaything. I enjoyed being out of control, but I sensed that this was the beast within that was raising its ugly head. At the moment, I couldn’t have cared less and as long as he kept his form, then I was going to succumb to my baser instincts.

  That third orgasm was the one that finally woke me up completely. I was able to look down to see the globes of his naked ass. He was completely bare and I saw his clothing now discarded. I don’t know how they were intact, but maybe the clothing was too big for the wolf’s frame. It must have fell off of him or he shook it free, but either way, he was still able to get dressed and I wasn’t.

  “Derek, I still think that we should…MMPPHHHHH.” He kissed me and I could feel his love muscle touching the lips. He did not give me a chance to say much of anything. Even though there was still a lot to say, he was instead doing what they do on the discovery channel. That first trust took my breath away, m
ade me push my ass off the ground with the leaves and twigs sticking to me like a second skin.

  His cock was storming the castle and even though he was experiencing a very tight sheath, he was still able to bury himself to the hilt. Our combined juices had made the entry a little bit easier. I hadn’t had a good fuck in a long time. He had come along and started something that he was damn well going to finish.

  We battled tongues and it was like we were getting to know each other all over again. My lips welcomed him and my pulsing walls were now surrounding him and making him feel at home. I was using those internal muscles to massage him in just the right way. It was meant to drain him dry of everything he had, but he was denying himself that pleasure. I think he was doing it for me. He wanted me to cum again, before he even contemplated doing such a thing.

  I was in the palm of his hands, literally with his two hands underneath my ass, so that he could draw me to him over and over in that delicious way. My wet pussy was his for the taking and there was nothing that I could do to stop him, even if I wanted to. I had not felt this way ever in my life and there was a moment there that I thought that I would never stop cumming.

  “I pulled away from his lips, because I had to let this out “I’m fucking cumming… I’m cumming all over your damn cock you fucking animal.” I was basically telling him everything that he needed to know, but I think he only took it as a way to fuel his own feeling of complete and utter lust. That night could not get any stranger and I had allowed myself to feel for the first time in a long time. I had too many disastrous relationships and this one felt almost natural, even though there was nothing natural about it.

  “I love the way that you scream and I love the way that your mouth curls. It’s fucking hot to see your eyes roll into the back of your head. I don’t know what it is, but with you it almost feels like I’m myself.” I’d seen the beast and I had seen what affect I had on it. Somehow, I had calmed the savage beast. I made it seem docile. If I had that kind of effect on him, then maybe us finding each other was destined to be.

  “Derek… Oh god Derek that’s exactly how I want it. I think you know what I want and you’re going to give it to me.” I was making it a matter of fact and he smiled with that little grin that was meant to emotionally disarm me. I felt the product of his arousal swelling to the touch and the knob now getting ready to shoot the contents of what was being stored in his balls.

  “I’m almost there… oh my god… YVONNNNNNNNNNN.” My name was on his lips and then he threw back his head and let that climactic moment surround him like his own personal aura. His moans soon turned into growls and then I saw his mouth and it was not the same. The eyes were glowing and he had developed claws that were now digging into my breasts. The pain of that and the pleasure of his discharge were like an aphrodisiac.

  I let my body consume him, until he lay down against me with droplets of blood coming from each of the five fingers on each of his hands. They did not penetrate too far, but it was more than enough to draw first blood.

  He lay on my chest, listening to my heartbeat and holding me tight against him, like I was his own lifeline. He was dealing with a lot and most of it was from an unseen enemy that he couldn’t possibly imagine. The wolf was a separate entity, but somehow my presence had stopped it from going on a rampage. It was most likely going to hunt, until it found a suitable prey.

  “Derek… I don’t know what to say. That was mind blowing and I’ve never had a man, let alone a white man take me like that. You are different and I would chalk that up to our chemistry, but I think it goes beyond that.” I was playing with his hair, curling it with my fingers and listening to him breathe. “I think it might be time for me to tell you the truth. It might be hard for you to hear this, but you’re a werewolf. I don’t even believe that I’m actually saying it, let alone living it with you. I want you to know that I was terrified, but now I understand that we were meant to find each other. I will get you through this and that is something that I swear to you.” He started to snore and I realized that he probably didn’t hear a word I said. I was going to have to have this conversation all over again in the morning. I let him lie there against my god given pillows. I lie back and looked at the stars, not quite believing what kind of mess I got myself into.

  Chapter four

  It wasn’t until I felt the sun hitting my face that I finally opened my eyes. I heard somebody talking and I looked over to see that Derek was sitting there with his pants on, but no shirt. He was mumbling something and shaking his head back and forth. Suddenly, he began to slap himself.

  “I can’t believe it’s happening again. It can’t be.” I went to him and put my hands on his shoulders. “I don’t remember much of what happened. I know that we had sex, but there’s something that I’m missing that’s important. Every time that this happens I think I’m finally going to learn something that has eluded me thus far.”

  “I think that I can shed some light on this. I don’t know what happened the other times, but for me it was like a revelation. This was of Biblical proportions and I would like to keep you in the dark, but I don’t think that’s possible. You need to know that you’re a werewolf.” I saw him staring me incredulously, but then it was like there was a light behind his eyes that finally flickered into life. “I think that deep down you knew, but you didn’t understand.” I’d found my bra beside me and I’d put it back on, but it still made me look like I was some kind of tramp in the middle of the woods.

  “I’m…a Werewolf? You’ve gotta be kidding me. What kind of sick game are you playing lady?” He was in denial and I suppose I would be exactly the same way if I were in his shoes. “I have these moments where I lose time and when I awake, I have this taste of copper in my mouth.” That copper taste was blood and whatever animal had come up against him was unfortunate indeed.

  “Believe me; I’m surprised to be saying these words myself. You changed after the moon came out. You hurt me and you threw me against a tree during the transformation. It was lucky that I wasn’t knocked out. If I had been, I wouldn’t be able to tell you the truth.” I saw the scars on his body. I’m sure that there was a story behind each and every one of them. “It’s not easy for me to tell you this. I want you to really concentrate and then look at my chest and tell me what you see.” He finally raised his eyes and he saw the puncture marks that he had made with his fingernails.

  He looked at me and then down at his own hands. He knew that there was no way that those stubby little things would be able to do such damage. “I did that?” He looked embarrassed and regretful of his actions, but I couldn’t say the same thing.

  “It’s OK and yes it was painful, but having sex with you was like I had been a virgin all this time. I never knew that it was supposed to be that good. I guess I never had that many people to compare it to. Most often than not, they were all about their own pleasures. You were animalistic, out of control and I felt totally overwhelmed in a pleasurable way. If you don’t mind, I think that we should take this conversation back to my place. I’m feeling a little exposed. You did tear my clothes off of me and how you did it without making a mark is a mystery.” I think that he was having flashes of memory. He most likely had them before, but couldn’t make sense out of anything that he was seeing.

  “I don’t know what to say. You must hate me and I wouldn’t blame you if you never want to see me again.” That thought had crossed my mind, but that connection that we had was so overpowering. It took Derek to make me finally understand what love was supposed to be like.

  I took his hand and made him look up at me with those puppy dog eyes. “It’s OK and I don’t know why, but I think I want to help you find a way to live with this. I don’t know if there’s a cure, but I’m sure that there are several references on what we can do to mitigate your condition. The first and foremost thing that we have to do is make sure that you don’t kill anybody. I’m sure that those other conquests didn’t exactly leave unscathed.” He was still shaking his h
ead, like he was starting to see the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.

  “I’ve…killed in wartime, but I don’t think that was the only time. When I was on leave I began to get this feeling like those killer instincts had consumed me. I thought that I had a form of PTSD. One of my navy brothers helped me clean up something that has haunted me for a very long time. Now that I know the truth, I can finally begin to understand things that didn’t make sense at the time.” We were walking back to the park, when he took off his shirt and draped it over my almost naked body. His shirt went all the way down past my waist. I buttoned it up and looked at him with a moment of clarity that came from knowing that he was a good man.

  When we got back to my place, there was a note from my friend saying that he had to leave. He did say that he had found some loopholes and was able to knock down my tax bill by half. Normally, I would be elated, but right now I had bigger things to concern myself with. Derek was distraught and I could tell that there were moments there that he was starting to think that it was better to end it all.

  “Don’t even think about it, Derek. I think that we can come up with a better solution than to kill you.” I was still feeling the way that he had overpowered me with emotional and physical intoxication. It felt like I was sex drunk and that just with one touch of his finger, I became ready and willing to spread my legs. I’d never felt that way with any man and even standing here with him right now was making it very difficult not to let him have his way with me.

  “I don’t deserve to live. I shouldn’t have survived that attack. I should’ve died with my brothers. I don’t know what kind of sick thrill this thing got by making me something that I never wanted to be. I thought that the flashes of memory were a byproduct of my condition. I see myself lashing out as this animal thing and my therapists tell me that it was just the way that I saw myself. They said that my mind was telling me that I was some kind of monster.” From their point of view that would make more sense than the obvious. There was an old saying that sometimes the answer is right in front of you and you don’t even know it. It’s usually the obvious and even though it seems impossible, it’s the only answer that makes any sense.


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