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Who's the Boss Now: Billionaire Romance

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by Lexy Timms

  "Yeah, he's a looker, but blond hair and green eyes always seem a combination that grabs attention, especially here in New York where the Italians rule."

  "Yes we do, girlie." Gina laughed and pushed her shoulder against Jamie's. "And don't you forget it."

  "Never." Jamie stood in the kitchenette for a few more minutes before taking her leave. Paul seemed like a good guy, young and a little ballsy, but nice nonetheless. He had to be utterly brilliant at finance, or he would not have been given the intern position. Alex only brought in one each semester, from what Jamie understood. Thousands applied for the one position, which made for an interesting interview process. The poor kids outdid themselves trying to get their foot in the door.

  "Kid?" she mumbled to herself. She wasn't but four or five years older than Paul, which left her with the realization that calling him a kid didn't fly.

  Her phone rang as she approached her office, and she picked up her speed, grateful that she'd chosen to wear flats with her sleeveless blue dress that day.

  "Alex Reid’s office. This is Jamie." She sat down and moved up, pressing her arms to the desk as she put the person on speaker.

  "Jamie. Do you have a minute?" Her mother's voice was pinched, as if bad news was coming.

  She reached up and picked up the receiver, pressing her ear to it as her thoughts moved from bad to worse. "Hey, Mom. What's going on?"

  "Well, you know your dad and I both love you, right?"

  Jamie rolled her eyes and stifled the need to groan. Why couldn't her mother just get to the point? She wasn't a ten-year-old kid anymore.

  "Of course, Mom. What's going on?"

  A sniffle caught her attention, and her shoulders stiffened.

  "Your father has decided he wants a divorce." Another sniffle.

  "Oh, Mom. Why? What happened?" Jamie leaned back in her chair as ice cold realization ran down the center of her. If her parents, who seemed to love each other, could get divorced after forty years of marriage, what chance did she have?

  "He just came in last week and said that he was tired of feeling nothing. I have no clue what he means, seeing as how I still love him very much. I'm simply the victim here." Her mom let out an ugly sob as she started to cry.

  Victim? Her mother was aggressive, mouthy, and mean. Victim wasn't at all a label she would associate with the woman. She'd been the attacker many times in Jamie's life, but never ever had she been the victim.

  "I'm sure you guys are going to work it out." Jamie pressed her fingers to her mouth, catching a part of the conversation in retrospect. "Did you say last week?"

  "Yes. It was last Tuesday." Her mother cried a bit more. "I've asked him to think about things again before he files for the divorce, but he sounds so cold when we talk. I'm sure there's someone else involved."

  Her father had left her mother over a week ago, and no one thought to call her then? Even in the midst of wanting to comfort a woman who had never tried to comfort her, she was stunned into silence. The pain of realizing that nothing had changed between her and her mother filled her heart. She didn't matter to them. If she did, her mom would have called her immediately.

  Would you call her if Alex broke your heart?

  Hell no.

  "I doubt Dad has another woman in his life, Mom. He works himself silly." Jamie tried hard to push her own issues back and remain in the moment. "Have you spoken to Christine?"

  "Yes. I called her when it happened." More crying.

  Of course you did. Who wouldn't call their favorite first?

  "And what did she say, Mom?" Jamie spoke through clenched teeth, hating how badly the situation was upsetting her, and for all of the wrong reasons.

  "She said that I needed to give him a little bit of space, and then play hard to get."

  "Hard to get?" Jamie's voice rose. "That's ridiculous, Mom!"

  "Jamie. I'm not asking for your advice,” her mother snapped. “You've never been in a long-term relationship, nor have you ever been married!” she scoffed, as if believing that was never going to happen. “I'm simply telling you what the situation is. If you're too busy to talk about it, fine. I just didn't want your dad to call you and make it sound like I was the monster. He is." Her voice went from tearful to angry faster than a race car could go from zero to one hundred.

  "Right. Well, I'll be thinking about you guys. Let me know if there is anything I can do that Christine already hasn't." Jamie hung up the phone and leaned back, closing her eyes. It was amazing how quickly her mother could turn both her and her father into monsters.

  And what the hell, Christine? Play hard to get? What good would that do? The man already left. There's nothing he's interested in getting or getting back.

  "Incredible." She shook her head, let out a long sigh, and prayed the day would be beyond busy. A perfect distraction. Alex was out of the office, and she had plenty to do.

  "Wait, now, what happened?" Gina lifted her martini to her pretty red lips.

  "My father finally had his balls drop." Jamie shrugged. "He packed up his shit and left my mother. I feel bad for her, and a little traumatized by the fact the divorce is actually real, but he deserves a better life. Hell, we all do where she's concerned."

  The bar was packed with people, but it always was during Friday afternoon happy hour. Sometimes the rest of the office would join then, but today they'd found a quiet table in the corner to sneak away to. Jamie wanted time with just Gina.

  "My parents have always been in love and really good to each other, so I can't imagine, but kudos for your day, I think." She laughed and nodded to Jamie's glass. "Drink up. You haven't touched that Mai Tai yet. It ain't gonna drink itself."

  "True." Jamie picked it up and took a long drink as her eyes scanned the crowd. "So tell me more about this new guy."

  "Who? The intern?"

  "Yeah. Paul, right?" Jamie turned her attention back on Gina. "What school is he from and how did he win the big prize of working with us?"

  "He's from the University of Michigan, and he just impressed Alex and some of the investors he met with. The kid’s brilliant. Effin’ hot too," she giggled.

  "The kid? I was thinking earlier that we really can't call him that. He's not far from our age." Jamie shrugged and took another sip of her drink. The only thing that would make the night better would be the promise of getting to spend time with Alex later, but that wasn't going to happen.

  "He's twenty-three, I think. He's a total kid. I'll be thirty-eight this year. I'm getting old." Gina winked, teasing Jamie.

  "You're just getting near your prime. I’m running hard behind you, but just not able to catch up just yet." She gave a cheeky grin.

  "Why the interest in the kid?" Gina lifted her perfectly-shaped eyebrow.

  "Just wondering what his story was. Is his office ready? I thought it was still under construction."

  "No, it's not ready. I was going to see if you might be okay with me setting up a temporary desk for him in that far corner of your office. I was going to ask around to see if anyone might have space before bothering you, but I'm pretty sure everyone is filled up because of the rest of the construction." Gina rolled her eyes and finished her martini before working to stab the olive with her straw.

  "That's fine. As long as he knows that I'm not interested in chatting all day, I'll be good. I have a million things on my ever-growing list from Alex."

  "Just sit him down and tell him what you expect of him as an office mate. Besides, it'll give you something yummy to look at when you need a mental break." Gina bit her lip seductively.

  "Not interested. Only one man has my attention, and he's stolen far too much of it as it is." Jamie laughed, finally allowing the liquor and good company to help her settle into the evening.

  "Oh, nice. Do tell..."

  Chapter 3

  Jamie woke the next morning to the soft touch of finger rubbing her thigh. She jerked up to find Alex in the bed behind her.

  "Sorry. I was going to knock, and then I reali
zed how nice it would be to just come in and snuggle up behind you." He gave her a naughty grin and continued to drag his fingers along her skin.

  "What if I'd had a lover in here?" She couldn’t help but tease him as she dropped back down onto her bed. Her tank top and panties left too much skin on display, but there was little she could do about it without looking self-conscious.

  Alex had given her enough compliments about her body to shut her up for a lifetime. No need to appear as though she was fishing for more due to modesty.

  "Then I would beat him terribly, throw him out, and remind you why you belong to me." He moved closer, pressing the thickness of his erection against the curve of her butt.

  Her nipples budded and desire burst through her. She whimpered and pressed back, rubbing against him as his hand moved up her leg, over her hip, and into her thin top. He dragged his fingers back and forth over her breasts, teasing her as his lips pressed to the side of her neck.

  "Someone's needy." He licked at her ear, and she shivered and rolled her hips, unashamed by the truth of his words.

  Maybe if he weren't so damn busy all the time, she wouldn't be so needy. Nah, she’d always be needy with the image of him in her head. "I've missed you. That's all." She cupped his hand over her breast and entwined her legs with his. He was in jeans and a t-shirt from what she could tell, but his feet were bare. Rubbing hers against the soft skin of his forced a yelp from him.

  "Damn, woman. My feet are ticklish." He moved back and rolled her over, smiling down at her. "I have a surprise for you."

  "Oh yeah?" She reached down and ran her fingers through his thick brown hair.

  "Yeah, but first... breakfast." He growled and pushed at her shirt, sliding it over her tummy and above her breasts. He moved down and ran his tongue over her nipples one at a time, taking his time to bathe her.

  "What’re we having?" she said breathlessly and opened her legs, making room for him.

  "Not sure what you're having, but I'm having you." He glanced up and smiled seductively. His crystal blue eyes bore into her and the heat she saw in them left her wanting to melt into a puddle. "Stretch your arms above your head and hold onto your headboard for me. I don't want your greedy little hands getting in my way."

  She laughed, but did as he asked, never tearing her gaze away from him. "I like this kind of surprise."

  "No, baby. This is breakfast. The surprise is afterward, and it's not what you're thinking." He nipped at her belly as he moved to his hands and knees and shifted down the line of her body. "Such a naughty girl."

  "Only for you." She lifted her hips, pressing her sex against him as he opened his mouth and pressed his teeth over her panties. "Fuck."

  He growled and released her, moving to lick around the edges of her panties until she cried out with angst.

  "Take them off, dammit." She lifted her head and gave him a frustrated look.

  "Say please." He lifted his eyebrow and rolled his tongue up the front of her wet panties.

  Her head hit the pillow as she jerked from his touch. "Please."

  "Anything for you." He shifted a little and dragged her panties down her legs slowly. It was agony, the waiting, the teasing, but she knew he would make it all worth it within a few minutes.

  His fingers drug through her wetness and she dropped her hands from the headboard, gripping the sheets on either side of her thighs instead. She cried out and he chuckled.

  The bastard chuckled.

  "So fucking sexy." He moved down and lapped at her, lifting her hips, his fingernails digging into her ass. "Open your legs wider, Jamie. Let me in."

  She forced her thighs open more, her position a little unconventional, and yet watching him eat at the center of her with gusto, combined with his deep groans, left her body rocking toward release faster than she could ever remember doing before.

  His hands gripped her tightly, and he began to use his hold on her to rock her back and forth. The sharpness of his teeth grazed over her clit, and she bucked, her body slamming back down on the bed.

  Alex dropped with her, pressing his mouth to her again and sliding his fingers deep into her body to coax her through the first orgasm and push her into the next. She worked hard to not scare him with the long moans that turned into screams as pleasure rocked her to the center of her being.

  "Stop. Stop, baby." She pressed her foot against him, but he growled 'no' and enjoyed himself for a while longer. She was a sloppy mess and beyond sated by the time he lifted his head and smiled.

  "I love your body. You’re so fucking hot, and taste like heaven. I want more." He glanced down as he slid his fingers down her slit. "Tell me you need another hour or more."

  "No." She kicked at him playfully and rolled over, moving to sit up on the side of the bed. "Where’s my surprise?"

  He laughed deep in his chest and got up, walking around to her side of the bed and pulling her up by the hand. His strong arms wrapped around her as he leaned down and pressed his lips to her shoulder.

  "Get dressed in something comfortable, but warm, and meet me in front of the house in twenty minutes. I'll take you to it." He kissed her nose.

  "Sounds divine. I need breakfast, too, though." She slid her hands down his chest and cupped his arousal with both hands. The fact that she needed both to hold him left her chest tightening and a fresh wave of desire pumping through her.

  He chuckled and stepped back, tugging her hands from himself. "Later you can have all of me that you can handle. Get dressed and let's go. I want to spend the day with you."

  She watched him leave and dropped back on the bed. He was going to have to deal with her being late. She needed a moment to catch her breath, a shower, and a cup of coffee. It was already starting out to be the best morning she'd had in a long while. It promised to only get better.

  "So, where are we going?" Jamie asked, and reached over for Alex's hand as they drove through the city. Hopefully her surprise had little to do with the office or work, and more to do with them. So much of Alex's persona was created due to his success, and a lot of their relationship was based on their work lives. Hopefully today was a different area of interest.

  "To the harbor; I thought it might be nice to have a day out on the water. Spring’s almost gone and summer’s headed this way. It's supposed to be beautiful today, and I want time with my arms around you." He squeezed her hand. "I got a private chef to join us on the boat.” He laughed. “Yeah, it’s Murray. He’s available to cook for us.” He winked. “What do you think? Food, great company, and a little dancing if you feel up to it."

  "The horizontal mambo?" She gave him a cheeky grin and loved the sound of his laugh. He was breathtakingly gorgeous, but his personality only made him more attractive. He had every reason to be a jerk, as most men in his position were, and yet he held himself to a higher standard most days. He was giving, and had been so good to her through her situation with her family over the last few months.

  "I'm always down for making love to the most beautiful woman in New York." He tugged his hand from hers and parked the car. "You ready for a day of relaxation?"

  "Yes. We both need this." She got out and walked around the car.

  Alex was in the backseat, getting a basket and a few other things out. She took the basket and held it up.

  "What's in here?"

  "Your favorite wine, some fruits that I know you like, and..." he took the basket and opened it, tugging a handful of white tulips from it, "...your favorite flowers."

  "Oh, Alex, I love them." She took them and lifted them to her face as her heart lit on fire. "You didn't have to do all of this. Lying by the pool with you would have been enough."

  "I wanted to. We've had a long couple of weeks since the wedding. Getting away from the house and everyone seemed like a great way to focus a little more on each other." He walked onto the small yacht and set the basket down before turning and offering her a hand.

  Murray must have been below deck, because Alex started the boat and pulle
d them out while Jamie lounged just beside him. Between the sun and the wind, everything that was bothering her dissipated for the time being.

  "So have you met our summer intern?" His deep voice called her from her reverie, and she nodded.

  "Yes. I haven't had the chance to talk to him much, but I think he's going to be sharing my office until the construction is all done."

  "Hmmm... not sure I'm okay with that." He smirked and tugged one of the sails free before sitting down next to her. He slid his strong arm behind her and pulled her close, kissing the side of her face before touching her cheek and pulling her in for a long kiss.

  She broke it a moment later. "Why? Seems like the sensible option. I'm rarely in my office anyway. I'll just make sure to lock up any sensitive information."

  "It's not the information I'm worried about, silly woman. It's you. Any man with a working libido would want to wine and dine you. You're beautiful." He kissed her once more.

  "He's a kid, Alex, and I'm not interested in anyone but you."

  "If he's a kid, then you are, too," he chuckled. "Besides, the guy reminds me far too much of myself when I was his age."

  "He's got blond hair and green eyes. He looks nothing like you." Jamie bit her lip seductively. "You've got the tall, dark, and handsome stereotype down perfectly."

  "Not my looks; my attitude, my cockiness. He knows what he wants and he goes after it. He did a great job all throughout the interview process this past spring. I'm excited to have him on board, but I'd almost rather have him with me than you." He rubbed her shoulder as he studied her. "One more thing, but don't get upset."

  She stiffened at his words. Why did people always preface something that was utterly upsetting by asking the one getting the information to not get upset? It was like it was destined to happen now.

  "I'll try. What's up?" She turned a little, pressing her knees against his thigh and sliding her hand onto his leg.

  "I'm only seeing you, and I want us to be exclusive..."


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