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The Way of the Clan 9

Page 26

by Dem Mikhaylov

  I swept aside several skulls. Inside them, tentacles of small scarlet octopuses appeared. And there was also a hefty crab that turned one skull into a portable shelter. Eerie, but something beautiful about it, too. When I got to it, a gloomy shadow fell over everything. The water around the crypt somehow turned cold. Raising my eyes, I looked at a large and ordinary underwater rock in the form of a huge irregular pyramid. Around it, there were many skulls and skeletons – as many as there would be in a medieval slaughterhouse. There were hundreds and hundreds of skulls without eyes! And there was an entrance in the rock itself. And the amber ray from my chest went right into it. I understood the hint. I followed the specified course …

  Just a few steps more, and I was at the cliff. I walked into it. And all at once my hands shone brightly. Incomprehensible symbols appeared there, changing at each new moment. Shit! I’d have to kill the crab now, for what he saw.


  And this was also thought! Shoot the crab and win the first achievement! As a killer of something… no, I could not. I was a pro. And the pros had to do their job first. Ships were dying. Everything was now a complete mess. It was necessary to work…

  I took another step forward. And this was the end of the grotto. A small room. Bizarre drawings danced on the gray walls, cast from my glowing palms. I could arrange a theater of shadow puppets right now. This is a dog! Woof woof woof! On the wall appeared an ugly image of a dog’s muzzle folded from the fingers of one palm, illuminated by the other palm. And then the ground underfoot shuddered… I abruptly stopped my theatrical hobbies. To hell with it…

  Putting my palms in front of me, I directed their light to where the amber ray pointed. But from the very beginning, everything was obvious. I had guessed it late…

  A section of the wall, quite ordinary, was lit up by the brightest light — a very fine line ran from the top to the bottom. Before I could blink, the same lines appeared on other parts of the wall in the underwater cave. I did a classical magician’s gesture — almost too easy. I put my hands together above me and mimicked spreading the walls apart. In a moment, the entire underwater cave simply collapsed. Or this is what it seemed like to me in the first second. There was a crunch. The heavy stone leaves of a giant flower bud sculpture fell to the bottom. A water lily? And then was my role burning a flower in the night? Then I was the torch …

  Strange flashes of reddish light danced in the water. Like fireflies playing at night. But there was no one to hunt for them— the crab, a hater of light, was crushed along with the sculls.

  In short, the grotto did not fall apart, but opened. I did not enter the cave, but into the stone flower bud. I continued … the screen now hung right in the air, the amber ray drawing intricate zigzags. But that did not stop me from seeing the next symbol. And I was about to raise my hands again when a few terribly familiar shadows flashed across the bottom. Raising my head, I saw what was expected— the ancient guards, serving as immovable witnesses to the event. I could do nothing about the all-powerful creatures, so I tried not to think about them, and continued my Navigator business.

  I raised my hands and squeezed my fists sharply. There was a strange otherworldly clarifying whisper in my ears: “It is time to make the final decision …”

  Are you really sure that you want to activate the unique incantation of the Ancients, “To chase away Zar’Graad veil?”

  Yes / No

  What an insolent lie. I had no choice. If I now refused — the magic would be passed to someone else. Nobody would allow such a global event to not happen, and especially not in its finale. My free will was an illusion.


  My fingers unclenched themselves as if from an explosive wave which came from within. Two wavy rays of energy hit me, and my entire mana scale sank down with unthinkable speed. And at that very moment, the “aura of the ancients” also began to join in! They were supporting me!

  The base of the bud pulsed with light, and its petals whirled in a circular motion, working like a propeller. A huge column of water rushed upward, taking everything with it — including fish, skulls, seaweed, sand and stones. All except me. I stayed at the bottom, and the unknown energy that were beating from my hands twisted around the water column. The ground underfoot shook in convulsions, and the amber glow that prevailed at the bottom began to disappear — not fade, but disappear, blown along with the water, towards the air. I worked like a giant broom, cleaning from the bottom of the sea everything alien to it. A screen lit up before me, graciously showing me what was happening.

  Near the Earl, the ocean exploded. The flagship was dragged to the side. And this was for the best — for there was nothing to prevent the gigantic water column rushing upwards, striving to reach the sky. At that moment the stars were in business. They lit up in different colors and sank into the whirling water chaos, rising upward, generously adding their own magic.

  “Something went wrong ...” I decided, continuing to stand and support the spinning propeller.

  The screen showed how the water column exploded. A gigantic cloud of water and luminous dust stood in the air. As if the crushed amber was being mixed with crushed diamonds and thrown into the air. Beautiful. But short-lived — the dust scattered.

  A wave of emerald energy passed below and up my body— then yellow, then red and again emerald. For several long seconds I pictured myself as a traffic light. And then the world exploded. In a literal sense. I hovered in the water, and the propeller broke into pieces and disappeared into the whirlpool of water. Billions of glowing droplets scattered in all directions at lightning speed, somehow merging into tens of thousands long amber chains that intertwined into a thicker chain, and those two consisting only of amber light. How much amber was around here? … raising my face, I realized that I had the chains in my hands. And before the appearance of the symbol, I guessed what to do. And I simply pulled.

  There a crash so loud that it, probably, was even heard on the old continent.

  With one careless movement of my hands, I snatched off the veil concealing Zar’Graad! And I showed it to the world! That was the trick! I heard that the most famous illusionists could make a whole train appear. And here I had pulled the whole continent out of non-existence!

  And at the same time I tried on Moses’ cloak, dividing the water from the bottom of the roaring water canyon. The local fish would not forget me!




  The magic of the Ancients has disappeared! Disappeared forever!

  The veil covering the mainland of Zar’Graad has been lifted!

  R-R-R-R-O-O-O-O-N-G-G ...”

  This noise issued from the closing water walls. The amber glow disappeared without a trace. Normal water was around me.

  And over me! And above me! I was standing at the bottom of the closing gorge. Having thrown back my head, I watched dragons and birds fly by, and phoenixes sweep by red-hot meteors. The ships sailed along the edges of the gorge! A wild, enthusiastic roar on the decks! Players waved flags and swung over the sides on ropes. A shark and a dinosaur swam past me. The Achilots were forging ahead with no less fury. They made their way to the shores of Zar’Graad…

  “I did it!” I breathed happily. “I did it!”

  SH-SH-SH-U-UH! I was struck on both sides. Like two irons! And a countdown appeared before my eyes — the time, which I could continue to be under water. Just over a minute. Had I become an ordinary mortal again?

  And it was funny that I even thought about it, while being ruthlessly thrashed about and thrown from side to side by the underwater currents. I was pushed by dinosaurs. Pushed by the Achilots.

  But … was that a dolphin? His friendly face appeared in front of me and struck my chest. Hard, but not painful. My body rushed forward in a straight line, and its speed was supported by the dolphin pushing me. My hands and feet were loose in the water. I simply submitted to the elements and waited, hoping that the dolphin meant well. Many other
s overtook us. But I was not in a hurry.

  A moment…

  And I breathed the air again. I leaned on my elbows, feeling the sand under them. I turned, found the dolphin’s gaze, and nodded to express my gratitude. He responded something in his native tongue, and disappeared into the water. A flurry of waves rushed pleasantly under my body. I pushed my face into the wet sand. I raised my head and spit out Zar’Graad’s first taste, and muttered:

  “Here you are!”

  The system flickered several times, reporting that I had accomplished something new and important. Achievements? Maybe. But I was not going to check now.

  I turned my head.

  Then I looked the other way. Then back. And up. And forward.

  But I did not look at the players. Running with shouts in different directions, grabbing everything, cutting down trees, turning over stones, digging up the earth, kindling a fire. Cohesive units went deep into the forest. Behind me, one after another, the ships began to anchor, and new players hurried forth to reach the coveted new land.

  The subtle resonant cry of an unknown monster came from behind the trees. Some of us had already entered the first battle. Perhaps the very first battle in Zar’Graad.

  It was time for me to look for my loved ones. Standing up, I took my first step onto the new earth. At the same time, I removed the virtual message in front of me — one of many.


  Welcome to Zar’Graad!

  Your long journey is over!

  But this is not the end! Oh no! This is just the beginning of a new and exciting adventure!

  The beginning of a journey the world of Valdira has not yet seen!

  It is Zar’Graad! Unexplored and awaiting you! Ancient and young! Yours and no one’s!

  Time to discover and conquer new horizons!

  Forward, Rosgard! To new dreams and new achievements! …

  I wonder … but who was the first? Who was the first to set foot on Zar’Graad?

  I had to find out … later, when I find my friends in this chaos…

  Urgent release!

  We are the Messenger of Valdira! The most complete and objective source of knowledge about all current events in the magical world of Valdira! We always try to find out what cannot be learned, so that we could then tell our kind and devoted readers! And on this day, we will tell you the news of the century!

  Valdira’s newsletter does not allow itself excessive exaggeration, as we always strive for strict documentary. But this is really the news of the century! No less!

  Zar’Graad is now OPEN! The ancient magical seal has been removed! The Great Navigator Rosgard, the living legend of the game world in all its virtual beauty and digital flesh, proved his professionalism once again, and easily pulled back the ancient magic from Zar’Graad! Glory to the hero! Bravo! He is forever entered in the history of the world of Valdira! And the new picture in every hotel in the world commemorates the same thing — the moment when the magic seal was removed! Bravo, Rosgard! Bravo! You have opened new horizons for us! You have brought us all to the edge of glory!

  I repeat it with glee! Zar’Graad is now OPEN!

  A new sea era!

  The first clans have already set foot on the shore of the lost continent, have already entered into battle with some mysterious monsters!

  This is the beginning of a new era in the world of Valdira! This is the era of long maritime voyages between the two continents!

  Already, two types of amazing fruit had been found which are terrifically tasty, and yet, do not survive teleportation — when magically transferred, they rot at once, as was discovered by the scouts who tried to deliver new findings to the coastal clan camp. And judging by all the signs, trees bearing these fruits can only grow on Zar’Graad, and would not survive on the Old Continent.

  Well … the profession of seamen could certainly get much more popular. The powerful ships that had survived the Tour are useful. Soon they would again go on another long journey — returning home. On the way back, the ships would stop at the Ring of Peace, to repair the ships and rest. Of course, some trade operations would be possible before the ships went any further.

  In a word— the sailors will not remain idle. Hundreds of ships will not drift idle! Someone will be dealing with long expeditions around the new mainland, someone will be dealing with the transportation of goods and trade, and someone would be engaged in passenger flights — because so far, teleportation between the two continents was impossible.

  The Bulletin of Valdira warns — did not rush to sell the ships you have, and do not dismantle them! These ships will continue to serve you faithfully!

  The CLOUD of the Sleepless!

  A terrible shock went through the ocean right before the removal of the sealing spell from Zar’Graad!

  At first many thought it was the bounce back. A terrible effect of removing ancient magic! And only then did they come to a simultaneously calming and frightening conclusion — the Sleepless had finally used their terrible nuclear strike!

  Given the scale of the strike, it was possible that aiming was not necessary. It is hard to miss with weapons of this size!

  But that was just how it was — they missed! For reasons unknown to us, the entire strength of the powerful clan did not strike the ships of their pursuers, but slightly off to the side, only hooking the enemy with its edge.

  We all know the uniqueness of the CLOUD of the Sleepless.

  For starters, this was fire … the CLOUD turns into a bubbling red-hot lava in the strike zone. This time they turned a large part of the ocean into lava! We had never seen this before. The territory within a few nautical miles turned into a lava lake amid the hissing in the impotent fury of the ocean! The ships that passed along those waters were instantly incinerated, and the marine creatures were welded, then roasted, and then turned into ashes.

  The next feature of the CLOUD of the Sleepless is the curse. A gigantic eye appeared in the smoky skies, surveying everyone and cursing everyone. Many could defend themselves against this blow. And for the rest, it would take a long time to clear themselves of the curse.

  Last but not least — the marking. A huge eye in the sky did not just curse. It also marked everyone seen. And then, for a few days, the head of the Sleepless clan could see any of the items on the magic screen of whoever they wanted. Total observation. Was it possible to hide from the invisible eye in the sky? We do not know -- although we do not believe in the absolution of any weapon.

  But there is nothing to worry about. For reasons unknown to us, the Sleepless missed! Their blow only partially reached the goal — destroying a hundred ships and several hundred underwater creatures. Information is not available about the curse and the marking.

  And now we are interested in two things — why did the Sleepless miss? And what did they want to achieve with their blow? To burn the enemy? To curse them? Or did the Sleepless want to mark the strongest of their pursuers, in order to be able to watch them secretly, in order to be aware of their fortunes and failures in mastering the new continent? At this time, every piece of information is valuable …

  Locations of rebirth!

  We hasten to inform every one of the good news — you could safely die on Zar’Graad! Several ancient stone slabs have already been discovered. Adventurers can die without fear — they will not be reborn on one of the distant ships standing at the shore, but at the nearest point of rebirth.

  Go forth, adventurers! Zar’Graad is worth dying for!


  The name of the first one who stepped on the shore of Zar’Graad?

  It is known to us! And we will gladly tell it to you! …


  “Well, what’s new here, cherry about the scruff?” The girl indignantly screamed, standing on a high hill and looking around the countryside from the top. The countryside was rich with forest groves, with a winding ribbon of the river, and green valleys. “There’s a lake in the distance! Maybe there are fish there

  “Ma-a-a-any,” said the bald elf in a half yawn, leaning back against a small tree. “We will wait for R-ros and g-go…”

  The huge black and white wolf yawned a little, having caught it from Orbit, and sleepily watched the fluttering butterflies.

  “Dad will find us soon!” nodded the girl. “Surely! But Uncle Orb! Why are we in such a hurry?! Why did you shoot me from the catapult? It was just cool; I flew like a bird! And fell softly … but why?”

  “Ro-o-os asked me… that you should b-be the first “native” t-to step on this earth …”

  “But I did not step on it! I plopped onto it! On the mattress! Does it count? And what should we do with the mattress? Return it to the Earl? And the captain won’t be upset? Could we open the mattress and look for a treasure map inside it?”

  “N-now that is an id-dea!” The elf said, taking out his big, eerie knife with the dark blade.

  “Let us do it! Let us rip open the mattress belly! Tyrant! You attack from this side! Uncle Orb — you from this side, stab your knife! But first we have to sneak up on him unnoticed ...”


  Three figures moved through the stalks of tall grass to the plump, expensive mattress, which was lying nearby, unsuspectedly and peacefully exposing its sides to the sun’s rays.

  “Come on!” There was a quiet whisper, there was a rustle.

  A minute later, a cloud of snow-white feathers swelled over the top of the hill, rising higher and higher into the air, resembling a kind of Amerindian signal.”

  “Oh! Kirea! Kirea is coming! And w-we slaughtered the m-mattress! Cherries about the scruff of the neck! That’s what I call murder! Uncle Orb! Will there be more adventures and battles today?”

  “Oh yes… I am sure of it!”

  The end of the book.


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