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Kings of Anarchy

Page 13

by Caroline Peckham

  "Are you alright, baby?" Kyan asked Saint loudly, locking an arm around his neck and stroking his head like a dog. Saint fought him off as best he could, but with only one arm to fend for himself, he was soon trapped in Kyan's muscles, cursing like a sailor.

  Kyan finally released him with a bark of laughter and Saint grabbed his pen and slammed it point down into the back of Kyan's hand on the table. Kyan winced as it drew blood and I gasped as he had to actually pluck it out of his flesh. Holy shit.

  "Stop it," I snapped at them and they looked to me in surprise. So did Mila and a few other students, their jaws dropping when the two Night Keepers actually obeyed me.

  Toby suddenly entered the class with his head ducked low and my heart bunched up into my throat. I couldn't believe he was responsible for stalking me, taking those photos of me through the windows of The Temple. What he'd seen made my skin prickle. It was private. He'd had no right. No fucking right.

  I realised I'd bared my teeth and Blake's arm had tightened around me, his posture tense. He had a look in his eyes that proved he’d just become a dangerous predator in the room.

  Toby hurriedly sat with the rest of the Unspeakables, but he clearly wasn't going to get off that easy as Kyan rose sharply from his chair, pushing his hand into his pocket as he strode up to Toby who started trembling as he approached.

  "I just want to make your seat more comfortable, Stalker." Kyan tipped up a pot of thumb tacks onto his seat then shoved Toby down onto it, making him cry out in pain, and half the class winced.

  Miss Pontus averted her eyes, sweat beading on her brow as she concentrated on her iPad, gripping it so hard her knuckles were whitening. My gut clenched as Toby squirmed and Kyan leaned down into his face.

  "Say thank you, Kyan," Kyan growled and Toby shuddered as he remained in place.

  "Th-thank you, Kyan," Toby choked out.

  It didn't even make me cringe. Something had changed in me since I'd lost Dad, since I'd murdered Mortez without a flicker of remorse. It wasn't like when I'd driven a knife into Merl's flesh, when I'd watched him die at the hands of my Night Keepers. After that, I'd felt afraid of what I'd become. But now, I embraced it. My choices were justified and I'd seen too much blood spilled before my eyes to shudder at it any more. The dark monster in me wanted to punish Toby for what he'd done to me and I let it feed on his pain as I watched.

  "You get it now," Saint said to me, his voice low but still carrying to me from two seats away.

  I nodded, eyeing Kyan as he returned to the desk, a smirk on his lips. He walked around our table, moving behind me and lowering his mouth to my ear. "If there's anything in particular you want done to him, just say the word, baby," he purred, his tone sending heat flushing between my thighs. Or maybe it was his words. And I wondered if this twisted creature in me was here to stay or if I'd one day find a way to tame it. With my heart in tatters and my mind still haunted by what I'd been through, I wasn't sure I ever wanted it to leave.


  I sat with my Night Keepers in the Oak Common House beside Monroe, the closeness of his thigh against mine on the couch making my heart beat out of rhythm. Saint had insisted he be here and now the two of us were rammed up against one another, trying to hide the anger that lived between us. It may not have shown on my face, but the way it was ripping up the centre of my chest was impossible to ignore. And worse than that, the closeness of him was making desire course through me too, the two emotions colliding inside me and making every inch of my skin blazingly hot.

  I kept my eyes off of him as much as possible, but his presence was like a dark spirit only I could see. I noticed every movement he made, every time his hand grazed my thigh as he reached for his beer. He could have just kept it in his grip but instead he kept leaving it on the table and brushing against me again and again. Fuck, it was driving me crazy.

  Kyan sat on my other side, openly all over me, his hand on my thigh, rubbing circles on the inside of my leg as my school skirt rode up a little too high. This half of the common house was empty since Saint had demanded the Unspeakables keep it that way, like he couldn't stand to be in the proximity of other people today. But that wasn't going to last long. Mila was shooting me looks from across the room, waiting for my signal as she ran her palm up and down Danny's chest beside her.

  "So…I have a favour to ask," I said as there was a lull in the conversation and all four of my guys were suddenly as alert as foxes in a chicken pen.

  "What is it, Cinders?" Blake asked from the armchair to my right. Saint had taken the one to the left, his back to the crowd of students on the other side of the common house as a party broke out.

  "I have a friend who needs some advice," I said, choosing my words carefully.

  "You only have one friend," Saint said dryly. "What does she want? I'm not in the most generous of moods."

  "You're never in a generous mood," Monroe pointed out, his hand skimming mine as he reached for his beer again.

  I swear I got half electrocuted whenever he did it. It was infuriating the way my body reacted to his, my thighs clenching together which only served to trap Kyan’s hand there and make him growl and force them apart again. I was going to lose my mind if I didn’t get some outlet for all this fury and desire.

  I wanted to drag Monroe away and smack him for everything he’d said to me and kiss him for how much I hated fighting with him. I had half a mind to drag Kyan away with us too and see how he liked it when I slid my hand between his thighs. Gah, they were all so distracting in general, but the heat of them up close was strong enough to fry my brain and turn my body into a puddle.

  "Well he's a friend by association," I said with an eyeroll and all four of them shifted like I'd just told them my friend was God himself and he'd come to smite them all.

  "He?" Kyan gritted out and I couldn't help a laugh as I realised what had bothered them all so much.

  "Jealous, baby?" I mocked him, but the shadow didn't leave his eyes.

  "You’d better explain quickly, princess, or it looks like these three are going to start torturing every guy in this room," Monroe taunted, though the underlying ice in his voice told me he wasn’t done being pissed at me. And he certainly wasn’t going to admit that he was jealous too.

  I lowered my voice to a whisper, ignoring him as I looked to the others. "Danny Harper needs some advice. Like, bedroom advice. I promised Mila I'd ask for your help. Subtly, obviously," I added as Blake's face split into a shit-eating grin.

  He threw his head back, howling like a wolf while Kyan released a low laugh. Saint's face was thoughtful like he was trying to work out if there was anything in it for him and Monroe just sipped his beer.

  "I'm not giving sex advice to a student," Monroe tsked. Pissy asshole.

  "Well the last time you got laid was probably nineteen seventy eight or some shit," Blake tossed at him. "Sex has upgraded since then, old man."

  "I'm twenty four, fuckwit, not fucking sixty," Monroe shot back. "And just because you screw girls like it's an Olympic sport doesn't make you good at it."

  Kyan smacked Monroe on the back of the head as he leaned behind me and I jammed my elbow into his gut too under the guise of rearranging myself. Monroe’s glare said he knew exactly what I was doing and my smirk said I gave no shits.

  "Nash gets every girl wet in this school just by being a bossy asshole teacher,” Kyan taunted, twisting his fingers into my ponytail. “He could have fucked his way through the daughters of every elite family in Sequoia if he wanted to. But you wouldn't be so naughty would you, Headmaster?"

  Monroe gave him an even look across me as my heart thundered like it was trying to give us away. "No. I wouldn’t."

  "You should really stop looking at our girl like that then," Saint deadpanned, a challenge in his eyes as he dared Monroe to bite back at him and my heart thundered even harder against my chest.

  I stole a glance at Monroe and he shrugged. "I'm not looking at shit,” he said coldly and my teeth ground together.<
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  “Well are any of you going to help Danny or what?" I asked, wanting to kill this conversation dead before it got any more momentum. Especially with the topic of Monroe screwing students.

  "Sure thing, baby. We'll tell Danny how to fuck his girl right," Kyan said, sharing a look with Blake that unnerved me a little. What the hell were they thinking?

  "Danny Harper! Come over here!" Blake hollered, his voice carrying above the party.

  Danny looked over in surprise and Mila looked to me with a question in her eyes which I answered with a slight nod. Danny headed away from his friends and Kyan scooted up the couch, shoving me half into Monroe’s lap to make room on his other side for Danny and crushing me in between them. It wasn't the worst place in the world to be normally, but seeing as Monroe was currently shooting me daggers and my chest was swirling with the fires of hell, it wasn’t exactly ideal.

  Kyan slung his arm around Danny, tugging him close. "We've got a gift for you."

  "A gift?" Danny asked, seeming kind of alarmed and I couldn't really blame him. He had been dragged right into the middle of a pack of wolves. And Mila clearly hadn't tipped him off about this.

  "Yeah," Blake took over, leaning forward so his elbows were resting on his knees. "The girls of this school are in a crisis."

  I frowned, wondering where the hell he was going with this.

  "You see," Blake continued. "I took it upon myself to satisfy as many of them as I could and blow their fucking minds to smithereens. But my dick is now retired from multiple pussy because there's only one pussy I want these days. It’s made of diamonds and fucking perfection by the way." He tossed me a dirty wink as I rolled my eyes at him, but a grin pulled at my lips. "And now the girls of Everlake Prep are suffering as they can only experience mediocre dick. They have nothing to aim for. No dick mountain to climb."

  "You're boring everyone with your bullshit, Bowman, move the fuck on," Monroe drawled and I snuck another look at him, seeing that his eyes were blazing with a dark kind of energy. Dammit he really got me hot when he looked like that.

  "Point is, we wanna impart some knowledge so you can start a revolution of sorts," Blake mused and I snorted a laugh at his ridiculousness. "So your duty now is to listen, absorb and pass on the knowledge to any other guy who needs it. And let's be honest, most of the guys in this school need it."

  "What are you talking about?" Danny asked in confusion.

  "He wants to teach you how to satisfy a woman in the bedroom," Saint said in exasperation like Blake's theatrical way of explaining this was getting on his nerves.

  "Oh," Danny said in surprise. "Well I don't think I need help with that. But thanks."

  "Oh, you poor, sad fucking soul," Saint muttered, his upper lip peeling back like he was kind of disgusted with Danny's lack of awareness on the matter. "Blake is trying to be tactful to spare your feelings, but we have it on good authority that you are as useless as a dead worm in a sleeping bag when it comes to fucking women."

  "A dead worm?" Danny breathed in horror, glancing over at Mila in accusation. She flushed guiltily, turning away to face her friends and I wondered if this had been the best idea after all. Danny swallowed hard, looking between the Night Keepers. "Well…okay, tell me." There was an edge to his voice like he had something prove and the flare of heat in his eyes told me how far he was willing to go for my friend. It made me like him even more.

  "You've got to get her screaming before you're even close to fucking her. If she's texting while you're going down on her then you ain't doing it right," Kyan growled, gripping my thigh again and digging his fingers into my flesh hard enough to draw a moan from my lips. I wriggled my hips and Monroe cursed as my ass pressed too close to his dick for his liking. Or maybe he did like it, but he wasn’t able to admit it right now as he shot me another glare. That was some legit death ray, I swear.

  "Did she say that?" Danny gasped, his cheeks pinking a little in embarrassment.

  "No, but you just confirmed it," Saint said, a hint of a laugh in his voice. He sat up straighter, more invested now that Danny was squirming and he had someone's discomfort to prey on. "Do you cry when you come, Harper?"

  "What?" Danny balked. "Of course not."

  "He's just fucking with you," Blake laughed, but Saint's razor blade eyes were clearly making Danny unsure of that.

  "Stop being an asshole, Saint," I said sweetly and he looked to me, his vicious expression melting a little.

  "That's like asking the sun not to rise, siren," he said coolly.

  "Come on, let's go for a drink, Danny boy." Blake stood up, beckoning Freeloader over with some bottles of beers while he broke into a verse of Danny Boy by Glen Miller, replacing half the words with rude ones. “My balls, my balls are tiiingliiing,” he warbled and I snorted a laugh.

  Freeloader passed me a beer and kept her eyes downcast as I took it. I didn't feel guilty ignoring her, not now I knew what sort of person she really was. But it was still strange to be waited on by her when I would have called her a friend not long ago.

  Kyan stood up too and Danny got crowded in between his and Blake's shoulders as they led him outside to the deck ringing the common house overlooking the lake.

  "Come on, Saint," Blake called. "He might need the sadist's point of view. And are you sure you don't wanna weigh in, Monroe? Some girls might be into scandalous rollerblade sex or whatever the fuck it is people liked to do in the seventies."

  Monroe just glared at him in answer and Saint started to get up to follow them, his face pinching in pain as he did so. I leapt out of my seat to help him and he let me support him as he stood, his breath fanning against my mouth as we got too close to one another. I glanced up at him under my lashes as the scent of apple and danger consumed me. He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear before moving away and his touch left a burn in its wake.

  I turned back to my seat, falling down next to Monroe almost as close as we'd been before. I realised too late that I should have taken the opportunity to move away. But now I’d made my bed, I had to lie in it. Monroe’s eyes darted to the other students, but no one was looking our way and it wasn’t like we were doing anything wrong or even had any intention of doing anything wrong considering the anger blazing between us. Part of me ached to lean into him though, feel the warmth of his body against mine and relive every second of the time we'd spent in that cabin together. Before the whole world had fallen apart. Before what we had had been fractured too.

  "I'm going to the bathroom," he told me, his eyes boring into mine for a second before he stood up and walked away, leaving me there alone. My heart crushed as I watched him go, a fundamental piece of me seeming to leave with him.

  My throat was thick as he slipped through the door to the restroom and I gripped the edge of the couch as I fought down the pain swelling in me. I took a few measured breaths, knotting my fingers together as I sat there, hating this rift growing between us.

  I kept looking over at the bathroom door and suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out, my pulse skipping as I found a message from him.


  Come here.

  I bit down on my lip, his words sparking a wild and expectant energy in me. Was I going to risk going to him? I barely had to think the question before the answer came to me. I needed to see him. We had to sort this shit out between us. But I knew doing it here was risky.

  I got to my feet, casually crossing the room and slipping through the door that led into the bathroom. The second I did, Monroe pushed it shut behind me and twisted the lock. His mouth was on mine before I could take a single breath and he lifted me by my ass, planting me down on the vanity unit beside the sink and stepping between my thighs. His kiss was hard and devouring and I could taste his anger on his tongue, but his hunger for me was all consuming beneath it.

  I shoved him back as I found my strength, smacking him across the face. His head wheeled sideways from the force I used and he turned back to me with a snarl, grabbing my ponytail and ya
nking it hard, making me yelp. The party was too loud for someone to hear us, but he immediately glanced at the door as that worry crossed his mind too.

  “I thought you didn’t want to take risks,” I hissed at him, shoving my hands into his chest as he released my ponytail and he pushed back against my hands, forcing his body into them with his superior strength.

  “Well maybe if you didn’t drive me fucking crazy out there I wouldn’t have to.” He leaned in close to my face and I fisted my hands in his shirt. “I don’t want to fight with you,” he snarled.

  “Then maybe you should have thought about that before being a hypocritical asshole,” I whisper-shouted at him.

  He glared at me, capturing my cheeks in both hands, his jaw ticking furiously. “Fine,” he spat. “I’m a hypocrite. But if you don’t date hypocrites then maybe you should cut off the rest of your little boyfriends.”

  “And why’s that?” I demanded.

  “Those assholes take it upon themselves to punish bad people, but they’re the worst of the fucking worst, princess,” he snarled. “So are you going to cut us all off or just me? Because I’d rather finish it now than let you drag my heart through the sawmill and leave it in two pieces on the other side.”

  His words stung, but they were laced with jealousy too and I knew he didn’t want that. His desperation shone from his eyes and I felt it spearing my heart. The mere suggestion of finishing this made me ache. I clutched onto him, shaking my head as emotion welled inside me. Losing him would be the end of me. I couldn’t face it after all I’d lost already.

  “No,” I gasped. “I don’t want that. I need you.” The admission brought a blush to my cheeks and he took in the colour with undeniable lust.

  His thumbs rubbed my jaw as he gripped my face then he lunged forward and kissed me fiercely, his tongue chasing mine as we held onto each other and my heart tried to pound its way out of my chest. His kiss made me feel weightless, like all the pressure of the world holding my body down just released me. He made me feel safe, secure, but exhilarated too, like we were soaring a thousand miles above the earth and he’d never let me fall.


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