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Kings of Anarchy

Page 47

by Caroline Peckham

  My hands fell utterly still on the piano and the last echoes of the music died before I gained enough of my senses to kiss her back.

  Tatum's lips were soft and hesitant against mine but as I pressed forward, they parted for me so that our tongues could meet and she turned away from the piano so that she could run her hands up the front of my shirt.

  Our kiss deepened and I swear I could feel the un-played notes of that music thrumming through my veins as I drew my fingers away from the piano and slid them into her hair.

  It wasn't like the kisses we'd shared before which were all hot and needy and desperate. That kiss was like the joining of our fractured souls, the taste of the sweetest kind of deliverance and the promise of something so much better than I deserved.

  As our tongues moved together and a soft moan escaped her lips, I felt something deep inside me pull together. Like with her by my side I could take on the whole fucking world and make it burn just to make her smile.

  Tatum's hands slid down my stomach and she pushed her fingers beneath the hem of my shirt, but I pulled back.

  "Do you think that a hawk ever feels bad the moment before it strikes?" I asked her in a rough voice, pulling her closer while keeping her back at the same time.

  "What?" she murmured, her eyes full of lust but laced with vulnerability too. She wanted something from me that I wasn't sure I was even capable of. And I knew I definitely wouldn't be able to offer her anything with even a semblance of it while her hatred for me still simmered close to the surface and her mistrust in me ran so deep.

  My gaze ran over her slowly, taking in everything about the way she was looking at me and the clear offer in her eyes. I could take her now. She wanted it too. She wanted to dive into this fire that blazed between us and let it burn her skin deep, but that was it. And as much as it killed me to admit it to myself, that wasn't enough for me.

  This girl had become my one truest and most desperate obsession. When I took her, I wanted to claim all of her. Every deep, damaged, hurting part. I wanted her to give herself to me completely, not just in her flesh. And I wanted that enough that I knew I couldn't just take this from her now.

  "I'll walk you back to The Temple," I said, my grip on her tightening as I stood and placed her down on her feet.

  "Okay," she agreed, her hand sliding into mine like that was the most natural thing in the world.

  I looked down at our clasped fingers with a faint frown before leaving them entwined and walking her back out of Ash Chambers and down the darkened paths towards The Temple.

  We walked in silence, our breaths fogging before us and tension filling the air as the point where our hands met drew altogether too much of my attention. This was…sweet. And I didn’t know how to do sweet. There wasn’t any sweet in me. I was bitter and broken and toxic, but I didn’t release her hand all the same.

  When we made it back to the door of The Temple, I turned her to face me, my hand sliding from hers until I wasn't touching her anymore and I stood looking at her instead.

  I pressed my arm to the door above her head and leaned down until my lips were brushing hers and stayed there as we both just looked at each other like we were questioning whether something had changed between us or not. The tension and want in our bodies rose until it was filling that inch of space that divided us, demanding we close the gap and take what we ached for. It was like causing myself a physical wound to hold myself back, especially as a breathy moan escaped her full lips once more, impatient this time and drawing a smile to my own mouth.

  "Goodnight, Tatum," I murmured, the movement of my words making our lips touch the smallest amount as I slid my other hand to the door handle and twisted it.

  The look she gave me in the moonlight was all lust and a promise of every wicked thing I'd imagined doing to her. But as I pushed the door behind her open a crack and pulled away, she frowned at me as she caught on.

  "Where are you going?" she asked as I backed up another step.

  "If I come in there with you then I'm going to lose the battle I've got going with this thin line of control I have right now, Tatum, and I have no intention to do that with you tonight."

  "But, the rules are different now. I thought-"

  "You thought that all of my self control hinged on something written on a piece of paper?" I teased as I backed up again. "No. Unfortunately for you, I'm not as simple as that to unravel."

  "Saint," she called after me like I was insane as I continued to back away from her and I only smiled as Blake appeared in the doorway behind her. He gave me a questioning look and I nodded, causing him to tug her back inside.

  I waited until he closed the door and the warmth of the light from within The Temple was stolen, leaving me alone in the darkness again. And then I turned and walked back into the shadows where I belonged.

  I hadn't had any time alone with Monroe for so long that I was getting desperate. Tonight, I would be staying with him and I couldn't wait to be in our own private space together where I could tear his clothes off and kiss him as much as I wanted. And it was more than that, we never got to have any kind of real conversation with the others around. We were constantly preoccupied with trying to pretend we meant nothing to each other outside of his Night Bound duties and I was tired of keeping away from him.

  I’d often meet Monroe’s gaze, my chest filling with longing before Kyan tossed us a smirk or made a suggestive face. Whenever he caught us out, we resolutely stopped looking at each other and that just made me hurt. It was also infuriating. So I wanted to make the most of tonight. I was excited to head to his place and had to try and hide my grin as Blake, Kyan and Saint walked me there in the evening.

  "Be a good girl, Tatum," Saint instructed as Kyan and Blake claimed kisses from me and Monroe watched patiently from the door.

  After the kiss me and Saint had shared last night, I wondered if he might move to take one from me now. But the wall was back in his eyes today and I got the feeling if I stepped toward him in the hopes of that, he’d only draw away. And I was quite done being rejected by Saint Memphis. It was especially humiliating when I thought of all the hurt he’d put me through, and now he somehow had me panting like a bitch in heat for him. Goddammit. I really needed to get a grip. Weren’t three guys enough for my libido?

  As Saint’s muscles flexed against his shirt, my metaphorical panties dropped right down to my ankles and I cursed myself internally. Nope, apparently three guys just don’t cut it. But I was willing to bet four was the magic number. I wanted the full set of Night Keepers even if the idea of that should have been crazy. Christ, who am I? Four guys?? What would Jess think? Actually, she’d probably be whooping and cheering for me while I laughed at her. Besides, I was clearly one lucky bitch, so I certainly wasn’t going to ruin this situation by second guessing myself.

  I glanced at Monroe again and who didn't even seem annoyed about Kyan and Blake’s displays of affection, just anxious for them to leave so he could have me to himself.

  I stepped through the door, waving goodbye to the others before pushing it shut and beaming at Monroe. He reached past me to lock the door and his fresh pine scent wrapped around me, making my heart beat even faster. Hell, I'd missed him. It wasn't anywhere close to fulfilling seeing him outside of this house because I couldn't touch him the way I wanted to, kiss him when the desire took me. We were overly cautious to the point of insanity, but we had to be. Now finally, at long last, I had him to myself once more.

  "I've been going crazy," he growled, grabbing my hips and tugging me flush against him. "Do you know how frustrating it is watching you with them and not being able to lay a real claim on you myself? Being so close to you without being able to touch you. Really fucking touch you." He scored his thumb down my spine and I shivered deeply. He eyed my mouth, leaning close and grazing his lips over mine like he was savouring my taste, the way I felt. I found myself doing the same, reaching up to brush my fingers over his coarse stubble and sighing as his mouth moved in soft and ex
ploring movements against mine. My desire was rising and as I tried to speed this up, he chuckled deep in his throat.

  "I'm going to enjoy you slowly tonight," he murmured. "I'm going to make sure every piece of your flesh remembers me."

  "I wouldn't forget," I insisted as he wrapped his hand around mine. “I couldn’t.”

  "I just want to be sure," he teased, then checked a clock on the wall. “I’ve got a three point plan for our date night. You ready for part one?”

  A laugh escaped me. “That’s very Saint of you.”

  “Pfft,” he waved me off. “I’m nothing like that guy, but I do have a few hours of fun filled entertainment before the plan begins.”

  “What plan?” I pushed, still grinning as he tugged me over to the couch and pushed me down onto it. I tried to pull him with me, biting on my lip hungrily but he tugged his hand free, giving me an intense look for a moment.

  “I really wanna tear your clothes off right now,” he half murmured to himself as if debating something and I poked my tongue out at him, leaning back in my seat.

  “Then why don’t you?” I asked hopefully.

  “Because I only get you for one night every four days which means I’m missing out on a hell of a lot of time where I don’t get to do all kinds of couple things. And you might not have realised it, but I’m actually an awesome boyfriend.” He smirked and I chuckled.

  “Boyfriend?” I teased.

  “Yeah,” he growled possessively and I didn’t mind that so much. “I don’t give a fuck what you are to the other Night Keepers, I know I’ve got to accept that. But you and me? We’re dating, princess. Get used to it.” He turned, marching off into the kitchen and grabbing some bean burgers from the fridge that looked freshly freaking prepared.

  I was left in the wake of his words with a shit-eating grin on my face and I tucked my feet up underneath me as I watched him place the burgers in a pan and start frying them. When I couldn’t stand being away from him any longer, I stood, walking up behind him and dropping my phone into the Bluetooth speaker on the counter, clicking play on The 1 by Taylor Swift before wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. He caught my hands, unhooking them from his stomach and pulling me around so I was in front of him before guiding my hand onto the frying pan handle. He dropped his mouth to my shoulder, tugging my strap down as he kissed a line along it and sent goosebumps tumbling across my skin.

  “I make the best burgers, Tatum. It’s a fucking travesty I haven’t made you one before, but now I can order whatever I want through the school, I figured I might as well take advantage.”

  He kissed his way back to my neck and I nearly tugged the pan off the heat as his mouth brushed up to my ear. He chuckled, gripping my wrist and guiding the pan forward. “Careful, princess.”

  “It’s hard to be careful when you’re driving me crazy,” I said breathily, turning to try and capture his lips but he shook his head, releasing me and stepping away.

  “Go sit down,” he ordered. “I’m not giving in to your sexy hocus pocus until you’re thoroughly dated tonight.”

  I laughed, shaking my head at him. “My sexy hocus pocus?” I cocked a brow at him, pretending to be stern.

  “Yeah, you’ve cast a spell on me since the moment you walked into this school. My heart would have stood a better chance against a bullet than you.”

  Heat flooded my cheeks and he swiped a hand over his face when I said nothing.

  “That was a terrible analogy,” he groaned. “I’m so out of practice with this stuff. And if I’m honest, I never really wanted to date anyone like I want to date you, Tatum. I wanna date you so fucking hard, you’ll have teddy bears and fucking love hearts coming out of your ears by the time I’m done tonight.”

  “You got me a teddy bear?” I asked, only slightly – alright a lot – excited by that.

  He shrugged one shoulder, looking embarrassed and it was so freaking cute I wanted to snap a photo and keep it in my pocket forever.

  “Maybe,” he said, looking away to face the burgers.

  “Where is it?” I looked around the house hopefully.

  “You’ll get it later,” he said, his back still to me so I darted away, racing toward his room and pushing the door open. “Tatum!” he half shouted, half laughed.

  The soft toy was sitting on his bed, but it wasn’t even a teddy bear. It was a unicorn the same golden colour as my hair with a little crown on its head, sitting between two brand new boxing gloves that were a shimmery rose gold with white skeleton hands curling over the back of them.

  “You weren’t supposed to see those yet,” Monroe complained from behind me and I leapt away from him, diving onto the bed and scooping them all up in my arms as I turned to him.

  “I love them!” I exclaimed and he grinned like a school kid, running a hand down the back of his neck.

  “Good, now get your ass back in here for dinner.” He walked away and I took a moment to try my new gloves on, admiring them as I strapped them into place before moving to the punching bag he had hanging in the corner of the room and throwing a few punches. Then I placed them back on the bed but took the unicorn with me as I headed back into the lounge, running my hands over its silken soft coat.

  I dropped onto the couch just as Monroe placed a plate with the best looking burger I’d ever seen on it in my lap. He dropped down beside me, switching on the TV.

  “What do you wanna watch?” he asked.

  “Super Truckers,” I said immediately and he frowned.

  “Don’t you get bored of my trucker shows?”

  “Nope, they remind me of you. Of being safe and…home.”

  His brows pulled together. “I’m no one’s home. Not even my own.”

  My lips parted, my heart hurting at those words. “That’s not true. You’re home to me. Every time I’m with you it’s like…like I belong.”

  I thought of graduation again and a knot formed in my chest. My inheritance from my dad had come into my bank account and I couldn’t even stand to look at a penny of it. But I guessed after I left Everlake I’d have to look at finding somewhere to live. But would that somewhere include Monroe?

  He considered my words for a second then his mouth pulled up at one side. “I feel the same about you, princess.”

  “So give me a beer and put Super Truckers on.” I grinned and he smirked before fetching two beers from the fridge and settling in beside me as he passed me mine.

  We ate our burgers - which were freaking godly - then drank three beers, devoured a huge slice of chocolate cake and two hours of trucker shows later, I felt seriously relaxed. I’d meant what I’d said to Nash. His company was so easy, so familiar. He really was home to me. And the added bonus of me wanting to tear his clothes off at any given moment meant I’d somehow fallen into the seriously lucky position of dating my mouth wateringly hot best friend.

  At quarter past ten, Monroe stood up and gave me a mysterious look. “Time to go.”

  “To…go?” I frowned. “What stage of your plan are we on? I figured the next bit was sex.” I bit my lip, letting my gaze travel down him and he growled, capturing my hands and pulling me to my feet.

  “What did I say about dating you tonight?” he said in his teacher tone which had my core liquifying.

  “Umm, that you wanna date the fuck out of me?” I said teasingly and he chuckled, walking away and grabbing my shoes and coat.

  “Now you’re getting it. Put these on.” He handed them to me and I laughed as I put them on, watching as he tugged on a hoodie then threw a letterman jacket over the top of it and pulled up the hood.

  “You look like a student,” I teased.

  “That’s the point.” He smirked then beckoned me after him as he walked to the back door. “All of the staff will be back at the Maple Lodge by now and ninety nine percent of students will be in their dorms as it’s a weeknight,” he explained.

  “So where are we going?” I asked as I followed him outside, finding him pulling a bedsheet off
of something large sitting by the wall of the house. A golf cart was revealed with a blanket on the seat and a bottle of champagne in the footwell. He leaned inside it, pressing something and fairy lights illuminated all around the roof, making my lips pop open.

  “Oh my god, Nash! This is so – so-” I hurried forward, unable to find the words so I kissed him instead.

  He broke it off before either of us could get carried away, grinning darkly at me. He offered me his hand to help me inside and I snorted as he bowed to me with a flourish.

  “You’re too damn cute, Nash Monroe.”

  “Only for you, princess,” he said in a low tone that reminded me he had a heart as dark as the other Night Keepers, he just kept it better hidden sometimes.

  I pulled the blanket off the seat before I sat down and Monroe got in beside me, taking it and laying it across our laps. He popped the cork on the champagne and swigged from the bottle before passing it to me. “I figured glasses would be a hazard. I hope this isn’t too informal for her highness,” he taunted as I took it.

  I had a long drink and the bubbles fizzed down my throat. “I never claimed to be a princess, Nash. That was all you.”

  He started the engine and took off up the track into the trees. “Nah, you are a princess, just not the type I originally pegged you for.”

  “So what type am I?” I said, narrowing my eyes at him as we sailed along deeper into the darkness.

  “You’re the warrior type. Like Princess Zelda.” He shot me a grin. “And if you ever wanna dress up as her and lay siege to my empire, just know there’ll be no complaints on my side.”

  “Noted,” I laughed, sipping more of the champagne.

  Monroe drove us all the way to the far end of campus before taking a track down to the main path. He tugged at his hood a little cautiously and I frowned, hating that we had to hide what we were to each other. I wanted to scream it from the top of every building in campus and declare him as mine. But until I graduated, that shit was totally off the cards.


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