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My Forever

Page 5

by Nikki McCoy

  They were veering towards the more expensive fashion stores, a few of which he knew Craig frequented when he needed something made to his precise specifications. Lucas pulled into the parking lot of a three-story department store he didn’t recognise. He got out and tried to ignore the jittery sensation in his belly, but when he looked out on the crowds of people entering and leaving the building, the enormity of the unexpected turn his life had taken hit him in full force.

  In five years, he’d almost never gone out into public unaccompanied or without permission. A queasy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach and he clenched a fist over it in an effort to keep his breakfast down. The last time…

  The last time had been when he’d run away. The beating he had received afterwards had been the worst to date, barring the most recent. If Craig caught him now…he wasn’t sure if he would survive the man’s wrath.

  The fear that coiled its way around Kyle’s chest and squeezed his insides until he thought he might pass out was nearly debilitating compared to the fear he’d lived with every day in Craig’s house. He’d been gone for six days, and from what he gathered, Lucas had humiliated Craig on the day of his departure. How much worse would the beating be this time if Craig found him?

  His was the fear of the unknown, and he had no way to protect himself from that. He flinched as he felt a hand curl around the back of his neck and pull him into a strong, warm embrace.

  “You’re safe with me. I swear I won’t let anyone harm you and I’ll never leave your side.”

  Lucas’ rumbling bass soothed his chaotic nerves and calmed his racing heart. Kyle wanted to stay there, cocooned in the safety of the man’s hard body. If only he could. He drew away just enough to meet those royal blue eyes and the confidence in them was enough to dispel his paralysing apprehension. Then Lucas smiled, and his heart fluttered with something that was definitely not fear.

  “Are you okay now?”

  No. His knees had gone weak and his mouth felt as dry as a desert breeze. “Yes,” he whispered. He didn’t trust his voice to expand on that. Kyle held his breath as Lucas leant down further. Just a few more inches and those flawless lips would be on his. But they never made it that far. Instead, Lucas pressed them to his forehead then took Kyle’s hand and walked him to the entrance of the store.

  His boss hadn’t been lying. The older man not only stayed close to his side, but retained physical contact at every opportunity. Whenever Kyle let go of his hand to inspect a pair of pants, he received a touch at the small of his back. As soon as his hands were free again, one of them would be grasped in Lucas’ larger one before they moved on again.

  It didn’t take him long to find jeans and a plain shirt within his budget. He placed them into the cart Lucas was steering and couldn’t repress a small smile when his hand was once again clasped in a firm grip.

  “Okay, I’m ready.” Intent upon heading for the registers, he was surprised as he was yanked back. Kyle glanced up in curiosity to meet Lucas’ scowl. The security he found in the man’s proximity made it easier for him to hold eye contact.

  “That’s it?”

  Kyle followed his gaze to the clothes in the cart. “Umm…yeah. It’ll do me for now.”

  Lucas shook his head then dragged him a few aisles over to the racks of designer wear. His boss looked at the measurements of the pants he’d already picked out and started riffling through those on the racks. He threw at least five more jeans into the cart, followed by the same number of slacks and shorts. Shirts came next. Button-downs, tees, sweaters. On the other side of the men’s department, Lucas added socks, boxers, and a few robes to the pile.

  By the time they got to the footwear, it was Kyle who wouldn’t budge from where his feet were rooted. “Lucas, I can’t afford all of this.”

  Lucas stopped and looked down at him. “This is my treat. I told you any money you earn while living with me can be saved to get you back on your feet.”

  “You don’t understand.” Embarrassment washed over him and he glanced at the blurred vision of the mountain of clothes in the cart. He would not cry. He’d done enough of that in front of the man already. Clearing his throat, he said, “Craig took my paycheques. I have no money in the bank. I don’t even have a bank account. I can’t pay you back for this.”

  Lucas framed his cheek with one hand and when Kyle was finally able to meet his gaze, he saw only patient regard. “I kind of figured that. As much as I love seeing your sexy ass run around half-naked in my shirts, you’re going to eventually need a wardrobe of your own. One outfit won’t suffice, no matter how much you enjoy doing laundry. I want to do this for you. If it’s a matter of pride, then we’ll work something out, but I’m hoping you’ll indulge me this once and let it go.”

  “You think I’m sexy?”

  Lucas frowned at him then burst into laughter. “If that’s all you got out of what I just said, I’m thinking it’s all right for me to pamper you a bit. And yes, I think you’re sexy as hell, but I won’t take advantage of you. I offered you a safe haven to recover and rebuild, and that’s exactly what I’m going to give you. Now, can we finish up here? I’m starving.”

  Kyle could only nod, dumbfounded. Belatedly, he realised that their whole conversation had taken place in the middle of a crowded department store, but no one seemed to be paying them any mind. Except for the shoe salesman standing a few feet away. He couldn’t have been more than a few years older than Kyle, with a wide grin and twinkling eyes lighting his face.

  “Is there anything I can help the happy couple with?” The salesman—Mark by the name on his tag—swept Kyle with an appreciative look before giving his full attention to Lucas.

  Without skipping a beat, Lucas gave Mark a smile that had the man practically drooling on himself and said, “My partner is looking for a pair of sneakers and also weather-proof boots, if you have them.”

  Kyle shot his boss a disbelieving look which was met with smug satisfaction. Feeling an uncharacteristic jolt of self-confidence, he decided two could play at that game.

  Moulding himself to Lucas’ front and throwing his arms wantonly over his neck, he looked up demurely. He thrilled to the feel of Lucas’ answering embrace, even if it was part of an act. “I thought you were taking me out tonight, big man. Don’t you think that calls for evening shoes as well?”

  The man looked surprised for all of two seconds before his charming smile returned in full force. He brought his hands down to the curves of Kyle’s waist just above his hips and tugged him closer. Kyle’s plan backfired as his breath caught at the evidence of Lucas’ arousal. It pushed against his lower belly, demanding attention.

  In a voice that sent shivers down his spine, Lucas replied, “Of course. How could I have forgotten?” Without looking at Mark, he continued, “We’ll take a pair of dress shoes as well. The most expensive you have.”

  Before he could protest, Lucas spun him around and propelled him towards the waiting salesman, giving him a light smack on the rump. Mark, as it turned out, was a chatterbox. After Kyle had proved frustratingly indifferent to the styles of shoes he was presented with, Mark began deferring to Lucas’ opinion.

  When the salesman left to get his size in the chosen styles, Kyle looked at the price tag on the dress shoes and blanched. “You’re not really getting these, are you?”

  “Would you rather go to the shop down the street with shoes starting out at three times their cost?”

  Kyle couldn’t tell if Lucas was joking or not, but judging by the serious look on his face, he didn’t think so. “That’s the last time I flirt with you,” he mumbled under his breath. Mark came back and handed three boxes to Lucas.

  “Thank you, Mark. You’ve been a great help.”

  The salesman looked as though he was going to melt right there at Lucas’ feet. Kyle wasn’t sure if he felt more disgusted or envious when Lucas gave Mark a smile and the salesman swung out his hip to emphasise his lean waist and long figure. Lucas could probably snap his finge
rs and have anyone he wanted, male or female. And it’s not like they were truly together. It was all just a playful act.

  “I work weekends if you ever need anything else,” Mark purred.

  Disgusted. Definitely disgusted.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Lucas dropped the boxes into the cart then manoeuvred it with one hand while wrapping his other around Kyle’s waist. Kyle saw the flash of disappointment in the salesman’s eyes as he was steered away, and bit his lip to keep from gloating. Craig had never allowed public displays of affection, but then, Kyle couldn’t honestly remember a time when he’d wanted to show this much intimacy with his ex-boyfriend in front of others.

  The older woman at the register proved his theory correct. She smiled warmly at him but within seconds was completely focused on Lucas. If she saw their hands joined together, she didn’t comment or acknowledge it. Once their purchases were paid for, they loaded them into the backseat of the car then headed for the nearest grocery store.

  When the car was parked, his boss peered over at him in contemplation. “You’re not looking too hot. Why don’t you stay in the car while I get the food? You can keep all of the doors locked and take a nap.”

  His heart skipped a beat at the thought of being alone in a public place without the man’s comforting presence. Apparently he hadn’t disguised the discomfort of being on his feet for so long well enough, but that pain was nothing compared to the rigid panic that gripped him now.

  “Please don’t make me stay here. I’m fine, really.” Averting his eyes to hide the shame of his pleading tone, he waited with dread for the other man to ridicule him for it. Or worse, make him stay to teach him a lesson in maturity. When a hand came into his field of vision and grasped his leg, his automatic flinch stole the last shred of his dignity. Sooner or later, Lucas would realise he was a lost cause and give up.

  “It’s okay, kid. You can come if you want to. I was just concerned about your health.”

  The lack of insults or rebukes gave him the courage to see the truth in his boss’ eyes. With a small smile of gratitude, he got out and followed the man into the store. Kyle pushed the cart while Lucas loaded it with more food than he thought would fit in a single fridge and freezer unit. He was more at ease here, knowing that Craig’s housekeeper did his grocery shopping—having left Kyle to do the cooking—but he still found he missed Lucas’ constant touch.

  “Did you want anything specific?”

  Shaking himself from his reverie, he looked up at his handsome boss. “Uhh…no. I can cook a meal with just about anything.”

  “This isn’t about what you can cook, Kyle. It’s about what you want to eat,” Lucas gently admonished. “Don’t you have any favourite foods?”

  It had been so long since Kyle had been given a choice as to what he wanted to eat that he had to think about it. Normally, he was so grateful to be allowed to eat at all that he didn’t care what it was. Memories of his mother drifted into his thoughts. She had always smelt of syrup and spice. Though she’d worked in an office, her passion had been cooking, and she had fostered the same love of cuisine in Kyle when he was younger. He still loved to cook, but the true, carefree joy of it had been lost long ago.


  Lucas chuckled. “I’ve got pancake mix. What else do you like?”

  He thought again. “Lit’l Smokies baked in a sugary paste. French toast with powdered sugar. Oh, and mixed fruit coated with orange squeeze.” He hadn’t realised he was bouncing on the balls of his feet until Lucas laughed and placed a hand on his shoulder, adding pressure to keep him still.

  “That all sounds great. Do you remember the ingredients?”

  Kyle nodded emphatically. It wouldn’t be the same as cooking these dishes with his mom when she was alive but it would be close. The thought gave him more pleasure than anything had in years.

  “Good. If you can think of anything else, throw it in the cart.”

  He knew Lucas had the liquor required to make the paste at his house, so he collected the other ingredients that were needed. It took them longer to pack the car this time, and even more time to unload it once they arrived back at the house. Kyle had begun putting the food away, his mind already wandering to what he would cook for dinner, when Lucas took the cans from his hands and set them on the counter.

  “I’ll take care of this. Why don’t you go get ready for tonight?”

  Kyle furrowed his brow. “What are we doing tonight?”

  “I’m taking you out to dinner. Or have you forgotten?”

  He flushed all the way down to his toes. There was a heated look in the man’s eyes that told him Lucas was more than up to the challenge of his earlier attempt at flirtation, but he didn’t think he could handle any more anxiety. Outside, there were a wealth of threats to his newfound freedom, and they all revolved around Craig and his brother. But here, in the privacy of Lucas’ home, he could be himself without that ever-present thread of fear he’d come to live with on a daily basis.

  Lucas must have sensed his hesitation. He found himself cradled in the steady arms of his boss, taking solace in his solid presence.

  “We can go out another night. I don’t want to push you. What you’ve accomplished so far is amazing. I’m very proud of you.”

  “You are?”

  “How could I not be? It takes a lot of courage to leave behind everything you know and make a fresh start.”

  Kyle didn’t think what he’d possessed this past week was courage. If not for Lucas, he would most likely still be in that closet or kneeling at Craig’s feet, awaiting his next command or punishment. But he didn’t want to argue. Whether it was true or not, Lucas’ praise lit a slow-burning fire within him. He couldn’t stop himself from wondering what his life would have been like had Lucas been the one to come over that day to his brother’s apartment instead of Craig. Would Lucas have helped him? Would he have been as gentle as he was now?

  Did it really matter? He was here now, and safe.

  Lucas patted him on the bottom and stepped back. “Go put on something comfortable. I’ll finish putting the food up.”

  Kyle wanted to say something—anything—to show the man how much he appreciated his understanding, but words seemed far too inadequate. Instead, he stood on tiptoe and kissed the man’s cheek briefly then gathered up his bags of clothing and took them to the bedroom. After emptying them onto the bed, he laughed as he noticed that nearly every article was black.

  Chapter Four

  Lucas stood in the doorway to the kitchen and admired the slim figure bent over the door of the stove, giving him a perfect view of a tight ass covered in low-riding, relaxed jeans. He massaged his erection for the hundredth time that day while Kyle wasn’t looking, trying to prevent the case of blue balls he could feel coming on.

  What had started out as innocent comfort at the beginning of their trip to ease the man’s worries had quickly escalated to a constant need to hold him, touch him. The power he felt in the trust that Kyle had willingly given to him was more intoxicating than anything he’d previously experienced. Whereas most people had a tendency to grow jaded and cynical under the kind of abuse the young man had endured, Kyle contained a quality of purity that was as stimulating as it was sweet.

  Kyle straightened and closed the oven, then began whisking a concoction in a large, ceramic bowl. His narrow hips swayed vigorously from side to side in time with his beats and Lucas groaned. Lust warred with self-loathing and he made a beeline for the living room. He was not such an animal that he would give in to his sexual urges for a pretty face. It was the emotions behind that face that clawed at his rigid control.

  No wonder Craig had been so possessive over the younger man. Kyle was not only small and beautiful, but a natural submissive. Lucas had recognised it in him the first time he’d set eyes on the man. Such a combination was sought after by humans and Tsielen alike. It was also often devoured and destroyed like every other precious commodity both species could get their ha
nds on. How Kyle had managed to come away with his spirit intact was beyond him, but he fully intended to keep it that way.

  Even if it meant denying himself the pleasures Kyle promised with his sultry eyes and seductive body.

  Taking a couple of wine glasses and a bottle of cabernet from his liquor cabinet, he poured them each a drink. He put Schubert in the CD player on low volume then took a seat on the couch while ruminating on how easy it had been to sacrifice his solitude for the little wisp of a man in his kitchen. His experiences in sharing his home with someone had been limited to those occasional times when he’d worn a one-night fling to exhaustion, offering them a spare room to sleep in until morning. With Kyle, though, the peace of solitude had been replaced by pleasant companionship.

  Several minutes later, Kyle came out of the kitchen with two steaming plates in his hands. Lucas took one and set it on the coffee table in front of him, glorying in the aroma and presentation of the food on his dish. “This smells wonderful. What it is?”

  Kyle sent him a shy smile before taking his own seat a few feet over. “Chicken Cordon Bleu with cornbread stuffing and steamed spinach. Dessert is in the oven.”

  “Damn, kid. Where the hell did you learn to cook like this?”

  Lucas caught the spark of anger that flitted across Kyle’s face before he looked away. A few seconds later, Kyle looked back with an expression of fierce determination. Without preamble, the man launched himself at Lucas. Jean-clad legs straddled his waist while the brunt of Kyle’s collision pushed Lucas back onto the leather cushions behind him. Kyle wound thin arms around his neck as his plush lips crushed against his. Momentary shock gave way when a wet, seeking tongue brushed along his upper lip, and the offering became more than he could resist.


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