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by Melissa Meintjes

  Her father moved in, happy to be free of Juliet, and he would swim every day, and walk every evening in the neighborhood situated around his new home. His daughter would often walk with him and they would discuss all sorts of things, while admiring the tropical beauty of Miami.

  Fredrick dated a few women, during his time divorced. The first woman he dated, Stephania, a brown skinned, Sicilian woman who imported water for a living. He greatly enjoyed her presence and almost fell in love with her.

  One night after work he went to have dinner at Stephania’s house. She had two sons; one dark skinned boy of about fourteen called Carlos, and a blonde blue eyed boy of twelve called Pietro. They were both the product of her previous marriage, to an Italian man who had promised her the world, but gave her a feeling of emptiness instead. She felt terrible for a long time, always seeing him in her children, and feeling the humiliation of his rejection through them, but despite her bad feelings she strived to love them and did. Even if they were bad to each other and she could see her husband’s evil ways in them, she always wished them the best, for she was everything an Italian mother could be and should be. Fredrick liked her first, but the more time he spent at her house, he realized he did not enjoy the company of her sons. For example, Pietro would often ignore him when spoken to. Pietro’s beauty mesmerized people. They always wanted to get closer to him. To cuddle his baby cuteness, and know that with his big blue eyes he loved his observer. Instead, people usually found out, how hated they were, and grew frustrated with their inability to connect with the cutest thing they had ever seen. Carlos, the older brother, although attractive too, constantly bullied his younger brother, making him disliked in a different sort of way.

  Fredrick often felt annoyed with the two boys, and missed his own son who represented nothing but love to him. He would imagine little Luis with his big brown eyes, and beautiful cheekbone structure looking up to him and wanting to play a game. He did not want another man’s children, especially an evil man who had abandoned his wife for no reason, and left her no alimony nor child support. He admired Stephania for her ability to mend after such a financial and emotional heart break. She had created her business of importing water and had made bread and wine from it. She embodied simple homeliness, but to him she represented a false family that did not fulfill the void the old one had left.

  After Stephania, Fredrick dated, Marie, an older widowed Cuban lady. Despite her age, she looked as old as Stephania, who had been in her early forties, and embodied all the things Fredrick liked. Marie lived on Key Biscayne in a beautiful three bedroom apartment that contained paintings of nature and butterflies. He liked her very much at first, for he thought they had a lot in common and thought he would grow old with her, as his wife. Instead, he discovered that her obsession with her dead husband and her weird religious beliefs made him uneasy.

  Every night she would communicate with her dead husband through a Ouija board. She would put off all the lights and put on some candles, and then let the spirits guide her hand over the spiritual board. At first, she would feel nothing, but then an impulse would run through her, and she felt the presence of her husband. She would ask him questions about his whereabouts, and then, either her subconscious, or her dead husband would tell her that he had gone to heaven. Then she would talk to him for hours, and sometimes get naked with him and imagine him holding her. After her initial interaction with the Ouija board she continually felt her husband’s presence in her life, as an omniscience force that knew every thought and feeling she possessed. Instead of feeling like their relationship had dwindled, her imagination made the love stronger than it had been when he had been alive. Alive, he had been an ordinary man, who ate dinner with her, watched movies with her, and listened to all her thoughts and feelings; but in the afterlife he had become a god like spirit, who constantly knew her every thought and feeling and lay next to her at night watching her sleep.

  Although Marie dated Fredrick, she never made love to him. On the night before their date, she asked her husband through the Ouija board if she should get to know Fredrick. As her hand began to move over the board she watched as the answer came back “yes.” She then asked why he did not mind, and the answer came back “spirit.” She knew from the response that in her husband’s new spiritual state, he did not see the world through flesh, and therefore jealousy did not exist for him. He had only been filled with love, and therefore, wanted his wife to have company. Marie believed that in the afterlife, sex no longer existed, and therefore, any sexual feelings between herself and a strange man would just be part of the physical world which would one day not matter. She also believed that her relationship would be mainly friendship, and so she went on her date without any guilt.

  Fredrick and Marie went on the date, and ate dinner together talking about their lives, and felt happy to be alive through each other’s company. Fredrick, at first, believed they would end up together; until he found out about her relationship with her ex-husband. Fredrick felt it natural for her to grieve, but then some of the stories frightened him, and made him feel like he was doing something wrong. She told a story about how her dead husband had once warned her about a trespasser. The trespasser wanted to steal from her and then before she let him in, she had seen an apparition of her husband standing in the corner of the room. Instead of shrugging it off as nothing, she saw it as a sign and a warning, and therefore did not let the trespasser in.

  Eventually Fredrick only stayed friends with all the women he had met, and decided to dedicate the rest of his life to his children and to learning, and enjoying the wealth he had accumulated throughout his life.

  So Fredrick would swim every day, go on walks with his daughter, and eat mangoes from his mango tree. He enjoyed his work and the house that it bought, for it contained a casual luxury to it that he greatly appreciated.

  Fredrick would often pick up his son, and then see Juliet again. Despite her attractiveness he felt that she embodied evil and therefore refused to socialize with her. He would often bring Luis over to his house, and play with him in the swimming pool.

  Luis loved Natasha. He would often run after her, and begin to cry if she disappeared from his sight. He loved her more than anything and constantly enjoyed learning new words from her. She would often hold him while watching a movie and then enjoy playing games with him. She considered him the little love of her life.

  Eventually Juliet became diagnosed with breast cancer, and became very thin. She started taking chemo therapy and lost all her hair. She ended up wearing a wig. As she got sicker and weaker, Fredrick, realized he had lost the love of his life. As death crept in on them, he remembered everything he had once loved. How she used to cling to him at night. How she had been the only woman who truly ever loved him. Not Magdalena, nor Stephania, nor Marie, but only Juliet; had loved him truly, he felt, and so he decided to forgive the woman who had abused his daughter. He had decided to try again with her, and forgive her for having been the worst person he had ever known. So in secret, he began to date Juliet again, feeling happy that he could be there as much as possible for his son.

  Chapter 15

  Spring break had arrived and Gabriel Strife anticipated the time he would spend with Sarah on the beach on Key Largo. He anticipated sun bathing with her and experiencing dancing with her. Part of him wanted to invite Rickey along, but felt unhappy that another man should come along, and so he did not invite Rickey. After a date that him and Sarah had invited Rickey on, out of pity, did not go as planned, Gabriel decided that he did not like the presence of Rickey in his life constantly.

  Rickey, Sarah, and Gabriel had gone on a date to see a movie called “Alice in Wonderland.” They all enjoyed the movie and greatly appreciated the way that the movie celebrated art through its variety of colors and scenery. Gabriel had read the book “Alice in Wonderland,” many years ago, and greatly enjoyed it as it contributed tremendously to his love of literature and the appreciation of the imagination. As a result, he thought the
movie would be a gloomy repetition of the Disney’s animated version. Even though he did not want to watch it, he decided to buy tickets because of Sarah’s request, and therefore all three watched the remake.

  Although the movie at first seemed like a repetition of the original, he realized soon that it was not a repetition of the original, but instead another version of the original; and so he enjoyed it tremendously. He especially enjoyed watching Anne Hathaway as the white queen, for she seemed to embody all the goodness that a queen should have. He could not believe that the beautiful Helena Bonham Carter played such a big headed fool, after years of embodying profound beauty. He had always admired her high cheek bones and sultry brown eyes. He wondered how actors could make such fools of themselves in front of the whole world and cherished the thought that one day he would see her beautiful again. Several months later he did, in the movie called “Dark Shadows,” and as usual her dark beauty intoxicated him .

  After watching the movie he felt utterly happy to have seen such a spectacular effort in cinema workmanship, and so he decided to enjoy dinner despite the amount that his girlfriend gushed over Johnny Depp. She said “his big eyes are so beautiful. I wish men really had such big eyes.” Gabriel began to feel jealous and angry even though his eyes had always been enormous and spectacular in their coloring. The blues and greens constantly faded in to each other in a manner as beautiful as that of butterfly wings. Many people had told him so throughout his life, and therefore he shrugged it off and thought of how Celia’s hair spoke more profoundly than the thick blond hair in front of him. To him the red hair meant secrets, passion, and romance, while the blondeness seemed to mean only happiness under the sun. Then he looked at Sarah’s beautiful symmetrical face and liked her despite the perceived inferiority. He also forgave her for trying to make him jealous, because the love of Celia gave him a new confidence.

  Besides gushing over the beauty of Johnny Depp, Gabriel also noticed Sarah to be very nice to his friend Rickey. Rickey seemed to embody a dark masculine and muscular beauty that many women found attractive. Although many girls liked Rickey, Gabriel always thought his girlfriend preferred paler, blue eyed men, and so never felt jealous of Rickey’s muscles, and the dangerous and energetic vibe he gave off through his motorcycle. His feelings changed when Sarah began to flirt with Rickey in front of Gabriel.

  Sarah asked Rickey “how could your girlfriend cheat on a handsome man like you. If I had you, I would never leave you.”

  So Gabriel started feeling very uncomfortable. Part of him realized that Sarah merely felt like comforting his hurt friend, but another part of him felt her flirtation to be inappropriate.

  So at night, after the date, he told his girlfriend “I did not know you like Rickey so much.”

  Then Sarah responded, “Of course, he is a real cutie.”

  Then Gabriel, asked “then why not offer him to date one of your friends instead of gushing over him.”

  Then Sarah responded, “I do not have any single friends who are good enough for him, and I was only trying to make him feel better. Didn’t you know jealousy is a vice.” Then she giggled, “I am glad you care though.”

  Gabriel, felt better but frustrated. He realized that his jealousy stemmed from love, and as a result was destined to live a life of suffering. For he could never walk away because of the love that made him so jealous.

  When spring break arrived, Sarah and Gabriel packed their bags and drove to Key Largo. Sarah packed a week’s worth of clothing and two bikinis. One red, and another with tie dye rainbow patterns on it. Gabriel also packed a week’s worth of clothes and two bathing suites. One a navy pair, another a dark green. He did not shave his legs but when he wore them, their natural grace and beauty made them the most beautiful legs in the world to whoever saw them. They were usually tanned, and slightly hairy, in a way that celebrated maleness and everything beautiful at the same time. When he walked by, women would stare and wonder what they had done to be cursed with someone other than him. So no matter what color he wore, his lean body spoke of masculine beauty and Sarah felt like the luckiest woman in the world to have him. Her body looked like the body of a woman from a James Bond movie; always perfectly flawless with wide hips and ample breasts. During the day she would tan, in moderation, hoping to make her bright hair shine brighter. During the days they would often go snorkeling, or on boat rides, through the blue green seas around the south of Florida. They would experience the beauty of the stars of summer nights as they walked on the beach, and they would then experience dancing and music as they went to different dance clubs, and restaurants. By the time they returned home they forgot all about Celia and his jealousy, and felt like they did, the day they first met.

  When Gabriel arrived home from Key Largo and started using his computer again, and looking online again, he again became angry with Sarah and as a result felt sad that he had not seen Celia for so long. He decided to look at her online, and see if during Spring Break she had performed any pornography strands. Then he saw that she had, and eagerly clicked the new photograph strand. Once he clicked it, he saw that it was a lesbian love making scene in which at the end she got spanked. It began with a medical examination of her anus and vaginal canal and then moved to her getting spanked. Gabriel felt incredibly aroused by her nude body and decided to start masturbating until he came to orgasm.

  Later that evening he realized he had to work harder at loving Sarah and so decided to try and appreciate her the way he had appreciated Celia. As he looked at her round curves and plump breasts, he realized he wished he could tie her up like Celia, and then spank her with a round flat object. So he decided to ask her if she liked punishment.

  She replied “no, should I?”

  He responded “No. I was just curious about the possibility, I would be sad if you did. I am sure some people feel ashamed of it. If you do I hope you know you should never feel ashamed of it in front of me.”

  She then laughed and said “No, if anything I would like to spank you. Do you want to get spanked?”

  He then responded “Not specifically.” Then he paused for a minute and said “perhaps we can try something new and find out what people like about it.”

  She then smiled and said “ok.”

  That night, Sarah arrived at Gabriel’s apartment wearing a black dress over black lace lingerie, carrying a hair brush, a dog collar, and a leash in a bag. After they hugged she told him that she had brought, a lot of kinky things for them to play with before and after sex.

  He then responded “so what did you bring.” Then she went in to his room, and poured the contents of her backpack out on his bed. He grew excited with delight as he looked at all the items she had brought.

  Then he said “the only thing that is missing is a whip.”

  Then she said, “we could use the hairbrush as a paddle as they did in the movie Back to Eden.”

  Then he asked “when do you want to start?”

  She responded “now is fine. I did not know you were so in to this.”

  Then he commanded her to take her clothes off and so she did. He then fastened the collar around her neck, and attached the leash.

  He then said “heel.” He watched in fascination as her curvy shape got on the floor on all fours. He then said “you will sleep in that corner from now on.” She then responded playfully “woof.” Then he asked “did I tell you that you can talk?” She shook her head and then he commanded her to get on the bed. He then took the brush and started slapping her butt cheeks, and then after ten slaps on each cheek, he stuck the handle in to her anus, until she said stop. He then took out his penis, and shoved it in to her rectum, and heard her scream as he came to orgasm.

  After he had come to orgasm, she felt infuriated and took the collar off.

  She then told him “you better please me buster, or else you are looking at your ex.”

  Then he apologized and said, “ok, lie down and I will do just that.”

  Then he got undressed and gentl
y caressed her vaginal tissue with his tongue. He stuck his tongue repeatedly in to her vaginal hole, tasting the salty texture, and smelling the pleasurable odor of her recently washed vagina. After about ten minutes of gentle licking, he began to use his hands and stuck his fingers in to her vagina while rubbing her clitoris. Her muscles eventually tightened and then loosened with an orgasm.

  After her orgasm, Sarah still felt furious, and so she ordered Gabriel to bend over and then stuck the brush handle in to his rear until he ordered “stop.” Then she pulled out and said she had to leave, and as a result of her quick departure he felt empty.

  Chapter 16

  Gabriel Hatfield, felt happy to be alive since everything in his relationship with Carl seemed to be going well, and his career gave him security. Since he had been called a faggot, he felt scared to put on make-up for a while, and when he started putting it back on, he was very careful to wash it all off.

  Gabriel enjoyed putting on makeup, and would often put mascara on during the weekends. He would go to the store with pink lipstick on, and wear eye shadow to the beach. He loved make-up and how it looked on him. It gave him a chance to play with the beauty that God or nature had bestowed upon his features, and since he loved men he enjoyed it all the more. His big pink lips felt more alive, his eyes brighter, and he secretly felt happy because he knew women were not the superior sex anymore. Throughout the years, he had always felt a jealousy, not because he hated them sexually and only loved men, but because he hated the way he believed they felt they were entitled to everything. They always bragged about being the superior sex. He remembered one girl saying so. Although he appreciated them, it made him feel ugly and so he at times secretly coveted their demise, because then they were not capable of criticizing him as much as they did. He wondered how heterosexual men could live with so much humility. He wondered how they could look at their legs and know that women hated their hairiness. In a way he preferred to be gay because he knew women loved him more. He knew no woman could say that he was inferior for being hairy or too plain. He also knew that women felt intimidated and therefore did not want him. Since he was bisexual he felt satisfied with knowing that women respected him but did not necessarily think they were good enough to fornicate with him. He believed women felt unfit, because they were natural sadists who needed men to feel inferior through all the gender differences. Therefore, he secretly despised women and relished the notion that they knew they could not have him. As a result, although he found some women beautiful he considered them with their sadistic natures monsters against compassion, and therefore would have wanted a woman to propose to him. He felt the tradition of women always waiting for men to humiliate themselves for them, or risk humiliation to be with them, unfair, and therefore felt happy to call himself gay even though he was truly bisexual.


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