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Gabriel Page 23

by Melissa Meintjes

  Then Maria mocked “as long as you are normal?”

  “Yes,” Celia responded. “You make it sound like a bad thing. To be loved, to be accepted, to feel like your ideal.” She continued.

  Then Maria responded “No it just hurts to lose you. I will at least be able to watch you, dance, and that will always mean the world to me.” Then Maria inspected Celia in her robe and wished she had been naked, exposing her divine curves, that seemed to yell woman hood, ten thousand times over.

  The following day Ralph again called Celia and asked her to return to the Dungeon on Friday for another photo shoot at six thirty. Celia showed up, and after showing identification to the security guard, walked to the office of Ralph. Ralph then told her to go to room 500. Then Celia climbed the steps while wearing her Starbucks uniform, and walked to room 500. Once there, Clint told her to remove her clothes and stand on one of the rocks amidst, the blue paper that composed a fake sea. Then little silver sparkles started falling from the ceiling and then Clint ordered her to start posing in different positions nude. Such as with her arms reaching up, and then pointing one leg out in front of her. The sparkles looked incredibly beautiful as they reflected the white fluorescent light and danced off her skin. Celia appeared like a glowing goddess. Then a beautiful naked man carrying a pitch fork entered.

  As Clint noticed, he said “Celia, this man is a god, who has been battling another god. They wrestled in another photo shoot. He has come here to rescue you from the rock that you are standing on. The other god that he defeated placed you on the rock. He will carry you to a cave, where you will make love to him, kiss the floor, kiss his feet and treat him like a god.”

  Then Celia nodded with understanding. Clint flashed photographs of Celia standing on the rock, in various poses. Then he flashed photographs of the god rescuing her and carrying her away. Then they all walked to room 503, where stood a cave, with fake sea around it. The man pretending to be a god stood with his flawless face, and muscular shape awaiting a command. Then the photographer told Celia, to kiss the man’s feet, and then slowly go up his entire body with her lips. The beautiful man developed an erection as her buttery, soft lips covered his body with sexuality, like the wings of butterflies. The cameras flashed.

  Then the photographer said “Celia we would like a cum shot. So we gave this guy an HIV test. He has no disease. Do you think you could drink his semen in front of the camera? If you really can’t, I will give you a condom, but we will start calling other women more often.”

  As Celia felt her career slipping, she nodded and began to lick. She rubbed with her hands as the camera flashed. Then she drank the semen as it came flowing. After the man came to orgasm, the camera man ordered them to kiss. They did as the camera flashed. Then the camera man gave them each a piece of paper with a number on it and his signature. Then they went down to Ralph’s office and received their checks, after getting dressed. Celia felt a little nauseous after drinking the semen of a stranger but felt satisfied with her monetary reward.

  Then she rushed to the Naked Genie, and danced the rest of the evening. She danced the usual dances, including the genie dance. She wished Eric had seen her, but then she realized that she instead wished for the masked man who had embodied her fantasies, it just happened that Eric was that masked man. So she thought about calling him, but felt like taking vengeance on him for not having satisfied her sexually, for calling her too early, and for expecting her to tolerate his secrecy about his sex life. So she decided not to call, and humiliate him subtly. She hated him a little bit, but felt that her dream of normality, to be more important, and so she forgave him and failed to break up with him. She desperately wanted to have a husband and so tolerated his abuse. She decided to call him after several days.

  Chapter 41

  Miguel Sanchez could not believe that he had gotten away with murder so many times. Although he had partially stopped killing because he had realized the sadness of killing women from his last victim, he felt a tremendous urge to continue to kill. When he killed he felt powerful and dangerous and he felt closer to Joanna none the less. He still remembered Joanna, and looked at her photos every day. He often remembered the times they had shared. He wished he had held her captive better, and he felt worthless for having failed her and himself. He wished he had bought better screws, used hot glue and done everything in his power to keep her captive, even maybe drug her. He would often start crying, and then remember the women he had killed to honor her memory, which made him feel better because he felt he had done everything he could to deserve Joanna.

  As he looked at the photos of Joanna, he wished he had the photos of the other women he had killed so that he could keep them as trophies. He wanted to stop his love of blood shed because he feared the law, and police officers, and often fantasized about what he would do if someone discovered the truth. He imagined someone getting suspicious of his power in the Twin Towers, and discovering the tapes he had stolen. He imagined then the police looking for blood stains in his office. Even though he had cleaned up the blood stains after the murder of Mary, he imagined special equipment seen on television being used. Equipment that could see blood even though it had been cleaned. He imagined being arrested and spending the rest of his life in a tiny cell, like a caged animal without any recognition of his needs, or dignity. He envisioned doing prison work, such as picking up trash under the watchful eye of a warden. He pictured wishing he could die every day because he could not look at the pictures of his dead Joanna. He visualized perceiving his life as a waste, and then trying to take his life but failing. He conceived looking out a tiny hole at the sky, and never really seeing the sunset again. He imagined urinating in front of strangers, and showering with strangers. He pictured not having a sense of self if he ever got out. He envisioned the worst. As a result, he desperately craved for a solution to the terrible possibility of being suspected. So he thought about the little boat he had once dreamed of. He wondered as he imagined himself floating in the water, about his right to life and freedom. He thought about the rights sharks and lions possess to life because they merely take and then speculated why society expected him to be different. According to mother nature was he not entitled? He questioned. Did he not have a god given right to survive? He thought. Was he not emotionally surviving when he had killed those women? He perceived, as he imagined himself floating in the sea. He envisioned himself with a fishing rod, and using his savings for the purchase of water for the rest of his life. Until people had forgotten about him and he would try to find another job somewhere else maybe in North Carolina, or Mexico. He loved the freedom of the sea. He loved knowing that there, he could practice his god given right to live as he chose. He loved how there he was entitled to follow his animal instincts without the law of man. So he decided to buy a boat incase such an incident occurred in which he had to flee.

  Miguel went online and looked at all the possible boats that he could choose from, and chose the smallest cheapest boat that he could find, costing nineteen thousand four hundred and eighty nine dollars. He made an appointment with the dealer and then bought it. Before he bought it he rented a space at the local marina for the boat. He kept it in storage, until the day he might need it. He put a lot of water on the boat, some snack bars, a fishing pole, bait, and sunscreen. The boat was called the Boston Whaler 2012, 15 sport. It had been painted white with a big blue stripe down its center. It had a big metal rod across the center that could be used to support a piece of black cloth that could be rolled down for shade. It had a big black motor at the rear and little metal stairs. Inside, the boat had been painted also white and contained a bench behind the steering wheel and another next to the steering wheel. Miguel felt proud to own a boat despite its small size. He remembered that his dad used to take him out on a boat as a child. They would often fish together, and then eat the fish for dinner. He loved fishing and looked forward to getting caught because he imagined, that he would enjoy living the life of a recluse on a boat. So he smile
d to himself as he put the boat away, knowing that he had bought the best thing in his life.

  As Miguel contemplated his life, he thought about how much he had enjoyed killing. How it had satisfied something deep within him. How it had healed him after losing Joanna, because the greatest difficulty of losing her was knowing that he did not love her enough. So not only did he lose her, but his pride too, which had been dependent upon loving her. He remembered killing the two women he had killed and remembered how satisfying it had been and therefore desperately wished he could kill again. So he thought about who to kill. He analyzed the videos in his possession, and decided that no woman was worth turning in to a worthless carcass at the risk of being suspected. Although he enjoyed his boat he did not want to end up on his boat. He appreciated his living room and his television. He appreciated the comfort of air conditioning. He realized he could swim, but who really wanted to live in water. So he decided to not kill any more women at the twin towers, and instead focus on another location. As he thought about who to kill, he received an angry e-mail from Natasha saying:

  Dear Mr. Sanchez,

  Please do not tempt me, for I will tell the board of directors of your behavior. I doubt they will look favorably on it. Your behavior indicates a sense of self hate that could need psychological treatment, and therefore I am willing to give you a chance to get the treatment you desperately need. Please take advantage of the opportunity because if things continue like this I will have no choice, but to feel that there needs to be alternative action, more severe in nature, taken. I remember pleasant memories with you, I don’t know what has turned you in to such a monster, but whatever it is, I am sure it can be mended with the help of a psychologist.


  Natasha Hedge

  After reading the letter, Miguel thought about the possibility of seeking help and said aloud to himself “It is too late for that.” He then deleted the letter. He felt at first touched by Natasha’s sweetness, and then felt offended for being called a monster. He wished he could slap her, and desperately felt like killing her. Then he started crying as he remembered that he was in fact a monster for having killed Joanna, and then compared Natasha to Joanna. Then he pronounced aloud at the imaginary Natasha in his mind “How dare you even talk to me you bitch. You can’t compare to Joanna.” He felt like exploding from anger, and as he thought about killing her, a sense of pleasure took over him and he imagined shooting her and then hacking her up. Then he again began to yell at the imaginary Natasha “Did I not teach you a lesson already? Was it not enough to have your electronic magnet changed? Was it not humiliating enough to have your father tell you off?” Then he remembered how he had written her father an angry e-mail. He sat again at his computer and decided to read the angry e-mail he had sent her father, in order to relish her demise.

  Hi Mr. Hedge,

  I regret to inform you that your daughter continues to cause a problem in our lobbies. She has initially insulted one of the receptionists working in the lobby of tower two, claiming that she was defending herself from sexual harassment, and then she refused to take out the dog through the back exit in tower one. Please help her understand that in the Twin Towers there is a board of directors, who must be obeyed, because she is not the queen of the condominium. If you do not make her understand the truth of this matter, I will. We will try to evict her if she continues to cause a problem. So please help your daughter understand.

  Thank you,

  Miguel Sanchez

  Miguel read the letter he had written and felt happy to have hurt Natasha, because he felt irritated by her pride. She did not compare to Joanna so why did she think she was worthy of anything? He asked himself. He wished he could teach her that, and when he thought of Joanna he wished he could kill her. So he decided that he would fantasize about killing her because he felt too scared to do it in real life. So he watched some of the videos he still possessed, and watched out for her taking out her dog. He noticed that she often walked in the afternoon but not at a specific time, nor on specific days of the week. She walked at totally random times. As a result, he realized he would not be able to kill her the same way that he had killed his last victim. He understood he would not be able to follow her in a car without seeming suspicious, unless he waited all day, and all night for her to appear. Since usually, one experienced great difficulty in finding parking around the Twin Towers, he knew he would not be able to do that either. So he thought about what to do and he decided, to instead spend several afternoons a week, stalking the Twin Towers in a cap, so that no one would recognize him. He decided to carry his gun in a little bag, with a silencer on it.

  Monday at around ten pm, Natasha decided to walk for exercise. At the same time Miguel lurked around the Twin Towers with a gun, and Gabriel Hatfield scouted for the other Gabriel. Natasha, put on her work out clothes, and sneakers, headed out, and started walking. Miguel who had been pacing noticed her, and started following her. Gabriel Hatfield who noticed Miguel and had found him suspicious, noticed him following a woman, possibly Natasha. So he decided to follow Miguel. As Natasha walked on the gum covered pavements, and looked at palm trees in the distance, she passed all the familiar buildings she had always known. The buildings that had meant home. As she walked, Miguel started walking faster, as did Gabriel. Then as they reached an empty road, Miguel looked behind him before Gabriel turned the corner, then, after Gabriel turned the corner, he saw Miguel lift what looked like a gun from his bag, and then realized that he was going to shoot. Although Gabriel had always thought he would be a coward in a situation involving a gun, something inside him cared, and he ran to try and stop the shooting. Miguel said, “Natasha,” As Natasha turned around, her natural beauty stunned him enough to shoot her in her leg instead of in her heart. He seemed to want to watch her suffer, and as he was going to shoot again, Gabriel jumped on him. Miguel fell to the ground, as did the gun, as Natasha screamed, and fell to the floor. Gabriel grabbed the gun, and then got up pointing it at Miguel. As he pointed it, he watched Miguel get up and put his hands up in the air. Then he looked at Natasha while pointing the gun, and handed her his phone. While he handed the phone to Natasha, Miguel started running, the way Joanna had run, risking his life for freedom. As he ran, Gabriel lacked the courage to shoot him and instead called the police. In ten minutes the police and ambulance arrived taking Natasha to the emergency room. Once there, they let her lie, in bed until the bleeding stopped naturally and then performed knee surgery on her in order to prevent an infection in her knee. The bullet had not pierced her through the bone, nor an artery, only through a muscle above the knee. The doctor told her she had to have the surgery, in order to save her leg.

  The day after the knee surgery, Natasha woke up and Gabriel Hatfield came to visit her. He apologized for not having stayed her friend, and while she was in the hospital bed, held her hand for several minutes. She loved knowing that someone cared for her, and thanked him for his concern. After getting shot she did not have the capacity to feel anger over her rejection by him and felt happy that he had been her hero. So she held his hand and made him promise that he would stay friends with her forever. He promised, and watched some television with her for around twenty minutes. He then went home and unblocked her from his Facebook account.

  As Natasha lay in the hospital bed, she felt absolutely dependent on the nurses, and super thankful for their existence, and realized she loved Gabriel Hatfield more for having had decided, many times in his life that he wanted to help people the way she had been helped by the nurses and him.

  Chapter 42

  After Natasha got out of the hospital, she felt frightened, and so the police assured her that Miguel Sanchez was not allowed back in either building of the Twin Towers. As she sat in her home, she wondered what he would do. Her knee had become very swollen. She could hardly walk without crutches. She remembered Gabriel in the hospital and thought she had been dreaming. Then she wondered how come he cared, and in a way, she felt happy that
she had been shot, because she felt that the most beautiful man in the world loved her more as a result. She thought about her leg, and how she had almost lost it. She remembered how frightened she had been to see the blood gushing, and how she felt, that perhaps, God had made her lucky; lucky enough to survive, lucky enough to not have lost her leg. She remembered the promises she had made to God as she had waited for the ambulance, and realized that Gabriel had known her at a moment when she had lost awareness of her surroundings, and seen her completely undone. In a way it hurt to be so well known by a man who did not really love her. Then she remembered his presence in the hospital and felt comforted by the fact that he did not detest her.

  Meanwhile, Gabriel Hatfield felt sorry for her, and although he still subconsciously feared her, his inner nurse felt a need to protect her. As a result of her getting shot, he had forgiven her for her crime of being a woman, and started feeling a desire to get closer to her. So he eagerly checked his messages daily to see if she had contacted him. He then decided to offer her help if she needed it. Although he felt proud to help a sick person, something inside him hurt to help a woman, a feeling he squashed down because of his love of compassion and dedication to service. So he wrote her the following message through Facebook:

  Hi Natasha,

  If you need help, I am here for you. Here is my number: (305) 288-9090. Anything, at all, just give me a ring.

  Hugs, Gabriel.

  As Gabriel Hatfield imagined helping Natasha, he felt excited to potentially see his clone, and therefore felt happy with his decision. He again wondered about Natasha’s sanity, but reasoned that freak coincidences were possible. Although part of him felt happy to get close to Natasha, a part of him did not, but the nurse in him overlooked all detest and wanted to be her hero.


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