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Love At The Bluebird

Page 16

by Aurora Rose Reynolds

  She finally pulls the door open, her face contorted into anger until she sees me in my crying state. “Oh my God, Aly, what’s wrong?” she asks in a panic, grabbing my wrist and hauling me inside. She closes the doors and pulls me in for a hug.

  “It’s Gavin,” I cry into her neck, my sobs preventing me from speaking coherently. “He’s… going… to… break… up… with… me,” I stutter out, the weight of those words causing me to cry harder.

  She holds me tighter and in a soothing voice tells me it’s going to be okay. I take a couple minutes to collect myself before pulling back out of her embrace.

  “I’m so sorry, Willow, for snotting all over you. I—” My voice falters as I take in her appearance. She’s wearing only a baggy, navy-blue T-shirt, with the hem of the shirt stopping at the middle of her bare thighs.

  I look her up and down in confusion, wondering why she’s dressed like this on her lunch break then bringing my gaze back to her face. “Are you sick?” I watch her gulp and her eyes focus behind me. I turn around, my eyes widening in shock to see Brodie Larsen, gloriously half-naked with disheveled hair and jeans hanging low on his hips, standing in her bedroom doorway.

  “Hey, Al,” he says softly with a tentative smile. “You okay?”

  I inhale sharply and whip my head back to look at my best friend. Her lips are swollen, hair disheveled as well, and her cheeks are turning crimson under my scrutiny.

  “You have a lot of explaining to do, Mayson.” I exhale the breath I was holding. “You told me the night I introduced you two that he was a conceited asshole.” I narrow my eyes at her in questioning.

  “He can be,” she answers with a twitch of her lips and looks at him with adoration. I hear his chuckling getting closer and then he’s standing next to her, his arm around her waist.

  “I’m so confused right now,” I grumble with a shake of my head. “How long has this been going on?”

  “Since that same night I told you he was a conceited asshole.” She looks at me sheepishly, knowing she’s in so much trouble.

  “What the hell, you guys!” I yell out in anger, throwing my arms up and placing them on my hips. “You haven’t said one word about this, Willow!”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. I’ve kind of just been wrapped up in Brodie.” He kisses her forehead tenderly, and she looks at him in a way I’ve never seen her look at any other man before. She looks at him like she’s in love with him—the complete opposite of what her feelings were over a month ago. “Just like you’ve been preoccupied with Gavin.”

  At the mere mention of his name, tears spring up again and I look up, willing them not to fall. “Yeah, well, that’s about to change.”

  “Aly, do I need to go punch his face in?” Brodie’s demeanor changes, his eyes glittering with anger. “Because it would be my pleasure if he’s hurt you.”

  I shake my head at him and give him a sad smile. “No. This is actually my fault, but thank you for looking out for me.”

  “I’ll give you two some privacy to talk.” He looks down at Willow and smirks, his eyes darkening as he rakes his eyes up and down her body. “Even though my shirt looks sexy as fuck on you, babe, I’m going to need it back unless you want me to walk out of here shirtless.”

  “Be right back, Aly. Make yourself at home.”

  They go into the bedroom, and I busy myself in the kitchen, grabbing a cup of water to distract myself from hearing their whispers and kisses. Willow comes out of the bedroom in her work clothes, with Brodie right behind her. He gives me a tight hug then kisses Willow goodbye, promising her they will see each other later before he leaves.

  “I called work and told them I’m taking the rest of the day off. So sit down and tell me everything.”

  We sit down on her couch, and I start from the very beginning of when Kathleen first approached me to her text message today.

  “You should’ve told him, Aly,” she says softly after I finished my story.

  “Yeah, I know.” I nod sadly in agreement. “I had no idea he was talking to Scotty about Big Little Music. I knew he was upset about having to work with Tori again, and I told him I didn’t care and that I trusted him, but that was the extent of our talks about him being unhappy at Charisma.” Gavin told me about Atticus’s threat and offer to write for Tori again. I wasn’t happy about it, but I told him to do it for his career. After reassuring him that I trusted him and I wasn’t going to be upset with him having to work with her, I haven’t thought about it again. I’ve put off worrying about it, because they aren’t supposed to start working on her new album for another couple weeks.

  “Well, you can’t undo the past,” she says with a sigh. “And I don’t think he’s going to break up with you. He loves you.”

  I shrug, not really knowing how to respond to that. “I know he loves me but—” I let out a shaky breath. “—the look in his eyes, Willow…” I shiver thinking about it. “He looked like he hated me.” I know after I refused to let him go and cried, something softened in his eyes, but I still don’t know where his head’s at. “He said he needed time to think, and I knew I had to let him go.” I look down and pick at another one of my nails, noticing I’ve chipped the nail polish off most of them in my despair.

  “He probably just needs some time to think things through. I’ve seen the way that man looks at you. He isn’t breaking up with you,” she says confidently while studying me closely. “Do you really love him, Aly?”

  “With every fiber of my being,” I tell her firmly, my eyes unwavering as I look at her so she knows I’m serious. “But I’m mad at him too.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He should trust me. I know he was mad, but he should have known I wouldn’t do something like that to him.”

  “You’re right,” she agrees then looks down and takes a shaky breath before bringing her gaze back up to mine. “That said, you know his history and you knew that not telling him and him finding out about Kathleen might cause problems.”

  “Yeah.” I swallow hard, seeing only one solution to this problem. “I need to quit my job.”

  “What?” Her eyes widen as I start to come up with a plan to prove to Gavin he’s what really matters to me. Handing in my notice should prove to him that I’m with him for only him and not advancement in the music industry. “I’ll quit my job and get a job somewhere else.”

  “Do you really want to quit your job?”

  “No, I mean I love my job, but I’m not happy Kathleen put me in this situation. And I can apply what I do to almost any industry, so I’m not worried about finding work.”

  “You’re talented and smart, so I know you’re right. If you’re sure about this, then I can help you reconstruct your resume.” She takes my hands as I smile in my excitement of finding a solution. I hug her, tackling her to her couch.

  “I love you so much, Willow Mayson!” I say to her as I squeeze her to me. “Thank you for always being here for me.”

  “I love you too, Aly.” She returns my hug, her arms tightening around me. I pull back so she can stand up. “Now get in that car, call Shane to give him your notice, and go find Gavin!”

  “I will, but you have to know that when this drama is over, we’re going to have a conversation about you and Brodie.”

  “I figured as much.” She rolls her eyes.

  I give her a hug goodbye then race out of her house. Hope starts to fill me as I get into my car, shut the door, and start the engine. Please, God, this has to work! I have enough savings in the bank to live comfortably for six months until I find my next job. And while I’ll miss Shane and some of my co-workers, Kathleen showing her true colors makes me second-guess if Big Little Music is where I’m meant to be. I dial Shane’s number, praying he picks up and understands when I tell him why I’m quitting.

  “Baby girl, you should’ve told me,” he says sadly after I finish. We’ve been talking for the whole thirty minutes I’ve been stuck in traffic, and I’m now parked across the street from Gavi
n’s building. I have no idea if he’s home, since he normally parks in his building’s garage, but I figured I can start here first and then go hunt him down at the studio.

  “I should’ve told a lot of people, and now I’m paying the price for it.”

  “I’m so fucking livid right now, Alyson!” I’ve never heard Shane this angry in my life, but with Kathleen owning the company, there isn’t much he can do if he wants to keep his job. “You shouldn’t be in this kind of position.”

  “But I am, Shane. Do you understand why I’m quitting though? Even if Gavin and I aren’t together any longer, there’s no way I can continue working there for her.”

  “I completely understand, but you know I’m connected in this industry. I can get you another job at another label like that.” I hear his fingers snap and smile in sadness, as I truly will miss working for him, but I know he’s my friend for life.

  “I think it’s best that I choose another industry, no matter what the outcome of my relationship with Gavin will be.” The more I think about it, the more it makes sense for me to completely get out of the music industry. I couldn’t bear to stay in it anyway if he and I don’t end up together, knowing I might see him with other women at industry events. The image of him even holding hands with someone else makes bile rise up in my throat.

  “I need to give Kathleen a piece of my mind right now when I tell her the news of your resignation. I love you, my sunshine. Call me after you find Gavin to let me know what’s happened. If you need me, I’m here.”

  I say goodbye and hang up with him. I look over at Gavin’s building and take a deep breath. Please let him be home, I pray as I get out of my car and walk across the street. I type my code into the keypad and open the door when the buzzer sounds.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Dawson,” the doorman says to me on my way in. I nod and smile in greeting, too nervous to even talk right now. I punch the up button and the elevator doors slide open. I smooth down my hair, pinch my cheeks for some color, and wipe the corners of my eyes while the elevator rises to Gavin’s floor. I take a shaky breath when the doors open and lift my head up in confidence as I walk out, determined to win my man back. This is our first major bump in our journey together, and I know we can overcome it.

  I stand in front of his door, praying he’s home so I don’t have to go searching for him. I knock rapidly, and it takes only a few seconds for the door to open. Time seems to stand still as Tori Langston stands before me in only her green lace bra and matching panties.

  “Wh… what are you doing here?” I whisper as I blink back the tears that are threatening to spill.

  She smiles like the Cheshire Cat and folds her arms beneath her chest, causing her boobs to almost spill out of her bra. “You know exactly what I’ve been doing here, sweet little Alyson.”

  “Where’s Gavin?” I look around her, my vision blurring as I see her clothes littering the floor, making a trail around the corner to where his bedroom is.

  “He’s taking a shower,” she purrs and bites her lip, making me want to throw up all over her.

  “He wouldn’t.” I shake my head at her, not believing he would throw away what we have and return to this vile woman.

  “It was just a matter of time that he and I were going to be back together. Did you really think he was going to settle for a little girl when he can have a real woman?” She snickers as she looks me up and down in disgust. Tiny knives start puncturing my heart, my body shaking in anger, hurt, and betrayal. My chest feels like it’s about to explode, and I can’t stand to look at her anymore. Without saying a word, I bolt for the nearest exit and run down the stairs.

  “No, no, no!” I scream in the stairwell, not caring if anyone hears me. I finally reach the first floor and pull open the door. I run through the lobby to the glass doors, ignoring the doorman, who calls after me in concern. I get outside and run across the street to my car, horns blaring, as I don’t even watch where I’m going and almost get hit by a car. I reach my car and fumble in my purse for my keys but can’t find them through the tears that are blocking my vision.

  “Aly? Aly, are you okay?” I hear Sosie’s voice and look up to see her running toward me. I yank open my door and shut it just as she arrives. “Aly, what’s going on? Aly! Roll down your window and talk to me,” she pleads with me while banging on the window.

  I start the engine and roll down the window, gasping for air as I try to breathe through my heartache. “Gavin… and… Tori,” I stutter out before a fresh wave of tears assaults me.

  “What? No!” Understanding enters her eyes and she shakes her head in denial. “He wouldn’t!” she says in disbelief.

  “Looks like he did,” I whisper, my heart in agony at how much this hurts. Needing solitude, I roll up my window and briefly glance up to see Sosie running toward Gavin’s building. Feeling numb, I put the car in reverse, back out, and get the hell out of there.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I CLOSE MY eyes and tilt my head back, the lukewarm water from the shower washing over me. I’ve been in here for a while, replaying what transpired with Aly over and over in my head. After I left her house, I mindlessly drove around town until I came back here and decided a shower might help clear my mind.

  Seeing her cry and beg me to trust her shredded my heart, and I keep trying to think what I would’ve done if I were in her shoes. I would’ve fucking said something right away, but I’ve come to understand Aly’s point of why she didn’t tell me at first. From the beginning, Aly has been interested in getting to know me as a person, not Gavin McNeer, the country music singer, and her actions have always proven that. She’s never inserted herself into my career and has always been supportive. When I need her, she’s there for me. It has always been me who would talk business, not her. Since day one, Aly’s been with me for the right reasons.

  “Shit,” I mumble, realizing I’ve completely fucked up. I stretch my arms out in front of me against the tile wall of the shower and hang my head down, trying to come up with a plan to prove to her that I do trust her.

  Once I’m done with my shower, I’ll call Aly and see if she can meet me. I need to reassure her that we’re going to be okay. This is our first argument, and I’m sure it won’t be our last, but what I do know is I won’t let this break us. Even though this situation is going to make seeing Kathleen Davidson very awkward from now on, but I’ll do it for Aly.

  I’m so deep in my thoughts that I don’t hear the shower door open. Hands wrap around me from behind, startling me. I feel a cheek against my back and assume it’s Aly, since only she and Sosie have a key to my apartment. I sigh in relief, grateful she’s sought me out.

  “Baby, I’m so glad you’re here,” I tell her with a smile, feeling her hands slowly moving down my abs, making their way to my cock. I look down at those hands and pause, my smile fading in confusion.

  Aly never paints her nails red.

  I turn around and my jaw drops open in shock when I see Tori standing there and not Aly.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I roar in fury, my vision going red in anger. I feel like I need another shower to wash off the poison from her touch. “Get the fuck out of here!” I twist the shower knob off with one hand, and with my other, wrap it around her bicep and walk her out of the shower. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist, not offering her one as I walk into my bedroom to grab my cell phone to call the police. I look at my screen to see I have two missed calls from Sosie and one from Aly. Fuck!

  “Awe, sweetie, why are you acting this way? You know you’ve missed me.” She tries to reach for me, but I sidestep around her and start picking up her clothes that she’s left all over my floor. I follow the trail into the living room, and once they’re all picked up, I push them into her arms.

  “Get dressed and get the fuck out. How did you get into my apartment?” I question with narrowed eyes. I had my locks changed after we broke up in case this kind of shit happened.

  “Money will buy you everything, Gavin.”

  I look at her in disgust, seeing she’s exactly like her father, and it makes me realize I don’t want to be associated with these two anymore.

  “It will never buy me! I’m filing a restraining order against your psycho ass.” I watch her throw back her head and laugh, as if I just told her the funniest shit she’s ever heard.

  What in the hell did I ever see in her?

  “Go ahead, if you want to watch your career go down the drain,” she threatens with a crazy glint in her eye. She walks over to my couch and sits down to start putting her clothes on.

  I need to burn that couch.

  I turn to go to my bedroom to get dressed, when I stop dead in my tracks at the sound of a key sliding into my lock.

  Fuck, that better not be Aly!

  I say a silent prayer of thanks when the door is thrown open and Sosie barrels in. She stops short and looks between me and Tori, her face crestfallen as she sees our unclothed bodies. I grip the towel around my waist tighter while Tori takes her time putting her clothes back on.

  “Gavin, how could you?” she cries out in anguish, tears looking like they’re pooling in her eyes.

  “How could I what? I didn’t do anything! This bitch broke into my place while I was taking a shower.” Sosie looks over at Tori, who smirks at her in confirmation. “I was just about to get dressed to go down to the police station.”

  “You’re committing career suicide, Gavin,” Tori warns while hooking her bra back on. She seems calm right now, but I can see her hands shaking.

  “My career was just fine before I met you. If anything, being associated with you has probably tarnished it.”

  She shakes her head at me and continues to get dressed. Tori’s reputation in the industry is at an all-time low, making me wonder how many of my peers were actually laughing behind my back when I was dating her.

  “If nothing happened, then why does Aly think something did?”


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