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Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2)

Page 8

by K, S

  He saw that he was wrong.

  “That’s not what I said.” Her voice was weak and unconvincing. “I’m sorry. I can’t go back and change the past.”

  Darrell heard the words she wasn’t saying. “And you have a future - a family - that doesn’t include me. Is that it?”

  “Darrell, it’s for the best…” Her voice trailed off as she realized she was beginning to sound like a broken record.

  Darrell let his eyes drop so she wouldn’t see his pain. He told himself it was just what he deserved for even coming here. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the hurt into the compartment of his heart he kept reserved especially for her; the same place he’d put all the tears and pain he’d suffered as a result of being abandoned and unwanted by her. Fine. If that’s the way she wanted it, she’d never see him again. He was getting ready to tell her so, when he saw a man who he assumed was Tina’s husband walk up from behind her. The man looked from Darrell to his wife.

  “Tina? Is there a problem? Who‘s this?”

  Tina shot Darrell a terrified look. His eyes were empty when he saw how frightened she was. “There’s no problem. I’m nobody.”

  Darrell knew the tears welling up in Tina’s eyes were for her family, not for him. He looked at her husband again, who couldn’t have been much older than him. Darrell wouldn’t put it past Tina to have lied about her age. She definitely could’ve passed for ten years younger than the thirty-five he knew her to be.

  Looking at her, Darrell seared her face into his memory. “Sorry I bothered you.”

  She opened her mouth as if to say something, but looked away. Darrell turned around and walked back to the car. Once he was inside, Marcus stared at him for a minute before he started the car. “You okay?”

  Darrell looked straight ahead. “Yeah. I’m ai’ight. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”

  Tina had been a selfish bitch then and she was a selfish bitch now. From this moment on, she would be as dead to him as he obviously was to her. He repeated the words over and over, trying to soothe the seven year old boy’s tears that still cried inside of him. The only person he’d ever been able to depend on was Marcus. And that’s the way he planned to keep it.

  Blowing out a breath to release the pain, he thought about Vegas. Sin City. Yeah. Time to start the next adventure and see what he could get into there. A smile crossed his face.

  “What’s so funny?” Marcus asked, relieved to see Darrell's spirits lifting.

  “Nothin’ man.” He turned to his brother. “Let’s go and raise some hell…”

  And they had until they met two women who made them want to give up their single, carefree, yet empty, existence. They were finally at a place in their lives where things should’ve been smooth sailing. Darrell was married to a women he would kill for – had killed for. He would give up his last breath for her and D.J. Marcus and Aleesha had reconnected against all odds, and he didn’t doubt they would marry one day soon. And now this shit.

  “I swear,” he muttered to himself as he stood up to go inside. “When it rains, it muthafuckin’ pours.”

  Chapter 9

  “Turn over,” Marcus urgently whispered to Aleesha as he sat back.

  They had been making love for almost an hour and showed no signs of slowing down. Aleesha did as he said and turned over on her stomach before leaning down on her forearms. She raised her ass in the air and moved it enticingly towards him. Marcus moaned in appreciation. When he pushed a finger inside of her warm, wet center, she bit her lip to keep from screaming out.

  “Mmmm… that feels so good…”

  Marcus slipped another finger in deep to join the first one. He moved them both slowly to tease and tantalize her until she teetered on the brink of ecstasy before pulling her back. He’d lost count of the number orgasms she’d had tonight, and he wanted this one to last.

  “Marcus, please, baby. I was about to cum….” Aleesha took a gasping breath.

  Marcus chuckled. “I know. I don’t want you to cum yet.” Aleesha whined as she looked over her shoulder at him. “You know I love you, right?” Marcus whispered to her while his dickhead played in her wetness.

  “Yes, baby.” Aleesha moaned as she tried to push back up on him.

  He softly laughed and moved just out of reach before rubbing the tip along her opening again.

  “And you know I’d do anything for you - don’t you?”

  “Yes! And right now I want you to fuck me!” Leesha impatiently rose up.

  “Uh-Uh….“ Marcus placed his hand on the small of her back and firmly pushed her down. “You know how I want it….”Aleesha made a noise of frustration, but lowered her upper body back down.

  “What’s wrong?” Marcus asked as he slipped the tip in again. “You not feelin’ this?” He smiled and impaled himself inside of her a few more inches.

  Aleesha closed her eyes. She felt faint from the delicious erotic teasing. “I swear to God, I’ve never been with anyone like you,” she whispered. “No one has ever made me feel as good as you do. Never fucked me the way you fuck me.”

  Hearing her state the words with such sexy conviction drew out a low, masculine sound of satisfaction from Marcus. He plunged deep, unable to delay her pleasure any longer because to do so would be to deny his own. In a hoarse voice, he told her how good she felt, how snug her pussy fit around him.

  Aleesha begged him not to stop, but she didn’t need to do that. Marcus had no intention of stopping. He fucked her deeper…faster...harder. With each powerful stroke her breasts bobbed and her nipples brushed against the silk sheets beneath her. The sensation brought her arousal to a new level. Aleesha tightened the muscles in her vagina, clamping down on his shaft to put it on lockdown. The exercises she’d religiously done with her ben wahl balls were paying off if Marcus’ guttural grunts were any indication.

  She kept squeezing, effortlessly creating a tight suction that made him shake every time he pulled out. As he went deeper, Aleesha bit the pillow to muffle her loud moans of pleasure. Her fingers curled around the sheets as she tore them off the bed. She swore to God, if she died now she would die a happy woman. Her screams reached a fevered pitch when her feminine walls trembled and collapsed in a massive explosion. The stimulation triggered Marcus' own orgasm. He held her hips tight as he firmly planted his dick in her pussy and spilled his seed into her waiting receptacle.

  “Leesha! Leeshaaa…shit!” Aleesha continued to use her inner muscles to milk every drop of cum from his throbbing shaft.

  Afterwards, they both collapsed on their backs, gasping for air as they tried to catch their breaths. ‘I swear…the sex between us…just gets better and better,” Marcus managed to hoarsely spit out in between rapid puffs of air.

  Aleesha crawled over to him and dropped her head on his chest as her arm circled his waist. A feeling of satisfaction washed over her at his words. “Love you.”

  “I love you too, Aleesha.” Marcus kissed the top of her head and lifted up a bit to glance at the clock on the nightstand. “You’d better try to get a little sleep. We have to be up in about three hours to make it to the airport.”

  Aleesha stretched and kissed her way down his stomach. “I can always sleep later…”

  Marcus smiled as he lay back and let her do her thing.

  At the airport, Aleesha and Keisha’s flight had just been called. Keisha gave Marcus a hug, then walked away to allow them some privacy.

  Marcus held Aleesha close before pulling back to gently kiss her lips. He stared into her eyes with an intensity that seemed to physically wrap around her. “No matter what happens, just remember I love you. Okay?”

  Aleesha tilted her head. “Baby, of course I know that.” Putting her hand on the side of his face, she told him. “Everything is going to work out. You’ll see.”

  Marcus brought his lips down to hers and kissed her again. He loved her so damned much. They’d gone through a lot of drama the last couple of days and ended up closer than ever. They had each other’s bac
k and it was one hell of a feeling.

  A few feet away, Keisha’s cell phone rang. She dug in her purse and pulled it out and frowned because she didn’t recognize the number.




  “Hi. This is Dom - Dominick.”

  Keisha’s eyes widened as her heart began to beat a little faster. She put her hand over the bottom of the phone and took a deep breath before answering. “Dominick. Hi. How are you?”

  “I’m doing well.” Keisha heard the uncertainty in his voice. “Uh, hey, I’m sure you guys are probably getting ready to board soon, but I just wanted to give you a quick call. Jerra gave me your number. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Keisha closed her eyes. Bless you, Jerra. “No. I don’t mind at all.”

  “With everything that’s been going on with Marcus right now, and then Jerra and the baby and …” Dominick stopped talking when he heard himself starting to ramble. “What I’m trying to say is even though we didn’t get a chance to spend any time together, I’d love to call you once you get home. Maybe we can get to know one another.”

  Yes! Keisha silently screamed and jumped up and down. She cleared her throat and spoke calmly into the phone. “I’d like that, but I have a confession to make. I asked Marcus for your number and was planning on calling you when I got back home.” They both laughed and the tension left the conversation.

  “Great. I see we’re on the same page at least,” Dominick said with a laugh. “I won’t keep you. When you get settled in, give me a call.”

  “Most definitely. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  After they hung up, Keisha stood staring into space until she heard Aleesha calling her name. “Coming…”

  After she picked up her carry-on bag, she walked over to join Aleesha, finally giving up on trying to quell the smile persistently tugging at her mouth.

  Three days later...

  Marcus sat in his car, listening to the woman on the other end of the phone.

  “Before she left work, I heard her making plans with her friends to meet at that new jazz club on Paradise off of I-515.…”

  “Perfect. Katrina, you don’t know how much I appreciate this.” The young nurse from the hospital had been keeping him up to date on any news she happened to come across and tonight was exactly what he’d been waiting on.

  “No thanks is necessary Marcus…um, Dr. Bennett. I’d - we’d - do anything to help you. Everyone knows Paula is lying. We all witnessed the way she threw herself at you every chance she got, and we’ve made statements to Dr. Roberts telling her this. The problem is that stuck up Dr. Blalock. It’s not as easy to discredit her.”

  “Don’t worry about Dr. Blalock, Katrina. I’ll take care of her,” Marcus said in a quiet voice. “I’ll be in touch.”

  After he hung up the phone, Marcus sat for a moment and went over his plan in his mind and smiled. He‘d been waiting for the perfect opportunity to put it into motion and tonight was the night.

  A couple of hours later, Marcus was sitting in the club Katrina told him about. He chose a table that would allow him a good view of the entrance, and once Paula arrived he’d be able to see her right away. Picking up his glass, he sipped on his whiskey as he waited.

  Not soon after, he spotted her and a group of her friends. His face frowned up in intense dislike as he thought about how she was trying to ruin his life while all the while laughing and drinking with her girlfriends as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Biding his time, he sat back and waited.

  When Marcus saw Paula get up and go to the restroom, he took that as his cue and went over to the bar. He hunkered down on a stool which would put him directly in her path when she came out. Several minutes later, he saw her walking his way.

  Once she was close enough to notice him, he yelled to the bartender to bring him another shot, intentionally slurring his words and swaying on the stool. He put his head down and hunched his shoulders, looking dejected and defeated.

  Paula slowed down as she passed behind him. Marcus threw the shot back in one swallow. His hands slammed against the top surface of the bar as he stood up then slightly swayed, almost falling to the floor.


  Marcus turned around when he heard her call his name. He focused on her and plastered a smile on his face. “Well…look who’s here. Nurse Paula.” His upper lip lifted in an insulting sneer. When he went to take a step towards her, he drunkenly tripped.

  Paula automatically grabbed him around the waist to hold him up. “Marcus! Are you okay?”

  Marcus let out a loud laugh. “Am I okay? Oh yeah, I’m fucking great! Couldn’t be better - thanks to you.” He pushed away from her and started digging in his pockets. “Where in the hell are my keys?”

  Paula’s expression was wary and anxious. “Marcus. You can’t be driving home in your condition…”

  “Whatdoyoucare….?” Marcus slurred and squinted at his keys as if trying to remember which one was the car key. “Don’t pretend you care about me Paula…”

  “Marcus you know I care.” Paula’s eyes were nervous as they skittered up to his. She glanced at the table where her friends were sitting and then back at Marcus. As if coming to a decision, she pushed him backwards to sit down on the stool. “I’m going to drive you home. I’ll get one of my girlfriends to come behind us to pick me up. Wait here, I’ll be right back.” She took the keys out of his hand before she walked off. “I’ll hold on to these for now.”

  Marcus watched while Paula went back to her table to whisper something to her girlfriends. His smile was sinister and calculating.

  Stupid bitch.

  Paula pulled up into Marcus’ driveway and turned off the ignition. Marcus' seat was in the reclining position while he pretended to be asleep. Paula’s eyes ran over his handsome face before traveling over his body. Her breathing quickened when memories surfaced of the times they’d had sex. Years later, he was still the best she’d ever had. She’d tried to get over him with different men, but each one paled in comparison to Marcus.

  When he stirred and opened his eyes, Paula melted. She’d always loved the color of his eyes. They reminded her of warm cognac.

  “Where are we?” Marcus sat up and looked around.

  “We’re at your house. Wait, let me help you out.” Paula opened her door and rushed around to Marcus’ side. Once he stepped out, she let him lean on her while they went up the walkway.

  “I’m too heavy for you,” Marcus protested.

  “No, you’re fine. I’m okay.”

  Paula fiddled around with his keys when they got to the front door and finally managed to find the right one. Marcus walked in and went straight to the couch. He threw himself down on it and leaned back to watch her from underneath heavy lids. Paula tentatively came closer, looking nervous and unsure.

  “I guess I should thank you for bringing me home.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. I could never live with myself if anything happened to you, Marcus.”

  Marcus' laugh was rough and harsh. “Yeah, I can tell how much you ‘care’ about me Paula. I really appreciate the love,” he told her with sarcasm dripping from every word. Paula remained silent, unable to meet his eyes. Marcus sat up and gave her a hard stare. “Let me ask you a question. Why? Why are you doing this to me?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Do you hate me that much?”

  “I don’t hate you at all, I love you Marcus!” Paula gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, surprised that the confession had slipped past her lips.

  Marcus patted the cushion next to him. “Come here.”

  Paula slowly walked over and sat down on the edge of the seat. She flinched when he reached up to touch her face.

  “You don’t realize how hard it’s been for me to stay away from you,” Marcus said after a moment.

  Paula jerked her head back and gave him an angry scowl. “Marcus, please.
I’m not stupid. You avoid me every chance you get. You barely say two words to me. Plus, you have a girlfriend. You’re only saying this now because of the situation you’re in at the hospital.”

  Marcus’ eyes hardened before he managed to hide his expression. “Paula, I cared for you...a lot. I’d never felt that way about anyone before. I admit I was scared."

  He moved closer to her and put his finger underneath her chin to turn her face to his. “Don’t you remember how good things were?” he whispered. “We only had to be in the same room together and everyone around us felt the attraction.”

  Marcus paused and dipped his head to try to catch her downcast eyes. “Paula, look at me. I never told you this, but there were complaints at the hospital about the two of us ’socializing’ with each other. Dr. Roberts called me in and, in so many words, told me she wasn’t happy about us fraternizing on the job. Before you say anything, yes, I gave in to the pressure of ending it because I didn’t want my career to suffer. I’m sorry.”

  Paula’s eyes watered as anger spread over her face. “That bitch! Why didn’t you tell me? All this time, I thought….”

  “You’re right. I should have.” Marcus leaned towards her and gently kissed her lips once, then twice.

  Paula sighed and deepened the kiss. Suddenly she pulled back and stared into his eyes. “What about your girlfriend?”

  “I don’t want her. If you’ll give me another chance, I’ll end it with her. I just need to know that you don’t hate me.”

  Moaning, Paula circled her arms around Marcus’ neck and passionately kissed him. Her fingers fumbled over themselves to unbutton his shirt, enthusiastically running her hands along the skin she exposed.


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