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Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2)

Page 12

by K, S

  Now who in the hell is that, especially coming over without calling first. Already in a bad mood because she was sexually frustrated, Keisha grabbed her robe and stomped through the house.

  Peeking thru the peephole, she lightly rested her forehead on the door when she saw who it was. What in the fuck was Rochelle doing here? She hesitated before swinging the door open. Her eyebrows bunched together in obvious displeasure.

  “What do you want?” She knew she sounded rude - but what the fuck!

  “Don’t be mad, Keisha. I was passing by on my way to the club and saw your light on, so…”

  Keisha just stood there with her arms folded, doubt clearly evident on her face.

  Rochelle opened her mouth, and then closed it. Taking a step towards Keisha, Rochelle encircled her waist. “Okay, I won’t lie. I wanted to see you, baby.”

  Keisha exhaled a deep breath and placed her hands over Rochelle’s to push her away. “Rochelle, we’ve gone over this before. I don’t think -”

  Rochelle brought her lips to Keisha’s, effectively cutting off the rest of her words. Her hand slid to the back of Keisha’s neck as she deepened the kiss, slowly moving her tongue around Keisha’s mouth. Keisha moaned before tearing their mouths apart. Their sex life had definitely not been one of their problems.

  Rochelle kissed the sensitive spot behind Keisha’s ear. “Baby, I accept the fact that what we had is over, but I want you so bad. I’ve never been with anyone like you. Please, Keisha.” She opened Keisha’s robe and licked the hard pebble of Keisha’s nipple. Keisha moaned and brought Rochelle’s lips mouth back to hers, and unable to help herself, lightly nipped her bottom lip before eagerly kissing her.

  “Let me make you feel good, baby….”

  Rochelle pushed Keisha against the wall as she closed the door and kissed a path down Keisha’s body. She dropped to her knees and nudged Keisha’s legs open, tonguing her pussy the same way she had just finished tonguing her mouth. After only a few licks, she brought Keisha to an earth shattering climax. Even though she’d been unbelievably horny, Keisha had to give Rochelle her props. The woman had always given her the best oral she’d ever had, and knew exactly where and how to touch Keisha to keep her satisfied.

  Hours later as they lay exhausted in Keisha’s bed, Keisha got up to go to the bathroom. Once there, she heard the phone ringing, knowing it was Dominick. This was the fourth or fifth time he’d called. She hadn’t wanted to talk in front of Rochelle, so she’d let it go to voice mail.

  But now, Keisha became suddenly still and alert when the phone was picked up after the second ring. Before she could get back to her bedroom, she heard Rochelle’s suggestive tone.

  “Keisha’s….busy at the moment. Oh…sure…I’ll tell her you called…it may be a while before I can manage that, though, because my mouth is going to be busy making her pussy cum so hard until -”

  Keisha snatched the receiver out of Rochelle’s hand before she could finish, but the damage had already been done.

  Chapter 13

  Rochelle defiantly stared at Keisha, unaffected by the blatant anger on her face. Keisha stabbed the mute button with her finger and said to Rochelle in a voice that shook from trying to restrain her fury, “By the time I finish this conversation I want you out of my fucking house.”

  Rochelle only raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes as Keisha grabbed her robe and left out of the room. She walked to her kitchen and leaned against the counter. With her heart pounding in her chest, she took a deep breath before bringing the phone to her ear.


  There was a pause before he slowly answered. She heard the confusion in his voice. “Uh…yeah. Keisha?”


  Again - the awkward pause.

  “Look…um… if you’re busy…”

  “No! No, I can talk. I’m…sorry.”

  Dominick hesitated before speaking. “Who was that?”

  “Nobody. At least nobody important.” Keisha cut her eyes to the bedroom where Rochelle still had not emerged from. If she’s not out of my house in five got damn minutes…

  “Is there something you’d like to tell me, Keisha?”

  Keisha winced. She really didn’t want to have this conversation with him right now. “Dominick, can we talk about this later?”

  Dominick was silent for a few moments. Keisha could almost swear it was the loudest thing she’d ever heard. “Sure. You seem to be in the middle of something, so I take it this isn’t a good time?” Sarcasm dripped from the words.


  "Guess you didn’t need me to call after all. Seems like ya girl has that handled on her end. So, I’m going to let you get back to your…friend.”

  “Dom, wait!” But all she heard was a dial tone. A moment later, Keisha dropped the phone on the counter and stalked back to the bedroom, becoming more upset with every step she took.

  Seeing Rochelle still casually lounging in her bed added fuel to Keisha’s anger until she saw red. Rochelle had only seen a side of Keisha that surfaced when she was annoyed or irritated, but now she was getting ready to witness the Keisha who ‘wilded out’ when someone fucked with her - and Keisha did not like to be fucked with.

  Without a word, she went to the bed and snatched the covers back. She grabbed Rochelle by the arm and jerked her naked ass to the floor, ignoring her shrieks of surprise and shock.

  “Keisha!! What are you doing?! Stop it!!”

  Keisha caught her by the wrists and proceeded to literally drag her kicking and screaming out of her bedroom. When they made it to the living room, Keisha released Rochelle and picked up her clothes which were haphazardly scattered about. A few hours ago she had practically torn them from Rochelle’s body; now, she bundled them together and furiously threw them at her. Rochelle stood up and looked at Keisha with her mouth gaping open.

  “Keisha! What’s wrong with you?!”

  “I told you to get the fuck out of my house! Did you think I was playin' with you? I wasn’t! Get the fuck out now!”

  When Rochelle stared at her with a stupid expression on her face as if she didn’t understand English, Keisha’s eyes narrowed. She was trying to stop from slapping the shit out of this simple bitch, but she wasn’t sure how much longer she would be able to restrain herself.

  “You have one minute to put your clothes on before I throw your ass outside just the way you are.” Keisha folded her arms and shot her a look the North Pole would’ve probably welcomed.

  “You are one crazy bitch, do you know that?” Rochelle began pulling her clothes on, not doubting for a moment that Keisha would indeed throw her out butt ass naked. “Who in the hell do you think you are?”

  Keisha walked to the door and held it open. "Who do I think I am? I’m the bitch who’s gonna whip your ass if you ever come near me again. Now for the last time, get the fuck out!”

  Rochelle huffed and snatched up her shoes and grabbed her keys off of the table by the couch. As she swished past Keisha, she hesitated, but Keisha shook her head. “Don’t.”

  Rochelle walked out, barely clearing the threshold before Keisha slammed the door. Keisha stood for a second staring at the spot Rochelle had vacated. She was furious, but more upset with herself than anything else. She knew how juvenile and silly Rochelle was from experience. She’d had sex with her tonight in a moment of weakness and hoped the price she had to pay wouldn’t be losing Dominick before they’d even had a chance to explore a relationship.

  Keisha paced back and forth, nibbling at her fingernail. She looked at the clock. Almost 2 a.m. She picked up the phone then put it down. One part of her wanted to call Dominick, but the other part was terrified to hear what he might say.

  Using the process of elimination she decided not to bother Jerra because she didn’t want to wake the baby. That left Aleesha. Keisha sat on the couch with her legs folded underneath her and dialed the number.

  “Hello…” Aleesha’s groggy voice was full of sleep.
/>   “Leesh? Hey girl, it’s Keisha. You in the bed already?”

  Aleesha squinted through one eye and looked at the clock. “Keisha? Is everything ok?”

  “Everything’s fine. Just…calling.” Keisha stalled. She heard Marcus in the background asking if something happened, and Aleesha mumbling an answer.

  “What’s wrong?” Aleesha asked her. “You’re not calling me this time of the morning to chitchat.”

  Keisha briefly chewed on the corner of her mouth before deciding to just spit it out. “Well, you know me and Dominick have been talking on the phone pretty often for the last month and a half…”

  Aleesha drifted in and out of sleep. “Mmmm hmmm…” she answered drowsily.

  “Things have been going great. You know I really like him, Leesh. The conversation is stimulating…he’s sexy as hell…I mean, I honestly can’t wait to fuck his brains out…”

  “Mmmm hmmm….” Aleesha was aware of this as well.

  Keisha nibbled on her bottom lip. “You remember Rochelle, right?”

  “Hmph. Yeah I remember that little spoiled heffa.”

  “I’ve been avoiding her for the last couple of months after she and I broke up. She’s been bugging the shit out of me. And tonight she popped up at my house unannounced…one thing led to the other…”

  Aleesha slowly opened one eye. Now, Keisha was getting around to the reason why she’d called. “Okay…”

  “Well, I’d talked to Dominick earlier this evening, and his daughter was over. We agreed he’d call me back after she was asleep, so that we could…talk.”

  By this time Aleesha had opened both eyes and was staring up at the ceiling in the dark. A slight frown began to form on her brow.

  “Of course, when he called back, I was in the middle of...something with Rochelle, so I didn’t pick up. When I went to the bathroom, he called back again…and Rochelle answered the phone.”

  Aleesha sat straight up in the bed. “Keisha. Please…don’t say what I think you’re gonna say…”

  “That bitch made comments to him to let him know that she….that we…that I…”

  Aleesha closed her eyes. “Keishaaa….no.” Keisha didn’t have to explain any further. Aleesha could only imagine the things Rochelle said to Dominick. She, nor Jerra, had ever liked the woman, and from the couple of times they’d met her, their initial opinion hadn’t changed. If anything - it had gotten worse.

  “Why would you even mess around with her again? Damn, Keisha. What did Dominick say?”

  “I guess he didn’t know what to say. He seemed a little shocked.”

  “You think?! In all of the conversations you and he have had, you never got around to mentioning to him that you’re bi? And before you say anything, yes, I know you don’t see it as being a big deal, and it’s not to a lot of people. But I told you once before that you needed to tell him.”

  “I stand by what I said. It’s not a big deal. I didn’t see you, or Jerra, or anyone else for that matter, just coming out and saying…”

  “Keisha! Alright! We’ve had this argument a thousand times. Heterosexual people don’t come out and announce their sexual orientation, so why should you, but whether you want to admit it or not, it's something that could be relevant in a relationship.”

  Keisha was quiet for a minute. “What do I do now, Leesh? Normally, I would’ve said ‘fuck ‘em’ and kept it moving, but….I really like him.”

  “I know, honey. You need to talk to him, though…and the sooner, the better.”

  After they hung up, Aleesha sat there for a moment.

  “Dom found out huh?” Marcus asked.

  “It’s not like she was trying to hide it. I understand her reasoning that she shouldn’t have to come out and make a big announcement about her sexual orientation.” No matter her personal feelings, Aleesha was going to defend her friend.

  “Maybe not, but the moment she saw they were getting to know one another, she should’ve told him. Darrell and I stayed out of it because you and Jerra asked us to, but Dominick's our friend. She should've told him." Marcus frowned at her. “How did he find out?”

  Aleesha repeated parts of the conversation she’d had with Keisha. A soft curse hissed out and Marcus stared at her for a minute.

  “That’s not cool, Leesh. Damn.”

  Dominick lay on his couch with one thrown over the back of it while staring at the TV without really seeing it. He kept going over what happened when he called Keisha a little while ago. No matter how he tried to explain it away, he always came back to the same conclusion. Keisha was into women. But she had to be into men too.

  Dominick knew when a woman liked him, and he knew Keisha was attracted to him and wanted him just as much as he wanted her. His dick got hard even now thinking about the sexy things she said she wanted to do to him. He hadn’t been with anyone for several weeks, had been avoiding the phone calls from his “fuck buddies.” He realized they weren’t in an exclusive relationship, but to be honest, he hadn’t wanted anyone else. Keisha would be moving here in a matter of weeks. Apparently she couldn’t wait.

  Spain, when are you gonna learn, man? You need to get your shit together. You had the right idea before meeting Keisha, which was seeing as many women as you wanted, no commitments, and no explanations on either part.

  Dominick got up to go to bed. He’d just turned off the lights when his phone rang. When he saw who it was, he let out a short laugh and shook his head. Keisha.

  “Yeah…” he answered.

  “Dom? Hi. It’s Keisha. Did I wake you?”


  “I know it’s late. Would you prefer I call you tomorrow?”

  “I’ll be spending the day with Sam tomorrow.”

  Keisha cleared her throat. So far, his tone didn’t sound very encouraging. “Okaaayyy…I just wanted to….apologize…for what happened earlier this evening when you called.”

  “No need for you to apologize, Keisha. We’re not in a committed relationship.” Dominick paused before addressing the pink elephant in the room. “I’m not mistaken in thinking that woman who answered your phone is someone you’re…seeing…am I?”

  “I’m not…seeing her…not anymore anyway. She just happened to drop by…”

  “Ahhh…and one thing led to another, right?”

  "Something like that.”

  Dom tried to hold his tongue. In a moment of clarity, he realized it wasn’t the fact that Keisha was into women, it was that someone else had been there doing what he wanted to do. At this point, he couldn’t have given a flying fuck if it had been a man or a woman.

  “So…when I told you to keep it wet and warm for me, your friend took care of that, huh?“ Dom laughed, finding nothing at all amusing about the image playing over and over in his mind. He found the undertones of jealousy in his voice even less so. “Once again, you don’t owe me an explanation. Have a good night, Keisha.”

  Dominick hung up the phone before he said something he might possibly regret later. Keisha was free to do whatever she pleased as was he. Would he fuck her if the opportunity presented itself? Hell yeah! No promises had been made between them. And now that he’d put things back in perspective, he planned to keep it that way.

  Chapter 14

  A couple of weeks later, Dominick was in his office trying to go over the latest drawings he'd completed. He was employed as an architect at one of the top architectural firms in the country and was currently working on a multi-million dollar project for the construction of high-rise condos in Vegas. Dominick had been handpicked by the backers. In fact, it was made crystal clear from the beginning: If he wasn’t part of the deal - there would be no deal. The investors had been most impressed with his previous designs, especially a new mega mall in Vegas that had been hailed as an innovative and groundbreaking structure in Architectural Digest.

  At this moment, however, he was at an impasse. He’d been looking at the same page of the blueprint for the last hour, and damned if all he saw staring back
at him were images of Keisha: Keisha smiling, Keisha naked, Keisha giving him a come hither invitation which shouted out how much she wanted to fuck until they dropped …

  He closed his eyes as he thought about the pictures she had emailed him last week – one every night around the same time. The little minx had him stalking his computer waiting for them by the third night. He swore to God she’d done it with the sole purpose of driving him insane, and the ploy was working. Dammit!

  Unable to help himself, he pulled up his email and clicked on one picture in particular. He leaned back in his chair as he stared at her lying on her bed with her eyes half closed looking at the camera with her legs spread wide open - apparently in the midst of an orgasm. Her hand was between her thighs with one finger stuck deep inside of her pussy while her head was thrown back as she bit her lips in ecstasy.

  Dominick’s eyes narrowed as his observation of the picture intensified. Looking at the seductive image before him, he almost felt as if he were actually in that room with her, seeing her in the flesh. He imagined her hips undulating uncontrollably as her finger moved in and out of her warm center. His hand reached down to squeeze his erection as he let out a low moan. Yeah, she was most definitely dishing out an inhumane form of torture by sending those pictures to him…she had to know this!

  After the night when he’d called and that woman had answered the phone, Dominick had distanced himself and become less available to Keisha. Not long after that, he had told her he’d come to the decision that this - thing - between them wasn’t going to work out and hopefully they could remain friends. Dominick felt he was beginning to get into her a little bit too deep, too fast. Otherwise, why would he give a fuck who she was sleeping with? Nah, he needed to slow things down. If he let himself, Keisha could be lethal to his peace of mind, and that wasn’t happening!


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