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Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2)

Page 16

by K, S

  Dominick made the mistake of looking at her. Her eyes were tightly closed as if she was concentrating on each and every movement that drove her closer to satisfaction's door. Her face was an expression of unbridled pleasure as she fucked him for all she was worth.

  “Oh baby. It hurts so damn good…” she whispered.

  Dom lost what little control he’d been trying to hang on to. He tightened his hands on her waist and pulled her down as he thrust up, impaling her to the hilt and sending Keisha over the edge. His thumb covered her clit and lightly circled, making her cream gush and flow down his shaft. Dominick joined her seconds. They rode the orgasm out until the last waves of electricity ran its course through their body.

  Dom collapsed on the bed with Keisha falling on top of him. He caressed her back until their breathing slowly returned to normal.

  “Damn.” Keisha said.

  Dom silently agreed. “You okay?”

  “Mmhm. You?” She lifted her head to look at him, suddenly unsure. “Did you enjoy it?”

  Dom leaned up to kiss her. “I more than enjoyed it.”

  Keisha smiled, but then her eyes widened when she felt him harden inside of her again. Dom grinned as he reached over to get another condom.

  About four hours later, they pulled up in front of Marcus’ house. Keisha was relaxed beyond words - until she saw Darrell and Jerra’s car parked in Marcus’ driveway.

  “Oh, great.” Keisha gestured towards the vehicles. “This is why I didn’t want to tell them about us yet. They’re gonna make this into a bigger deal than it actually is,” Keisha grumbled.

  Dominick’s brows bunched together in a frown. This was the second time she’d made a point reiterating the fact that this was only a casual thing. He had been getting ready to ask her out to dinner, but instead of extending the invitation, he got out and went around to open her door. His expression was cool and guarded.

  “They can’t make a big deal out of nothing, can they?”

  Keisha quickly looked up at him. Rolling her eyes, she got out and left him standing there. Thoroughly confused, Dominick followed her to the front door, trying to figure her out. One minute she made it clear she neither wanted nor expected any commitments from him, and when he went along with her, she copped an attitude.


  The moment they stepped inside the house, the aroma of barbeque cooking on the grill caused both their stomachs to growl. They hadn’t had breakfast nor lunch, and it was almost two o’clock in the afternoon. Keisha followed the appetizing smell to the backyard. Marcus and Darrel were grilling steaks while Jerra and Aleesha sat under the large covered patio area laughing and talking.

  “Mmmm, that looks good.” Keisha kept her tone light and casual. She tried to avoid the four pairs of eyes that shifted and stared at her and Dominick with knowing smirks on their faces.

  Dom walked pass Keisha to greet everyone then reached in the cooler to get a beer. Keisha glared at his nonchalant attitude as he began discussing sports with the men.

  Ignoring Aleesha and Jerra, Keisha said to no one in particular, “I’m going to change.”

  Cutting her eyes Dominick’s way again, she flounced around and headed to her room. Aleesha and Jerra exchanged troubled glances. Jerra went over to Darrell and gave him the baby before they quickly followed Keisha. Without knocking they entered the room and stood staring at her silently with their arms folded…waiting.

  At first, Keisha did her best to pretend they weren’t there. Finally, she spun around in her bra and panties and scowled in their direction. “What…?!”

  “Bitch, if you don’t start talking now…” Aleesha said. “You know ‘what’, got dammit.”

  Keisha made a big production of choosing something to wear from her closet as she tried to buy herself more time.


  Smacking her lips, Keisha pulled out a pair of shorts and tank top. “Okay! Damn. I spent the night with Dominick.”

  “Wait a minute. The last we heard, you were going home with Michael. How did you end up with Dom?”

  Keisha told them about last night, continuing with her story when they gasped at the part about Leslie. Hell, she didn’t understand why they acted so surprised, but then she grinned. At least it was good to know she could still shock them every now and then.

  “What’s so funny?” Jerra asked.

  “Nothing. Anyway…that’s what happened. Sorry I didn’t call, Leesh. I must’ve fallen asleep. I’m starved….”

  “Oh, no ma’am. If you even think about leaving out of this room, we will kick your ass. Details. Now.”

  Keisha tried to stop the smile from spreading over her face but was unsuccessful. “It…was…greatttt!!!” she shouted. Aleesha and Jerra ran up to her screaming and grinning.

  Keisha told them about how Dom made her cum over and over again, and what an exceptional, insatiable lover he was. “That man knows he is the truth!” Keisha laughed. “Now. Can I please go and get something to eat? I’m starving.”

  As they walked out and headed back to join the men, Jerra asked her, “So what happens from here? Are you two going to start dating? Are you going to meet his daughter….?”

  Keisha turned around and gaped at them. “Wait, wait, wait!! Damn! Y’all have me ready to walk down the aisle with the man. It was just sex. Trust, there’s no chance of me having a relationship with Dominick, of all people. It ain’t that type of party.” Keisha didn’t mean the words to come out the way they sounded, but she had to get them off of the subject to give her time to sort out her feelings.



  With horrific expressions, they both stared over her shoulder with their mouths open. Keisha turned around and looked straight into Dominick’s eyes. Keisha’s lips parted, but she had no idea what to say. It was apparent from the anger suffusing his face he’d heard what she said.


  Dominick was so still, he looked like he was carved out of stone. After talking to Marcus and Darrell, he decided to take a chance and ask her out. Big mistake.

  “Thanks for clearing that up.” He walked past her without a word and slammed out the door.

  Months ago when the two of them first started talking on the phone, they'd enjoyed discovering how much they had in common. The conversation flowed effortlessly. Last night and this morning he'd glimpsed a vulnerability behind the smart ass facade Keisha liked to project. There was a softness that she didn’t let many people see. He thought there could possibly be something special other than just great sex between them but it appeared he'd been wrong.

  And it hadn't helped matters that she'd announced it in front of everyone.

  Darrell looked at Keisha as if he wanted to strangle her with his bare hands. "Keisha...? What the fuck?!"

  Chapter 19

  Keisha stood rooted to the spot after Dominick left. She wanted to run after him, but her pride wouldn’t let her. Dammit, Keisha. Why can’t you ever just keep your mouth shut? She couldn’t admit she was wrong, so she turned towards Darrell, taking her anger out on him.

  “And what is that supposed to mean, ‘Keisha, what the fuck’?” she scowled.

  Darrell was not one to back down from an argument which is why he and Keisha stayed at odds with one another; they were too much alike. Walking up to her, he crossed his arms and stared her straight in the eye. “It means just that. What in the fuck is wrong with you?!”

  “Darrell….” Jerra tried to head off the argument, but neither was listening to her. Keisha’s scowl deepened.

  “Not a got damn thing is wrong with me. And you’re a fine one to talk. Don’t stand there and act like you were the epitome of decorum and tact before you met and married Jerra. I’m sure both you and Marcus have said a lot shadier shit to women than that.”

  Marcus looked up from his plate and raised his hands up as if to say he wasn’t in their argument.

  “Keisha….” Aleesha tried her hand at being the
peacemaker with little success as Keisha talked over her.

  “But just because I’m a female, all of a sudden, it’s ‘what the fuck?’”

  “Hell yeah, Keisha. That was some shady shit to say. It’ll serve you right if Dominick decides to leave you alone for good this time.”

  “Darrell, kiss my ass!” Keisha stomped towards her bedroom.

  “That’s the problem now,” Darrell yelled out after her. “You too used to men and women waitin' in line to do just that, with ya spoiled ass.”

  Keisha answered by slamming the door. Jerra stared at Darrell in consternation.

  “What…?” he grinned. “Let’s eat.” A good fight with Keisha always made him hungry.

  A week later, Marcus, Darrell, and Dominick were at the park finishing a Saturday morning game of pickup basketball. They were playing against fellas at least ten years younger than them. So far, they were holding their own and keeping a slight lead, but the other guys' youth and speed was fast eating up the distance.

  "D, guard him, man! Come on!!"

  "Man, I got this; you just worry about yourself over there!"

  True to his word, Darrell stole the ball and nailed a three pointer which won the game.

  "Whoo!!! Yes, baby!!! That's what I'm talkin' bout!" Darrell screamed as he paced back and forth.

  "Good shot, D!" Marcus and Dominick ran over to him.

  "Way to go man!!"

  "I don't know when y’all gonna stop doubting me! I'm a BEAST baby!!" Darrell boasted as he hit himself on the chest with his fist. He was hyped and pumped up to the max.

  They shook hands with the younger guys before leaving the court still talking shit amongst themselves. They were as excited as if they were members of a winning NBA team who’d just won the championship ring instead of in the middle of the park on a Saturday morning.

  The three men went over to a bench and flung themselves down, guzzling Gatorade and continuing to ramble on about the highlights of the game. Their victory was made all the sweeter because of the trash talking the younger men had been doing.

  "Yeah, I bet they'll think twice about calling somebody ‘Pops’ now," Darrell grinned.

  "Yeah. My body might feel the aches and pains tomorrow, but it'll be worth it," Dom laughed.

  "Nah, what was worth it was seeing the looks on their faces when they realized we weren’t a bunch of scrubs they could just run over," Marcus said as he finished off his sports drink.

  The men sat basking in their victory for a few minutes until Marcus looked over at Dom and broke the silence. "So man...what's up with you and Keish."

  Dom’s face closed up at the mention of Keisha’s name. "What's up with Keisha?" he repeated. "Absolutely nothing and I plan on keepin’ it that way."

  Darrell leaned his elbows on his knees and chimed in. "Dom, what she said was fucked up, but you got to know Keisha. She didn't mean it like that."

  "Yeah. She's sorry, man. I'm so tired of looking at her mope around the house, I'm about ready to plead her case for her," Marcus joked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

  "No need for that. In her words, it is what it is. She's left messages apologizing, and when I get around to talking to her, I’ll accept her apology, but I'm not for that drama. That's exactly why I'm divorced. If I wanted to put up with bullshit I would’ve stayed married."

  "All relationships are gonna have BS from both parties,” Darrell answered. “As perfect as my baby is, I gotta bite my tongue sometimes and just let some things go." Marcus nodded in agreement.

  "Of course. You’re married and Marcus is engaged. Believe me, I understand the concept of making a relationship work, but last weekend showed me I'm not ready to get into that again. I mean, I literally had the best sex of my life with her, I ain’t gonna lie. To be honest I thought - nah, I know she was feeling me, but I guess we weren’t on the same page. If I decide I want to take this further, I’ll go from there. For now, I have my daughter and that's all I need. She’s also the only female attitude I can and will handle at this point in time.”

  As much as Darrell and Marcus wanted to convince him otherwise, this was Dom’s decision. Silence fell between them again as they all became lost in their thoughts.

  Not long after, a trio of gorgeous women walked up to them smiling. The tallest one stepped forward. “We saw you guys spankin’ ass on the court. Very impressive.”

  “Thanks. All in a day’s work,” Darrell said with a smile.

  “My friends and I were wondering if you’d like to grab a bite to eat later on today - our treat.”

  Darrell held up his left hand. “Sorry. I’m married…”

  “Happily?” One of them asked. The ring was not a deterrent.

  Darrell laughed. This age old game would never change. “Yep.”

  “And I’m engaged,” Marcus answered when they turned to him.

  “You’re not married yet,” the third one said, dimples showing. Marcus smiled but didn’t comment, so she looked at Dominick. “Are you taken as well?”

  Dominick pushed the image of Keisha out of his head and grinned. “Nope. I’m free as a bird.”

  This brought smiles to the women’s faces. They’d shared before - they didn’t mind doing it again.

  Keisha stared out the window, deep in thought while Jerra and Aleesha exchanged gossip about an incident that happened to someone they all knew back in Atlanta. She tried to concentrate on what they were saying, but her mind kept wandering to the last time she’d seen Dominick. She was still kicking herself for acting like a brat instead of a grown woman.

  She’d been wary of getting involved with him after he’d become so withdrawn, but once she decided to sleep with him, she kept telling herself it wouldn’t be a big deal. She didn’t want him to have to worry about her becoming clingy or having expectations afterwards.

  Keisha was not used to feeling unsure about anything. Ever since her parents died in a plane crash, she'd made a conscious decision to live her life to please only herself. At this moment, her emotions were running rampant and she was at a loss as to how to deal with it.

  Keisha closed her eyes. No one had ever made her body experience the things Dominick had, and to be honest it had freaked her out. After all the times she had taunted Jerra and Aleesha about being dick whipped the first time they’d had sex with their men, Keisha thought that could never be her. However, the moment he’d touched her, she had been ready to fuck Dominick anywhere, anyway, and any how - and damn near had.

  Not talking to him this last week had almost driven her crazy. Determined to ‘woman up’, she’d swallowed her pride, because pride wasn’t keeping her warm and satisfied at night. She’d called him several times, but kept getting his voicemail. Finally, she just broke down and left a message apologizing for the way she’d acted and the things she’d said.

  Keisha let out a deep sigh. Okay, McKnight. Enough.

  She straightened up and lifted her chin. She was accustomed to getting what she wanted - and she wanted Dominick. No more sitting around feeling sorry for herself because that was not how she rolled. Yeah, she might have to work a little harder to get him, but one way or the other, Dominick Spain was going to be hers.

  The following Monday, Dominick was in his office going over the final specs for a project he was working on. It had been a long day, made even longer from the lack of rest he’d gotten this past weekend.

  Grinning to himself, he thought about the three women he’d met in the park Saturday. If they didn’t have a problem with him screwing all three of them, he certainly didn’t. They’d all met up Saturday night for drinking and dancing, and later, ended up at his house.

  He settled deeper in his chair, thinking about the things they’d done with him. He’d hung in there pretty good to say he was outmatched - but definitely not out sexed. The women had even taught him few positions, which shocked the hell outta him. In the end, though, he’d gotten his second wind and fucked each one of them so good until they passed out from exhaustion.
Still lost in the memories of that night, Dom stared at the intercom on his desk when it buzzed a couple of times.

  “Yes ma’am…”

  “Dominick, sorry to bother you, but there’s a Keisha McKnight here to see you. She doesn’t have an appointment but is quite…insistent…on seeing you.”

  A look of surprise slipped across Dominick’s face at the mention of Keisha’s name. She was here? To see him?


  “Uhh…yeah, Liz. Give me about me about five minutes then send her in.”

  Dominick sat at his desk with a frown on his face. A couple of weeks had passed since the scene at Marcus’ house. He’d known the two of them would eventually see each other, but he’d been counting on that happening later. After he'd finally accepted Keisha's apology, she hadn’t called in a while so he’d concluded she had given up.

  I wonder what in the hell she’s doing here. Guess he was about to find out.

  A few minutes later, Dominick stood up and came to stand in front of his desk when Keisha walked in. Although Dom purposely kept his face blank, he took in how gorgeous and sexy she looked. The white blouse she wore was unbuttoned enough to show a hint of cleavage which made him literally catch his breath. The skirt stopped several inches above the knee, and the amount of thigh exposed evoked the memory of how she’d wrapped her legs around his waist while he drove into her hard and deep…

  Dominick stopped himself from going any further. What in the fuck is wrong with you?! You just had hellified sex with not one, not two, but three beautiful women. Then the moment you see Keisha, you act like the village idiot…

  “Dom…? Dominick?” He looked up and focused when he heard her call his name. Keisha gave him a hesitant smile. “Are you okay?”

  Even her smile was sexy…

  Damn! Stop it, Dom! Get it together. Remember she dissed you in front of everyone, made you look like a pussy whipped fool…


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