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Delicious Sin

Page 5

by Claudia Stevens



  When Naira’s apartment door opened, I was all smiles and excited to see her. It had been a long week of small chat via text. But when the door opened and revealed Sister Mary Agnes on the other side, I all of a sudden felt like I had been busted. Guilt filled me for being there.

  I had swallowed hard and waited for the smack to my head like the nun had done when I was a child. There was no way in hell she was letting me off the hook for this one. However, she had smiled, made a few comments, and exited: leaving Naira and I staring down the hallway in horror.

  “Um…” Naira whispered.

  “Exactly,” I said softly.

  “You think she’s coming back?”

  I looked at Naira. She was still looking down the hallway.

  “We are like two teenagers who’ve been busted,” I chuckled. She looked at me and laughed.

  “I know, right?” she whispered.

  “Are you going to be whispering all night?”

  “Sorry,” she said at a normal volume. “She just caught me off guard. I thought it was you at the door.”

  “And, I had expected you to open the door,” I shook my head and laughed. “Definitely wasn’t expecting her.”

  Across the hall from Naira’s, I heard locks unlocking. The door cracked slightly open and I heard Ethel’s voice. My body froze before I opened Naira’s door wider and slipped inside. I quickly hid behind the door out of sight.

  “Naira, everything okay?” Ethel asked.

  “Of course,” Naira said sweetly.

  “I thought I heard the voice of that scrumptious young man,” Ethel replied, making me whimper inside. These old ladies really were ridiculous.

  “No. It was just Sister Mary Agnes.”

  “Since when did Mary Agnes sound like a fine man, Naira,” Ethel questioned with a bit of Southern attitude. “He’s hiding inside your apartment, isn’t he?”

  “No, ma’am,” Naira stated. “My dinner is getting cold so I really should –”

  “You usually have dinner by candlelight?” Ethel asked.

  This woman is so damn nosey.

  “How’d you –” Naira looked behind her before turning back to the hallway. “Quite often, actually. It’s my way of relaxing after a long day,” Naira said softly. “I don’t get much downtime because of work and all.”

  “Well, honey, you better hold on to that man, before Sophia or I get our claws in him,” Ethel chuckled.

  There was nothing funny about her sentence. In fact, her words made me cringe and a shiver ran down my spine. Why were they hounding me? I was just an average guy. Why didn’t my tattoos make them run for the hills?

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Naira laughed. “Good night, Ethel.” Naira closed the door and locked all the locks. She leaned against the door. “Horny old hags,” she grumbled, making me laugh.

  Naira slapped a hand over her mouth and groaned.

  “You okay?” I asked with a chuckle. Naira lowered her hand.

  “Yes. I just shouldn’t have said that. It wasn’t lady-like,” she sighed.

  “Didn’t stop you before,” I chuckled. When her mouth dropped open, I walked over to her and kissed her swiftly.

  “Just be yourself, beautiful.”

  “But still, that was not nice,” she sighed.

  “Neither are those old… older ladies stalking me every time I come within twenty feet of your building,” I pointed out to her.

  “Well, I can’t say I blame them.” Naira grinned and then winked.

  “Are you saying you’re going to be some geriatric cougar?”

  She busted out in laughter.

  “I truly hope not,” she continued to laugh.

  “That’s good to know, even though I’m sure you’ll make a hot geriatric cougar,” I teased. She rolled her eyes and pointed her finger at me.

  “You better be lucky you’re holding that stuff, or I’d whoop your ass,” she smirked.

  “Promises. Promises,” I chuckled and then walked into the kitchen and set down the tray of drinks and box of pastries on the kitchen counter. Naira followed me. She reached for the box. I slapped her hand lightly and grinned.

  “No peeking. It’s a surprise,” I grinned. She stuck out her bottom lip and pouted. I leaned down and sucked on her bottom lip gently. I pulled away slowly. Her eyes were closed, but slowly opened.

  “I like surprises,” she smiled.

  “Good because I’m full of surprises.”

  Naira wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. I mimicked her and wrapped my arms around her waist while kissing the top of her head. She smelled like perfume, lavender, and dinner. I chuckled at the thought of her smelling like dinner.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked, looking up at me. I looked down and grinned.

  “You smell like food.”

  She groaned and leaned her forehead against my chest.

  “That’s so sexy,” she said sarcastically.

  I took one of my hands from her waist and brought it up to her face. I tipped her head back so that she was looking at me.

  “You smell good enough to eat, beautiful,” I smiled wickedly.

  “You’re so sexy,” she grinned and then pulled away from my body. I frowned at the sudden loss of her against me. “Relax. There will be plenty of that, lover boy.”

  “I hope so.”

  It had been a long week of not feeling her body against mine. I had missed her sweet kisses, her sense of humor, her… hell, I missed everything about the woman standing in front of me.

  The past week had given me time to really think about life. I couldn’t get Naira off my mind. No matter how hard I tried. It was her I kept thinking about. It wasn’t even just sexual.

  If nothing sexual happened tonight, I’d be perfectly content sitting on the couch holding her. That’s how I knew I had it bad for Naira. She wasn’t just some woman to add to my list of conquests. No, she was something much more. She was a woman I’d love to spend every minute with.

  “What are you thinking about?” Naira asked, holding a pan in her hand.

  “Want me to get that?”

  “I got it,” she smiled and shook her head. “You can tell me what you were thinking about,” she said, placing the pan on the counter.

  “Just thinking about how nice it is to finally see you this week,” I half-ass lied.

  “I’m glad you were able to come over. I missed your company,” she blushed.

  She might as well have said the words to me through a megaphone because that’s how I heard them. She missed my company. That was the best news I had heard all week.

  “I missed you, too,” I said without thought.

  “You missed me?” she said grinning.

  Fuck. I had said I missed her, not her company.

  “I mean… I’m not trying to–” I stammered.

  “I missed you, too, Eli,” Naira admitted softly.



  We’d just finished dinner and I was now seated on my couch with a reheated tea and a decadent pastry from the bakery just down the street. Eli had insisted on taking care of clean up since I cooked. Unfortunately, the longer he took, the more nervous I became.

  My OCD tendencies always came out when I got nervous. Before dinner I had cleaned my apartment from top to bottom and actually reorganized everything. Feng shui had nothing on how precise my furniture and every knickknack on the shelf were positioned.

  “So, what’s up?” Eli asked from the kitchen doorway.

  “Nothing…” I snapped out like a bolt of lightning.

  “Naira, I may be a guy but even I know this wasn’t the way your apartment looked the other day.” Eli walked over and settled on the cushion beside me.

  Letting out a sigh, I set my cup on the coffee table in front of me and turned to face Eli.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course,” Eli replied instant

  “Okay. Well… Um… all I ask is that you don’t freak out. I’m only trying to see where we stand.” I looked into his eyes and felt my heart rate pick up.

  “One, you say something like that, and you can’t expect me not to freak out,” Eli laughed. “And, two” – Eli reached out and took my hands in his – “I have a week off of work and was wondering how much time you could give me.”

  His words came out in a rush and it took me a moment to catch up.

  “A week off?” My head tilted as I tried to process why Eli would have time off. “Did you get in trouble abou–”

  “No,” he chuckled. “Remember the rain storm the other day?”

  I nodded as I remembered how the power had gone out in the building as Mother Nature threw everything she had at the city.

  “Well, the site is flooded and until they get the water drained away it’s not safe for us to continue our work right now. A few guys are taking the hours and manning the pumps while the rest of us get to have a vacation.”

  “Oh,” I smiled at him. “How much time can you give me?” I threw his question back at him.

  Eli immediately looked uncomfortable and tried to drop my hand. I refused to let go and tightened my own grip.

  “Please…” I smiled and waited until he gave me a nod. “I’m going to be totally open and honest here, Eli. It may seem too fast, but I think I’ve been struggling with… um… where my life has ended up at the moment for a while now.”

  “Go on,” he encouraged softly.

  “I’ve always been a planner. My mind runs in straight lines. It’s one of the things that makes me a great lawyer. And, at one time, being a lawyer was enough. Meeting you… something changed inside of me. I’d like to see where this… us… might lead.” My tone was firm and confident. It was my lawyer tone because I was neither of those things when it came to the man in front of me.

  Eli’s free hand rose, and he slid it to the back of my neck. Both of us shifted on the couch until we were only an inch apart.

  “You’re special, Naira. I can’t…” Eli chuckled. “I’ve been worried about saying and doing the wrong thing or seeming too eager – creepy even – but I can’t get you out of mind.”

  “Oh, Eli,” I sighed and moved the last inch to instigate the kiss I so desperately wanted.

  I nipped at Eli’s lower lip, but he gripped my hair and tugged my head back. Eli moved his lips slowly over mine, he gently, seductively teased me until I was hungry for him. Then his tongue slipped inside and gave me what I’d wanted since I opened the door to Sister Mary Agnes.

  At the thought of the ex-nun, I giggled and had to break our kiss.

  “Sorry,” I gasped as I hid my face in his chest. “My mind wandered,” I muttered.

  “Not helping me feel better,” Eli chuckled.

  “Well, how about this…” I looked up at him and grinned wickedly and leaned forward. “I have nothing under my dress,” I whispered into his ear.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  “Exactly my plan,” I giggled.

  Eli was immediately on his feet and lifted me over his shoulder. His hand slid beneath my dress and landed on my bare ass. Another groan left his lips just before his hand raised and fell in a firm smack.

  “That’s for making me wait through dinner,” he growled as we entered my bedroom.

  Eli tossed me on the bed and then began laughing. When I looked up, I realized he had seen what I had set out for him there.

  “Wasn’t going to take the chance of you needing to go out.” I shrugged and pushed myself up on my elbows.

  “Are we really going to need ten boxes?” he chuckled as he turned his heated gaze in my direction.

  Another shrug and I lowered my eyes. My eyelashes tickled my cheeks as I worked on looking innocent.

  “Naira,” Eli growled.

  “Well, I took a month off from work. Figured it was better to be safe than sorry.” My voice was soft, and Eli settled onto the edge of the bed.

  “A month?”

  “Yeah,” I rasped. “Eli…” My gaze rose to find him staring at me. “I haven’t been happy for a long time. Then you came in here and I’m…”

  “Happy?” he supplied.


  “I like the way I feel when I’m with you, too, Naira.” Eli stood and tugged his shirt off over his head. His pants hit the floor only seconds later. “There is no where I’d rather be than right here with you, sweetheart.”

  “So, you want to spend the week with me?” I asked nervously.

  “Absolutely,” Eli replied and crawled onto the bed. “But you know what this means, right?”

  “What?” Confusion filled me at his question.

  “I’ve got to get creative, so you don’t get bored with me.”



  “I’m sure I won’t get bored,” Naira grinned.

  “With all the things I want to do to you, I’m sure you’re right,” I winked and grabbed one of the boxes of condoms.

  “Condom so soon?” she teased.

  “This is so when I’m ready to pound that pretty pussy, I don’t have to mess around with a box,” I grinned. Her eyes widened and she sucked in a sharp breath. I opened the box then placed a condom on the nightstand. The box I had just opened along with the other boxes she had bought, I placed on the other nightstand.

  “Your tattoos are so fucking hot,” Naira’s voice was sexy and melted me in place. I looked down at her and she bit her bottom lip.

  “You’re so damn naughty,” I chuckled.

  “Are you complaining?” she asked, sliding her hand down her stomach and between her legs.

  “Fuck,” I groaned as I watched her spread her legs slowly. Her fingers pressed against her clit and she rubbed her clit in small circles. “So fucking naughty.”

  “Only for you,” she moaned as she slid a finger inside her pussy.

  “Up on your hands and knees, beautiful. I want your ass facing me,” I ordered. She did as I asked. “Scoot to the middle of the bed, beautiful, and spread your legs so I can watch you play with yourself.”

  Naira moved slowly to the center of the bed. My eyes were locked on her perfect ass. When she got to the middle of the bed, she spread her legs apart and then laid with her chest down against the covers and her ass up facing me. She looked so fucking sexy. Good enough to eat.

  “All mine?” I asked, grabbing her ass with both my hands.

  “All yours,” she moaned.

  “Good,” I said and then slapped her ass with both hands.

  “Fuck!” She screamed as her back dipped and her free hand grabbed at the covers.

  “Too much?” I asked softly. She looked over her shoulder and shook her head.

  “No. Not enough,” she moaned.

  Smack. Smack. I struck her ass again without warning. She screamed my name and both her hands clutched at the bedding.

  “Keep playing with yourself, Naira. Let me see how wet you are,” I said, rubbing her ass with one hand and stroking my cock with the other.

  Naira spread her legs farther. Her hand slid between her thighs. Her fingers worked their way down to her wetness. She spread her lips and showed me just how aroused she was.

  My cock throbbed in my hand. My pace picked up as I watched her finger disappear inside her pussy and back out several times. She moaned each time her finger went inside her.

  “Eli,” she moaned. “Fuck, Eli. I want your cock.”

  “You can have it. It’s yours,” I replied huskily. “Do you want me to fuck you or do you want me to eat your pussy?”

  “Fuck,” she trembled. “Both.” It wasn’t a question, which made me grin. Naira was definitely going to give me a run for my money.

  “Lift your knees off the bed,” I ordered.

  She looked over her shoulder at me with a look of confusion. I helped her get in the position I wanted her in and then I laid on my back underneath her. Her pussy was now inc
hes from my face.

  “Oh. My,” Naira moaned.

  “Let me have my dessert,” I grinned and then licked from her clit down. Her legs trembled. “Do you like that?”

  “Yes,” she breathed and began to lower her body. I held her in place and kept her from lowering. She whimpered in protest.

  “You can sit on my face under one condition.”

  “What’s that?” she asked in a plea.

  “You soak me with your juices, beautiful.”

  “Fuck yes,” she moaned. I released her hips and she lowered herself down and sat on my face.

  When she began to work her hips, rubbing her pussy against my lips a primal urge raged through me. I licked her pussy greedily needing her to come. I sucked and flicked her clit with my tongue, demanding her without words to give me what I wanted from her.

  She worked her body against me with her moans growing louder and louder. I moved my hands to her ass. I held her in place and continued to devour her like I was a starving man.

  Smack! Smack! I slapped her ass. She bucked wildly above me.

  “Eli!” She screamed. “More! Please! More!”

  Smack! Smack! This time I slapped her ass harder. Her legs tensed and I worried I had hit too hard, but then she screamed my name. Her legs shook and she soaked my face as she came hard.

  With my tongue, I stroked her clit slowly and then nipped at it gently with my teeth. Again, her body tensed, she screamed my name over and over, and she gave me more of what I wanted.

  “Eli,” she whimpered and lifted off my face slightly.

  “What’s wrong beautiful?”

  “Fuck me,” she panted. “Please, fuck me.”

  I grabbed her by her hips and flipped her onto her back. I wiped my face with my hand and looked down at her. Her chest rose and fell at a quick pace. Her cheeks were red, and she looked exhausted.

  “You sure you want me to fuck you?” I asked, looking her over. “You look tired, beautiful.”

  Naira lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist. She sat up slightly, grabbed my cock, and put the tip into her pussy.

  “Fuck, baby,” I moaned as I looked down to see where my cock ended, and her pussy began. It was sexy as hell to know that I was the only man pleasing her.


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