Visionary Awakened

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Visionary Awakened Page 30

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Would you mind if I danced with Miss Sinclair, Mr. White? It's a rare opportunity I wouldn't want to pass up."

  Jaxson narrowed his eyes at him, but looked into my confident gaze. I smiled back, hoping he knew I'd be fine with everyone watching.

  "Sure. Be my guest." Jaxson grinned before he took a sip of his beer. "I'll be right here, baby."

  "Okay," I replied and Xerxes directed me to an empty spot on the dance floor that was beginning to fill with partners. We turned to face one another and his free hand landed on my waist.

  We began to dance side to side, our eyes locked on one another. Xerxes' eyes showed multiple emotions, confusion, anger, and disbelief.

  I, on the other hand, felt as calm as ever, and though I imagined such a situation could entice me to lose my cool and attempt to kill him right here and now, I wasn't bothered by it.

  I was with the person who murdered my mom and essentially killed me as well. Ironic.

  "Back from the dead, it seems," he whispered. I could hear the sneering rage in his words, which made me smile in satisfaction.

  "Seems so. Heaven's rather crowded up there and Hell was SO hot. There was just no room for me, so I had to come back," I teased.

  "You being alive doesn't scare me, Elemental."

  "Neither does dancing with you, Xerxes," I pointed out.

  "I suggest you stop searching for what I want."

  "What is that exactly? Last time I heard it was a particular stone and now it's moved on to a couple of crystals. What's next? item in Japan?" I inquired. I noticed his eyes darken at the mention of Japan. Bingo.

  "Regardless of what you're searching for, I can assure you, an innocent shifter like me wouldn't get in your way," I acknowledged before I stepped in so our bodies were mere inches apart.

  "But I'll say this, Xerxes. There’s only so long you can keep running and hiding. So keep playing this amusing game, because when something is lost, it can ALWAYS be found." I could feel the power run through my eyes and noticed the change in his appearance. Before it could stabilize, he pulled back and twirled me to the cue of the music.

  He placed his hand back on my waist as we continued to dance, but I mentally cursed, unable to see what his true form was.

  "That power of yours is a hindrance," he mumbled.

  I shrugged. "For you. I think it's rather cool. It's like having X-ray vision. Just needs some perfecting here and there."

  The music ended and we both bowed at one another as everyone began to shuffle and switch partners. "I'm assuming this won't be the last time we see each other," Xerxes stated in a mocking tone.

  "Your assumptions are accurate. Though the next time, I doubt we’ll be as patient," I warned. "Or should I say formal?"

  "Both." Xerxes nodded.

  "Agreed," I confirmed. We shared determined looks before we pulled apart. Jaxson returned to my side, his arm sliding around my waist as he held me. He pulled me gently into his side, like a man protecting his valued possession.

  "Nice to see you again, Xerxes," Jaxson complimented.

  "Likewise. Take care of your girlfriend. Not every day you meet a confident woman with such beauty. You wouldn't want to lose someone so precious." He whispered the last part, almost like a threat as he stared directly into Jaxson's eyes.

  Jaxson nodded, his grip on my waist tightening. "Will do."

  Xerxes smiled and turned around, heading towards the hallway exit.

  "Fuck, is he leaving?" Ethan snapped into our headsets.

  I looked at Jaxson and he nodded. "Scar, babe, I'll be right back. I'm going to use the restroom," Jaxson announced, making sure a few of the surrounding shifters heard him.

  "Sure. I'll get some more wine," I cheered and moved away towards the bar that was close to the second exit.

  I remembered on the map of the building the woman's washroom was through that exit. From there, I could easily move towards the second staircase that led to the roof.

  I watched Xerxes leave first and Jaxson followed shortly behind before I reached the open bar. "Bartender. Where's the ladies room?" I asked innocently, blinking my eyes at the blonde gentlemen, who blushed as he took a good look at my appearance.

  "Oh ma'am, just through those doors and turn left. It's right next to the stairwell," he directed.

  "Ah, thank you so much!" I bowed my head slightly before I moved to the exit, heading to the washroom. I went to the washroom first, going into one of the stalls before I closed my eyes.

  "Let it go," I sang the line from the Disney classic, Frozen, and my dress began to glow brightly. Then it transformed into a short poofy dress. It was still long enough to hide the gun strap on my upper thigh, but I quickly secured the strap and moved it a bit higher before taking off my heels.

  I didn't care for the fact I was standing the washroom barefoot, but seeing as many shifters present were of high class and royalty, the washroom was spotless, so clean I bet it sparkled in the daylight.

  I quickly pressed the button of my earpiece. "Where's Jaxson?!' I asked, beginning to worry about him and the fact he hadn't said anything in the speaker.

  "I'm fine! Xerxes is making a break for it. He's heading to the roof. Whoever's close com-" Jaxson began, but was cut off.

  "Jax?" Michael asked hesitantly.

  "Jaxson?" My gut dropped at the sudden spike of fear that ran through me. I didn't wait for anyone else to reply. I cloaked my presence and quickly made my way out of the washroom. I went straight to the stairwell before a group of female shifters turned into the hallway.

  I didn't delay running up the stairs, cursing that there were five floors to this damn place when the venue was on the first floor.

  "Jaxson! Hello?!" Michael snapped. I could hear the fear in his voice.

  "What's going on with Jaxson?" Christian demanded before he came back on the speaker. "Um, Ethan?! Do you see the helicopter approaching the roof?"

  What?! I climbed faster, going up two steps at a time. I reached the third floor and continued on towards the roof.

  "Fuck! Someone get to the roof NOW! Jaxson's out!" Ethan declared.

  "What the flying fuck do you mean he's out?" Michael snapped, sounding out of breath.

  "He's knocked out! Like something shocked him or something. I'm working on getting the surveillance up!" Ethan explained. I could hear the swift typing of his fingers on the keyboard.

  I reached the fifth floor and my gaze landed on the roof door. "I'm at the door to the roof!" I declared, racing straight towards it. I pushed the heavy metal door open and ran onto the rooftop.

  My eyes locked onto the helicopter that looked like it was already about to lift off, hearing the sound of the rotor spinning away. I glanced down to see Xerxes boarding the helicopter and my eyes grew wide as I gasped. Jaxson's unconscious body was in Xerxes' hold.

  "JAXSON!" I screamed, darting forward. But then a course of electricity surged through me, causing me to shriek. I tried to withstand the bolt of energy running through me, but I couldn't, dropping to the ground before it stopped.

  "SCARLET?! Fuck, Scar?!!" Ethan shouted.

  "What happened?!" Christian demanded.

  "Scar was shocked!" Ethan snapped.

  "Fuck, Scarlet?!" Junnie called into the speaker.

  Their voices faded in and out, but I fought to move, urging the new surging energy inside me to be used as strength for me to fight unconsciousness. Please...don't let me lose consciousness. Give me strength.

  The wave of darkness that tried to claim me lessened and I lifted my head to look back at the helicopter that was already beginning to lift off. Xerxes turned to look back at me before he lowered Jaxson to the floor. He didn't move, confirming he was completely knocked out. I bit my lip hard as I struggled to get on my hands and knees.

  "Fuck!" I cursed, before I glanced back to see the chopper begin to leave.

  "Can't we shoot it down?!" Christian questioned. I quickly lifted my hand that was numb and after three attempts, pressed the bo
ttom of my headset.

  "Jaxson...he...Xerxes has Jax," I panted before I began coughing and spitting out blood. Fucking shock. UGH!

  "Shit! Scar, are you okay? We're almost-" Michael began, but the building vibrated. I turned my head to my left to see a stream of fire burst through the roof. I heard the sounds of screams and the building vibrated again. Another burst of flames shot through the roof on my right.

  "FUCK! Fire outbursts?! SHIT! Michael, Junnie you can't go through the roof exit!" Ethan snarled.

  "Why the fuck not?!" Junnie snapped.

  "The door locks shut! You can't break it with magic!" Ethan argued.

  I heard them curse and Christian came on the speaker. "The basement’s being flooded with people! I can't get out to follow the copter! Ethan, you need to track where they're taking Jax!"

  "I can't! There's interference!" Ethan snapped back.

  "Why is there fucking interference?!" Michael shouted.

  "There's multiple fire bursts going on right now, guys. I'm getting interrupted by emergency signals all across the city right now. I can't track him!" Ethan declared.

  I pulled the speaker out, my hand trembling with rage as my eyes locked onto the helicopter, which was high up in the sky and so tiny at this point, I knew there was no way anyone would be able to track it if I lost sight of it.

  "Scar? Scar?" I could hear the guys calling out my name, but I ignored them as I fought to stand up on my trembling, wobbly feet. I dropped the speaker and smashed it with my foot, trying not to feed the flames with my growing rage.

  "Scarlet." Serenity and Aurora entered my mind and they could feel how angry I was within.

  How dare he take Jaxson? My Jaxson....and fucking smile! He thinks this is fucking over? There's no way he's getting away with this. He won't take what's mine. I won't lose another person I love.

  "We can follow," Aurora announced.

  "We can fly, Scar. All you have to do is command it," Serenity explained.

  I nodded and took a few calming breaths before I began to run. First, it was with stumbling steps, but I let my rage fuel me as I ran harder and faster, straight towards the edge of the roof.

  My eyes didn't leave the now blinking dot that was the helicopter. It just motivated me even more, to fight harder and run faster.

  After five seconds, I took my last step, pushing off the ground and leaping off the roof. I felt a sharp pain as something pushed out from my back, but bit my lip, ignoring it as I fell. I kept my eyes on the blinking red dot, afraid if I moved my gaze for even a second, I'd lose Jaxson forever.

  "FLY!" I shouted. With my command and the sound of a strong flap of wings, my body shot upward. I spread my hands out like they were wings but I felt movement from my back, which made me realize I had wings of my own. Each flap sent waves of pain through me, but I fought it.

  The pain was nothing compared to what I would experience if I didn't reach Jaxson. I soared, moving higher and higher up into the sky, until the buildings below were tiny. I could still see, however, the streams of fire shooting out of the sky as I flew through the air.

  I need to go faster! I willed my speed to increase and my wings flapped harder which made me wince.

  "It gets easier, Scarlet. Just keep fighting the pain," Aurora coached. I nodded, centering my focus on the helicopter that was at least more visible now.

  Don't worry, Jaxson baby. I'm coming to save you.


  "Ja...Jax...JAXSON! WAKE UP!"

  I groaned, my head pounding. My body stung like little sparks of electricity were running through me. Fuck...what happened?

  "Long story short, you got electrocuted and lived, but that led to your ass being picked up like a rag doll by Xerxes. Now we’re stuck in this creepy home on the outskirts of who knows where. That sum it up for you?"

  "You know, Alistair, you could have a hint of sympathy," Agni suggested, sounding sorry for me. My head was pounding, so it was nice to have Agni whispering, unlike Alistair, who was talking way too loud for my liking. Alistair, mind being a little quieter? Headache over here.

  "Hmph. Wake the fuck up. I don't like it here and I miss Scarlet, who you haven't introduced to me yet, by the way. Selfish host," Alistair complained.

  "Are you still mad about not meeting the Princess yet? Why don't we work together and try to get out of here alive before you bring up your list of grudges? Jeez, demons never let shit go," Agni muttered. I could mentally see him shaking his head.

  How the fuck did I get electrocuted? The last thing I remembered was racing up the stairs to the roof and seeing Xerxes making his way over to the helicopter.

  He was still within reach when I arrived on the roof. I ran forward to try and catch him, but then everything went black.

  "There was a spell on the ground. The moment you stepped on it, the magic circle activated," Agni explained.

  "You were too caught up in your 'I must kill Xerxes' daze and got your ass shocked and carried off. On top of that, you got Scar electrocuted too," Alistair pointed out.

  WHAT?! Where is she? Fuck, why are my eyelids so fucking heavy?

  "She got left behind on the roof," Agni revealed grimly.

  "Oh right! Before the whole fire outburst thing began happening. That's all we were able to see while we played dead and took a peek," Alistair admitted.

  Fire outburst?! LEFT ON THE FUCKING ROOF! Why didn't you guys do anything?!

  "Oh, I don't know? Did you forget the whole electrocuted, can't move, ragdoll part...orr-" Alistair began.

  Agni sighed. "I don't think Jaxson has the patience right now to deal with your commentary, Ali."

  "Fine. Well, I'll be here if you two think of a way to get out of this," Alister announced and mentally shrugged, seemingly unbothered by our current predicament.

  Fuck...I feel like shit.

  "I think you should sleep for a bit. Ali and I will keep watch, but it doesn't look like Xerxes is around and I doubt he'll kill you," Agni explained.

  Why wouldn’t he kill me? That's what he's wanted for years.

  If he wanted me dead for so long, why keep me alive now?

  "Should I answer that?" Alistair asked.

  "No," Agni and I both mentally stated.

  "Hmph. Haters," Alistair grumbled.

  "You are bait, Jax, and I can guarantee he wants Scarlet," Agni revealed.

  Scar wouldn't come here alone. She'll come with the others. She's not irritational

  "Like you," Alistair mumbled.

  "Not helping," Agni snapped.

  Whatever! Scarlet wouldn't come here! Wherever this place is.

  "You're underestimating your independent girlfriend who got upset the nurse was trying to slide into your DMs," Alistair reminded.

  "I agree with Ali there," Agni pointed out.

  I mentally groaned, my headache only getting worse. I need to get up.

  "Rest a bit more, Jax. We're sitting ducks here. Until your body recovers from that shock, we can't do anything," Agni reminded.


  I decided to stop fighting the dark haze that was trying to pull me in. I prayed to the Starlight gods, hoping Scarlet and the others wouldn't come here.

  Please, Scarlet...stay away from this place.

  "We're here," I announced, hovering over the grass before I landed. "How do I get rid of my wings?" I asked, looking back at the large beauties.

  I had to admit I was impressed by their stunning appearance, especially because they were complete opposites, my left wing being completely black and my right a pure white.

  They looked to be bigger than Michael's and had an energy around them that gave off little sparks of cinder that reminded me of fire.

  "Imagine yourself pulling them back into your back," Serenity instructed.

  "It will hurt, so brace yourself," Aurora added.

  I nodded and closed my eyes, seeing the image of my wings going into my back and vanishing from sight. I hissed at the wave of pai
n that hit me, but I endured it. I looked back again and they were gone, making me sigh in relief.

  "You have to explain the mechanics of that when this is over," I commented out loud.

  "Okay," they answered in union.

  "You two ready? I may need your help," I asked, beginning to walk towards the house. I only sensed two people inside, but scanned the area just in case there were any shifters cloaking their presence.

  I walked up the stairs of the old home. The overall appearance reminded me of the house Jaxson had taken Michael and I to.

  The only difference between the two was the atmosphere. This place didn't give me a warm fuzzy welcoming sensation. Instead, it made me afraid and seemed to hold an eerie fogginess that gave me goosebumps.

  I quietly opened the door and made my way down the narrow hall, noticing how dim the lights were, which were tinted red.

  I reached the living room and my eyes landed on Jaxson. He was sitting in a chair facing the front of the room that reminded me more of an open classroom than a living room for relaxation. His hands weren't tied with anything, but I could tell with just my eyes that he could barely move.

  I narrowed my blue-green orbs, feeling the power begin to pool in them, which helped me notice the tiny electric currents still running through him. He can't move because of the shocks.

  I could tell he wasn't fully conscious, but maybe he was aware of what was going on and was talking to his spirits.

  "I knew you would come."

  I turned my head to the left and there Xerxes was, standing in front of a blackboard covered with different plans and strategies. He was dressed in black pants and a red dress shirt. The collar of his shirt was loose and his undone tie rested around his neck.

  I met his pleased gaze. He looked very calm compared to the confused, angered expression he wore during the ball.

  "That was obvious. You took someone that doesn't belong to you," I whispered, walking towards Jaxson. Xerxes watched me carefully, but looked unbothered by my approach. I quickly checked Jaxon's pulse to make sure he was truly alive and I wasn't just imagining things.


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