Visionary Awakened

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Visionary Awakened Page 31

by Yumoyori Wilson

I quietly sighed in relief and knelt down to brush my hand against his cheek. I noticed his eyes squeeze tight before they fought to open slowly.


  I gave him a small smile before I leaned in and gave him a solid kiss. I wasn't sure how this would turn out, but I wanted to give Jaxson a final kiss if things didn’t go in my favor.

  "It's okay. Just rest. I love you," I told him quietly. I could see the agony and fear in his eyes, which made me tear up, but I couldn't do anything. He wouldn't be able to move until the shocks left his system and my senses told me that would still be a few more minutes. Enough time for this battle to be over.

  I slipped my hand into my pocket, pulling out the device Tatsu had given me. I moved Jaxson's left hand to rest on his lap, noticing the crystal bracelet was hidden under the sleeve of his dress shirt.

  I placed the device in his hand and wrapped his fingers around it, specifically putting his thumb on the button. "If anything happens, press this button. It'll protect you," I reassured him.

  I stood up and then turned to Xerxes, who uncrossed his arms and grinned. "Didn't think we'd meet again so soon," he mocked. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest in an attempt to ignore the chilling feeling that ran through me.

  "Not like I wanted to, but again, you took something from me and I came to retrieve it," I declared.

  "You’re willing to risk your life for him? A man who can't even protect you?" Xerxes laughed.

  I waited for him to finish before I answered. "I don't need a man to protect me. He's my partner, friend, and lover. We are equals and a part of him is in my heart. I won't allow someone to take what I've claimed."

  "Anyone ever tell you how stupid and stubborn you are?" Xerxes questioned.

  "Stubborn, yes. Stupid, nah. I'm pretty smart if you ask me," I replied.

  Xerxes sighed, closing his eyes. "Nope, you’re stupid to think you can face me again. Wasn't dying once enough for you? Or should I remind you that I killed your mother, who was supposedly the strongest Elemental."

  I bit my lip to suppress my anger as I hardened my gaze. "Fighting someone fair and square is different than whatever underhanded tactics you used to kill my mother. Plus, a little payback for dropping me 37 floors would be rather rewarding if you ask me."

  "Scarlet Sinclair, you can't defeat me. Why don't you give me what I want and we can go our separate ways? I'll even let you take your pathetic boyfriend with you," Xerxes suggested.

  "I don't know exactly what you want. Seems to be a lot of things. Realm domination? To be better than your evil brother? Or maybe you're just a lonely cynical bastard who can't get some." I shrugged, blinking innocently at him.

  "I'm aware you have the Stone of Awakening, Scarlet. Do. Not. Test. Me," Xerxes snapped, clearly done with my mocking.

  "Oh really? Where do you get your info, because I don't seem to have the crystal on me? Hold on, let me check. This dress has pockets." I whispered the last part and grinned in satisfaction when I noticed Xerxes' eye twitch. I put my hands in my pockets and pulled them out, wiggling my fingers dramatically.

  "Ah. Nothing. Hmm, why don't you ask someone else?"

  "Don't try to act dumb, Elemental. I'm aware you have the Crystals of Mother Destiny and the Stone of Awakening. I need them. YOU don't," he snapped.

  "Why do you need them, Xerxes? Seeing as you’re planning to kill me here anyway, you might as well be like any other villain in the movies and tell me your plot so I can dramatically state you'll never succeed." I huffed.

  Xerxes turned around, walking over to the board. I could tell he was on the verge of losing his patience, but the ball was in my court and he couldn't kill me unless he wanted to lose out on knowing where the crystals and stone were.

  "The Sword of the Hikaru, the five Crystals of Mother Destiny, and the Stone of Awakening. These artifacts have been passed down, generation by generation, and with each passing obtain a large amount of power. To become a ruler, one needs power, and though I have plenty, I'll need even more so no one can defy me. I'll be needing those artifacts to achieve my master plan. Once that happens, I'll begin to take ownership of the other realms, starting with my home realm that should have been mine to begin with," Xerxes explained.

  The Sword of Light? Is that the one Ethan said could be in the possession of one of the Japanese leaders?

  "Well, that's lovely and all, but there a slight problem with your plan already." I uncrossed my arms to ruffle my locks.

  "And what is that?" Xerxes questioned, looking irritated.

  "Well, the Crystals of Destiny are actually in bracelet form. You know, one you put on your wrist. I think you're thinking this is the classic Avengers movie with the cool looking gauntlet. Nah, it's not that epic looking actually," I explained.

  "How would a child like yourself know that?" he snapped.

  "I'm twenty-five, soon to be twenty-six, so I'm not a child in human years, and I know because we have them all," I revealed. He blinked and I grinned, turning around and walking over to Jaxson, who looked to be awake but still struggling with movement.

  I lifted his wrist and rolled down his sleeve far enough for the Crystal of Forgotten Memories to show; its ruby gemstone sparkled even with the dim red tinted light. "See?"

  Xerxes' eyes grew wide before he glared at me. "Give it to me!"

  "I can't, Xerxes." I lowered Jaxson's hand before making sure the device stayed in his grasp. I walked back to where I previously stood and gave him a stern look as I got serious.

  "The Crystals of Mother Destiny have chosen their new guardians which so happens to be all of my men. Killing them means the potential loss of the crystals they protect. So you should cross that off your list of items needed for realm domination."

  I was totally pulling shit out of my ass, but because of the confidence that leaked off my words, Xerxes was believing all of it. My eyes lowered to his hands that were clenched and trembled with rage. I decided to continue my spell of bad news.

  "Oh, and the Stone of Awakening? You're correct. I do have it."

  Xerxes took a step forward, but I stayed my ground, not afraid of his approach. "Give me the stone, Scarlet," he ordered with a sinister voice.

  "I would, but there's one slight problem," I replied, lifting my hand up to my chest. I placed it directly over where my heart was.

  He followed my gaze, looking completely confused and his frustration seemed to grow. I decided to end his misery, knowing the final showdown between us was approaching.

  "The Stone of Awakening was originally in a locket given to me by my mother the day you killed her. The same locket I wore when I fell from your grasp down 37 floors to my inevitable death. The locket opened and the stone was activated. The end result? The Stone of Awakening is within my heart, Xerxes," I declared.

  His eyes grew wide at my revelation before they met my blank expression. "Impossible," he whispered.

  "You're correct. It should have been impossible, but here I am, alive and well. The stone is the reason my heart still beats. Killing me means you destroy the stone. Just like killing my men would destroy the Crystals of Mother Destiny. Of course, if you don't believe me, you can always test your luck, but I doubt I'll get a third chance at being risen from the dead," I determined.


  "Try me? You think I'd waste oxygen on you?" I asked, walking straight up to him. I stopped when we were face to face and I grinned as power ran through me. His eyes grew wide and I laughed. "We have two of the three artifacts you so desperately need, Xerxes. I guess you hiding and sending your lackeys to do the fishing didn’t help after all," I mocked.

  Xerxes roared in frustration. I swiftly dodged his punch, sidestepping to my left before I jumped back to press my back to the wall.

  "You dare mock me?! I bet you’re lying! I'll kill you and take that fucking stone myself!" he declared before charging towards me.

  I dropped down to the floor, pulling my gun out of its holster. I took off the safety
before jumping to the side, avoiding Xerxes’ attack. I quickly turned and aimed my gun at him, the action causing him to freeze in place.

  "Are you going to kill me, Elemental? Isn't that what you want?"

  "You're right. I'd love to pull this trigger and watch your blood pool on this floor at an agonizingly slow pace. Oh the joy that would bring to me." I hummed, noticing how my hands trembled in anger and underlying fear.

  "But I can't make it that easy. I want to see you suffer. To feel the agony and pain I endured because of your selfish needs. It is rather satisfying to know I have something you can never touch," I whispered.

  Xerxes opened his hands, red magic circles forming at his fingertips. "If I can't have the stone, then I'll take my chances and kill you again," he declared. I was ready to pull the trigger when a stream of fire shot out from the ground.

  * * *

  I felt the strong urge to move back and I did, pushing off the ground just in time, avoiding the fire that burst through the ground where I had just stood. I began to shoot bullets at Xerxes, who didn't even delay in his sprint towards me. The bullets hit some type of magical barrier that wasn't visible to the eye until something made contact.

  "WIND!" I commanded, raising my hands up and blasting a wave of the powerful element at Xerxes, which caught him off guard, sending him flying into the wall.

  I quickly checked on Jaxson, ensuring the fire streams weren't close to him, but the blaze was already beginning to spread. Fuck!

  "Jaxson, press the button!" I ordered. I noticed his worried gaze and we locked eyes. Please, Jaxson. I hoped my pleading expression would motivate him to protect himself. I knew if he got hurt, I wouldn't have enough strength to do what I planned.

  He slowly nodded and pressed the button. A solid clear water shield in the form of a bubble surrounded him and I smiled in approval.

  I looked back in time to avoid Xerxes' punch and lifted my leg to kick him in his ribs on the right side. He cursed, but quickly recovered and caught my ankle before I could pull back my leg.

  I let out a shriek as he whirled my body straight into the opposite wall. OW! Fucking asshole. I shook my head and recovered quickly, rising to my feet. I immediately dodged forward to the ground and began rolling over to the right as shots of fire burst out from the wooden floors below.

  I noticed I was getting too close to Jaxson and rolled onto my stomach before going on my hands and knees. I pushed off the ground in time to miss the next fire attack. By the time I stood up to face Xerxes, I realized I was in a boxed cell of flame.

  Xerxes laughed and raised his hands. "Ah, this feels amazing. You really think you can defeat me, Scarlet? Wishful thinking for a woman who knows nothing about our world. Just like your mother, who was too naive and delusional in her attempt to live a human life to learn how to defend herself. That ended rather tragically with her losing her life at my hands. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." He began to laugh even harder.

  "You think you've won, just because I'm in some stupid fire box? You don't own those flames, Xerxes," I pointed out.

  "I don't own them? I am a being of fire and strength! Fire runs in my damn blood and it will obey EVERY command I give it. It will only be a matter of time until I can use the Crystals of Mother Destiny to control the other main elements of this galaxy and obtain the sword. Then I'll pull that stone out of your beating heart, and be able to command EVERYONE in this realm to bow at my feet. I WILL BE KING, and then I'll take realm after realm until this entire galaxy is at my mercy!"

  I stood there in shock at his words, and it was like a switch went off in my mind. My body grew hot and I felt a part of me was out of control, as a new entity flowed into my mind. It felt different from a spirit, yet powerful. So powerful I was afraid of what I could accomplish in this state.

  Xerxes' eyes grew wide and I wondered why he suddenly looked afraid. I looked to my left, noticing a standing mirror that had been in the corner of the room. I mentally gasped at my appearance.

  My hair was white with glowing strands of gold, red, and orange that floated elegantly like an invisible wind kept them up. I could practically see an amber aura around me. I hadn't even realized my black and white wings were out on display, spreading out like I was about to take off.

  The markings that ran from my fingertips all the way to my biceps shifted in colors, from red to gold, orange, to lime green, turquoise to purple, and then a bright white. The most stunning and shocking feature were my eyes.

  Bright green orbs with gold and blue magic circles spinning within my iris looked back at me, holding immense power within them.

  I looked over to Jaxson and saw his shock as he gawked at me, but his image was magnificent, from his flaming wings that seemed to be on display, to his long orange hair that looked like the flames that held me prisoner. Yet as I looked down to the lower half of those burning strands, they shifted into black flames. I noticed the darkness that took over Jaxson's irises.

  My mind told me a part of him was a phoenix and the other was a demon, making me realize that I'd never been introduced to Jaxson's second spirit. I turned my attention to Xerxes, who seemed to recover from his initial shock and I was left in surprise at what I saw.

  "Sahar..." he snarled and my lips curled up in a smile. What was going on?

  "To think I must interfere for the sake of your petty idea of obtaining power," I answered, surprised at the different tone in my voice and how calm I sounded.

  "I guess me killing your owner wasn't enough. Now you decided to embed yourself in her daughter so you could escape falling into my hands? Pathetic," Xerxes scoffed before smiling happily.

  I was silent as if analyzing the man before me. I took a deep breath as I lifted my hand up. With a snap of my fingers, the fire cell disappeared like a bucket of water poured upon us, putting out the flames.

  Xerxes looked stunned by my simple action and I stared at him with an unimpressed expression. "Marilyn's death was allowed because it was necessary. It's not something you can boast about, thinking it was because of your actions that she died. You really think she didn't notice the multiple times you tried to kill her? Her death only triggered the start of a new saga, and that included me being a part of Scarlet," I explained.

  It felt awkward to listen to me talk about myself in the third person, but I felt great gratification at seeing the flash of nervousness that flickered in Xerxes' eyes.

  "You know NOTHING!" he snapped.

  "I am Sahar, the Stone of Awakening, who can control any being or element, Xerxes. If I wanted you dead, all I would need to do is snap my fingers, and you'd be facing the judgment you surely deserve for the crimes you continue to commit in the name of power and status. The only reason I will not kill you is that Mother Destiny has other plans for your pathetic soul, ones that I can say will leave you in endless agony and torment as you struggle to achieve that silly mission of yours."

  "Silly mission? You talk as if you KNOW what I've been through. Mother Destiny can suck it! She allowed me to kill the previous Elemental? Rubbish. I killed her with my own power and I'll do it again to her next of kin before I go and get the Sword of Hikaru!"

  I snickered and in seconds, laughter left my mouth and my shoulders shook. "Oh Xerxes. You've already lost that battle. The sword has already been claimed."

  Xerxes' eyes grew wide and it took him a moment to process my words. "What..."

  "Ah. Mother Destiny works in mysterious ways, my dear. You're nothing but a pawn in this game. You really think you're the highlight of this war that will affect all of us? You are nothing but a stepping stone. A test, if you will. You are nothing but a pitiful shifter, whose mere purpose is to escape his brother's shadow. Everything you're trying to do will be in vain, because the darkness that will hit our land is far greater, and from the looks of it, you won't be on the good side." I lifted my hands to my sides and shrugged.

  "There's no power left for you to attempt and take. You can try though, but I
have confidence in the Princess who holds my essence in her beating heart. You will feel her wrath momentarily." I hummed.

  "I WILL NOT FEEL ANYONE'S WRATH! You will DIE, just like I killed you all those cycles ago!" Xerxes lunged forward so fast that he was in front of us in a flash. His hand wrapped around our neck and we were smashed into the floor.

  I smiled, ignoring the constricting feeling from his grip, not feeling any lack of oxygen. "You'll have to do more than strangle me to death, Xerxes. Let's be more creative here," I suggested and he lifted his free hand up.

  I expected him to punch me, but I noticed a ball of fire begin to form. Once again, shots of fire burst through the ground, flowing towards the ball of flames that began to grow bigger and bigger.

  "You should know I'll enjoy watching you die once again, Sahar," Xerxes declared proudly once the ball was large enough to consume my body in one hit.

  "You underestimate me, but I'll let Scarlet decide her fate," I stated and just like that, I was back in control but was hit with waves of emotion.

  Anger, sadness, disappointment, longing. The elements around me were crying out to me and it was so strong that I bit my lip and water pooled in my eyes.

  I immediately knew why they were so troubled. They didn't want to see another Elemental killed before their time.

  They didn't want the world to be left in the hands of someone who didn't respect the air we breathed, the water we drank or the ground we walked on. The fire that gave warmth to our bodies in the winter and the wind that blew by to help cool us off in the summer.

  The man before me did not respect this world and his leadership would only lead to the death of our already dying realm.

  "Any last words, Scarlet? Try to be more creative this time," Xerxes whispered.

  "If you had the power of all the items you desired, what would you do for the elements?" I asked.

  "I'd used them. They would respond to my call and I would display such power to my pupils to instill fear and complete dedication to my rule. The elements are nothing but power. They don't have feelings, nor do they deserve to be used for anything else. They will abide by my will and will be nothing more than that," Xerxes vowed.


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