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Visionary Awakened

Page 32

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I closed my eyes, feeling the power within me begin to boil, the elements raged at his words. When I opened them again, I knew what I wanted to do and Xerxes' eyes grew wide. For once, they were filled with nothing but fear.

  "Wrong answer, Xerxes," I replied. "The elements will never abide by you, but I will show you a glimpse of their power."

  I watched as Xerxes lowered his hand in slow motion, the oversized ball of flames ready to disintegrate me, but his hand stopped midway, trembling in place.

  "What?!" he shouted, looking up at his hand, which wouldn't budge.

  The ball of flames remained at the large size, but then it began to pulsate. The wind began to swarm around us, growing in strength as little droplets of water followed a spiral flow, moving upward, higher and higher and began to suck in the broken pieces of wood and other debris like a forming tornado.

  Little rocks lifted up and joined the mass of power growing around us. Shots of lighting hit the fireball, making it grow even larger.

  "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! You'll destroy EVERYTHING!" Xerxes snapped, trying so desperately to move his hand, but it was useless.

  I smirked. "No, Xerxes. The elements would never harm me or the ones I love. You, however, don't fit in that category and I think you deserve a permanent reminder that you are nothing but a pawn in this game," I declared and released the hold on the built up energy.

  In a flash, the energy exploded and blinded me, but I could feel the flow of power leaving my body as I imagined the punishment I wanted for him.

  Xerxes wouldn't die. Instead, he'd live in constant agony, with little to no relief. His skin would feel hot like fire, and his eyes would drip constantly. His complexion would be rough like the earth, and he'd rely on other sources of oxygen to breathe without struggle.

  His eyesight would dim with time, and there would be nothing he could do could stop its gradual decay. His feet would bubble with blisters and warts, making it a struggle to walk on a flat surface.

  He'd have all the power he could want, but he wouldn’t be able to use it properly, only coming out in small bursts that would do little damage to anyone he tried to face. He'd be weak and soon realize that his dream of ruling the realms would be nothing but his imagination.

  His screams vibrated the walls, and when they came to a stop, I opened my eyes and felt Xerxes' hand was no longer around my neck but I could barely move.

  I had just enough strength to lift my head slightly to see my vision of his punishment in the flesh. Xerxes stared at his trembling hands before looking at his skin and feet. "!" he stuttered.

  I grinned in satisfaction. "I didn't do anything. The elements did. I guess being the Elemental has its perks." I weakly laughed, and he met my gaze.

  "You'll pay for this, Elemental! You...think you won?! I always...ALWAYS...have a backup plan. Hope enjoy your last minutes of breathing," he declared. I watched as a portal appeared behind him and he backed into it, disappearing from sight.

  I moaned, letting my head fall back as I tried to stay conscious and regulate my breathing. Man...being the Elemental is really hard.

  I tried to sense Aurora and Serenity, but my mind was quiet, which lead me to believe I'd drained myself to the point they had retreated. Xerxes' words came to my mind and I groaned, the sound barely audible.

  "A bomb....what are...the fucking...chances?" I struggled to state, as I stared at the ceiling. I could hear the sounds of the lingering fire burning down the place around me and saw smoke flowing out through the broken roof. I didn't know how badly damaged the place was, but if the bomb that I suspected was Xerxes' back up plan didn't go off, I assumed the building would crash down upon me.

  I closed my eyes, too tired to fight my heavy eyelids any longer, and just waited for my end. I hoped the guys got out okay and that the fire across the city had diminished. I knew if the building collapsed, Jaxson would at least be safe thanks to the bubble around him.

  I thanked Tatsu for his help, hoping my mental gratitude would bring him good fortune in finding whatever he was looking for. The last thing I pondered, which left me feeling rather sad, was I never got to meet Jaxson's other spirit.

  "Jax..." I whispered, as if he was right next to me instead of in the bubble barrier which I thought was on my left in the corner of what remained of the room.

  "Next time...I come to the better...introduce me to...your other spirit," I stated. I felt a little delusional and silly for saying those words, but I truly wished I had met him.

  "All you have to do is ask, Princess," the unfamiliar voice declared.

  I used my last bit of strength to open my eyes, waiting for them to focus and reveal Jaxson's smiling expression. I realized in seconds that his second spirit was in full control. His once amber eyes were pure black and his jet black hair had silver highlights. He had a confident grin, but without making him look cocky. He looked really hot, actually, which may have just been to my delirious state.

  "" I asked, feeling like this was almost a dream.

  "Alistair White, Scarlet. Glad I got to meet and experience how awesome you are. I think Jaxson and Agni don't praise you enough," Alistair commented.

  I gave the best smile I could. "I...agree."

  Alistair leaned in and gave me a tender kiss on my lips, and then scooped me up with ease. I took one last look at him before I gave in to my exhaustion, my eyes slowly closing as I lost all strength to stay awake any longer. My ears picked up one last thing before my consciousness gave way to the dark abyss.

  "Rest up, Visionary Elemental. We're going home."

  "Oh no, Jaxson. I'm going on my date! Where's Alistair? He'll agree with me," I huffed as crossed my arms over my chest. I glared at Jaxson, who sighed.

  "I should ban Alistair from hanging with you when I'm sleeping. He's like your new lover," Jaxson grumbled. Michael laughed, grabbing our attention. We both turned to the door to see the angel shifter with Ethan, Junho, and Christian.

  They all made their way into Jaxson's room. Everyone except Michael was dressed casually for our trip to the mall, Christian having stated he would drive us to the town square.

  "I agree with Scar. Alister doesn't give a shit if Scar goes and has fun without him." Michael winked as he walked over to me. He pulled me into an embrace and kissed me on the lips. "Hey, Scar love. How are you feeling?"

  "I'm good! The medication Winterlya sent over helped a lot. I don't feel tired or anything. But, SOMEONE doesn't want me going on my scheduled date." I narrowed my eyes at Jaxson, who shook his head.

  He walked over to me, and leaned in to give me a kiss. I giggled against his lips. "Cheater." I huffed, knowing he was kissing me so I would forgive him. He smirked and gave me another kiss, which made me laugh.

  "They're like a married couple now," Christian commented to Ethan.

  "Right. Did he buy her chocolate?" Ethan asked.

  "Nah, I got her a year’s subscription for chocolate. A certain someone told me he got her a crate of Bailey's wine," Junho pointed out.

  Michael groaned and looked at the guys in front of us. "You weren't supposed to reveal it when Jax and Scar are here."

  "Oops," Junho said with a shrug, looking like he didn't really give a shit. Michael released me so I could go and hug the others.

  When I finished, I walked over to get my leather jacket and put it on. Then I ruffled my hair, that was in the transition of changing back to its neon orange look.

  Since the battle with Xerxes, he had kept out of sight. It left many loose ends and his lackeys confused as to what to do, which Ethan took perfect advantage of. He tracked them, which led to the arrest of 57 shifters who were associated with Xerxes and one of his many crimes.

  I hadn't been unconscious for too long after Alistair rescued me, waking up a day later. Then I was on bedrest for a week and a half. Winterlya had sent over medication for me to take during my forced rest, which had helped boost my energy levels and assiste
d my body in regaining my magic threshold.

  I'd gained nothing but praise for my stunt in saving Jaxson, and though Kendrick was upset I put my life at risk, I knew he was glad I'd managed to stall Xerxes in his plot of realm domination.

  "Any word on Xerxes’ location, or on where this Sword of Hikaru is?" Jaxson asked the team.

  Ethan shook his head. "Nothing so far. I'm still searching for information about this sword. I may need Junho's help, because anything associated with the sword is in Japanese text and Google Translate ain't helping me."

  "I got you," Junho replied, putting his hands in the pockets of his dark denim jeans.

  "OH! That reminds me!" I exclaimed, remembering the guy at the charity event. I looked at Junho, who had a curious look on his face as he met my gaze. "A man named...uh...Tatsu! Yep, that’s his name. Tatsu says hi."

  "Tatsu? Where did you meet him?" Junho asked, looking a little shocked at the mention of that name.

  "He was at the charity event," I replied.

  "Was he the one who kissed your hand?" Ethan accused.

  I rolled my eyes as the other guys all stared at me. "Settle down. It was nothing serious. Yes, he's the one, but he also gave me that water bubble device that protected Jaxson."

  I decided to leave out his association with Xerxes for now, feeling it didn't need to be mentioned now that Xerxes was missing in action, yet again.

  "Oh. Hmmm. I guess he may be here with my older sister," Junho pondered.

  "Older sister? They're dating?" I asked. He hadn’t given off the impression he was dating anyone.

  Junho nodded. "He comes off as a smooth talker, but he's very loyal to my sis. They've been dating for a long time. He was a victim of all the violence that happened back in Japan. He stayed with us for a while after, and I guess him and my sis had chemistry. He's chill, but a little mysterious and does things his own way, but that's similar to my sister. She didn't tell me she'd be in town, must have been for a business exchange."

  "Do I get to meet her?" I asked excitedly.

  Junho smirked. "If you want. She'll love you. She's one of those no nonsense girls, though. Think of Cece times three."

  "Damn. Triple Cece personality?" Christian whined.

  "Means she’s triple badass!" I declared. The guys chuckled.

  "C'mon. Let's get going. I'm enjoying every minute of this week off, starting now. I don't want to look at another computer screen for three days." Ethan stretched before ruffling his blue locks.

  "Michael and I have last minute meetings today at the office, but we'll join you tonight," Jaxson stated.

  "I have to go help Cece and Vinzent pick up the last criminals, but I'll be done before the evening, so I guess we'll meet up with you three then," Christian suggested to Junho, Ethan, and I.

  "Okay! Be good and don't get distracted, especially you two." I pointed to Michael and Jaxson, who both blushed and glanced away.

  "Don't know what you’re implying," Michael grumbled.

  "Exactly." Jaxson huffed.

  Junho chuckled before leaning in to whisper to the group. "Scar caught them making out in the bathroom the other day."

  Ethan groaned. "You guys never invite me to anything. I miss all the action."

  Christian shook his head. "You have Scar all afternoon and early evening. Use your time wisely, since she's staying at my place tonight," he declared.

  "I call dibs to come too!" Junho announced.

  I snickered before I began to giggle. "Cum...get it?"

  Jaxson and Michael exhaled and Ethan and Junho laughed.

  "Let's go, love birds, and don't have sex in my car. I just got it cleaned and don't want it smelling like group sex," Christian warned.

  "We would do no such thing," Ethan huffed, but then leaned in to whisper to Junho. "I call front."

  "Good, I like Scar's perky ass." Junho winked and I blushed.

  "Can't believe we're talking about this so casually. Let's go," I huffed, ushering for them to leave. I looked back at the other guys. "Bye guys. Love you." I blew them a kiss and they both smiled.

  "Love you, Scar," Michael called.

  "Love you too. Don't get into trouble," Jaxson answered.

  I stuck out my tongue and smiled. "I never get in trouble." I hummed.


  I looked down to see Moonlight at my feet, his doll his mouth and the ribbon undone for the third time today. I rolled my eyes. "CHRISTIAN! Stop bothering Moonlight!"

  "It's his bloody fault," Christian insisted.

  "Why can't you leave the poor cat alone?" Junho sighed.

  "Ya. What did he break this time? The new lamp?" Ethan wondered.

  "He didn't break anything. He just cuddles in between Scar and I when we’re asleep. I don't wanna wake up to his ass in my face,” Christian complained.

  Junho and Ethan burst into laughter. I grinned, kneeling down and taking the doll from Moonlight, who stared at me happily.

  "You going to be around?" I asked quietly.

  He nodded. "Yes, but I have to do a few things while you guys are on vacation," Risuki informed me.

  "Something wrong?" I asked, noticing the hint of worry in his voice before I scooped him up in my arms. He nuzzled his head against my chest and I stroked him soothingly. He normally wasn't super affectionate unless something was worrying him.

  "Meow," he replied quietly. "It’s Nightmare. I haven't heard from her, so I'm a little worried," Risuki revealed.

  Hmm. Now that you mentioned it, I texted Makoto a while back and have yet to get an answer. Normally she replies right away or calls me. I'd been too busy to notice, but it has been awhile.

  "Meoow." He began to purr and his tail moved from side to side lazily. "I'll look into it," Risuki replied.

  Keep me posted. They're probably busy, but if you don't hear from Nightmare by the time we get back, I'll look into it with the others.


  "Okay...thanks Scar," he whispered.

  I lifted him up to press my forehead against his little one. I'm here for you, just as you are with me. You're my family, you know.

  "Scar? Let's go. We have reservations for lunch, remember?" Junho called out.

  "Coming!" I replied. I looked back at Moonlight, who leaned his head up to nuzzle his nose against mine, making me giggle.

  "I'll see you when I see you. Make sure to leave your doll if you're going anywhere crazy. I don't want to have to come and save it from a bird’s nest or evil squirrels," I cautioned.

  I let him down and he stretched. Then I took a moment to make sure his Nighty doll was perfect.

  "Meow!" He huffed as I gave him his doll back. "That squirrel was possessed," Risuki insisted. "And thank you. Now go away."

  He ran into Jaxson's room and I quickly took a peek. I saw the two sitting on the bed, looking deep in conversation about something.

  Even though we hadn't beat Xerxes, we certainly hadn't lost either. Maybe it was a tiebreaker then?

  "Don't walk so fast, I'm not fit for this life," I complained, having to slow down my pace to a walking pace and watch Ethan and Junho, who continued to speed walk ahead so we would get to the restaurant on time.

  We got stuck in major traffic and even with Christian's shortcuts, we were cutting it really close to our reservation time.

  The restaurant was celebrating their grand opening and had an eight-month waitlist going, but because of our billionaire status, we got early access. "Ugh, why can't they be nice and not be so strict on tim-OOF."

  I bumped right into someone and took a step back to regain my balance. "Ah, Sorry!" I immediately bowed my head in apology.

  "Gomennasai," a soft-toned voice apologized. Huh? Japanese.

  I lifted my head up to stare into vibrant mismatched eyes. Her light green and turquoise orbs stared right back at me in interest. Wow...her eyes are gorgeous. What's with Japanese people having flawless features and stunning eyes?

  "Gomennasai. I really didn't mean to bump into you. I was
in a rush," I replied, deciding to speak in Japanese, since I was fluent.

  The woman pouted; her small pink lips complemented her pale complexion. She was 6'0” and wore a beautiful dress that fit her slim figure nicely. I saw what looked to be a dragon tattoo wrapping around her left leg, and a snake tattoo wrapping around her right one.

  She wore pink and white wedges that matched her pink and white dress, which had hints of gold and red. Her black hair was up in a ponytail that was held in place by red hair ornaments that reminded me of chopsticks. They were crossed and had little dangling jewelry that swayed slightly.

  She had a red sheath on her back. The red rope strap was over her shoulder like she was going to Kendo practice or something. She blinked her mismatched eyes at me, tilting her head in confusion.

  "Japanese? You speak?" she asked in English. Her Japanese accent was thick but her words were clear and smooth.

  "Yes. I learned the language when I was young. The culture fascinated me," I explained.

  "Ah. Intriguing."

  "Um...are you new to LA?" I asked.

  "Yes. I'm here...for work purposes. Complicated and boring." She shrugged.

  "I can imagine," I replied.


  I leaned over to the side as the woman looked over her shoulder. Two men stood a few feet away, both of them looking similar in appearance, but I was unsure if they were twins or just related.

  "Ah. I better go. They are very impatient. Annoying," the woman named Trinity commented, returning her attention to me.

  "Scarlet!" I looked over my shoulder to see Junho and Ethan approaching. Both of them looked confused, probably wondering who I was with.

  "My men are like that too," I stated.

  "Men. You date both?" she inquired.

  "Yes," I said without a hint of hesitation.

  Trinity nodded and grinned. "America is very intriguing." She hummed and lifted her hand up in greeting. "Trinity."

  "Scarlet," I replied, shaking her hand.

  I felt something pass between us, and from Trinity's odd expression, I could tell she experienced the same. It reminded me of when I meet Makoto, but it was a lot more intense this time.


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