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Unexpected Changes

Page 5

by A. M. Willard

  “Of course, we will do what we can from our end and then let you know by close of business what direction we think the company should go.”

  “I appreciate it. And again, I apologize for not being able to focus today.”

  “It’s expected. You’ve had a lot on your plate and we send our best to you. Especially since the papers announced your divorce today.”

  “Excuse me? What did you just say?” I ask with confusion.

  “It’s on the front page. Senator Edwards’s office issued a press release.”

  “Of course they did, since they live to dictate my life. If you’ll excuse me, I have a few matters to tend to,” I say as I push my chair away. I’ve got to get out of here; the walls feel like they are closing in on me.

  For years I have begged for this, and now, on their terms, they release this. When were they going to inform me of this?

  “Sir, I need you for a moment,” I hear Kelly announce and I walk to her desk in a fog.

  “Of course, Kelly. Everything okay?”

  “Well, I have a few things, actually. One, SHI called and would like to know when you will need the next visit. Oh, and when you leave, you might want to go out the back. The press is camped out in front.”

  “That’s to be expected, especially since I wasn’t prepared for this change of events,” I say, earning me a look of worry and confusion from my trusted assistant.

  “Carter, if you don’t mind me saying something, I’d like to voice my views.”

  “Go ahead, Kelly, because I know it’s killing you.”

  A smile breaks out across her face as she explains. “It is, and I think it’s the best news I’ve heard in years. Now, you need to fix things with her, and quickly. Let the past go. That’s what it is, the past. She’s your future. Now grab it and hold on tight. From what I’ve witnessed, you will never have to become someone you aren’t. She loves you for you.”

  “That’s very kind, Kelly, but I’m not sure I can fix what I broke.”

  Now with a coy look, she says, “See, I have the inside information, and I beg to differ. You can right what’s wrong. All you have to do is explain it, and time will heal both of your hearts.”

  “Since when did you become so wise?”

  “Always, just haven’t had to share my wisdom with you yet. You don’t think I’d waste it on the devil, do you?”

  “Guess you’re right. Look, I’m going to use your mighty fine wisdom soon, but I have a few things I need to handle right now. Call my cell if you require me.”

  “You got it, boss man. Go fix what’s been wronged and let your heart heal.”

  As I sneak out the back and head towards the parking garage, I ponder what Kelly said. Can time and love indeed build back the trust I broke? Will Tabitha ever let me in and allow me to love her?

  There’s only one answer: all I can do is stay true to myself. I have to fix the wrong before I can have the right, and that’s where I’m headed.

  Chapter Nine


  AFTER I LEFT THE OFFICE, I called my doctor and he can’t see me until later this week. I decided to forgo going home and opted instead to drive around for a bit before I met my brother.

  Stopped at a red light, lost in thought, I jump at the sound of my phone going off. My foot slips from the brake and hits the gas; the only good grace I have is no one’s in front of me.

  “Hello,” I answer in a rushed tone.

  “Ah … Tabitha, you okay?” Jessica asks.

  “I am now, but the phone almost caused me to drive through the intersection.”

  “You are a wreck, and I don’t know how you survive.”

  “Neither do I, Jessica.”

  “Anyway, I’m glad you’re safe, but I have some news.”

  “Lord, I hope it’s good.”

  “Depends on how you define it, but we seem to think it is.”

  “Who’s we?”

  “That would be Kelly and me, and no, you don’t get to ask.”

  “Okay …”

  “Well, I do know for sure that Carter is okay. He wasn’t in the building at the time of the fire. Also, a press release was issued today that he and that bitch of a wife are getting a divorce.”

  “The first part is splendid, but the last part, I don’t see why that would make me happy. I think it makes me feel worse.”

  “You really have gone mad, haven’t you? How could that not be outstanding news?”

  “Means he’s free, and I’ll have to turn him down for other reasons.”

  “Well, smarty pants, what would those reasons be? I might not be one of the guys or Angela, but I’ve known you for a while now. You can’t fool me.”

  “You have, and I’m not trying to pull anything. It is what it is, Jess. I can’t be that person again.”

  “We’ll see, but just follow your heart.”

  “Like you’re following yours?” I ask in a ‘take that’ voice.

  “Well, this conversation is now over.”

  “That’s what I thought, Jess. Thank you for the information. I appreciate you letting me know Carter is okay. The rest is history.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, and I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh, make sure you give your brother hell for me,” she says as she hangs up, leaving me staring at my phone. Those two I will never figure out, and I don’t know if I want to.

  After I park, I make my way to the bar and glance around to see if my brother has shown up yet. With no Seth in sight, I make my way towards the high-top we usually sit at. As I perch myself on a stool, I hear my text go off.

  Bro: Running late, I’ll see you soon.

  Me: Okay but hurry up.

  With some time to spare, I flag down the waitress, order a martini, and respond to a few emails that have come through since I left the office.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you here,” I hear from behind me.

  I turn sideways and say, “It has. Care to join me until my brother shows?”

  “I’m glad you asked. Let me order; we have a few things to talk about.”

  With that kind of response, I wave over the new waitress so we can get this over with. I barely know him and my nerves are already on edge.

  “You can start while we wait. You don’t start out a ‘nice to see you’ conversation with that kind of response.”

  “Very well, you might want to down that martini and get another one coming.”

  I watch his facial expressions for a bit and then decide down the hatch is the best option for me right now. As I place the glass back down, I give a brief wave of the empty one towards the bar.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “I’ll just say this as if we were ripping a band-aid off. Fast and painful. I knew who you were from the very first meeting, I was sent to watch over you by Carter Northwood.”

  I interrupt him before he can go any further. “What do you mean, sent to watch over me? Are you the one who sent me those pictures?”

  “Calm down and listen to me, Tabitha. No, I didn’t send you any photos. I am, however, aware of them being sent to you. That’s why I’m here tonight. Carter and I decided that it’s best you know about me and that we work as a team, not against each other.”

  I’m not sure if he’s still talking or not: all I hear is the Charlie Brown voice running through my head. Jack will have to rewind and start over as I don’t comprehend what just happened.

  Our drinks are placed in front of us and I reach for mine to take a huge gulp.

  Glancing back up, I say, “I’m confused. Who the hell are you?”

  “You know my name, but I’m a PI and friends with Carter. Let me finish and then you will be caught up to speed.”

  Rolling my hands in the air at him, I say, “By all means, carry on. Who’s little old me to stop you from telling me what you know?”

  What seems like hours go by as I listen to everything Jack is telling me. I currently don’t know which way is up, and it’s not due to the drinks
I’ve downed. Well, it could be. Seth texted midway through our evening to say he had to stay late at work and needed a rain check. Great, I’m stuck with my PI and still confused as ever, I think.

  “So let me get this straight: you’re the reason I feel like someone is always watching me and you report back to douche face on my whereabouts? Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, I did, you forgot to warn me. You let me get involved, but sit here and pretend you were only protecting me. I call bullshit. I’m done here and you get the bill,” I say as I stand to walk away, but the room is all wobbly. Shit, I can’t drive and I’m not asking douche nozzle number two for help.

  “Tabitha, let me take you home or at least call a cab.”

  Turning around, I point my finger in his face. “No, you do not get to help me tonight. You need to not follow me, or else. I don’t need you looking after me, or him. I’ll deal with that later, when I can think.”

  When I reach the night air, I’m thankful a taxi is already waiting in the parking lot. I’m not going to question how or who. I just know I’ll arrive home safe and sound.


  Tossing my jacket on the back of the chair in my home office, I pick up the briefcase from the floor and set it on top of the desk.

  If I didn’t have to leave after this, I’d pour myself a stiff drink. For some reason, I feel I need to have a clear head tonight.

  Comfortable, I dial in the combination and flip the lid open. Papers, so many papers, pictures, and a mess that I have no idea what I’m digging into.

  The first thing I grab to start my pile are the images. The very first one catches my attention. It’s Bethany and my father. The odd thing about it is you can see me off in the background. By the way I’m dressed, it’s graduation day. This places me at eighteen and her at seventeen. My father’s caressing the side of her face and she’s looking up at him.

  Sick is what I feel, with a mixture of confusion. Setting it to the side, I proceed to go through the rest of them. They’re all pictures of her and him, and a few of my cousin, Jasper. One picture shows my father touching her stomach in a manner that I would.

  Livid with everyone in my fucked up life, I grab the briefcase and set out towards my parents’ home. This is a place I never visit, but in this case, it’s a well-deserved trip.

  I don’t knock as I enter the home I was raised in. A house full of lies, is what this is, I think as I glance around at the walls. They are full of family pictures from the years I was actually a part of it.

  Hearing my father’s voice from the study, I march towards it and swing the door open.

  “If you don’t want whoever is on the other end of that to hear me, I suggest you hang up now.”

  “Let me call you back, dear. I have some business to attend to,” he says to the person on the other end of the receiver. “Have a seat, Carter.” He directs me to a chair in front of him.

  “I’ll stand,” I say, placing the briefcase on his desk.

  “You don’t need to show me those. I know what’s in the briefcase. Have a seat and let me explain.”

  “Oh, you will be explaining. I want everything before I leave here,” I say, deciding to sit down and get comfortable for what the explanation is for ruining my life.

  Chapter Ten


  LIVID IS WHAT I AM, STILL. What right does Carter have to try to protect me? Maybe before he crushed me, but not now. He has crossed the line of me being calm and collected. If he was standing in front of me, I would knock him on his ass, or beat him like the copier.

  Pacing my office after little sleep, last night has me still all worked up. He did not answer his phone when I called to chew him a new one. “Coward is what he is. I’ll show him,” I announce to no one other than myself.

  I hear a faint knock on my office door and I turn around and notice Jessica standing in the doorway. “You okay? I keep hearing you in here.”

  “I’m just wonderful. How are you?” I snap.

  “Think I’m better than you by the looks of it.”

  “What’s that mean? I look wonderful,” I respond as I look down at what I have on. I should be embarrassed by my attire, but after last night and a lack of sleep¸ I just don’t care.

  “Seems to me you forgot to take your glitter pill this morning. Actually, you’ve been slack about it for a while.”

  “Glitter pill? What does that even mean?”

  “Just something we came up with.”

  “Who are we?”

  “Seth, Cory, Angela, and me. It means most days you sparkle and we call it the glitter pill, but I think you need a new prescription.”

  “Funny. You all have jokes, don’t you?”

  “Just saying, Tabitha. By the way, Kelly called and would like to know when you’re free.”

  “You know what, Jessica? Have me fly out tomorrow but don’t inform Mr. Northwood.”

  “Okay, well, I’m not sure how that will work.”

  “I’ll teach him a lesson,” I say out loud to no one as I realize Jessica has disappeared.

  All I managed to do last night and this morning is go over everthing that has happened. How he weaseled his way into my heart, crushed it, and how my heart is now furious. Times like these make me wish I could just jump in my car and pound the door down, hence, the reason I’m jumping on the next flight to give him a piece of my mind.

  I know myself, and with that being said, if I bottle up any more of this anger and frustration, I’ll explode.

  Opening my email, I decide to shoot Angela a quick one to explain a few things. I know she won’t mind if I take a few days to deal with this new bit of information.


  Don’t be upset that I’m emailing you this and didn’t call. I have to hurry in order to catch my flight. A few things have come to light that need to be dealt with. I’ll explain more when I can.

  Yes, before you ask, I am going to see Carter.

  Love you and send me what you need me to do while I’m out of the office.



  Shoving all my files, laptop, and junk into my messenger bag, I dash out towards Jessica.

  “Got my itinerary?”

  “On the copier, but I’ll get it. I’ve been instructed for you to never touch it again,” she says as she waddles over to it, laughing.

  “Funny … He doesn’t know I’m showing up, does he?”

  “From this end, no, and I instructed Kelly of the same. She said for you to text her when you land and you’ll know his whereabouts.”

  “Thanks and I’m sorry to skip out on you like this. Will you be okay while I’m gone?”

  “I will, and go get your guy.”

  “Get him? Do you think this is a happy visit? Because I’m doing the opposite. I plan to tear into him.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.”

  Making a mad dash out the doors before Jessica can say anything else, I head to my car. I’ve got just enough time to get home, pack, and make it to the airport. Once I sit down on that plane, I’ll think about what I’ll say. Until then, I have crap to do.

  Proud that I did everything in record time, I huff as I run through security towards the gate. When I approach check-in, I catch my reflection in the glass and sigh, realizing I forgot to change.

  Definitely not my typical attire: black capri yoga pants with a vintage rolling stones shirt, completed by my red flats. It’s simple and comfortable.

  The flight felt like it took longer than it did, and as they announce over the intercom that we’ve landed, I pull out my cell phone to send Kelly a quick ‘I’m here’ text. She and Jessica think they are funny with this little plan. Joke’s going to be to them when I finish with Carter tonight.

  Me: Just landed, where is he?

  Kelly: He’s at his condo. After today, you’ll either find him locked in his home office or the gym. The doorman knows of your arrival and will escort you to him.

  Laughing, I retrieve my luggage and hunt down a
taxi. I need to remind myself to ask both of them how long they’ve been conspiring behind my back.

  As I jump into the back of the taxi, I instruct the driver to take me to Carter’s condo. The crazy thing is, I don’t recognize the address; it’s not the same place I stayed at before.


  Sitting across from my father, I stare at the man in front of me. Disgust is what I feel. I’m not even certain I want to hear this explanation. It’s not going to be good for either of us, no matter what he has to say.

  Jack confirmed the conversation he had with Tabitha and how upset she was. I knew that was going to be the outcome. Once I finish up with business here, I will right what I did wrong.

  Just as my father opens his mouth to speak, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Holding up a finger to stop him from starting, I dig it out to look at the screen. When I notice it’s Tabitha calling, I have no other choice but to forward it to voicemail. This will only fuel her fire even more. Good. She needs to get fired up. This might make her fight back with me, I think as I shove the phone back in my pocket.

  “Go ahead, Father, because I can’t wait to hear your excuses for ruining my life.”

  “Let me start out by explaining that your mother is to never hear about this. Do you understand? One scandal is enough and I refuse to break her heart.”

  “That’s what you’re going with? Really … You care that much about her and so little about your own son?”

  “Easy there, Son. I did what I thought was best and what I had no choice but to do.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that, but in the end … just know that I will never step foot in this house again. You and I are done, with no repair. As far as Mom, I’ll figure that out if she didn’t know anything about this. Are we clear?”

  “She didn’t know, and yes we’re clear.”

  “Start from the beginning,” I instruct and feel my phone ringing again. With a quick glance, I see it’s Jack this time, and he ended up in voicemail, along with my heart.

  “Son, I’m sorry, first off. I have to tell you, if I could go back, I’d tell you to run as far away as you could have. I never meant for it to get this out of hand. I fell for Bethany when you two were dating, and one thing led to another. The baby was never yours, well, we don’t think. We were always careful, except for once, and I know you two were not doing anything at the time. You were getting ready to graduate and leave this place, start your own life without her. Bethany was upset, and I was at the wrong place. Needless to say, with the profile of Senator Edwards, she was always being followed. Word got back to him about our relationship and that’s when it came out, that I’d go on his payroll and you would marry his daughter. If you didn’t, they would’ve charged you with rape and they would’ve ruined my career.” I interrupt him before he can go any further.


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