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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 4

by Rachel McNeely


  “All the guys hollered hello when Jackson stepped out the door, and then they looked at Cheryl. One of the single guys yelled out, “She’s a bit young for you, isn’t she?”

  “Not really, but my date is her friend. This is Cheryl Buckley. You may have seen her at Aces. I invited Kayla and her to join us. Any complaints?”

  “Hell no,” one of the men shouted out.

  A good number of the men strolled over to introduce themselves to Cheryl. She had danced with some of them, but this time was different, as though she’d gotten a SEAL of approval from being connected to another one of their members.

  Kayla and the wives came out and smiled at the group surrounding Cheryl. Their husbands had been talking to Wolf as he cooked, but they quickly came to their wives’ side. Jackson put his arm around Kayla.

  Cheryl watched their interactions, how loving they were toward their wives, and she knew she wanted to have that type of relationship with the man she married. Looking around, she saw one of the men standing under a tree. He hadn’t come forward, so excusing herself, Cheryl walked slowly in his direction. His expression almost warned her off, but there was something about him that made her keep walking.

  “Hi, I’m Cheryl, Kayla’s friend. She’s with Bear.”

  “So, I heard.” He frowned at her. “Didn’t you have enough admirers standing around you? Why bother me? I’m not interested.”

  “Wow, you don’t mince your words, do you?”

  “No, I’m a little older than my younger buddies. I’ve seen girls like you. Most of you just want a night with a SEAL, and then you go on your merry way.”

  “Some of us want a relationship.”

  “Why? For the prestige of having one of us hanging on your arm?”

  “Someone really did you wrong. But all women aren’t like those types you mentioned.”

  “You’re a baby. Go play with the youngsters. Someone like me is too disillusioned and mean to toy with a baby like you.”

  “Well, you are mean, but I’m not a baby.” With that Cheryl turned to march off toward the others. She saw Jackson headed her way.

  “Hi, Heath. How are you doing?”


  “Cheryl, Kayla wants you to join her.”

  “I was just starting on my way to join you two.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll be there in a moment.”

  Cheryl nodded and walked off, but she glanced back and saw Bear had sat beside the man she’d been talking too.


  “How are you doing?”

  “Not great, but don’t worry I was unpleasant enough that your girl’s friend won’t talk to me again.”

  “Good. Personally, I think Cheryl might be a good match for you, who knows, but not now. Losing a buddy on that last mission and coming home to your girl engaged to someone else was a heavy blow.”

  “It isn’t any of your business.”

  “True, but I like you. I wouldn’t mind having you on my team when you get your head straight. Are you seeing a counselor?”

  “Yeah, the captain insisted, but I’m considering leaving the service.”

  “Don’t, at least not until you have your head straight, Heath.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Jackson stood. “Visit me anytime.” Then he smiled in Kayla’s direction and headed back to her.

  When he got to Kayla’s side, Cheryl spoke up.

  “I was doing all right on my own and had started back to be with you all. I didn’t need rescuing.”

  “Perhaps not, but he does. I wanted to talk with him.”

  “You told him to stay away from me? I’d already realized he’s too hurt to deal with me or any woman at this time.”

  Jackson nodded his head and turned to Kayla. “She has a good head on her shoulders.”

  Kayla’s mouth dropped open. “You know my friend for an hour or so, and you make a quick judgment.”

  “Honey, we’re trained to make quick decisions. To study people and know right away what we need to do.”

  “Do you think you know me that well, already? Has getting to know you just been all talk?

  “Kayla, I don’t want to come between you two. Maybe I should leave.”

  “No.” Jackson studied Kayla. “If we want to keep seeing each other we must know how to disagree and not get angry.” He waited to see what response he’d get from Kayla.

  She took a deep breath. “I agree, but please try to not make snap judgments about my friends or me.”

  “We’ll see.” He looked down at her. “I’m not sure I can do that. But let’s drop it for now. The food smells delicious, and the others are filling their plates.” With a hand on each of their backs, he guided them to the grill and table loaded with food.


  After everyone was stuffed, the men helped clear the table and went back out to talk. The women helped Caroline put the leftovers in the refrigerator and talked about their husbands.

  To Kayla’s surprise, Cheryl brought up the incident about her and how Kayla reacted. Kayla frowned at her.

  “Don’t be upset with Cheryl. It’s good she’s talking about it. Maybe you both need to hear what it’s like to be a SEAL’s wife.”

  Each one took their turn discussing the highs and lows when their men had to leave abruptly without knowing where they were or if they’d be able to come back. Several of them told how they and Caroline got together when the going got rough. How they each supported the others and their own ways of coping.

  Sherry, one of the new wives, whose husband was on Bear’s team, said, “I paint, and I do a lot of it when Jeff is gone, but I know none of it will be any good to show others. It’s just for me. A record of my feelings during the time he’s away on a mission. Jeff and I look at them when he gets back. We talk about them, and then burn the paintings in a metal drum in our backyard. He and I sit, drink wine, watch the fire, and the tension rolls off of us.”

  “That’s a great way for you to relieve your tensions,” Caroline said. “We hear about divorces from some of the other teams. Our team has been lucky. Our married couples have all stayed together.”

  “Thank you all for being so open,” Kayla said. “I admire you for your strength and love. I’m a mess and not sure I’ll be good for Jackson.”

  “Take your time. Don’t give up easily. Jackson’s a great guy, as I’ve said before.” Caroline hugged Kayla and studied her face. “Be honest about your feelings and what you want. We’ll understand whatever decision you make.”

  “He may not want me after tonight.”

  Sherry spoke up. “Our guys don’t give up easily.”

  They’d finished cleaning the kitchen as they talked. Caroline shooed everyone outside to join the men. Jackson walked over to Kayla and Cheryl.

  “Did you enjoy getting to know the wives?”

  “I did,” Kayla said. “They are as special as you guys.”

  “Good. I thought you’d like them.” He noticed Cheryl had glanced toward the tree where she’d talked with Heath. “He left after dinner.”


  “Give him time. He’s really a nice guy, but not now. Stay away until I tell you it’s okay.”

  “I don’t usually like taking advice. Kayla gives me enough, but I respect you and your reasons, whatever they are, for warning me off. I’ll stay away until you say he’s ready.”

  Kayla stared at Cheryl like she’d grown another head. “What the hell? Where did that very mature statement come from?”

  “I didn’t say anything when you’ve treated me like a younger sister because I thought you needed someone to worry about. You don’t need that now. You can lean on Bear. I think he has wide enough shoulders to handle you.”


  Cheryl and Jackson grinned at her. Then Jackson hugged Cheryl. “I couldn’t have said it better.”

  Kayla tried to smile, but couldn’t. Why hadn’t Cheryl told her to back off? I feel like a fool. I’m not
right for him or Cheryl. My insecurities have held her back, and Jackson is too nice. He needs a woman confident and sure of herself.

  “What’s wrong?” Jackson whispered in her ear.

  “Nothing, but I think I’m ready to leave.”

  “Don’t go yet. The guys are setting up to play horseshoes, and we’re both good at the game,” Cheryl said.

  “It’s up to you, Kayla. I said I’d take you home whenever you wanted to leave. But I can let Cheryl stay and take her home later.”

  “I won’t put you out. I’ll stay until Cheryl’s ready.”

  “It’s no problem either way, but I’d like you to stay with me and enjoy the evening.” His blue eyes darkened, and his face looked drawn.

  “Then let’s show them how good we do at horseshoes, Kayla,” Cheryl put her arm through Kayla’s and walked her in the direction of the others crowded around the game. Couples had paired up. Cheryl indicated she and Kayla would be a pair.


  Jackson watched as the game started, but his mind was still thinking about the incident between him and Kayla. She carried a lot of baggage in her head.

  Obviously, she’d been hurt to hear the truth from Cheryl.

  Wolf walked up to stand beside him. “You’re frowning, and the others are laughing.”

  “What are you? My counselor?”

  “If you need one.”

  “I don’t. Go piss someone else off.”

  “I like pestering you.”

  “Watch out. I may bust your chops.”

  “Caroline would be very angry. She likes the way I look.”

  “Get out of here.” Bear shoved Wolf playfully, and Wolf shoved him back.

  Bear grinned. “I need a good rowdy roll on the ground.”

  “Be my guest.” Wolf punched him in the arm. Soon they were rolling around in the dirt.

  The ones watching the horseshoes turned to see the two men punching and yelling and grinning. The men started hollering and encouraging the two to continue the fight.

  Kayla and Cheryl stood on the sidelines. Bear caught a glimpse of both their faces. Kayla looked shocked, but Cheryl was encouraging him to win.

  After a few minutes, Caroline stepped in and stopped the fight. “Enough, you children have had your time to play. Shake hands and go get a beer.”

  Grinning, Wolf whispered in her ear, and Caroline blushed. Both men brushed themselves off and shook hands. They were laughing which confused Kayla. The horseshoes game restarted, and Cheryl pulled her back to join especially since they were winning.

  “After this game, I’m going home with or without you,” Kayla said.

  “Fine. I’ll go with you then.”


  Wolf handed Bear a beer and led him into the family room. He took a swig of his and stared at Bear. “What the hell happened out there? Your lady and her friend were winning at horseshoes, but you didn’t look happy.”

  “I wasn’t. I’m torn inside. I really like Kayla and want to have a relationship with her, but she’s a serious type of lady. She’s let me know short-term relationships aren’t for her.”

  “You mean like one-night stands?”

  “No, not exactly. She has trust issues. I don’t know what else.”

  “Damn, you can’t know right from the start.”


  “Is she worth continuing to see?”

  “Not sure.”

  “Then cool it for now.”

  “I might.” He drank the last of his beer. “I hear hollering. Someone won. I’m sure Kayla’s ready to go home.” Bear stretched. “Thanks, for the roll in the grass. It helped me let off steam.”

  “Always happy to oblige.” Wolf hit his arm and grinned. “Anytime.”

  When they walked outside, Kayla and her sister wore the paper crowns Caroline always made for prizes.

  “They look happy,” Wolf said.

  “That’s good news.” He walked toward them, kissed Kayla and lifted her into the air to spin her around. The crowd cheered. After he put her down, he kissed Cheryl’s cheek. “Ready to go home?”

  “Yes, let’s leave on a high note.” Cheryl made the rounds and hugged all the single guys. “I had a great time.”

  “You have to come to the next barbecue. We want to challenge you and your friend again,” one of the cute younger men said.

  “Maybe, if I’m invited.” She smiled and waved as she followed Kayla and Jackson to the truck.

  Jackson helped them in and went around to the driver’s side. “Cheryl, if you like I can take you home first. You can get your car tomorrow.”

  “That won’t be necessary. Cheryl’s spending the night with me. But thanks for offering.”

  Cheryl leaned forward. “You can come get me tomorrow, and we’ll go do something. I expect you and Jackson want some alone time.”

  “Smart girl,” Bear said. He glanced over at Kayla. “How about it?”

  “I suppose we do need to have a discussion. Cheryl, tell him how to get to your house.”

  “Actually, I live less than two miles from Kayla.” She gave directions and sat back. “I can walk over tomorrow after you call and say it’s time. I need to get more exercise.”

  Kayla glanced back and frowned, but didn’t say anything. Once the truck stopped in front of Cheryl’s house, she jumped out and waved good-bye. Jackson waited until she got inside her house before driving off. He had noticed Kayla’s frown, and his temper was on low burn.

  When they got to Kayla’s home, he reached across and opened her door. “Tonight’s not a good time for a talk. I’ll be in touch.” He got out and made certain she didn’t fall getting down. Then he tipped up her face. “I can see you’re puzzled. I’m not ready to discuss anything tonight. I’ll be in touch. Go on in. I’ll stay until you’re safe inside.” She started to speak, but he shook his head and said, “No.”

  Once inside, he gunned his motor and took off. He headed back to the party. It would last much later. Maybe he might talk the guys into going to the beach and see who was the best wrestler.


  Bear found he had difficulty doing as well as usual.

  “What’s happened, old man. You lose your edge?”

  “Hell no. Let’s call it a night and meet at the beach again tomorrow evening. We can do some exercises and blow off steam.”

  “Sounds good to me,” one of the younger men on the team spoke up.

  “We’ll divide into teams,” Wolf said. “Mine and Bears. We’ll try and get all the men here.”

  Bear brushed off the sand and headed to his truck. Wolf followed behind, they’d ridden together. Once inside Bear drove toward Wolf’s house. Neither talked. When Bear stopped to let him out, Wolf opened the door, and then stopped after he stepped out.

  “You going to be all right?”

  “Hell yes. See you at the base in the morning.”

  Wolf shook his head and went inside.

  Weariness swept over, Bear. He hadn’t been home long and had been too involved with a woman he hardly knew. Starting tomorrow, after the meet with the guys at the beach, he planned to drive to his cabin in the mountains. It’d been too long since he’d paid a visit. And there would be no contact with people.


  Kayla woke from a restless sleep. She showered and put on the coffee. To keep busy and not think about last night, she puttered around the kitchen, set up the crock pot to fix a meal to last today and tomorrow. Then she sat at her table and drank her coffee and ate a blueberry muffin.

  When the doorbell rang, Kayla’s heart jumped. It was probably Bear, and she wasn’t ready to talk now. But to her surprise it was Cheryl.

  “Hi, I walked over to get my car. Hmmm, what do I smell?”

  “I warmed a few blueberry muffins. Would you like one?”

  “Sure, and some coffee if there’s any left.”

  “Come on into the kitchen.”

  “What time did Bear leave?”

  “As soon as he
dropped me off last night.”

  “He didn’t even come inside?” Cheryl looked worried.

  “I don’t think we’re compatible.”

  Cheryl had started to take a bit of her muffin. She put it down. “You might be, but you don’t like anyone giving you advice, especially not men.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You two were doing fine until he sided with me.”

  “He had no right to say what he did. He’s only known you, what? A couple of hours?”

  SEALs are trained to be more observant than the usual person. Their lives may depend on it. I appreciated him letting me know the guy I’d been talking with wasn’t ready for any flirting or relationship.”

  Kayla looked down at her coffee. “Why didn’t you confront me about being overprotective?”

  Cheryl got out of her seat and knelt at Kayla’s chair. “You’ve had a rough time with men from your Dad on through the SEAL who hurt you. I didn’t mind letting you feel you were protecting me. I thought you needed to do something. But if it continued much longer I’d planned to set you straight.” Cheryl smiled and kissed her Kayla’s cheek. “I do love you like a sister.”

  Tears ran down Kayla’s cheeks. “I think I’ve ruined things between Jackson and me.”

  “Wipe your tears. We’re going to a movie, get a big drink and popcorn and relax. Give Bear time. He’s not the type to be frightened away so easily.”

  “I hope you’re right. What are we going to see?”

  The most action-packed film we can find. You won’t have time to think about Bear.”

  “Good. I’ll go get dressed.”

  In the car driving to the mall, Cheryl turned in her seat to look at Kayla.

  “Your Mom called me. She said she hadn’t been able to reach you.”

  “What did she want this time?”

  “To come for a visit. She said your Dad is getting ready to marry his third wife. I don’t think your Mom doesn’t want to see him and his new bride’s pictures all over the television and the papers.”

  “Since he’s a senator, his marriage is bound to be news,” Kayla said.

  “But Mom and Dad divorced thirteen years ago. Why can’t my mom laugh at his fickleness?”

  “Because she’s lonely, and she still loves him or thinks she does. I stopped by to see her when I was in Washington. He still comes by occasionally for a homecooked meal. Can you believe it? I think he keeps her on a string in case he gets too old to get anyone else.”


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