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Page 10

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Journey cut her eyes at him. “Why do I have a feeling you don’t believe me?”

  Laz said nothing. He didn’t want to argue. He hoped that was all that happened and that she wasn’t attacked and keeping it from him.

  “So what was with the panicked look when I opened the door? Are you sure yo—”

  “Laz, I’m telling you the truth. It’s hard to admit because I feel like a big doofus, but I really did fall on the stairs. Nothing else. I promise.”

  He stood and folded his arms across his chest as she continued.

  “If I looked panicked, it was probably because of the way you came to the door. You had a gun. Your hair was sticking up all over the place and…and…” her hands flew around as she spoke, “…you’re practically naked…looking all sexy and shit. Hell, you caught me off guard!”

  After a few seconds, he fell out laughing and then laughed harder at the serious expression on her face. “Have you been drinking?”

  Her brows dipped into a frown. “I might’ve had a couple of drinks after work, but I’m not drunk!” she snapped.

  He grinned, loving her fire. It was that spitfire side of her that made him enjoy their verbal sparrings when discussing a case.

  His gaze went from her fiery eyes to her luscious mouth. Against his better judgment, he lowered his head and nipped and teased her top lip, and then her bottom one before sliding his tongue into her sweet mouth.

  Memories of their tongue aerobics from the week before had burned a permanent spot in his mind. Over and over he’d told himself never again. Never would he lose control with her the way he had that day in her office.

  At the reception, he’d been able to exercise some self-control, but right now…he couldn’t help himself. He needed the feel of her mouth against his. In the last twenty minutes, his heart rate had jockeyed up and down, thanks to her, and this…this calmed his nerves.

  When Laz finally released her mouth, he thought about something she’d said. “You think I’m sexy, huh?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You know good and damn well you’re sexy.”

  He laughed again. “When did you start cursing so much?”

  “I’ve been hanging out with my sister. She curses almost as much as you do. I guess in that short amount of time together she rubbed off on me.”

  Laz remembered Geneva. Now that was a woman who scared the hell out of him. She was movie-star beautiful with a slamming body to match, but her boldness and the way she spoke her mind would make any man run for cover.

  Laz stood to his full height and twisted a bit to work the kinks out of his shoulders and back. “Why don’t you take that top shirt off so we can get the bloodstains out before they dry.”

  He helped Journey off the counter and she looked down at the spots on her white shirt. “Is this you trying to get me naked?”

  Now Laz was the one caught off guard. With her question and the way she was looking at him through lowered lashes, he wasn’t sure if she was serious or just messing with him.

  He didn’t bother responding. Yes, he wanted her naked, but wanting and acting on it were two very different things.

  Journey removed the bloodstained top, leaving her wearing a lace spaghetti-strap camisole. There were a few areas where the blood had soaked through, but not as much as the other shirt.

  Aw, hell. No bra.

  His dick twitched. The sight of her nipples standing at attention against the lace called out to him, begging him to suck on them. With the thinness of the material, he could easily make out the dark areolas of her glorious breasts. And the view had the blood in his brain shooting south, making him as hard as granite.

  Journey looked at him innocently. “I guess I’ll have to take this one off, too.”

  “Journey, don’t fuck with me,” he said under his breath and went across the hall to his bedroom, his dick painfully hard. He hadn’t had sex in months and the slightest temptation was bound to push him to do something he had no intention of doing.

  Rambling through his dresser drawer, he had to find the biggest, thickest T-shirt he owned. There was no way in hell he could be around her half-dressed body and not take her to bed.


  Journey burst out laughing at how fast Laz ran from the bathroom. So far the evening hadn’t gone the way it had played out in her head earlier. She’d had every intention of them talking over hamburgers about Gabe, and then she’d planned to seduce Laz.

  Now the burgers were probably cold and Laz was acting skittish. She had no idea how she was going to get him to treat her like any other woman, and not think about their professional relationship.

  “What are you afraid of, Laz?” Journey asked from the bedroom doorway.

  He stopped rummaging through his collection of T-shirts and glanced over his shoulder. A very muscular, tanned shoulder that went well with the rest of his well-built upper body. A body that had no fat anywhere and called to her.

  “Right now I’m afraid of you,” he muttered.

  She laughed again at the seriousness of his tone. “You don’t have to fear me. I won’t bite, unless you want me to.”

  He grunted but didn’t comment and Journey moved farther into the room, taking in his space. The bedroom was nothing like the living room that had dull beige walls with no pictures, and furniture that had seen better days. Instead, the bedroom looked warm and inviting. The king-sized bed with a fabric-covered headboard that went to the ceiling took up most of the space. The walls were a soft blue with artwork strategically placed, as well as curtains and a comforter to bring all the colors together.

  “This room is stunning. Why doesn’t the rest of the apartment look like this?”

  Laz shrugged. “This is the most important room in the place. Where I spend most of my time.”

  “Oh,” she said with more disappointment than intended. Maybe the rumors of him having a different woman every night were true.

  “Get your head out of the gutter. I’ve never brought a woman here,” he said as if reading her mind. “The last thing I need is some clingy-ass woman showing up on my doorstep at all times of the night. Here, put this on and don’t even think about taking that lacy…thing off.” He shoved the navy-blue Atlanta Braves T-shirt into her hands and left her in the room.

  Journey stood stunned, holding the T-shirt. “Are you saying that I’m clingy?” she asked kicking off her heels and removing the lace top before slipping into his shirt, ignoring how it went almost to her knees. While she was at it, she slipped out of her pants and tossed them in a nearby chair. Going out there in only his shirt and her panties would be a bold move, but she was on a mission.

  Journey backtracked to the living room. “So, are you?”

  “Am I…” He stopped, his gaze taking in her attire, but he didn’t comment, only cleared his throat. “Am I what?”

  “Are you saying that I’m clingy?” She noticed at some point he had slipped into a T-shirt, to her disappointment. She would much rather see him shirtless.

  “Journey, I’m not talking about you.” He opened the bag of food that was on the sofa and inhaled. “Good, hamburgers and fries. I’m starving. Let’s eat.”

  Laz quickly warmed their food in the microwave, moving around with the efficiency of a man who spent time in the kitchen. When he snatched a beer and a bottle of water out of the refrigerator, he grumbled something under his breath as if he was mad at the world.

  “Is that sexual frustration you’re taking out on the food and those poor defenseless bottles?” she taunted, ignoring his low growl that floated from the kitchen.

  Standing near the small dinette table gave her a view into the tiny kitchen. She didn’t know what she expected, but she was a little surprised to see everything so neat and clean. Now she knew why he called her a slob.

  “Have a seat so we can eat.” He slammed the water bottle down in front of her and took a long drag from his beer.

  Journey smirked behind her hand, enjoying how rattled he was. “How do you
know I didn’t want a beer?”

  “I have a feeling you’ve had enough to drink tonight.” He took a huge bite of his hamburger. “What’s going on? Why are you here?”

  “Would you believe I was in the neighborhood?”

  “No. Try again.”

  “I thought you might be hungry, so I brought dinner.”

  A slow smile spread across Laz’s mouth. “Is that right? You know, you’re cute when you’re trying to play all innocent. Tell me what really brought you to my neighborhood.”

  They ate in silence until she said, “I ran into Gabe after work today.”

  Laz tensed. His hazel-green eyes studied her, growing darker the longer he looked at her. “Did he—”

  “He didn’t touch me, but it seemed someone had definitely put their hands on him.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, and they messed him up pretty bad. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said with a straight face. There was no remorse in his tone and if she didn’t know better, she would believe him. But she knew better.

  “I think he threatened me.”

  Laz’s gaze snapped to her. “What? What did he say?”

  “He told me he knows I had something to do with the beatdown. As if I know people who do stuff like that.” Having second thoughts about whether or not to tell him the rest, Journey toyed with her napkin.

  “What else did he say?”

  She looked into Laz’s eyes and after a long hesitation, said, “He told me that I had better watch myself.”

  “Oh, hell no!” Laz lunged from his seat and backed away from the table. He ran both hands through his tousled hair before he turned back to her. “Journey, if he ever comes near you again, you have to tell me.”

  “When I arrived here bleeding, you said that if Hall did this, he’s a dead man. Did you mean that?”

  “Every word.”

  “Laz.” Journey said his name, but didn’t know how to respond to the conviction in his admission. Knowing he thought like this, there was no way she’d tell him anything else that happened between her and Gabe.

  They ate the rest of their meal in silence, each in their own thoughts.

  Journey should’ve felt flattered that he cared that much to fight her battles, but on the other hand, his words scared her. She believed he would actually hurt Gabe if he stepped out of line, and she would never forgive herself if Laz ended up in jail because of her.

  “We’re going to have to do something about Gabe,” Laz finally spoke.

  No way was Journey asking what that something was. “I’m going to move forward in filing a formal complaint against him, and if necessary, I’ll get a restraining order. And that’s all we’re going to do right now.”

  Laz rubbed the back of his neck and Journey could tell he wasn’t satisfied with her response. He stood and gathered their trash, tossing the wrappers in the garbage before returning to his seat.

  “Tell me, counselor. Do you know people who could have given Gabe that beatdown? Should I be worried that you’ll send someone after me one day?”

  The right corner of her lips inched up. “If I knew someone like that, he probably would’ve already paid you a visit the first time you screwed up one of my cases.”

  Laz threw his head back and laughed, loosening some of the tension in the room. “I don’t know why you always accuse me of screwing up your cases, woman. My job is to get these chumps off the street. It’s your job to make sure they stay off.” He shrugged. “I can’t help it if you drop the ball sometimes.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  Laz finished off his beer. “Thanks for dinner. It was right on time. Do you want something else to drink?”

  “Do you have something stronger than water?”

  Laz flashed that grin that she loved so much. “Yeah, but like I said earlier, I think you’ve had enough alcohol.”

  “I told you. I’m not drunk.”

  “Maybe, but your actions and words tonight say otherwise.” He looked her up and down, lingering on her bare legs. “And I have a feeling that your run-in with Gabe isn’t your only reason for stopping by. Are you ready to tell me the real reason for this visit?”

  She toyed with the tail of the oversized T-shirt she was wearing, debating on whether to go through with her original plan.

  It’s now or never.

  She stood from her seat and straddled his lap.

  The surprised expression on his face—priceless.

  “I wanted to see you. All of you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ah hell.

  Laz didn’t know what he’d expected her to say, but it wasn’t that. And where the heck were her clothes? With her sitting on his lap, grinding against him, it was clear what she wanted. What they both wanted.

  And therein lay the problem.

  “I’m tired of ignoring this…this thing between us. I want you. I want to feel you buried balls-deep inside of me. And don’t worry, I’m not looking for a commitment. Actually, I don’t do commitments.”

  Laz leaned back and grabbed her chin to look into her eyes. “Are you sure you’re not drunk?”

  She sighed dramatically and swatted his hand away. “I’m not drunk, Laz! Horny, but not drunk.”

  If they crossed that invisible line that they’d drawn, the line that kept them from ripping each other’s clothes off way before now, there would be no turning back.

  “What do you mean you don’t do commitments?”

  “I don’t do commitments mainly because men start treating you different once you agree to go steady.” She laughed. “Exciting dates eventually turn into boring nights watching TV or silent, boring dinners together. My parents have been married for over forty years and though I know they love each other, their lives seem so…so boring.”

  “I see.”

  “I’m not asking for long-term, Laz. I’m not asking for marriage. But I am interested in a friends-with-benefits relationship. You and I want the same thing.”

  “You think that I’d be satisfied with just fucking you?” He moved her firmly onto his erection and held her steady, wanting her to feel how much he wanted her. He nipped at her scented neck. And then he sucked. Already marking his territory. If she was ready, the way she claimed, then who was he to deny her? But he needed to make something clear.

  “Mmm, Laz,” she purred and looped her arms around his neck and dropped her head back, giving him better access as she rocked on top of him. He only had so much control; a little bit more and his dick was going to punch a hole through his pants. But he needed an answer.

  “You didn’t answer me, Journey.”

  “A little less talk and a little more action, detective.”

  It was crazy. He had this fine-ass woman basically begging for him, ready to let him do whatever he wanted with her. Yet, he couldn’t move forward until they had an understanding. He grabbed hold of her arms and pulled them from around his neck.

  “I want a commitment.”

  She froze. If he was honest, his words shocked him, too. Sure, he’d had his share of one-night stands, and his go-to women when he needed release, but this was the first time since Gwenn that he wanted more. He wanted Journey. He had denied himself long enough and wanted her in every way a man could want a woman.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m dead serious. I’m crazy about you, and I’m not looking for a quick lay. Hell, had that been all I wanted from you, we would’ve had sex years ago.”

  She chuckled. “Arrogant much?”

  “I’m just telling you like it is. I have the utmost respect for you and have kept my distance to make sure that I don’t…that I don’t taint you with my shit. But like you, I’m tired of denying myself when it comes to you. I kept my distance because I didn’t want my reputation to affect your career in any way, nor did I want to mess up our friendship. But now, I want you. All of you.”
  She bit her bottom lip and studied him. “I don’t do commitments, Laz. I like not answering to anyone. I love coming and going as I please. Besides, my job and work schedule aren’t conducive to a successful relationship. I’ve tried before and I can’t do it. I don’t want marriage. I don’t want children.”

  “Then you don’t want me.”

  Her mouth formed a perfect O. “I didn’t say that,” she said quickly when he started to lift her off his lap. “Why are you being so difficult?”

  He grunted. “I’m being difficult because I want you?”

  She dropped her head to his chest. “You’re really killing my buzz.”

  “Oh, so you are drunk,” he cracked. She laughed, but didn’t lift her head. Kissing the side of her hair he said, “All or nothing, Journey. If we do this, you’re mine. All mine.”

  She lifted up, her gaze on his mouth and then his eyes.

  “If things don’t work out,” he shrugged, “then we go our separate ways. What’s it going to be? Want to give me a shot? Want to give us a shot?”

  Instead of answering, she kissed him. Not just a little, sweet, gentle kiss, but a kiss that left no doubt as to her answer. That was all Laz needed to hear…or feel.

  He pulled his mouth from her despite her protests and lifted the shirt over her head, tossing it in the chair she’d vacated. He’d been dying to see her naked, her dark skin gleaming under his fluorescent lights.

  “Damn you’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she said quietly, suddenly looking shy with her brown eyes softening and a timid smile on her lips. Lips he planned to enjoy.

  Laz crushed his mouth to hers with a hunger he hadn’t felt since the last time he’d kissed her. Even in his wildest dreams, he hadn’t expected her to come to him so ready, willing and open.

  Journey held the back of his head firmly as their kiss deepened and she continued grinding her body on top of his. His penis throbbed behind his zipper, begging to be free, but he’d waited too long for her. No way would he rush this. He planned to savor every last inch of her body before the night was over.


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