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Page 13

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “I’m sorry, babe. The night went longer than expected.” There was a time when he could put in an eighteen-hour day and it would not wipe him out. But even with his gorgeous woman standing over him, looking good enough to eat, he couldn’t drum up enough energy to move.

  “Here, at least get further up on the bed so you can be comfortable.” Journey helped him scoot up and when his head hit the pillow, it felt like laying on a cloud and he got lost in its softness.

  Laz didn’t know if he had dozed off, but the next thing he knew, Journey was straddling him.

  “I know you must be tired. You didn’t even kiss me when you came in.”

  “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, enjoying the sweet, tender kisses she dropped onto his closed eyelids, then his cheek, and then onto his mouth. He opened for her when her tongue slipped between his lips and swept inside his mouth. Their tongues tangled, and her minty breath mingled with his, rousing something inside of him.

  “I’ve missed you,” she mumbled against his lips.

  He didn’t bother telling her that she had seen him that morning, and the day before that, and the day before that one. What man didn’t want to hear his lady tell him that she missed him? Having her want to be with him as much, and as often, as he wanted to be with her was like a shot of adrenaline to his system.

  Just like that of her sweet-smelling perfume. The tantalizing scent surrounded him as her mouth left his and she planted kisses down his heated skin.

  “Feel free to have your way with me,” he murmured with his eyes closed.

  “Oh, I plan to,” she said against his neck. Nipping at it, then sucking and no doubt marking him as her lower body ground against him.

  Laz didn’t care how wiped out he was, his body was loving this sweet torture. He sifted his fingers through her short tresses as he savored the feel of her mouth and hands on him. This was what he needed after a long day of work. His woman loving on him.

  When her tongue swirled around one of his nipples, Laz released a long moan and his hands slid down her smooth thighs and rested on her hips. It didn’t matter how tired he was, it was hard to resist a horny Journey. He loved when she was like this, taking what she wanted.

  All those years of seeing her at work, looking totally professional and seizing every opportunity to verbally spar with him, he never knew this side of her. The side that enjoyed sex as much as he did.

  When she stopped kissing on him, Laz’s eyes eased open just as she removed the sheer garment from her body. His pulse increased. Even with half-opened lids, he zoned in on her full, tempting breasts. She had the type of body that could bring a dead man back to life.

  With a hand on her back, Laz eased her forward, needing a taste of her. He palmed one of her breasts and brought it to his mouth. Tugging on her pert nipple, he sucked, licked and teased until he had her whimpering his name. Then he moved to the other one, giving it the same attention as the first one.

  Journey moaned with each lap of his tongue, and the erotic sound she made when he grazed the sensitive tip with his teeth had his body stirring.

  “Laz,” she said breathily, and lifted slightly, causing her nipple to pop out of his mouth. “I need you out of your shorts,” she said in a rush.

  When his hands went for his waistband, apparently, he wasn’t moving fast enough.

  “Move.” She swatted his hand aside. “I got you.”

  He couldn’t help laughing. “Like I said, feel free to have your way with me, baby.” She flashed him a wicked grin as she slid his shorts down his legs.

  “Mmm… You claim to be exhausted, but there is one part of you that seems to be ready for action.”

  “Always.” He sucked in a breath when her soft hand gripped him and then started sliding slowly up and down his length.

  “I love how you’re always ready for me, detective.”

  Laz grunted. “That sounds like one of my lines. I… Oh, sh…” His words were cut off when she slid down on him, her tightness squeezing his dick. She wasted no time before her hips started rotating. “Ah, baby. Damn…you feel good.”

  Leaning forward, her luscious breasts flattened against his chest as she captured his mouth in a searing kiss and continued moving the lower part of her body. If Laz wasn’t awake before, he was definitely awake now.

  He met her stroke for stroke while their bodies moved as one and their breathing increased. Laz already knew this would be a quickie, but as she increased the pace, his control started slipping. This was going to be quicker than he wanted.

  On an erotic moan, Journey snatched her mouth from his. “Laz, I’m going to come,” she panted, her hips moving faster as she squeezed her thighs, holding him tighter. When she lifted slightly, Laz’s fingers dug into her hips and he slammed into her harder, going deeper with each thrust, loving how her breasts bounced in his face with each thrust.

  “Laz!” she screamed, her head thrown back as an orgasm ripped through her.

  The sight of her in the throes of passion only spurred him on and sent heat rippling beneath his skin. Within seconds, the turbulence of his release rocked him to his core and he surrendered to the erotic pleasure that overpowered him.

  Journey collapsed on top of him, her arms spread out on either side of him. Their heavy breathing was the only sounds in the room. Neither of them moved for the longest time until Journey curled into him. No doubt she’d be asleep shortly.

  Laz drummed up enough energy to roll to his side, and wrapped his arm around her to keep her close. When he pressed a kiss to the side of her sweat-slicked forehead, a peace filled him. “I love coming home to you,” he murmured and his eyes drifted closed.

  “Me too,” she whispered just before he heard her soft snores.

  Holding her like this, Laz knew for the first time in a long time what contentment felt like. At that moment, everything was right in his world.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Journey knocked on the district attorney’s partially opened office door before pushing it open. She had gotten word that he needed to see her before she left for the day.

  “You wanted to…” she started but stopped when she realized he was on the telephone. Before she could back out of the office, he lifted his hand and waved her in.

  “I understand, commissioner. We appreciate your help in the matter. Okay…”

  Giving him some privacy, Journey stood at one of the two windows that were on the opposite side of the room. Staring out at the courtyard below, she smiled thinking about Laz. They had fallen into such a comfortable routine, seeing each other every day. It was as if they’d been together for years. Starting their relationship as friends probably had a lot to do with how well they got along. But their connection was so strong it was almost scary. To think that she had come to depend on his presence in her life in such a short amount of time was mind-boggling.

  “Sorry about that, Journey,” the DA said after hanging up the phone. “Can you close the door?”

  Journey did as requested before sitting in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. She studied him as he sifted through a stack of files. Henry Gaines was one of the best bosses she’d ever had and he was loved by everyone in the office. Handsome, with short dark hair, expressive eyes with laugh lines, and the friendliest smile she’d ever seen on a man. He didn’t look his sixty-plus years. Despite how stressful his job was, his demeanor rarely changed.

  “Thanks for stopping by my office. I know you’re trying to get out of here and start your weekend, but I wanted to talk to you before you left.” He stared down at the file folder in his hand.

  “O—kay,” Journey said slowly wondering what this was about since he seemed a little distracted. He finally passed her the file, but before she could open it, he continued.

  “I hope it goes without saying that whatever we discuss right now will remain in this office.”

  “Of course.” Unease crept down her back. Rarely did he preface a conversation like that. Had he somehow found out she’d g
iven Laz a heads-up about the Monsuli case?

  Journey opened the file and her heart stalled. Her hands shook slightly before she set the opened file on her lap, willing herself to relax. Okay, don’t trip. This means nothing. At least that’s what she told herself as her attention remained on the folder’s contents.

  Case notes. Enrique Monsuli.

  “I know this wasn’t your case, but I wanted to talk to you about it. A couple of months ago, I thought for sure we had finally put this guy where he belonged—behind bars. But Monsuli is still insisting on his innocence and has hired a different lawyer to appeal his case.”

  Journey knew all of this because of whispers that had floated around the office. But relief flooded through her that Henry didn’t seem the wiser about her conversation with Laz.

  “Monsuli’s new attorney claims our office withheld evidence that could have exonerated his client.”

  Journey had been skimming the file, but looked up at the last comment. “What?”

  The withholding evidence claim surprised her. If nothing else, their office was thorough. Sure, it was possible something could’ve been missed, but she doubted it.

  “The attorney is also saying that his defendant’s trial was clouded by injustice and undermined by his trial lawyer.”

  “That’s ridiculous. Maybe his lawyer did fail him, and I don’t know all the details about the case, but I know Carmen is thorough. She and Prentice worked hard and made sure their case against Monsuli was solid,” she said of the prosecutor who was a friend and Prentice, one of the DA’s investigators. The two had worked tirelessly to ensure they put this guy away once and for all.

  Henry smiled and sat back in his chair. “You don’t have to tell me. Carmen is one of the best prosecutors we have. I know she did her job, but now we have to prove, again, that we have the right guy.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this, sir?”

  He hesitated, tapping his pen rhythmically against the desk and then stopped. “You’ve always had a good relationship with the police department. Actually, better than most of our prosecutors. I’m wondering what you think of detectives Dimas and Chambers?”

  Journey felt she knew Laz well, but she didn’t know much about his partner, Ashton Chambers. That’s what she told her boss. No way she was sharing information about her and Laz’s relationship, but she highlighted his qualities as a detective.

  “Detective Dimas is relentless in cleaning up these streets of people like Monsuli.”

  “Relentless enough to tamper with evidence?” Henry asked carefully. “That’s one of the claims coming from the defense.”

  Journey shook her head. “No. Laz wouldn’t tamper with evidence. I’ve called him out on some of his methods over the years, but he’s a good detective, Henry. He wouldn’t jeopardize his career by doing something like that.”

  “He’s jeopardized his career more than any detective in their department, Journey. What makes you think he wou—”

  “He wouldn’t,” she said with conviction, not missing the way Henry’s eyebrow lifted in question. He’d had dealings with Laz and apparently knew of some of his tactics, but Journey was willing to bet her career on Laz’s innocence in this matter.

  Henry nodded as if silently coming to some conclusion.

  “Again, why have you brought this to my attention? Why aren’t you having this conversation with Carmen or Prentice?”

  “I have. They both agree with you. The problem is, since Carmen is on an indefinite medical leave, I need to reassign the case. Initially, I considered giving it to Gabe, thinking it would be a good assignment for him.”

  Oh no. That’s the last person who should get the case.

  “But then after speaking with him, talking to him the way you and I are doing, I don’t think giving him the case is a good idea. He has some strong—and not necessarily good—opinions about some of the individuals involved in the case that concern me.”

  Yeah, I just bet. Journey had no idea where this was going, but she remained quiet.

  “Between you and I, he feels Detective Dimas should be charged with obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence.”

  “What? That’s insane!” Journey snapped, suddenly realizing how loud she’d gotten. “I’m sorry, sir, but how can Gabe come to that conclusion without having all the facts? I assume our office hasn’t started investigating these new claims, have we?”

  “Not in-depth, no, but I do have Prentice talking to some of the witnesses.”

  “I see. Does Gabe know this?” Journey asked, thinking that Gabe had probably heard whispers around the office about the case the way she had.

  “He might, but at any rate, I trust your judgment, Journey, regarding the detective.”

  Henry had proven his trust in her a number of times when he’d asked her opinion about opposing parties, or legal processes. Normally those conversations centered around her own cases, not cases being overseen by other prosecutors in the office. She prayed he didn’t ask her opinion about Gabe. She wouldn’t be able to say anything good about the jerk.

  “I know you and Detective Dimas have worked on many cases together. I’d like for you to take over the Monsuli case.”

  Journey stared at her boss, shocked by his request. “I can’t!” she blurted before she could stop the words from flying out of her mouth.

  Henry leaned forward and folded his forearms on the desk and studied her. “Care to tell me why you’re refusing a case?”

  Okay. Think. Think.

  She knew why it wasn’t a good idea. There were no rules about her dating a cop, but dating a person they were investigating might bring into question her moral principles. Anything that the investigation turned up, would she be able to keep her biases at bay? She didn’t think so and the integrity of the case would be at risk.

  Apprehension inched through her body. In her heart she believed Laz was innocent of any wrong doing, but what if he wasn’t?

  “Henry, I just don’t know if me taking over Carmen’s case is a good idea.”


  “Because…because based on the info that I just scanned in the case notes, and what I know of Lazarus, I think he’s innocent of any wrongdoing as it relates to this case.”

  Henry smiled and sat back in his seat. “All the more reason for you to assume the case.”

  Journey frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “Sergeant Ford, Detective Dimas’s CO, is one of my golfing buddies. I can’t tell you the number of stories, and not all good, that I’ve heard about the detective. Ford often speaks of those who report to him, but not like he talks about Dimas. He respects his passion for the job, and his ability to help clean up our streets.

  “But Journey, Monsuli is claiming that the vic was already dead when he arrived at the guy’s office. He says he never saw a weapon and that the detectives showed up while he was there. He’s still claiming that Detective Dimas is trying to frame him.”

  Journey shook her head. “From what I understand, the reports say that Monsuli was holding the weapon and there are witnesses.”

  “I understand all of that and I have no intention of pressing charges against Detective Dimas. At least not yet. The last thing I want is to send an innocent, decorated cop to jail. We just need to find the truth and make sure we have the right person behind bars. I’d like for you and Prentice to connect with Dimas and figure out all of this in the next thirty days. I’d also like the case handled without having to go back to court, and I believe you’re the perfect person to pick up where Carmen left off.”

  This should be interesting.


  Days later, Journey rode with Prentice to meet up with Laz to discuss the Monsuli case. Laz had been as shocked as she was when she told him about the conversation with the DA. His only concern was that Journey had been assigned the case.

  According to him, Monsuli had recently orchestrated a few shady situations from behind bars, possibly threatening a couple of w
itnesses, but Laz couldn’t prove it yet. He felt it was only a matter of time that the drug dealer might somehow try to get to her.

  Journey knew he’d been thinking about Gwenn and what had happened with her. The last thing she wanted was for him to relive that dark time, and she tried reassuring him that she’d be fine. But it felt good to have someone besides her family worry about her. Yet, she didn’t want him going all papa-bear on her.

  “Explain to me why you want to focus more on the witnesses and the video footage evidence than the actual weapon,” Prentice said, splitting his attention between her and the road as they discussed the Monsuli case.

  “Actually, I’m still thinking about the weapon situation. There are two different reports. Our crime lab’s report has that the victim’s and Monsuli’s DNA are on the weapon. For some reason, there’s a second report that states that the weapon had been wiped, but they were able to get DNA matching the victim. They also have a partial print that supposedly belongs to Laz.”

  Journey closed the case file she’d been sifting through since getting into the car. She didn’t believe Laz had tampered with the murder weapon, but she wanted to determine if they had enough evidence and witness testimony to keep Monsuli behind bars without bringing the weapon into question. And that’s what she explained to Prentice.

  But honestly, she didn’t want to know the truth, and that bothered her. It would kill her to determine that Laz had indeed planted the knife. She was risking her professional integrity by not following some of the procedures she’d always followed during her career. Those same methods that set her apart from other prosecutors and got her answers when needed. Now because she was afraid of what would turn up, she didn’t want to know.

  Journey shifted in her seat and stared out the window. That nagging feeling that she was missing something was back. Even interviewing Laz’s partner Ashton hadn’t soothed her. Their recollection about the arrest was almost identical. Too identical. Making her think their stories had been rehearsed.


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