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Fighting for Humanity

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by Saxon Andrew

  The Fight for Brittania

  Fighting for Humanity

  Saxon Andrew

  Copyright © 2019 Saxon Andrew

  All rights reserved.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, organisations, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

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  Chapter One • Chapter Two • Chapter Three • Chapter Four • Chapter Five • Chapter Six • Chapter Seven • Chapter Eight • Chapter Nine • Chapter Ten • Chapter Eleven • Chapter Twelve • Chapter Thirteen • Chapter Fourteen • Chapter Fifteen • Chapter Sixteen • Chapter Seventeen • Chapter Eighteen • Chapter Nineteen • Chapter Twenty • Chapter Twenty-One • Chapter Twenty-Two • Chapter Twenty-Three


  Books by Saxon Andrew

  About Saxon Andrew


  The last of the three original colonies settled by mankind thousands of years ago has been destroyed. Britannia, America, and Melbourne have all been attacked and destroyed by aggressive, advanced alien civilizations. But the humans on Melbourne managed to settle other colonies before Melbourne was found and attacked. Now the colonies are hiding in the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way building up their defenses against the day when they can confront their attackers.

  Sixteen years have passed, and New Britannia and the colonies have continued to build up their forces without being discovered by their enemies. But one day, the time would come to confront their attackers. The challenge will be difficult; their enemies still far outnumber them and the only thing keeping them safe is to remain hidden. But sometimes, events can force one out of hiding. Saving Humanity is one such event.

  Chapter One

  Candy walked out of her bedroom wearing evening clothes and Taffy looked up from her computer, “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Candy stopped and smiled, “Ricky and I have a date tonight.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, young lady!” Candy’s smile evaporated, and she glared at her mother. “Finals start tomorrow and you’re staying home to study!”

  “Mom, I’ve got this. I don’t need to study!”

  Taffy’s head fell back, and she looked up at the ceiling as she raised her hands, “What happened to my beautiful little girl? Where has she gone?!” Candy’s expression turned angry as Taffy lowered her head and looked Candy in the eyes, “She always did what I asked of her and gave me a hug.” Taffy walked over and took Candy’s chin in her hand as she stared into Candy’s glaring eyes, “Who is in there and what have you done with my daughter?!”

  “MOM, DON’T BE RIDICULOUS!!” Taffy released her chin and Candy quickly stated, “I’m in the top ten of my graduating class and I’m fully prepared to take my finals.”

  Taffy snorted, “If you had applied yourself you would have been number one, besides, Professor Latimer contacted me and informed me that you owe him a paper on the effects different charged phase fields have on each other. He says you won’t graduate until he receives that paper!” Taffy saw Candy’s expression change slightly and she smiled, “Show me that paper, and you can go out tonight, although you should stay home and study.” Candy blew out a hard breath and stamped her feet. Taffy’s chin came up slightly and she said, “If you had applied yourself like RJ, you would have graduated two years early from the Academy first in your class.” Candy turned and stormed back into her bedroom.

  Candy went to her room and threw herself on her bed. She turned over and hit the mattress with her fists and then put a pillow over her head and screamed into it. She was twenty-one years old and her mother treated her like a baby! Finally, she sat up, called Ricky, and canceled the date. Ricky could have at least acted like he was disappointed, but he said he should study for finals anyway. Every other time Candy asked for something Ricky would jump to her request. Candy sighed, he really did need to study but she wanted to go out and party tonight. She wasn’t really thinking about his welfare. She felt slightly guilty, but she knew her relationship with Ricky was soon going to end; he just didn’t do it for her. But she had to admit he really tried hard to keep her attention.

  Candy undressed and put on a large tee-shirt. She activated her computer and looked up at the wall monitor. She pulled up the book from her High Energy Class and went to the chapters dealing with phase fields. She intended to write the paper the next day, but Mom had interrupted that plan. Professor Latimer contacting her was not part of his job description, but she couldn’t really blame him. If the daughter of Grady and Taffy Henricks didn’t graduate because of a paper, he would have caught a ration of crap for not telling them. She started reading the chapters and after twenty minutes, she blew out a breath. She sat back and pressed a button on her communicator. RJ appeared on the wall monitor and Candy pursed her lips, “Mom threw you up in my face again.”

  “That’s not my fault, Candy!”

  “You’re making everyone else look bad, RJ!”

  “Look, you’re just as smart as I am, and you know it! I don’t intend to spend any more time than necessary to graduate and if it means making anyone, including you, look bad, you’ll just have to deal with it!” Candy stared at RJ as he added in a softer tone, “You could have taken a double class load and you would have already been out of the Academy and free from your parent’s control.”

  Candy sighed, “I know. I just wanted to enjoy my years before joining the military. I’m in no rush to command a warship.”

  RJ shrugged, “I guess I can understand that; you spent a lot of years in your parent’s ship before you entered the academy. Was it worth it?”

  Candy shrugged, “I guess so. I’ve had a great social life and getting to know everyone.”

  “How’s it working out with Ricky?” Candy shook her head slightly and RJ snorted, “Don’t tell me you’ve broken it off with him.”

  I haven’t… yet.”

  “Candy, how many boyfriends have you had?”

  Candy raised a shoulder, “Who’s counting?”

  “You’ve had at least six this year. You change boyfriends more than I change clothes.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “What’s wrong with Ricky? You told me he was perfect.” Candy shrugged, and RJ pressed, “What’s wrong with him?”

  Candy sighed, “If I asked him to bend over, his first response would be to ask how far.”

  “I know a lot of girls in my class that would like to have a boy friend that did everything they wanted.”

  “I’m not like the girls in your class, RJ!” Candy snapped back.

  “I think that’s clear. Why did you contact me?”

  “I have a paper due on the mechanics of differently charged phase fields. I’m struggling getting into it.”

  RJ’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he suggested, “Why don’t you do this? Have Bob download the material and analyze it. Once he’s done, have him summarize it and you can use that summary to write your paper.”

  Candy’s eyes widened, “Have you done this?”

  “How do you think I’m graduating two years early? I’m surprised you haven’t thought of it.”r />
  “Thanks, RJ. I’ll give it a try.” RJ nodded and disappeared from the monitor. Candy turned to a huge silver robot on its wall charger and said, “Bob, download the book currently being displayed on my monitor and focus on chapters twelve through twenty. Analyze those chapters and come up with a summary of what they say.”

  The smooth surface of the robot flashed, and Candy sat back on her bed. Bob had been with her family since before Britannia was destroyed. He had been updated numerous times over the years and he was far more advanced now than when she played with him as a toddler. Time had flown by since Melbourne was destroyed sixteen years ago.

  Candy suddenly saw a document appear on the monitor. She started reading it and blew out a breath before saying, “Bob, why don’t you tell me what that report says.”

  “Basically, it says that opposite charged phase fields may pass through each other. Like charged phase fields will neutralize each other.”

  “What if the two oppositely charged fields aren’t the same power, Bob?”

  “Then the more powerful field would short circuit the other.”

  “What about a neutral field?”

  “Both a positive and negative phase field will pass through it unhindered,” Bob answered.

  Candy shook her head, “Bob, those chapters were more than three-hundred pages. Surely they had more in them than this?”

  “They did. But they all boiled down to these facts.”

  Candy sighed, “Bob, what would happen if a powerful positively charged phase field hit a weak negative phase field?”

  “There would be a huge discharge of energy, Candy.”

  “And vice versa?”

  “The positive phase field would just be canceled out.”

  “Why is that?” Candy asked with a furrowed brow.

  “Negatively charged fields are made of electrons, Candy. Positive fields are made up of protons and neutrons. Protons are more energetic particles because they carry more mass.”

  Candy stared at the monitor reading and asked, “Bob, what charge does a blaster beam have?”

  “Positive. The beam is made up of positrons.”

  Candy stared at the monitor and lifted her communicator. She scrolled through the list and pressed a button. A moment later, Joshua Goldman appeared on the communicator’s small display, “Candy! To what do I owe this call? It’s been a very long time since you’ve come to see me.”

  “Sorry, Uncle Joshua. You know how the academy just sucks you in and you’re not heard from for years.”

  Joshua laughed and asked, “What’s up?”

  “I’m writing a paper on the mechanics of positive and negatively charged phase fields on each other and I have a question.”

  Joshua raised a shoulder, “Fire away.”

  “Bob tells me that if positive and negative phase field contact each other, they cancel each other out, is that true?”

  “If they’re the same energy level, Candy.”

  “He also says that a much more powerful negatively charged field will cancel a less powerful positive field.”

  “That’s true.”

  “He’s told me that a blaster beam is made up of positrons and has a positive charge; is that right?”


  “Then if you produced a more powerful negative phase field and a weaker blaster beam hit it, would it be canceled out?”

  Joshua’s eyes narrowed, and his brow furrowed, “I honestly don’t know, Candy? I don’t know if a powerful enough negative phase field can be produced strong enough to stop a blaster beam.”

  “But in theory, if you could it would neutralize a blaster beam, right?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Good! That’s the supposition I’m going to use in writing my paper for Dr. Lattimore. Thank you, Uncle Josh!”

  “No problem, Candy. Come and see me after you graduate.”

  “I will. See you later.” Candy went to her desk and started typing her report. This shouldn’t take but an hour or two.

  • • •

  Joshua put his communicator on the nightstand and lay back in bed. He closed his eyes… but after a few minutes, he opened them. He sat up and stared at the floor with a furrowed brow. After a few minutes, he stood up, went to his workstation and began entering numbers. Thirty minutes later, he contacted Noel Jansky, “Noel do you have a few minutes.”

  “Doc, it’s good to see you. We’ve missed you since your retirement.”

  “Do you have some time, Noel?”

  “I’ll always have time for you, Joshua.”

  “I’ve just had a discussion with Candy Henricks and she’s got me started thinking about something. I’ve done some equations and I want you to take a look at them.”

  “Send them to me.”

  Joshua pulled up Noel’s computer’s number and pressed send. “Contact me after you take a look at it.”

  “Will do.”

  Joshua went to his bed and fell back. He tried to sleep but just couldn’t do it. An hour later, his communicator beeped, and he picked it up, “Noel?”

  “Doc, you need to come to the lab now.”

  Joshua jumped up and said, “I’m on my way.”

  • • •

  The next morning, Candy went to Professor Lattimore’s class and held out a data-tab, “I’ve completed my report, Dr. Lattimore.”

  Lattimore took the data-tab and said, “Jerry, come here please.” Candy saw a robot on a charging station roll over to the professor. Her eyes narrowed and her head went back slightly as Dr. Lattimore ordered, “Take this directly to Doctor Jansky’s office.”

  “What’s going on, Doctor?” Candy asked.

  “I was given orders last night that when you turned in your paper that it was to be immediately sent to Dr. Jansky’s lab. I was ordered not to read it or allow anyone else access to it.”

  “What’s going on?” Candy asked.

  “I was also ordered to tell you that you are directly ordered by the Academy Commandant not to discuss your paper with anyone, and she told me that includes your parents. She suggested I give you an A in my class and that’s what I’m going to do.” Lattimore answered.

  “I don’t understand?”

  “Candy, I don’t either and I don’t want to know. Congratulations, you’re the only A awarded in my class this year. Whatever you wrote about is something that must be monumental.” Candy stared at him and he smiled, “You need to go to your next class.”

  Candy walked out and was stressed by what just happened. RJ walked up and smiled, “Did you get your paper done?” Candy looked at him and his smile vanished. “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’ve been given direct orders not to tell anyone.”

  “By who?”

  “The Commandant.”

  “What’s going on, Candy?”

  “I have absolutely no idea, RJ. I’m beginning to think I should have just gone out last night.”

  “Candy, are you OK?”

  “I don’t know.”

  RJ’s eyebrows were together, and he shrugged, “Contact your mother and ask her what’s going on.”

  “That’s just it, RJ. I’ve been ordered not to talk with them about it either.”

  “What in heaven’s name have you done?” Candy could only raise her shoulders. “Well, if it’s this serious, you should find out quickly.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of, RJ. Please, meet me after class.”

  “I’ll be there.” Candy nodded and entered her physics class.

  • • •

  Candy took her physics final with only half of her brain. She aced the test; she was far ahead of the class in understanding the test material and it didn’t require her full attention. She kept wondering and worrying about what was going on. The class ended and she handed in her test, walked out of the door, and saw RJ waiting for her. He walked up to her just as two armed guards walked forward and ordered
, “Cadet Henricks, you will come with us.”

  Candy’s eyes flew open in fear and RJ stepped between her and the guards, “She won’t be going anywhere without me.”

  “Cadet Dunhan, you will step aside and stay out of this.”

  RJ’s expression turned angry, “She will not be going anywhere without me, Colonel!” RJ lifted his communicator and pressed a button. Rory appeared on it and he quickly asked, “WHAT’S GOING ON!”

  “Two armored guards are here ordering Candy to go with them. I’ve told them they will not take her anywhere without me.”

  Rory’s eyes narrowed, and he replied, “Hand your communicator to the one in command.”

  Rory looked at the Colonel and handed him his communicator. Candy started to step out from behind RJ and he pushed her back. She looked in his eyes and saw his determination. She moved back behind him and looked at the two guards, “Colonel, what’s going on?”

  “Sir, I’ve been ordered to come to the Academy and to take Cadet Henricks to the science center.”

  “By whose order?”

  “Doctor Jansky, Sir.”

  “Hand the communicator back to my son.”

  The Colonel handed the communicator back to RJ and Rory said, “You should stay out of this.”

  “Dad, I will not allow them to take her without me going with her.”

  “Son, this doesn’t involve you!”

  “If it involves Candy, it involves me! I will not allow them to take her without me going with them!!”

  Rory stared at his son and saw the set of his jaw and knew RJ wasn’t going to back down. “Hand the communicator back to the Colonel.” RJ handed it to the Colonel and Rory ordered, “Take both of them.”

  “Sir, I have been ordered to only bring Cadet Henricks.”

  Rory’s expression turned angry, “Colonel, I am commander of New Britannia’s Military and if you challenge one of my orders again, you will be out of the service before you can leave the Academy! You got that?!”

  The Colonel glanced at the other guard and then said, “Yes Sir.” The guard handed RJ his communicator and said, “Both of you will come with us.” A huge crowd of cadets had gathered around the confrontation and they watched the guards lead RJ and Candy out of the building.


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