Sex, Lies & Vampire Hunters

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Sex, Lies & Vampire Hunters Page 5

by Myla Jackson

  If there weren’t a hundred customers scattered around the busy restaurant, Julie would consider climbing onto the table and doing it there. The wicked gleam in Roger’s eyes was enough to get her blood shooting through her veins at a remarkable speed, and the danger of getting caught doing naughty things beneath the classy table was enough of an attraction. She couldn’t resist and opened her legs wider. Thank goodness for the long tablecloth.

  He bent toward her ear and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. “Ever come in a fancy restaurant?” At that exact moment, his finger traced the folds of her labia through the black lace of her thong bikini panties, barely skimming that ultrasensitive nub trapped between.

  As she sank lower in her chair, Julie stifled a moan, her hand slipping beneath the pristine white tablecloth to join his. She guided him to the elastic edge of her panties and shoved his hand down over her mound of curls, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. She was going to come all over the fine cushions of the straight-backed chairs if she didn’t watch it.

  “May I offer you something from the dessert menu?”

  Roger smiled up at their waiter, all the while flicking her clit with his forefinger. “No, thank you. I think we have all the dessert we can handle.”

  Julie’s tongue was glued to the top of her mouth and she closed her eyes so the waiter couldn’t see them roll into the back of her head as she squelched the urge to squeal. God, that felt sooo good!

  “Are you all right, madam?”

  Her eyes popped open and she nodded. “Yes…yes. I’m perrrfect.” Roger’s finger dipped inside her and a smile climbed up her cheeks. “Thank you.”

  When the waiter walked away, Julie shot a teasing glare at Roger. “Now he’s going to think I’m a nutcase.” She started to push his hand away. “We shouldn’t do this here. What if we get caught?”

  His finger swirled around the opening of her pussy and upward to nudge against her clit. “Are you afraid?”

  She thought for a moment, the adrenaline pulsing with the blood throughout her body. “No. And that feels so good.”

  “Then ride it.”

  “Here?” He hit her sweet spot and she practically jerked out of her chair. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll lose your job?” she said through gritted teeth.

  “I like to live dangerously.”

  “Well, two can play that game.” Her hand slid up his thigh and she cupped his package, squeezing firmly.


  “Afraid?” He was hard as a stump beneath her fingers and his cock pulsed in her hand.

  His lips tightened and he swallowed hard. “Maybe we should take this somewhere more—”

  Julie squeezed again.

  “Private,” he ended on a gasp. His hand withdrew from her panties and he pushed back from the table, tossing his napkin on his plate. “Ready?”

  With a smile teasing the corner of her lips, she straightened her dress and panties. “What? No dessert?”

  “We’ll go back to my place for dessert.”

  If they ended up at his place, she might not get back to hers before daylight. “Why don’t we go to mine? I think I have some chocolate pudding and whipped cream in the fridge.”

  His brows climbed upward. “Do you always keep a stash of cream on hand?”

  “For the right guest.” She folded her napkin neatly and looked across the table at him. Should she tell him about her little problem before they did the nasty?

  Roger ran his tongue across his bottom lip. “Ummm, whipped cream sounds tasty.”

  Okay, so maybe she’d wait to tell him after dessert. “Let’s go.” She jumped from her seat before he could help her with her chair. Her body was on fire and she couldn’t wait to wrap her legs around him and fuck him until morning. Surely he wouldn’t be mad when she told him about her condition. Maybe she’d tell him right after they had mind-blowing sex. As Roger lay in a comatose stupor of spent lust, Julie could whisper in his ear, “Oh by the way, you just fucked a vampire.” These thoughts and many others raced through her mind as she headed for the exit. Delicious thoughts of how she’d eat her dessert were the most prevalent among the images. She’d tell him later—after the whipped cream.

  Whipped cream. Roger trailed behind Julie distracted by her ass swaying beneath the clingy black dress with each step she took. He could imagine licking whipped cream from each rounded globe. “You should never have said anything about whipped cream,” he muttered.

  “But your face was priceless,” she said, tossing her strawberry blonde hair over her pale, freckled shoulder. The thin strap on her left shoulder slipped down her arm.

  Whipped cream on her shoulder would taste really good about now. Roger’s cock twitched its agreement. “You’re killing me here. And I thought you were sexy in your scrubs.”

  She stopped halfway across the restaurant floor and looked back at him over her bare shoulder. “Thanks. You’re not so shabby yourself. What was it Kim said? Cop Candy? Umm…I love candy.” Her tongue darted out and slid across her full, ripe lips.

  “Cop candy, huh?” Roger grabbed her arm and hustled her between the tables. “You’re tempting my sweet tooth. Let’s go.”

  A disturbance at the entrance jerked Roger’s attention from the woman next to him. A man pushed through the door, wide-eyed and hair sticking straight out.

  “Hey, isn’t that the nutcase I brought into the hospital last night?” Roger asked.

  Julie stopped and stared at the man, her eyes wide in her pale face. “Y-yes. I believe you’re right.” She tugged at his arm. “Maybe we should go out the side door.”

  “I hope he doesn’t plan on causing trouble. I’m off duty and I have better plans than writing up a report.” His hand slipped down to cup her ass and squeeze. “Okay, make for the side door.”

  As Julie ducked toward the side exit, Roger glanced back at the self-proclaimed vampire slayer. The crazed man was staring right at him.

  “Don’t let her escape,” Bob Marley screamed. “She’s one of them!”

  Roger stopped and glanced around at the people, staring across at Bob the psycho, regret building in his gut. “Great. I think I’m gonna have to go to work on my off time.”

  “No!” Julie grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the exit. “The restaurant has their own security handling it. See? You don’t have to play cop 24/7. Let’s go. That whipped cream is waiting.”

  “Stop that bloodsucking animal,” Bob screamed across the room as two large men in black suits grabbed him by the arms and hauled him back toward the foyer.

  As the bouncers dragged Bob away, whipped cream crowded the gray matter in Roger’s brain. “You’re right. They seem to have it all under control. Let’s get to that dessert.”

  Already at the side entrance, Julie didn’t wait. She hurried through holding the door just long enough for Roger to make it through.

  “What’s the hurry?”

  “I’m hungry,” she said with a strained smile. “For dessert.”

  “We’re parked around the back,” he said, nudging her toward the rear of the building.

  Weaving in and out of the row of cars, Julie pushed ahead. Damn, she was fast in high heels. Roger had to jog to keep up. What a woman. And she hadn’t even broken a sweat. He could imagine those legs wrapped around him as he thrust deep inside. Was it hot outside, or what?

  An early summer evening in Houston was guaranteed to be hot and humid, but the heat Roger felt was more than just the climate. “I wonder what delusion Bob Marley is living under? He looked like he was yelling at us as we left. Did you meet him last night?”

  “Yeah, unfortunately.” Her gaze darted around the parking lot as if searching for Bob. “Maybe he has it in for me for sticking him with a needle full of sedative.”

  “Did you happen to take any of his blood?”

  “No, I didn’t. But maybe one of the other nurses did.” She looked back at him, a frown creasing her brow. “Why?”

  “He was screamin
g something about bloodsucking. I assumed you took blood. Otherwise, why would he say that?”

  “Like you said, he’s psycho. Who knows what goes on in a psychotic person’s head? Where is your truck?”

  “You’re standing next to it.”

  “Oh, yes.” She stopped and grinned. “So I am.”

  Roger closed the distance and pulled her into his arms. “Are you okay, Julie? You seem a bit distracted tonight.”

  She gave a combination between a laugh and a cough and laid a hand on his chest. “How could I not be distracted? I’ve been thinking about you and a night like this for as long as we’ve known each other.”

  “That would be two months, one week and three hours.” He pulled her closer until the ridge of his fly pressed into her belly. “But who’s counting?”

  The anxious look in her eyes melted into a steamy emerald green pool of light reflected from the overhead streetlamps. “Don’t forget the fourteen minutes and twenty-five seconds.” Her hands crept up his chest and linked behind his neck, pulling him inescapably closer to her lips.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” When their lips met, an explosion of desire ripped through him and he was pressing her against his SUV, his hands sliding over her shoulders and downward to cup her breasts.

  She moaned beneath him, pressing into his cupped palms. One high-heeled foot slid up the back of his calf and her warm pussy rubbed against the top of his thigh.

  A large hand, more like a vise grip, clamped onto his shoulder and jerked him backward and away from Julie. “What the f—”

  The matching hand fisted and made a hard connection with Roger’s stomach. The force of the blow sent him staggering, gasping for air.

  The big Mack truck of a man was the same spiked-haired goon Roger had run into the night before. He snarled at him and then turned to Julie. “You’re mine, now.” Before Roger could catch his breath, the other man grabbed her arm and dragged her away.

  “Like hell she is,” Roger lunged after him and hit him with a football tackle, a technique that never failed to bring the bad guys down. Only this time, he might as well have hit a brick wall.

  The man barely budged. He swept out a hand and swatted Roger to the side like a pesky fly.

  Roger hit the pavement on his ass, his tailbone and his pride hurting with the impact. What did he have to do to bring him down? Roger considered himself in shape and fairly strong. He worked out every day of the week to ensure he was in top shape for his job with the Houston Police Department. Why wasn’t his strength having any effect on this one man? He didn’t know, but if he didn’t hurry, Julie would disappear.

  He crawled to his feet and took off after Julie.

  Julie couldn’t believe this was happening. The one night she was off at the same time as Roger and it was being completely ruined. Being turned to a vampire hadn’t helped. Add to that, being singled out by a lunatic. To round out her date night, some big oaf of an idiot was dragging her away from the man she loved. Well, to hell with that!

  “Let me go, you jerk!” Julie dug her high heels into the pavement and yanked her arm loose. “Who the hell do you think you are, busting up my date?”

  “I’m Luke. Your master,” he snarled, his lips lifting away from long incisor teeth that reminded Julie of a rabid wolf.

  When she got a good look at him and his wicked fangs, fear gripped her. Holy crap! This dude’s a vampire! Julie staggered back. Hadn’t he said his name was Luke? She’d thought his blond hair and red eyes looked familiar. Kinda like the last face she saw before she’d been turned to a— “You!” As quickly as her shock faded, anger surged through her chest and she launched herself at him, doing what any self-righteous woman would do and dug her nails into that frightening face. “You son of a bitch! You did this to me! You made me—”

  Luke grabbed her hands and flung her away like a dirty towel. “Stop, woman!”

  Before Julie could spin around and attack again, Roger stepped in front of her and faced Luke. “Leave her alone. Or I’ll—”

  “Or you’ll what, human?” Luke lifted Roger by the collar of his shirt and hurled him to the side. “She’s mine.”

  As Roger dropped to the ground, groaning, any fear Julie might have felt for her own safety disappeared. Her visions of a night of passion were quickly fading into her dreams, soon to be lost if she didn’t do something to stop Luke. “Look, Bubba. You’re not very bright are you? No one owns me. Got that?” She poked a finger at his chest like a child would poke at a hot iron. “I don’t belong to anyone and I didn’t ask for you to do what you did. So get lost before I lose my temper.”

  Tall-dangerous-and-dense snatched at her wrist and yanked her into his arms. “You belong to me.”

  “Like hell, I do!” Julie planted her hands against his chest and channeled all her anger and frustration into one mighty shove. After Roger’s two attacks on the man, she didn’t expect her little display of annoyance to have much impact.

  But Luke flew backward and slammed against a car, his body hitting so hard, the metal crumpled behind him, leaving a butt-sized dent six inches deep in the door panel.

  Julie pressed her hand against her mouth. Holy crap! Did I do that? She stared at her hands as if they belonged to someone else. William had mentioned she’d have speed, but he didn’t say anything about strength. Roger hadn’t been able to move the mountain of a vampire and she’d thrown him with nothing more than a little display of feminine PMS.


  She ran back to the man she’d been lusting after for days, sure he’d have a question or two after her little demonstration of testosterone-like strength. “Are you all right?” She extended a hand to help him up.

  “I’m fine.” He accepted her assistance, pulling himself to his feet. “But this guy isn’t through with us.” Roger straightened and reached for the pistol beneath his jacket, thankful he carried at all times. Luke was less than a yard from him when he unloaded five rounds directly into the man’s heart.

  “Bullets?” Luke laughed. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “That was five rounds.” Roger glanced from his Glock to the man’s chest where the bullets had entered. Other than the tears in his shirt, the blond-haired man didn’t show any of the normal signs of mortal wounds like falling over and dying. “What’s it take to kill you?”

  “A lot more than bullets,” Luke said. “On the other hand, I could snap you in two. So why don’t you get out of my way?”

  “No.” Roger held his pistol out again. “Julie’s my girl and you can’t have her.”

  Almost melting at Roger’s words, Julie had to pull herself together and think through the consequences of Roger’s stand against a being at least twice as strong as him. “Uh, Roger?” Julie tapped Roger’s shoulder. If he didn’t move out of the way really quick-like, her evening of romance and sex was definitely going to be out of the question. Most likely, Roger would end up in the hospital with multiple fractures.

  “Not now, Julie. I’m going to kick some major butt.” He pushed his sleeves up his arms, a menacing scowl pushing his brows toward his nose.

  “You?” The big guy’s eyes widened. “You think you can take me?”

  “Uh, Roger?” Julie tapped his shoulder again. “Luke isn’t human. He could kill you.”

  “Not now, Jul—” He shot a glance her way. “What do you mean, he’s not human? And how do you know his name?”

  “He just told me his name is Luke. And believe me when I tell you he’s not human,” she repeated. “If you’ll allow me…I’ll explain later.” She stepped around him and stood toe-to-toe with Luke. “Get lost, Luke.”

  The vampire bared all his teeth. “I’m not leaving without you.”

  “Then you’ll be here a long time.” Julie narrowed her eyes and gave Luke a determined look, hoping “that” look would make him back down and leave them alone. Otherwise, she’d be forced to kick his ass. “Get the truck, Roger.”

  “Not without you,” he said, stan
ding beside her.

  “Think of your truck as a battering ram and just do it. I’ll be okay, really.” She didn’t look around to see if he complied. Certain her last attack had been dumb luck, Julie wasn’t so sure she’d be able to hold Luke off for long. Surprise was her best weapon against an older vampire.

  Here’s to toppling the big guy. She ducked her shoulder and plowed into Luke’s midsection, wondering if her best dress would be toast after she kicked the man’s ass for ruining her date. Right now, she didn’t care.

  Luke flew backward into another vehicle as Roger’s truck revved in the background. While the vampire struggled to pull himself together, Julie raced for the truck, yanking the door open and hopping in. She didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until they were out of the parking lot and two blocks away from the restaurant.

  Roger dug his cell phone from the clip on his belt. “I’m calling the department. That man needs to be apprehended before he hurts someone.”

  Julie shot a look in Roger’s direction. If he called the police, they’d have to make a report of the incident. “I’m okay, you’re okay. Let’s call it even and go to my place.”

  “Are you crazy? The Houston P.D. needs to lock that guy up.”

  And what would they do to her if they discovered she was a vampire too? “Okay, but don’t promise to go in until the morning. Unless the words ‘whipped cream’ don’t mean anything to you anymore.”

  After a short call to the department, Roger pressed his foot to the accelerator. “I hope they catch him. I should have gone after him.”

  “How often do we have the same night off?” Julie slid across the bench seat and snuggled up to Roger. “I’m not letting some jackass ruin my evening with you.”

  His arm draped around her shoulders and he pulled her close. “No way. Whipped cream sounds good. And maybe some of that chocolate pudding.”

  Throw the dog a bone and he’ll go after it. Julie smiled at her analogy, imagining doing it with Roger “doggie style”. Hell, she’d do it standing on her head if he wanted to.

  Now that the bad guy was long behind them, Julie could concentrate on Roger and making him want her just as much as she wanted him. And right at that moment, that was a lot.


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