Sex, Lies & Vampire Hunters

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Sex, Lies & Vampire Hunters Page 6

by Myla Jackson

  Her hand slid up the lean muscles of his thigh to the ridge beneath his zipper. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Julie tugged at the low neckline of her dress and blew a stream of air down between her breasts.

  Roger’s glance dropped to the V of her cleavage. “It’s definitely hot in here.” When he looked up, he swerved to avoid hitting a stop sign. “Definitely hot in here,” he muttered.

  Julie sat up straight. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t do that while you’re driving.”

  “No, you shouldn’t if you want to get to your place in one piece.” He drew in a shaky breath and blew it out. “And by the way. Where did you learn that linebacker move? When I hit that guy he didn’t even budge. But you…” With a shake of his head. “What do they teach you in nursing school, anyway?”

  “Oh, that?” Julie swallowed the wad of guilt lodged in her throat and forced a shrug. “I took a course in Tae Kwon Do once.” She didn’t volunteer that she’d quit when it came to sparring because she didn’t want to hurt anyone. Funny how a little change like being turned to a vampire erased all her reservations about fighting. Or did she only want to fight the ugly nonhumans she didn’t know existed before last night? Whatever. All she knew was that she could taste desire like a fine sip of wine swirling around on the back of her tongue and she had to clench her hands in her lap to keep them from straying back to Roger. If they didn’t get to her apartment soon, she’d force Roger to stop on the side of the road for a little sexual snack to tide her over.

  An innate sense of honesty niggled at Julie’s conscience and surfaced. “Roger?”

  “Um-hm?” Roger slowed to turn onto the street where she lived.

  Don’t tell him! Julie hesitated, her brain turning to whipped cream and chocolate pudding. “Oh, nothing.” Chicken!

  Roger pulled his truck up to the curb outside the old apartment house and shifted into park. Then he turned his beautiful and very sexy brown eyes toward her and smiled. “What’s wrong, Julie? Having second thoughts? Because, if you are. I’ll be fine—after a long cold shower—but I’ll be fine.”

  “No way. I haven’t changed my mind. It’s just…” I’m a vampire. She couldn’t make the words come out of her mouth and spoil the rest of an already crazy evening with the man she wanted to make love with.

  “What, Julie?” He took her hands in his. “You can tell me anything.”

  Chapter Five

  Julie’s eyes widened and she stared up at him, her mouth poised to say something.

  Roger held his breath. If she said she didn’t want to make love with him, he’d die a thousand deaths before he could get to his house and that cold shower. His dick strained against the confines of his slacks and briefs, begging to be released.

  After an excruciatingly long, drawn-out pause, Julie’s eyes softened into a sexy droop and she smiled. “It’s just…last one in gets the leftovers. I call dibs on the chocolate pudding!” She laughed out loud and grabbed for the door handle. Before he could reach out and kiss her, she was out of the truck and racing for the entrance to the apartment house.

  A good two lengths behind, Roger chased after her, laughter bubbling up in his throat. Julie made him feel young and carefree. He loved that about the sexy, sassy nurse and wanted to be with her more often. She was helping to heal his wounds from his first marriage, and for that he would be forever grateful.

  Gratitude wasn’t what he had on his mind as they crossed the threshold of her apartment, clothes flying off before the door had time to latch behind them.

  Julie reached down and slipped the strap from the back of her heels and kicked her sandals into a corner.

  As Julie ran to the small kitchen, Roger unbuttoned the second button of his shirt, suddenly unsure of his role in the rest of the evening. One minute Julie has her hands in his lap, the next, she’s hesitating over what to say. Despite her words to the contrary, was she having second thoughts?

  With a squirt can of whipped cream and a two plastic cups of fat-free chocolate pudding, Julie rounded the corner of the fridge, smiling. “Choose your poison.”

  “I’ll take the whipped cream. I like something I can point and aim.”

  “You’re such a cop. Must be a guy thing to have something to point and shoot.” She shot him a wicked grin and glanced at his crotch.

  The look she gave him sent blood rocketing through his veins and the room grew increasingly hotter. He loosened another button on his shirt.

  Her gaze followed the movement. “That’s more like it.”

  “Are you going to keep that whipped cream or am I going to have to take it from you?” He reached for the can.

  Instead of placing the can in his hand, Julie pressed the nozzle and squirted a small stream of the white fluffy concoction into his outstretched palm.

  “Two can play that game.” He scooped a finger full of the cream and drew a white line from the base of her throat down to the shadow of her cleavage.

  Her eyes closed and she inhaled deeply. “Careful not to get it on my dress,” she said, her voice like a breathy whisper.

  “Let me take care of it,” he traced another line of the white cream over her lips and down her chin to connect with the one at her throat.

  She laughed a shaky, forced laugh, her eyes a pool of emerald green. “Pretty soon, I’ll be covered with this stuff.”

  “Not if I have my way with you.” He licked the rest of the cream from his hand, then gripped her shoulders and pulled her close enough to taste her sweet lips.

  A bare calf climbed up the back of his leg and her arms lifted toward him.

  “Uh-uh. Not yet.” With his lips pressed to hers, he lapped at the cream and delved between her teeth, his tongue coating hers with the tasty treat. “Umm, good enough to eat.”

  When he pulled away to tackle the rest of the whipped cream, she followed him. Roger held up a finger. “We don’t want to get cream on your dress, now do we?”

  “To hell with the dress,” she said and wrapped her arms around his neck, the can colliding with the plastic snack cups of pudding. She couldn’t seem to get close enough as waves of desire swept over her like a tsunami, engulfing her, consuming her and taking her to the darker side of lust. She couldn’t stop the rising need any more than she could change what she’d become. If she didn’t have Roger that night, she’d expire from a totally different type of starvation.

  “Wait.” Roger pushed her away.

  “I can’t wait.” Dropping the can of cream and the tubs of pudding, she reached for his shirt and struggled with the buttons, too impatient to maneuver them out of the holes.

  Roger laughed. “Let me, or I won’t have any—”

  Beyond caring, Julie grabbed each side of his shirt and ripped it open. Buttons popped off bouncing off her chest.

  “Buttons left. Well, that’s one way to do it.”

  What was wrong with her? She was destroying his clothes! Yet, she couldn’t stop. Her fingers shoved the shirt over his broad shoulders and down his arms until the shirt fell to the floor. She reached behind him and cupped his ass, pulling him close enough the heat of his cock pressed into her belly.

  “I didn’t like that shirt anyway. It had whipped cream all over it.” Roger cupped her face and kissed her long and hard. His lips broke free and he licked the cream from her chin, his tongue lapping at the trail down her neck to her breasts. He reached behind her and slid her zipper down the middle of her back.

  Pushing the straps from her shoulders was all it took and the simple black sheath floated to a filmy puddle at her feet. The feathery stroke of the fabric ignited nerve endings all the way from her breasts to her toes. Naked except for the black lace thong, she stood ready for his next move. And if he didn’t make it fast, she’d do it.

  She wasn’t disappointed when Roger’s hands circled her waist and climbed upward to cup her breasts.

  “Aren’t you hot in all those clothes?” Was that her voice—that high-pitched, breathless sound? Her body was on fire
and Roger stoked the furnace. “And where’s that whipped cream and pudding?” She could use something to cool her off. What better way than chocolate pudding on her skin?

  Roger flicked the button at his waist and unzipped his pants, his cock pushing outward, still encased in snowy white briefs.

  Julie reached for him and skimmed her hand over the cotton fabric and down inside his trousers to cup his balls.

  Grabbing her hands, Roger pulled her out of his pants. “How about I get the whipped cream and we take this in the bedroom?”

  “Why waste time?” She tugged against his hands and he let go.

  “Good point.” He slipped off his shoes as Julie pushed his pants and briefs down his legs, dropping to her knees to complete the job.

  From her position on the floor, Julie had a great view of Roger’s magnificent penis. Free of clothing, he was wonderful to look at all over. His body was lean and muscular with dark hair sprinkled across his chest narrowing to a line down to the nest between his legs. She cupped his scrotum and massaged the sac between her fingers.

  Groaning, Roger leaned his head back and breathed deeply, his fingers threading through her hair, tugging her mouth close to his cock. As enticing as his engorged cock was with the artery pulsing in his groin, inches from her teeth, Julie was torn between taking him full into her mouth and chomping into his groin. Her mind engaged enough to let her follow the more humanly correct urge. Opening her mouth wide, she wrapped her lips around him and pulled his hips forward until his penis bumped against the back of her throat.

  Roger’s hand fisted in her hair and he held her against him, his buttocks tight beneath her hands. Then he pulled her back by the hair. “I won’t last four seconds at this rate. Give me the damned pudding.” He pulled her up his body and kissed her, then bent to retrieve the fallen can of whipped cream and plastic snack puddings. “Come on.”

  In a lusty haze, Julie let Roger lead her to the kitchen table where he lifted her to sit on the edge.

  “I want my dessert,” he said, with a strained smile.

  “Well don’t let me stop you.” She took the chocolate pudding from his hand and peeled the foil top off. Then, dipping her finger into the smooth chocolate, she swirled it around. “Are you ready?”

  He moaned. “You have no idea.”

  “Oh, I think I do.” She painted the pudding around one of her nipples, tweaking it into a hard nub. With her newfound hyperactive sexual drive kicked into overdrive, she fought to keep from yanking Roger onto the table and having her way with him. If he wanted to pleasure her first, by all means, let him.

  She dipped again and smoothed thick brown pudding over the other nipple, her eyes on Roger, not her handiwork.

  The vein in his neck pulsed, pints of blood blasting through at an incredible pace.

  Julie licked her lips and forced her gaze to return to Roger’s.

  He was watching her fingers teasing the other nipple.

  “Your dessert is ready.” She pointed her chocolaty finger at his mouth.

  Like a hungry baby, he pulled her finger between his lips, sucking off the chocolate pudding. Once the creamy dessert was gone from her hand, his mouth laved first one then the other breast until all the pudding disappeared.

  “All done?” Leaning back on her hands, Julie let her knees fall open.

  “No way.” Roger grabbed her ankles and planted her heels on the edge of the table. “I’ve only just begun.” Lifting the whipped cream can, he pressed the nozzle between her folds, squirting out a hill of white cream.

  The cool foam melted against her steaming clit, an exhilarating contrast to the heat he generated within her.

  Roger dropped to one knee and lapped at the whipped cream. He parted her folds and tongued her clit until her ass squirmed against the smooth wooden table top.

  “You’re torturing me, Roger,” she said and gasped as he hit her sweet spot, her insides tightening into an exquisite knot.

  “Do you want me to stop?” He blew a tight stream of warm air against the moistness of her cunt.

  Julie’s heels dug into the tabletop and her bottom lifted upward. “No.”

  Using the pointed plastic tip of the whipped cream, Roger traced the folds of her labia, before he spread them wide and teased her clit with the jagged edge. His finger dug into her pussy, followed by two more, spreading her channel, widening her for more to come. He dragged the tip of the cream dispenser from her clit to the entrance to her vagina and pushed it lightly making a creamy mound of white foam over her entrance.

  “Now for the crème de la crème of desserts.” One leg at a time, Roger draped her thighs over his shoulders pulling her to the very edge of the table and into his mouth.

  Her back arched and she cried out, “Roger! Jesus Christ, that feels so good.”

  His tongue dove in where his fingers had been, the whipped cream making it a long cool snake darting in and out of her. Rough hands gripped her ass and squeezed as he sucked the cream out of her.

  The tension built to fever pitch and Julie felt herself losing control. When Roger touched his tongue to her clit, she spiraled over the edge and shattered into a billion powerful, surging pieces.

  As she gave in to the orgasm, the change passed over her in a tide of shifting muscles. Even as the orgasm rocked her to the core, she was clawing at Roger, dragging him up to a standing position. With whipped cream on his chin and his mouth shiny with her juices, he was the sexiest man she’d ever known. “I need you inside me now.”

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled him closer until his penis pressed to her opening.

  That vein in his neck beckoned her and she fought the sudden urge to seal their lovemaking with her own special kiss. The frightening thought made her pull back, aghast at the direction of her desire.

  She hadn’t asked to be changed into a vampire. Hell, she hadn’t known what happened until she almost baked in the morning sun.

  Roger didn’t deserve a life of the living dead. He should marry a nice young woman and make beautiful little baby boys who would grow up to look just like their daddy.

  But that vein. Holy crap! It throbbed so enticingly.

  “What’s it to be? First you say you want me, then you push me away?”

  “I can’t.”

  “You’re kidding right?” He pushed a hand through his hair.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Bring on the cool shower.” Roger lowered her legs to the ground and pulled away from her dripping cunt.

  No! She had to have him inside her. “Wait.” She hopped off the table and turned her back to him, presenting her ass to him. The perfect solution to her bloodlust problem. “Fuck me, Roger—doggie style.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “For Godsakes, fuck me!” She backed into his cock, the tip nudging into her anus.

  Roger repositioned the velvety tip, touching the swollen nether lips of her vagina and this time, he hesitated. “What about birth control?”

  “I can’t have children. Will you do it already? I’m dying here.” She rocked backward straining to take him fully into her.

  His hands reached for her hips and he pressed her down onto him until he was fully sheathed. “I was thinking about how much I’d love to see your face while doing this.”

  Damn her and her bloodlust. “But this is fun, too, huh?”

  His moan confirmed and he pistoned in and out of her, the friction building heat inside her.

  Her fingers clawed at the table, the need to feed on fresh warm blood driving her system into a frenzy. How the hell did the vampires keep from sinking their teeth into their human lovers?

  Roger’s hand circled her hip and delved between her folds to find her clit. While rocking in and out of her, he rubbed his finger over that special place, raising her to climax at the same time as he slammed hard into her cunt.

  He held her still, his rigid cock twitching within as his seed filled her.

  Torrents of sensation rippled acr
oss her from her pussy outward, filling her with a deep satisfaction of having been thoroughly fucked. As the stirrings of lust subsided, so did her overwhelming need to feed. Julie collapsed against the table, sending a prayer of thanks to the vampire gods for the brief respite.

  A very brief respite, she was soon to learn.

  Roger had only just begun his assault on her body and senses.

  Chapter Six

  A tingling sensation not unlike that of a million needles prickled the skin of Roger’s right arm. When he tried to move it, a soft moan sounded next to him. His eyes opened, the fog of sleep lifting like early morning clouds burning off in the sunlight. Strawberry blonde hair tickled his chin and he turned to discover the source of the tingles and tickles.

  Julie lay in the crook of his arm, her face turned toward his chest, her blonde eyelashes lying against pale cheeks.

  Roger’s heart swelled, making his chest tighten. He and Julie had finally had a night together and it had been everything he’d hoped for and more—if he glossed over the initial distractions of a couple crazy men at the restaurant. Unlike most of his sexual relationships since his divorce, Roger didn’t have even the slightest urge to jump out of bed and run from this woman. Although his arm had fallen asleep under the pressure of her head, he’d rather have this quiet moment to observe her while she slept.

  Her long burnished golden hair spread out across his shoulder and onto the pale blue rumpled sheets. She looked like an angel, so soft and sweet in the morning. Roger glanced at his watch on the nightstand—make that afternoon light.

  She shifted and nuzzled her nose against his chest, one eye easing open.

  “Good afternoon, beautiful.” He kissed her forehead, the simple gesture reminding him of a more passionate version explored throughout the night. The reminder ignited less simple reflexes in his groin.

  “Afternoon?” Rolling off his arm, she turned toward her alarm clock. “It is, isn’t it? I have to go to work in a couple hours.”


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